1 data flow architecture
general architecture — общая архитектура, архитектура зданий
2 data flow architecture
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > data flow architecture
3 data flow architecture
вчт. потоковая архитектураАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > data flow architecture
4 data flow architecture
Вычислительная техника: потоковая архитектураУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > data flow architecture
5 data-flow architecture
Вычислительная техника: потоковая архитектураУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > data-flow architecture
6 data flow architecture
English-Russian electronics dictionary > data flow architecture
7 data flow architecture
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > data flow architecture
8 data flow architecture
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > data flow architecture
9 data flow architecture
English-Russian information technology > data flow architecture
10 data flow architecture
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > data flow architecture
11 architecture
1) структура; конфигурация; конструкция2) вчт архитектура•- bit-addressable architecture
- bit-slice architecture
- boundary scan architecture - bus architecture
- bus structured architecture
- chip architecture
- client-server architecture
- closed architecture - computer family architecture
- connectionist architecture
- data bus architecture
- data flow architecture
- defense-in-depth security architecture
- die architecture
- digital network architecture - dynamic power management architecture
- dynamic scalable architecture
- engagement architecture - firmware architecture
- hardware architecture
- Harvard architecture
- high-performance computer architecture
- hub architecture
- industry standard architecture
- linear addressing architecture
- machine check architecture
- medium control architecture
- micro channel architecture
- MIMD architecture
- MISD architecture
- modular architecture
- multi-issue architecture
- multiple-instruction multiple-data architecture
- multiple-instruction single-data architecture
- multiprocessor architecture
- multi-tier architecture
- network architecture
- neural network architecture - pipelined architecture
- Princeton architecture
- problem-oriented architecture
- process architecture
- PS/2 architecture - security architecture
- segmented addressing architecture
- segmented memory architecture
- serial storage architecture
- shading architecture
- shared memory architecture - single-instruction multiple-data architecture
- single-instruction single-data architecture
- SISD architecture
- slice architecture
- software architecture
- stack architecture
- stack-based architecture
- superpipelined architecture - systolic array architecture - tree architecture
- tree-and-branch architecture - unified memory architecture
- very long instruction word architecture
- virtual architecture - von Neumann architecture -
12 architecture
1) структура; конфигурация; конструкция2) вчт. архитектура•- bit-addressable architecture
- bit-slice architecture
- boundary scan architecture
- broadband network architecture
- bubble chip architecture
- bus architecture
- bus structured architecture
- chip architecture
- client-server architecture
- closed architecture
- common object request brokers architecture
- computer architecture
- computer family architecture
- connectionist architecture
- data bus architecture
- data flow architecture
- defense-in-depth security architecture
- die architecture
- digital network architecture
- distributed enterprise management architecture
- document content architecture
- document interchange architecture
- domain architecture
- dynamic power management architecture
- dynamic scalable architecture
- engagement architecture
- enhanced industry standard architecture
- extensible architecture
- final-form-text document content architecture
- firewall architecture
- firmware architecture
- hardware architecture
- Harvard architecture
- high-performance computer architecture
- hub architecture
- industry standard architecture
- linear addressing architecture
- machine check architecture
- medium control architecture
- micro channel architecture
- MIMD architecture
- MISD architecture
- modular architecture
- multi-issue architecture
- multiple-instruction multiple-data architecture
- multiple-instruction single-data architecture
- multiprocessor architecture
- multi-tier architecture
- network architecture
- neural network architecture
- office document architecture
- office document management architecture
- open architecture
- open document architecture
- open document management architecture
- open network architecture
- organizational architecture
- pipelined architecture
- Princeton architecture
- problem-oriented architecture
- process architecture
- PS/2 architecture
- revisable-form-text document content architecture
- scalable processor architecture
- security architecture
- segmented addressing architecture
- segmented memory architecture
- serial storage architecture
- shading architecture
- shared memory architecture
- signal computing system architecture
- SIMD architecture
- single-instruction multiple-data architecture
- single-instruction single-data architecture
- SISD architecture
- slice architecture
- software architecture
- stack architecture
- stack-based architecture
- superpipelined architecture
- systems application architecture
- systems monitor architecture
- systems network architecture
- systolic architecture
- systolic array architecture
- Texas Instruments graphics architecture
- three-tier architecture
- tree architecture
- tree-and-branch architecture
- twin-bank memory architecture
- two-level cache architecture
- unified memory architecture
- very long instruction word architecture
- virtual architecture
