1 data access program
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > data access program
2 data access program
Вычислительная техника: программа доступа к данным -
3 data access program
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > data access program
4 data access program
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > data access program
5 data base access program
SAP.тех. программа базы данныхУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > data base access program
6 program
программа, см. тж application || программироватьa program is too big to fit in memory — программа не умещается в отведённой памяти ( машинное сообщение)
- program in- absolute program
- accessory program
- active program
- administration program
- application program
- A-program
- archive program
- assembler program
- assembler-program
- assembly language program
- assembly program
- automatic recovery program
- background program
- benchmark program
- binary program
- blue-ribbon program
- bootstrap program
- brittle program
- C++ program
- C++-program
- called program
- calling program
- cataloged program
- chain additions program
- chain maintenance program
- channel program
- check program
- checking program
- common program
- communication program
- compaction program
- compiled object program
- compiler program
- compiling program
- complete program
- compressor program
- computer program
- concordance program
- concurrent program
- concurrently running programs
- concurrent-scheduling supervisor program
- condensing program
- configuration program
- consulting program
- control program
- conversational program
- conversion program
- copy-protected program
- copyrighted program
- core-resident program
- correct program
- crash-proof program
- curve-fitting program
- data abstraction program
- data access program
- data flow program
- data set utility program
- data-vet program
- debugging program
- decision program
- development program
- diagnosis program
- diagnostic program
- digital simulation program
- disk-resident program
- editor program
- embedded program
- emulator program
- epistemic logic program
- executable program
- executive program
- exerciser program
- externally stored program
- fail-recognition program
- fault-diagnosis program
- fault-location program
- fine-grained program
- fixed program
- foreground program
- format program
- FORTRAN program
- FORTRAN-program
- fragmented programs
- free-standing program
- function program
- gap filling program
- general-purpose program
- generating program
- generator program
- graphic display program
- hardware program
- hardware-maintenance program
- help program
- heuristic program
- high frequency program
- high volume program
- host program
- illustrative program
- impenetrable program
- inactive program
- independent program
- initial input program
- initial loading program
- in-line program
- integer program
- interactive program
- interconsole message program
- internally stored program
- interpreter program
- interpretive program
- introspective program
- job control program
- job program
- knowledge-based program
- language-understanding program
- learning program
- librarian program
- library program
- license program
- linear program
- link-edited program
- load program
- load-and-go program
- loading program
- logical program
- logical relational program
- machine language program
- machine program
- macroassembly program
- macrogenerating program
- mail program
- main program
- manager program
- manufacturer programs
- map program
- mask-level digitization program
- master program
- mathematical program
- menu-driven program
- message control program
- message processing program
- micromodular program
- minimal access program
- minimum access program
- minimum latency program
- modular-sized program
- monitor program
- monitoring program
- monolithic program
- multisupplier program
- mutated program
- network control program
- networking program
- nonexpansible program
- nonprocedural program
- nucleus initialization program
- object program
- operating program
- optimally coded program
- overlay program
- overlays program
- packaged program
- paint program
- panel program
- PASCAL program
- PASCAL-program
- patched program
- placement program
- plugged program
- polling program
- pop-up program
- portable program
- position-independent program
- postedit program
- postmortem program
- precanned program
- precompiler program
- pre-edit program
- prewired program
- prime program program
- printed program
- print-intensive program
- problem-state program
- problem program
- procedural program
- processing program
- production program
- program for Windows
- program in assembler
- program in C++
- program in FORTRAN
- program in PASCAL
- proper program
- prototype program
- pseudoapplication program
- punched tape program
- read-in program
- real-world program
- reduction program
- reenterable program
- reentrant program
- relocatable program
- report program
- resident program
- restructuring program
- reusable program
- robot program
- robust program
- routine program
- routing program
- running program
- runtime program
- salvation program
- sample program
- scrutinous program
- segmented program
- self-adapting program
- self-contained program
- self-diagnostic program
- self-modification program
- self-modifying program
- self-monitoring program
- self-organizing program
- self-relocatable program
- self-relocating program
- self-resetting program
- self-test program
- self-triggering program
- sequence-scheduling supervisor program
- service program
- shareable program
- shell program
- simulation program
- slave program
- snapshot dump program