- virtual intelligent storage architecture
- VLIW architecture
- von Neumann architecture
- Windows open services architectureThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > architecture
13 architecture
1) архитектура, структура2) структура ( конфигурация)•- architecture of degree d
- bit-map architecture
- bit-serial architecture
- capability architecture
- cell-block architecture
- cellurar architecture
- channel array architecture
- chip architecture
- coarse-grained architecture
- collapsed architecture
- completely pipelined architecture
- compose-time architecture
- computer architecture
- data flow architecture
- design-time architecture
- distributed architecture
- distributed function architecture
- divided word-line architecture
- domain-specific architecture
- duplex architecture
- dynamic architecture
- easy-to-test architecture
- evolutionary architecture
- expandable architecture
- fine-grained architecture
- flat-address architecture
- foundation architecture
- Harvard architecture
- high-level architecture
- highly parallel architecture
- instruction set architecture
- loosely coupled architecture
- massively parallel architecture
- microprogrammable architecture
- modular architecture
- multibus architecture
- multimicroprocessor architecture
- multiplexed isolation architecture
- multithread architecture
- multiuser architecture
- N-bit architecture
- network architecture
- office-document architecture
- onion skin architecture
- open architecture
- open systems architecture
- parallel architecture
- peer-to-peer architecture
- peripheral oriented architecture
- pipelined architecture
- real architecture
- reduction architecture
- register-oriented architecture
- run-time architecture
- scalable architecture
- sea-of-gate architecture
- server-based architecture
- single-address architecture
- slice architecture
- software architecture
- spatially organized architecture
- stack architecture
- superscalar architecture
- tagged-token architecture
- tag-token architecture
- tagged-data architecture
- tailored architecture
- tightly coupled architecture
- tissue architecture
- token-ring architecture
- tree-structured architecture
- two-address architecture
- unified architecture
- unified-bus architecture
- vertical architecture
- virtual architectureEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > architecture
14 architecture
1) архитектура2) конструкция; конфигурация; структура•-
advanced space travel architecture
articulated architecture
bit-slice architecture
chip architecture
civil architecture
computer architecture
cylindrical architecture
data flow architecture
data-bus architecture
die architecture
domestic architecture
dynamic architecture
extensible architecture
firmware architecture
functional architecture
hardware architecture
industrial architecture
instruction-set architecture
microprogrammable architecture
modular architecture
multibus architecture
multiprocessor architecture
naval architecture
network architecture
pipelined architecture
pipeline architecture
real architecture
software architecture
solar architecture
space transportation architecture
stack architecture
tailored architecture
task-oriented architecture
virtual architecture -
15 architecture
[ˈɑ:kɪtektʃə]architecture архитектура, зодчество architecture вчт. архитектура architecture архитектурный стиль architecture построение; the architecture of a speech построение речи architecture построение; the architecture of a speech построение речи bit-slice architecture вчт. разрядно-модульная архитектура bus architecture вчт. шинная архитектура capability architecture вчт. архитектура с мандатной адресацией computer architecture вчт. архитектура вычислительной машины computer architecture вчт. архитектура вычислительной системы computer architecture архитектура вычислительной системы computing architecture вчт. архитектура вычислительной системы data flow architecture вчт. потоковая архитектура databank architecture вчт. архитектура банка данных distributed architecture вчт. распределенная архитектура document architecture вчт. архитектура на основе шины памяти документов document-oriented architecture вчт. архитектура на основе шины памяти документов easy-to-test architecture вчт. удоботестируемая архитектура evolutionary architecture вчт. развиваемая архитектура expandable architecture вчт. расширяемая архитектура external architecture вчт. внешняя архитектура freeflow architecture вчт. многошинная архитектура свободных потоков instruction set architecture вчт. структура системы команд layer architecture вчт. слойная архитектура microprogrammable architecture вчт. микропрограммируемая архитектура MIMD architecture вчт. МИМД архитектура modular architecture вчт. модульная архитектура multibus architecture вчт. многошинная архитектура multiuser architecture вчт. многопользовательская архитектура network architecture вчт. архитектура сети network architecture вчт. сетевая архитектура object architecture вчт. объектная архитектура object-oriented architecture вчт. объектно-ориентированная архитектура office-document architecture вчт. архитектура для обработки офисных документов open system architecture вчт. архитектура открытых систем parallel architecture вчт. параллельная архитектура peer-to-peer architecture вчт. архитектура сети равноправных абонентов pipelined architecture вчт. конвейерная архитектура slice architecture вчт. секционированная архитектура software architecture вчт. архитектура программного обеспечения stack architecture вчт. стековая архитектура system architecture вчт. архитектура системы tagged architecture вчт. теговая архитектура tailored architecture вчт. специализированная архитектура token-ring architecture вчт. кольцевая эстафетная архитектура tree-structured architecture вчт. древовидная архитектура unified architecture вчт. унифицированная архитектура -
16 architecture
ˈɑ:kɪtektʃə сущ.
1) архитектура, зодчество
2) архитектурный стиль Baroque architecture ≈ архитектура в стиле Барокко Byzantine architecture ≈ византийская архитектура Colonial architecture ≈ архитектура периода, предшествовавшего войне за независимость Eastern architecture ≈ восточная архитектура Gothic architecture ≈ готическая архитектура Greek architecture ≈ греческая архитектура Modern architecture ≈ архитектура в стиле модерн Renaissance architecture ≈ архитектура эпохи Возрождения Roman architecture ≈ римская архитектура Romanesque architecture ≈ романская архитектура
3) построение (процесс, принцип, структура организации чего-либо) the architecture of a speech ≈ построение речи the architecture of molecules ≈ структура молекул ∙ We speak of the 'architecture' of a symphony, and call architecture, in its turn, 'frozen music'. ≈ Мы рассуждаем об 'архитектуре' симфонии, и в свою очередь, называем архитектуру 'застывшей музыкой'.архитектура, зодчество;
строительное искусство архитектурный стиль - Gothic * готический стиль архитектурное сооружение, здание - ruins of ancient *s развалины старинных сооружений (книжное) структура, строение - * of the snow структура снега - * of speech строй речи - * of a molecule строение молекулыarchitecture архитектура, зодчество ~ вчт. архитектура ~ архитектурный стиль ~ построение;
the architecture of a speech построение речи~ построение;
the architecture of a speech построение речиbit-slice ~ вчт. разрядно-модульная архитектураbus ~ вчт. шинная архитектураcapability ~ вчт. архитектура с мандатной адресациейcomputer ~ вчт. архитектура вычислительной машины computer ~ вчт. архитектура вычислительной системы computer ~ архитектура вычислительной системыcomputing ~ вчт. архитектура вычислительной системыdata flow ~ вчт. потоковая архитектураdocument-oriented ~ вчт. архитектура на основе шины памяти документовeasy-to-test ~ вчт. удоботестируемая архитектураevolutionary ~ вчт. развиваемая архитектураexternal ~ вчт. внешняя архитектураfreeflow ~ вчт. многошинная архитектура свободных потоковinstruction set ~ вчт. структура системы командlayer ~ вчт. слойная архитектураMIMD ~ вчт. МИМД архитектураmodular ~ вчт. модульная архитектураmultibus ~ вчт. многошинная архитектураobject ~ вчт. объектная архитектураobject-oriented ~ вчт. объектно-ориентированная архитектураoffice-document ~ вчт. архитектура для обработки офисных документовopen system ~ вчт. архитектура открытых системparallel ~ вчт. параллельная архитектураpeer-to-peer ~ вчт. архитектура сети равноправных абонентовpipelined ~ вчт. конвейерная архитектураstack ~ вчт. стековая архитектураsystem ~ вчт. архитектура системыtagged ~ вчт. теговая архитектураtoken-ring ~ вчт. кольцевая эстафетная архитектураunified ~ вчт. унифицированная архитектураБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > architecture
17 data architecture
описывает, каким образом в системе обрабатываются, сохраняются и используются данные, а также критерии, характеризующие операции по обработке данных - чтобы можно было проектировать потоки данных в системе и управлять ими. Архитектура данных охватывает также такие предметы, как семантика конкретного бизнеса, моделирование данных, управление метаданными и их потокамиАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > data architecture
18 потоковая архитектура
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > потоковая архитектура
19 потоковая архитектура
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > потоковая архитектура
20 processor
процессор ( аппаратное устройство или обрабатывающая программа); узел обработки- airborne data processor
- airborne processor
- algorithm processor
- alterable processor
- ancillary control processor
- arithmetic processor
- array processor
- assembly language processor
- associative processor
- attached processor
- auxiliary processor
- back-end processor
- background job processor
- background processor
- basic processor
- batch-mode processor
- bit-slice processor
- bit-stream processor
- byte-slice processor
- center processor
- central data processor
- central processor
- command processor
- communications processor
- console command processor
- content-addressable processor
- control processor
- data communication processor
- data flow processor
- data interchange processor
- data link processor
- data processor
- database processor
- dead processor
- demand-paged processor
- diagnostic processor
- digital signal processor
- digital speech processor
- display processor
- distributed database processor
- dual processor - fast-Fourier-transform processor
- FFT processor
- file control processor
- file processor
- file revision processor
- flexible processor
- floating-point arithmetic processor
- floating-point processor
- front-end processor
- gateway processor
- general-purpose processor
- general-register processor
- geometric arithmetic parallel processor
- geometry processor
- graphic job processor
- graphics processor
- heterogeneous-element processor
- highly concurrent processor
- host processor
- host-language processor
- I/O processor
- idle processor
- image processor
- input/output processor