- snapshot trace program
- software program
- sort program
- sort/merge program
- sorting program
- source language program
- source program
- spaghetti program
- specific program
- spreadsheet program
- stand-alone program
- standard program
- standby program
- start-up program
- steering program
- stored program
- structured program
- subject program
- superconsistent program
- supervisor program
- supervisory program
- support program
- surface program
- suspended program
- symbolic program
- system program
- systems program
- tape-to-printer program
- teaching program
- test program
- throwaway program
- total-load program
- trace program
- trace-interpretive program
- tracing program
- tracking program
- transaction program
- translating program
- translation program
- translator program
- troubleshooting program
- TSR program
- unmaintable program
- unreadable program
- updated program
- user program
- utility program
- wavelet program
- wired-in programEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > program
7 program
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > program
1) Компьютерная техника: Document Application Profile2) Медицина: Dose Area Product3) Американизм: Description Analysis Plan, Direct Aid Program, Document Automation And Production4) Военный термин: Data Analysis Plan, Director of Administrative Planning, Director of Army Programs, Director of Army Psychiatry, data acquisition and processing, data analysis and processing, data analysis program, data automation proposal, digital autopilot, distant aiming point, ПАА (Digital Army Program; программа автоматизации армии), ПДА (проект дигитализации армии; проект автоматизации армии), Deltoid ana Axillary Protector5) Техника: deformation of vertically aligned phases effect, dictionary access point, diffused-alloy power transistor, dose assessment program, double amplitude peak, цифровой акустический процессор (digital acoustic processor)6) Страхование: deposit administration plan7) Ветеринария: Dog Appeasing Pheromone8) Грубое выражение: Dumb Ass Poser, Dumb Ass Poster9) Оптика: deformation of aligned phase10) Политика: Democratic Action Party11) Телекоммуникации: Directory Access Protocol (AppleTalk, X. 500), Data Access Protocol (DEC's DNA - Application Layer)12) Сокращение: Data Access Point, Decontamination Apparatus, Portable, Defensive Armed Penetrator (USA), Division Advisory Panel (of NSF (q.v.) DNCRI (q.v.)), developer application price (комп.), Diammonium Phosphate, documents against payment (условие о выдаче покупателю грузовых документов только при уплате суммы счета наличными) (documents against payment), Digital Audio Player13) Университет: Deans Academic Programs14) Физиология: Diet Analysis Plus15) Электроника: Donor Acceptor Pairs (recombination)16) Вычислительная техника: Developer Assistance Program, Directory Access Protocol, распределенный матричный процессор, Data Access Protocol (DEC, DNA), Developers Assistance Program (IBM), Directory Application Protocol (IN), Document Application Profile (JTC1, ODIF, ODA), Directory Access Protocol (X. 500, DS), процессор сбора данных (Data Acquisition Processor)17) Нефть: диаммонийфосфат (diammonium phosphate)18) Космонавтика: ЦАП, цифровой автопилот19) Фирменный знак: Dutch Audio Products20) Деловая лексика: Dealer Added Profit21) Бурение: диаммофос (diammonium phosphate)22) Образование: Development, Attitudes, And Programs, Developmentally Appropriate Practice23) Сетевые технологии: Data Access Protocol, Database Access Point, distributed array processor, протокол доступа к данным, протокол доступа к каталогу, протокол доступа к справочнику24) Полимеры: diallyl phthalate25) Химическое оружие: Designated Acquisition Program26) Расширение файла: Data Access Protocol (DEC)27) Снабжение: поставка в месте назначения (Инкотермс 2010)28) NYSE. Discount Auto Parts, Inc.29) Программное обеспечение: Download Accelerator Pro30) Единицы измерений: Days After Pollination31) Международные перевозки: documents against payment (документы против платежа), documents against payment, Delivered at point (Incoterms) -
9 dap
1) Компьютерная техника: Document Application Profile2) Медицина: Dose Area Product3) Американизм: Description Analysis Plan, Direct Aid Program, Document Automation And Production4) Военный термин: Data Analysis Plan, Director of Administrative Planning, Director of Army Programs, Director of Army Psychiatry, data acquisition and processing, data analysis and processing, data analysis program, data automation proposal, digital autopilot, distant aiming point, ПАА (Digital Army Program; программа автоматизации армии), ПДА (проект дигитализации армии; проект автоматизации армии), Deltoid ana Axillary Protector5) Техника: deformation of vertically aligned phases effect, dictionary access point, diffused-alloy power transistor, dose assessment program, double amplitude peak, цифровой акустический процессор (digital acoustic processor)6) Страхование: deposit administration plan7) Ветеринария: Dog Appeasing Pheromone8) Грубое выражение: Dumb Ass Poser, Dumb Ass Poster9) Оптика: deformation of aligned phase10) Политика: Democratic Action Party11) Телекоммуникации: Directory Access Protocol (AppleTalk, X. 500), Data Access Protocol (DEC's DNA - Application Layer)12) Сокращение: Data Access Point, Decontamination Apparatus, Portable, Defensive Armed Penetrator (USA), Division Advisory Panel (of NSF (q.v.) DNCRI (q.v.)), developer application price (комп.), Diammonium Phosphate, documents against payment (условие о выдаче покупателю грузовых документов только при уплате суммы счета наличными) (documents against payment), Digital Audio Player13) Университет: Deans Academic Programs14) Физиология: Diet Analysis Plus15) Электроника: Donor Acceptor Pairs (recombination)16) Вычислительная техника: Developer Assistance Program, Directory Access Protocol, распределенный матричный процессор, Data Access Protocol (DEC, DNA), Developers Assistance Program (IBM), Directory Application Protocol (IN), Document Application Profile (JTC1, ODIF, ODA), Directory Access Protocol (X. 500, DS), процессор сбора данных (Data Acquisition Processor)17) Нефть: диаммонийфосфат (diammonium phosphate)18) Космонавтика: ЦАП, цифровой автопилот19) Фирменный знак: Dutch Audio Products20) Деловая лексика: Dealer Added Profit21) Бурение: диаммофос (diammonium phosphate)22) Образование: Development, Attitudes, And Programs, Developmentally Appropriate Practice23) Сетевые технологии: Data Access Protocol, Database Access Point, distributed array processor, протокол доступа к данным, протокол доступа к каталогу, протокол доступа к справочнику24) Полимеры: diallyl phthalate25) Химическое оружие: Designated Acquisition Program26) Расширение файла: Data Access Protocol (DEC)27) Снабжение: поставка в месте назначения (Инкотермс 2010)28) NYSE. Discount Auto Parts, Inc.29) Программное обеспечение: Download Accelerator Pro30) Единицы измерений: Days After Pollination31) Международные перевозки: documents against payment (документы против платежа), documents against payment, Delivered at point (Incoterms) -
10 SAP
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Sensitive To Antimicrobial Peptides, hum. сокр. Slam Associated Protein, social action program, Site Access Permit (SEIC), старшее ответственное лицо (Senior Authorised Person, напр. http://www.indeed.co.uk/jobs?q=Senior+Authorised+Person&l=London)2) Компьютерная техника: System Application Program, Systems Application Products, Systems, Applications, and Products3) Медицина: statistical analysis plan, план статистического анализа, нарколог (substance abuse professional), substance abuse professional - нарколог (сокр.)4) Американизм: Scientific Advisory Panel, State Assessment Panel, Statements of Administration Policy, Statutory Adoption Pay, Stop All Progress, Substance Abuse Prevention5) Спорт: Slight Atari Player6) Военный термин: System Acquisition Plan, search and attack pattern, security assistance plan, security assistance program, semiarmor-piercing, shipboard antenna pedestal, standing air patrol, strategic advantages profile, structural analysis program, supervisory airplane pilot, system alignment procedure7) Техника: safety assessment principles, severe accident program, sintered aluminum powder, solar array program, startup administrative procedure, statements on auditing procedures, system acquisition process8) Шутливое выражение: Satan's Accounting Program, Slow And Painful, Somewhat Academic Privacy, Son Af a Pitch9) Религия: Share And Prayer10) Юридический термин: Special Assistance Pass, Substance Abuse Panel, Substance Abuse Program11) Бухгалтерия: Service Advertisement Protocol, Standard Accounting Procedures, Statements on Auditing Procedure, Systems Applications Products, Положения по процедурам аудита (Statements on Auditing Procedures), Принципы ведения бухгалтерскогоучёта, предписанные законом (Statutory Accounting Principles)
12) Страхование: Statutory Accounting Principals13) Автомобильный термин: Standard Corporate Protocol14) Грубое выражение: Stupid American Public, Surely A Pedophile15) Оптика: stress-applying part16) Телекоммуникации: протокол предлагаемых услуг, Service Advertising Protocol (NetWare), Service Access Point (generic)17) Сокращение: Seaborne Air Platform, Second Audio Program, Semi-Armour Piercing, Sensing And Processing unit, Shijiazhuang Aircraft Plant (China), Simulated Attack Profile, Soon As Possible, South African Police (South Africa), Special Access Program (USA), Special Access Program18) Университет: Satisfactory Academic Progress, Scientific Agricultural Partnership, Standard Assessment Performance, Student Assistance Program, Students Aid Project, Students Alumni And Professional, Supply Of Academic Publications19) Электроника: Secondary Audio Program20) Вычислительная техника: Service Access Point, Service Advertising Protocol, symbolic address program, symbolic assembly program, system assist processor, Symbolic Assembler Program (IBM, IBM 704), Session Announcement Protocol (Internet, RFC 2974), Service Advertising Protocol (Novell, Netware, IPX), Service Access Point (OSI), Service Access Point (OSI, Networking), Systems, Applications and Products (in data processing, ag, Hersteller), компания SAP, система компании SAP21) Нефть: An enterprise resource system, программы структурной перестройки, бухгалтерская программа SAP22) Иммунология: Serum Amyloid P23) Транспорт: Suitcase And Passport24) Фирменный знак: System Application And Products, System Application Products, Systems Applications And Programming, Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing26) Деловая лексика: Safety Awareness Program, Systems Applications Production, описание процедуры отчётности, описание процедуры ревизии (Statement on Auditing Procedure)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: System, Application and Products for Data Processing28) Образование: Science Activity Planner, Solves All Problems, Standard Assessment Procedure, Standard Assessment Program, State Advisory Panel for Special Education, Student Assistance Plan, Substance Abuse Professional29) Сетевые технологии: Service Announcement Protocol, Start Of Active Profile, System Area Pointer, протокол извещения об услугах, протокол объявления об услугах, протокол представления услуг, протокол рекламного сетевого сервиса, протокол с объявлением о служебных средствах31) Медицинская техника: Super Absorbent Polymer - впитывающий полимер (применяется во впитывающей продукции, напр. в подгузниках)32) Химическое оружие: sampling and analysis plan, strategic action plan33) Трудовое право: Разрешение на доступ на рабочую площадку (Site Access Permit)34) Расширение файла: Session Announcement Protocol, System Assurance Program, Service Access Point (DEC), Systems, Applications and Products (company)35) Майкрософт: протокол SAP36) Общественная организация: Scholarship Assistance Program37) Должность: Substance Abuse Professionals38) Чат: Soft And Pretty39) NYSE. S A P, A. G.40) Аэропорты: San Pedro Sula, Honduras41) Программное обеспечение: System Analysis and Program Development, System Application Product42) Базы данных: Systems Applications Processing -