- instruction processor
- integrated array processor
- interface processor
- interruptable processor
- language processor
- language-specific processor
- large-scale processor
- linguistic processor
- local processor
- logic processor
- look-ahead processor
- loosely coupled processors
- maintenance processor
- master processor
- mathematical processor
- math processor
- matrix-vector processor
- message processor
- microprogrammable processor
- mid-range processor
- modular acoustic processor
- multipipeline processor
- multiunit processor
- nearby processor
- node processor
- non-neighbor processor
- nonsegmented processor
- N-pipe processor
- numeric processor
- off-line processor
- one-bit processor
- on-line processor
- optical matrix processor
- orthogonal processor
- out-of-order processor
- output test processor
- painting processor
- Pentium processor
- peripheral processor
- pipeline processor
- pipelined processor
- pixel processor
- programmed data processor
- queue processor
- quiescent processor
- real-time processor
- reference processor
- resource allocation processor
- RISC-based processor
- RISC-processor
- satellite processor
- scientific processor
- segmented processor
- self-dispatching processor
- sending processor
- service processor
- simulation processor
- single-cycle processor
- slave processor
- SMT processor
- soft architecture processor
- software processor
- specially designed processor
- speech processor
- speech-synthesis processor
- stand-alone processor
- stochastic processor
- support processor
- system processor
- systolic processor
- terminal processor
- test result processor
- test-and-repair processor
- text processor
- tightly coupled processors
- transform processor
- uncooperative processor
- vector processor
- video-display processor
- viewing processor
- virtual processor
- VLSI array processor
- voice processor
- wavefront array processor - word-oriented processorEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > processor
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Distributed data flow — An illustration of the basic concepts involved in the definition of a distributed data flow. Distributed data flow (also abbreviated as distributed flow) refers to a set of events in a distributed application or protocol that satisfies the… … Wikipedia
Data warehouse — Overview In computing, a data warehouse (DW) is a database used for reporting and analysis. The data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operational systems. The data may pass through an operational data store for additional operations… … Wikipedia
Data Intensive Computing — is a class of parallel computing applications which use a data parallel approach to processing large volumes of data typically terabytes or petabytes in size and typically referred to as Big Data. Computing applications which devote most of their … Wikipedia
Data-centric programming language — defines a category of programming languages where the primary function is the management and manipulation of data. A data centric programming language includes built in processing primitives for accessing data stored in sets, tables, lists, and… … Wikipedia
Architecture De Processeur — Une architecture externe de processeur[1],[2] ou architecture de jeu d instructions[3] (ISA, de l anglais instruction set architecture), ou tout simplement architecture (de processeur) … Wikipédia en Français
Architecture des processeurs — Architecture de processeur Une architecture externe de processeur[1],[2] ou architecture de jeu d instructions[3] (ISA, de l anglais instruction set architecture), ou tout simplement architecture (de processeur) … Wikipédia en Français
Data model — Overview of data modeling context: A data model provides the details of information to be stored, and is of primary use when the final product is the generation of computer software code for an application or the preparation of a functional… … Wikipedia
Flow-based programming — In computer science, flow based programming (FBP) is a programming paradigm that defines applications as networks of black box processes, which exchange data across predefined connections by message passing. These black box processes can be… … Wikipedia
Data & Analysis Center for Software — The Data Analysis Center for Software (DACS) is one of several United States Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored Information Analysis Centers (IACs), administered by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). It is technically managed by… … Wikipedia
Data architect — A data architect is a person responsible for ensuring that the data assets of an organization are supported by an architecture supporting the organization in achieving its strategic goals. The architecture should cover databases, data integration … Wikipedia
Architecture dirigée par les données — L architecture dirigée par les données (en anglais Data Driven Architecture, DDA) est un modèle d architecture informatique qui insiste sur la structuration des données. Il n existe pas (encore) de définition officielle en langue française. On… … Wikipédia en Français