11 sap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Sensitive To Antimicrobial Peptides, hum. сокр. Slam Associated Protein, social action program, Site Access Permit (SEIC), старшее ответственное лицо (Senior Authorised Person, напр. http://www.indeed.co.uk/jobs?q=Senior+Authorised+Person&l=London)2) Компьютерная техника: System Application Program, Systems Application Products, Systems, Applications, and Products3) Медицина: statistical analysis plan, план статистического анализа, нарколог (substance abuse professional), substance abuse professional - нарколог (сокр.)4) Американизм: Scientific Advisory Panel, State Assessment Panel, Statements of Administration Policy, Statutory Adoption Pay, Stop All Progress, Substance Abuse Prevention5) Спорт: Slight Atari Player6) Военный термин: System Acquisition Plan, search and attack pattern, security assistance plan, security assistance program, semiarmor-piercing, shipboard antenna pedestal, standing air patrol, strategic advantages profile, structural analysis program, supervisory airplane pilot, system alignment procedure7) Техника: safety assessment principles, severe accident program, sintered aluminum powder, solar array program, startup administrative procedure, statements on auditing procedures, system acquisition process8) Шутливое выражение: Satan's Accounting Program, Slow And Painful, Somewhat Academic Privacy, Son Af a Pitch9) Религия: Share And Prayer10) Юридический термин: Special Assistance Pass, Substance Abuse Panel, Substance Abuse Program11) Бухгалтерия: Service Advertisement Protocol, Standard Accounting Procedures, Statements on Auditing Procedure, Systems Applications Products, Положения по процедурам аудита (Statements on Auditing Procedures), Принципы ведения бухгалтерскогоучёта, предписанные законом (Statutory Accounting Principles)
12) Страхование: Statutory Accounting Principals13) Автомобильный термин: Standard Corporate Protocol14) Грубое выражение: Stupid American Public, Surely A Pedophile15) Оптика: stress-applying part16) Телекоммуникации: протокол предлагаемых услуг, Service Advertising Protocol (NetWare), Service Access Point (generic)17) Сокращение: Seaborne Air Platform, Second Audio Program, Semi-Armour Piercing, Sensing And Processing unit, Shijiazhuang Aircraft Plant (China), Simulated Attack Profile, Soon As Possible, South African Police (South Africa), Special Access Program (USA), Special Access Program18) Университет: Satisfactory Academic Progress, Scientific Agricultural Partnership, Standard Assessment Performance, Student Assistance Program, Students Aid Project, Students Alumni And Professional, Supply Of Academic Publications19) Электроника: Secondary Audio Program20) Вычислительная техника: Service Access Point, Service Advertising Protocol, symbolic address program, symbolic assembly program, system assist processor, Symbolic Assembler Program (IBM, IBM 704), Session Announcement Protocol (Internet, RFC 2974), Service Advertising Protocol (Novell, Netware, IPX), Service Access Point (OSI), Service Access Point (OSI, Networking), Systems, Applications and Products (in data processing, ag, Hersteller), компания SAP, система компании SAP21) Нефть: An enterprise resource system, программы структурной перестройки, бухгалтерская программа SAP22) Иммунология: Serum Amyloid P23) Транспорт: Suitcase And Passport24) Фирменный знак: System Application And Products, System Application Products, Systems Applications And Programming, Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing26) Деловая лексика: Safety Awareness Program, Systems Applications Production, описание процедуры отчётности, описание процедуры ревизии (Statement on Auditing Procedure)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: System, Application and Products for Data Processing28) Образование: Science Activity Planner, Solves All Problems, Standard Assessment Procedure, Standard Assessment Program, State Advisory Panel for Special Education, Student Assistance Plan, Substance Abuse Professional29) Сетевые технологии: Service Announcement Protocol, Start Of Active Profile, System Area Pointer, протокол извещения об услугах, протокол объявления об услугах, протокол представления услуг, протокол рекламного сетевого сервиса, протокол с объявлением о служебных средствах31) Медицинская техника: Super Absorbent Polymer - впитывающий полимер (применяется во впитывающей продукции, напр. в подгузниках)32) Химическое оружие: sampling and analysis plan, strategic action plan33) Трудовое право: Разрешение на доступ на рабочую площадку (Site Access Permit)34) Расширение файла: Session Announcement Protocol, System Assurance Program, Service Access Point (DEC), Systems, Applications and Products (company)35) Майкрософт: протокол SAP36) Общественная организация: Scholarship Assistance Program37) Должность: Substance Abuse Professionals38) Чат: Soft And Pretty39) NYSE. S A P, A. G.40) Аэропорты: San Pedro Sula, Honduras41) Программное обеспечение: System Analysis and Program Development, System Application Product42) Базы данных: Systems Applications Processing -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Soluble Nsf Attachment Protein2) Компьютерная техника: Space Network And Power3) Медицина: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/rules/Legislation/about.htm), safety-net antibiotic prescription5) Спорт: Sunday Night At The Pool6) Военный термин: Secondary Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Soviet (FSU) Nuclear Artillery Projectile, System Nuclear Auxiliary Power, satellite, nuclear-powered, shipboard nontactical ADP program, short notice annual practice, standard Navy accounting procedures, summary of Navy approved programs7) Техника: safeguards network analysis procedure, shielded neutron assay probe, simulated network analysis program, systems for nuclear auxiliary power supply8) Шутливое выражение: Special Needs Aussie Placement9) Химия: Strontium Nitrate Acetone Peroxide10) Юридический термин: Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program, Suddenly Nasty And Aggressive Personality11) Телекоммуникации: Subnetwork Access Protocol (IEEE 802)12) Сокращение: Shipboard Non-tactical ADP Program (US Navy), Shipboard Non-tactical Automated data Processing program, Steerable Null Antenna Processor, Sub Network Access Protocol, Synchronous Numeric Array Processor, Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Sudan National AIDS Programme13) Университет: Student Needs Assistance Program, Student Network Access Project, Student Nurses At Penn14) Физиология: Smoking Nutrition Alcohol And Physical, Supporting Neurotransmitter Activity And Production15) Электроника: Selective Niobium Anodization Process16) Вычислительная техника: Sub-Network Access Protocol, Switch Probe Analyzer, System and Network Administration Program, SubNetwork Attachment Point (IEEE 802.1a), SubNetwork Access Protocol (LAN, Ethernet), Sub Network Access Protocol (OSI, Networking)17) Социология: оценочная шкала (Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham)18) Биотехнология: Screening for nonacceptable polymorphism19) Воздухоплавание: Structural Network Analysis Program21) Деловая лексика: Sharp National Account Program, Stop Now And Plan22) Образование: Say No And Phone, School Network For Absenteeism Prevention, School Networking Action Project, School Nutrition Accountability Program, Seeing Necessary Alternatives Photographically, Special Needs Access And Participation, Stop The Negative Accentuate The Positive23) Сетевые технологии: Single Network Access Pass, Standard Network Access Protocol, Subnetwork Access Protocol, System Neutral Access Protocol, протокол доступа к подсетям, стандартный протокол доступа к сети, стандартный протокол сетевого доступа24) Безопасность: Secure Network Access Platform, System Network Advanced Protection25) Расширение файла: Sub-Network Attachment Point26) Космический летательный аппарат: Supernova Acceleration Probe27) НАСДАК: Synaptic Pharmaceutical28) Общественная организация: Seniors Needing A Pet, Spay Neuter Assistance Program29) Международная торговля: Simplified Network Application Process -
13 snap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Soluble Nsf Attachment Protein2) Компьютерная техника: Space Network And Power3) Медицина: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/rules/Legislation/about.htm), safety-net antibiotic prescription5) Спорт: Sunday Night At The Pool6) Военный термин: Secondary Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Soviet (FSU) Nuclear Artillery Projectile, System Nuclear Auxiliary Power, satellite, nuclear-powered, shipboard nontactical ADP program, short notice annual practice, standard Navy accounting procedures, summary of Navy approved programs7) Техника: safeguards network analysis procedure, shielded neutron assay probe, simulated network analysis program, systems for nuclear auxiliary power supply8) Шутливое выражение: Special Needs Aussie Placement9) Химия: Strontium Nitrate Acetone Peroxide10) Юридический термин: Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program, Suddenly Nasty And Aggressive Personality11) Телекоммуникации: Subnetwork Access Protocol (IEEE 802)12) Сокращение: Shipboard Non-tactical ADP Program (US Navy), Shipboard Non-tactical Automated data Processing program, Steerable Null Antenna Processor, Sub Network Access Protocol, Synchronous Numeric Array Processor, Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Sudan National AIDS Programme13) Университет: Student Needs Assistance Program, Student Network Access Project, Student Nurses At Penn14) Физиология: Smoking Nutrition Alcohol And Physical, Supporting Neurotransmitter Activity And Production15) Электроника: Selective Niobium Anodization Process16) Вычислительная техника: Sub-Network Access Protocol, Switch Probe Analyzer, System and Network Administration Program, SubNetwork Attachment Point (IEEE 802.1a), SubNetwork Access Protocol (LAN, Ethernet), Sub Network Access Protocol (OSI, Networking)17) Социология: оценочная шкала (Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham)18) Биотехнология: Screening for nonacceptable polymorphism19) Воздухоплавание: Structural Network Analysis Program21) Деловая лексика: Sharp National Account Program, Stop Now And Plan22) Образование: Say No And Phone, School Network For Absenteeism Prevention, School Networking Action Project, School Nutrition Accountability Program, Seeing Necessary Alternatives Photographically, Special Needs Access And Participation, Stop The Negative Accentuate The Positive23) Сетевые технологии: Single Network Access Pass, Standard Network Access Protocol, Subnetwork Access Protocol, System Neutral Access Protocol, протокол доступа к подсетям, стандартный протокол доступа к сети, стандартный протокол сетевого доступа24) Безопасность: Secure Network Access Platform, System Network Advanced Protection25) Расширение файла: Sub-Network Attachment Point26) Космический летательный аппарат: Supernova Acceleration Probe27) НАСДАК: Synaptic Pharmaceutical28) Общественная организация: Seniors Needing A Pet, Spay Neuter Assistance Program29) Международная торговля: Simplified Network Application Process -
14 register
1) регистр4) точное совпадение; совмещение5) точно совпадать; совмещать(ся)•- activity register
- addend-partial product register
- adding-storage register
- address register
- address-formation register
- arithmetic register
- balanced-pair storage register
- bank address register
- base address register
- base interrupt address register
- base register
- base-bound register
- base-limit register
- base-of-stack register
- bidirectional shift register
- bound register
- boundary register
- branch register
- breakpoint register
- B-register
- bucket-brigade shift register
- buffer register
- cache control register
- cash register
- charge coupled shift register
- check register
- circulating shift register
- circulation code register
- circulation register
- clock register
- clock-select register
- coincidence register
- command and status register
- command register
- configuration register
- console display register
- control register
- control shift register
- control status register
- coordinate register
- counter register
- current instruction register
- data access register
- data direction register
- data register
- data transfer register
- data-path register
- datum-limit register
- decimation register
- dedicated register
- delay present register
- delay-line register
- descriptor base register
- destination register
- directly addressable register
- display register
- double ranked register
- double register
- double-length register
- double-shift register
- double-word register
- doubling register
- dual shift register
- dynamic register
- edge-triggered register
- equal-word register
- error register
- exchange register
- extension register
- extracode control register
- feedback shift register
- ferromagnetic shift register
- final address register
- flag register
- flag status register
- flip-flop register
- floating-point register
- holding register
- hotline register
- icand register
- ier register
- increment register
- incrementing address register
- index addressing register
- index register
- information register
- input buffer register
- input channel buffer register
- input register
- input-output register
- instruction address register
- instruction counting register
- instruction register
- interface buffer register
- internal function register
- interrogate register
- interrogation register
- interrupt control register
- interrupt register
- interrupt status register
- item activity register
- level status register
- lift-to-right shift register
- limit-of-stack register
- linear feedback shift register
- link register
- linkage register
- load shifting register
- local storage address register
- machine register
- magnetic shift register
- main control register
- main storage data register
- maintenance state register
- mask register
- master-slave shift register
- match/mismatch register
- matched word register
- mechanical buffer register
- memory address register
- memory buffer register
- memory data register
- memory input register
- memory lockout register
- memory pointer register
- memory register
- memory selection register
- memory-information register
- microinstruction register
- modifier register
- motion register
- multiple accumulating register
- multiplicand register
- multiplier register
- multiplier-quotient register
- non-linear feedback shift register
- n-tuple length register
- n-tuple register
- number register
- numerator register
- on-chip address register
- operand address register
- operand register
- operation address register
- operation register
- operational address register
- order register
- ordering function register
- output buffer register
- output channel buffer register
- output register
- output shift register
- page address register
- page register
- parallel register
- partial product register
- partial sum register
- pattern register
- ping-pong register
- pipeline register
- prefix register
- product register
- program address register
- program control register
- program register
- queue register
- quotient register
- read-only storage channel address register
- read-only storage data register
- readout register
- receiving register
- remainder register
- residue register
- result register
- return register
- routing register
- scalar register
- scan-in/scan-out register
- scratchpad register
- search register
- sequence control register
- sequence register
- serial register
- serial/parallel register
- settable register
- setup register
- shadow register
- shift register
- shifting register
- shiftless register
- sign register
- signature register
- single shift register
- sort register
- special-function register
- special-purpose register
- spilled register
- stack register
- standard linkage register
- standby register
- static flip-flop register
- static register
- status register
- stepping register
- storage address register
- storage limits register
- storage register
- sum product register
- switch register
- temporary register
- temporary storage register
- time register
- timed-access register
- top-of-stack register
- trigger register
- user register
- user-visible register
- vacant register
- vector register
- word register
- working register
- X-register
- Y-registerEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > register
15 file
1) файл || формировать [организовывать] файл; заносить в файл; хранить в файле2) картотека; архив, комплект || составлять картотеку; вести картотеку•{to }close a file — закрывать файл
{to }create a file — создавать файл
{to }establish a file — выделять файл
{to }open a file — открывать файл
{to }reset a file — возвращаться к началу файла
- accounting file - activity file{to }scratch a file — ликвидировать файл
- archival quality file
- archived file
- attached file
- backup file
- batch transaction file
- binary resource file
- bit map file
- blocked file
- block-type file
- calendar file
- card file
- cassette file
- cataloged file
- central file
- chained file
- change file
- chapter file
- character-type file
- checkpoint file
- circular file
- class file
- com file
- combined file
- command file
- computer file
- concatenation file
- conceptual file
- configuration file
- contiguous file
- cross-index file
- crunched file
- data file
- data sensitive file
- DD file
- dead file - detail file
- device description file
- device independent file
- differential file
- digital audio file
- direct access file
- disk file
- display file
- drawing file - encrypted file
- exe file
- executable file
- flat file
- follow-up file
- forms file
- fresh operand file
- garbled file
- graphics file - hierarchical file
- immutable file
- inactive file
- index file
- indexed file
- indexed sequential file
- input file
- integrated data file
- inverted file
- jar file
- kill file
- labeled file
- license file
- link file
- linked file
- local file
- logical file
- lossy file
- magnetic card file
- magnetic disk file
- magnetic tape file
- main file
- manual file
- many-reel file
- master data file
- master file
- master-program file
- measurement file
- mechanized file
- memo file
- multiextent file
- multireel file
- multivolume file
- negative file
- netlist file
- nondedicated file
- object file
- on-line central file
- on-line file
- output file
- parallel search file
- permanent data file
- physical-image file
- printer description file
- private file
- privileged file
- problem file
- process data file
- program file
- protected file
- public file
- qualifying data file
- random file
- random-access file
- raw raster file
- README file
- readme file
- read-only file
- record address file
- recorder file
- reference file
- register file
- relational file
- remote file
- resource script file - scanline-data-formatted file
- scratch file
- seed file
- self-extracting file
- sequential file
- settings file
- setup file
- shared file
- sort file
- source file
- sparsed file
- spill file
- spooled file
- squeezed file
- standard file
- structured data file
- suspense file
- system file
- system recorder file
- tagged file
- tape file
- temporary file
- test-vector file
- text file
- threaded file
- trace file
- transaction file
- unireel file
- unlabeled file
- unlinked file
- unnamed file
- unstructured data file
- update file
- virus-infected file
- visible file
- volatile file
- wallpaper file
- wire file
- work fileEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > file
16 DAP
1. data access protocol - протокол доступа к данным;2. data acquisition and processing - сбор и обработка данных;3. data analysis program - программа анализа данных;4. deformation of vertically aligned phases effect - эффект деформации вертикально расположенных фаз;5. diallyl phthalate - диаллилфталат;6. diammonium phosphate - диаммонийфосфат;7. dictionary access point - точка выборки из словаря; точка доступа к словарю;8. diffused-alloy power transistor - мощный диффузионно-сплавной транзистор;9. digital autopilot - цифровой автопилот;10. distributed array processor - распределенный матричный или векторный процессор;11. dose assessment program - программа оценки доз;12. double amplitude peak - размах колебаний, удвоенная амплитуда -
17 SAP
1. safety assessment principles - принципы оценки безопасности ядерного реактора;2. service access point - точка доступа к службе;3. service advertising protocol - протокол извещения об услугах; протокол рекламы сервиса;4. severe accident program - программа исследования тяжёлых аварий;5. sintered aluminum powder - спечённый алюминиевый порошок; САП;6. solar array program - программа разработки и испытаний панелей солнечных батарей;7. special access program - программа специализированного доступа;8. startup administrative procedure - административная процедура ввода в эксплуатацию;9. statements on auditing procedures - положения по процедурам аудита;10. symbolic address program - программа, составленная на символических адресах;11. symbolic assembly program - компонующая программа символического языка;12. system acquisition process - процесс создания системы;13. Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing - компания SAP -
18 routine
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > routine
19 DAP
- протокол доступа к справочнику
- протокол доступа к каталогу
- протокол доступа к данным
- программа оценки доз облучения
- документы против платежа
документы против платежа
[[Англо-русский словарь сокращений транспортно-экспедиторских и коммерческих терминов и выражений ФИАТА]]Тематики
программа оценки доз облучения
(персонала АЭС, населения)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
протокол доступа к данным
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
протокол доступа к каталогу
Протокол, используемый при обращении пользователей к сетевому каталогу Х.500 (реализован на основе модели OSI). См.тж. ЮАР.
[Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
протокол доступа к справочнику
(МСЭ-Т Х.500, МСЭ-Т Х.501).
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > DAP
20 PDA
1) Медицина: patent ductus arteriosus, Задняя нисходящая артерия (posterior descending coronary artery)2) Военный термин: Part Design Approval, Personal Data Assistant, payroll deduction authorization, permanent duty assignment, post-delivery availability, predelivery acceptance, principal development activity, procurement defense agencies, property disposal account, property disposal agent, proposed development approach3) Техника: parallel disk array, peak distribution analyzer, percent defective allowable, photon detector assembly, positive dielectric anisotropy, post acceleration, post deflection acceleration, predocketed application, preliminary design acceptance, preliminary design analysis, preliminary design approval, preliminary design assessment, preliminary design authorization, probability distribution analyzer, processing and distribution assembly, pulse distribution amplifier, Process Data Acquisition4) Сельское хозяйство: Potato Dextrose Agar5) Шутливое выражение: Pocket Doodling Appendix, Price Drops Afterwards6) Химия: Photo-Diode Array (ВЭЖХ), фотодиодная матрица7) Анатомия: pancreaticoduodenal artery8) Математика: вероятностный дискретный автомат (probability discrete automation), магазинный автомат (pushdown automaton)9) Грубое выражение: Pervert, Pretty Damn Awful, Pretty Darn Affordable, Pretty Darn Aggravating, Pretty Darn Awesome, Pretty Darned Affordable, Pretty Darned Amazing10) Оптика: photodiode array, postdeflection acceleration11) Полиграфия: СБО (The Paper Distributors Association - Содружество бумажных оптовиков, http://sbo-paper.ru/English/)12) Телекоммуникации: коммуникатор13) Сокращение: Personal Digital Assistant (e.g. Palm Pilot), Port Defence Area, Portable Digital Assistant, Project Definition Assessment (Olga)14) Электроника: Professional Diary Accessory15) Литература: President's Distinguished Area17) Двигатели внутреннего сгорания: port deactivation (старое название технологии от Opel, в настоящее время называется как Twinport)18) Деловая лексика: Public Displays Of Affection19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: planning and development: project approvals, Project Director - HSES (Project execution sub-team)20) Сетевые технологии: "электронный помощник", Personal Digital Assistant, Protocol Decode Architecture, автомат с магазинной памятью, персональный цифровой ассистент, персональный цифровой секретарь, персональный электронный ассистент, электронный секретарь21) Химическое оружие: Pueblo Depot Activity, program decision authority22) Золотодобыча: личное цифровое устройство23) Расширение файла: Bitmap graphics24) Пожарное дело: predetermined attendance (расписание выезда для определенного ранга пожара)25) Нефть и газ: plant data access, Деасфальтизация пропаном27) Должность: Playwright Director And Actor
См. также в других словарях:
Data Access Language — Data Access Language, or simply DAL, was a SQL like language parser released by Apple Computer in 1990 to provide unified client/server access to database management systems. It was known for poor performance and high costs, something Apple did… … Wikipedia
Data access layer — A data access layer (DAL) is a layer of a computer program which provides simplified access to data stored in persistent storage of some kind, such as an entity relational database. For example, the DAL might return a reference to an object (in… … Wikipedia
Data Access Objects — program interface of Microsoft used in applications that require access to databases, DAO … English contemporary dictionary
Microsoft Data Access Components — MDAC redirects here. For other uses, see MDAC (disambiguation). MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) Microsoft Corporation s MDAC provides a uniform framework for accessing a variety of data sources on their Windows platform. Developer(s)… … Wikipedia
Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access — is Pennsylvania s official public access geospatial information clearinghouse. PASDA was developed as a research and outreach program by the Pennsylvania State University as a service to the citizens, governments, and businesses of the… … Wikipedia
Data sharing — is the practice of making data used for scholarly research available to other investigators. Replication has a long history in science. The motto of The Royal Society is Nullius in verba , translated Take no man s word for it. [1] Many funding… … Wikipedia
Data Intensive Computing — is a class of parallel computing applications which use a data parallel approach to processing large volumes of data typically terabytes or petabytes in size and typically referred to as Big Data. Computing applications which devote most of their … Wikipedia
Data governance — is an emerging discipline with an evolving definition. The discipline embodies a convergence of data quality, data management, data policies, business process management, and risk management surrounding the handling of data in an organization.… … Wikipedia
Data monitoring switch — A data monitoring switch is a networking hardware appliance that provides a pool of monitoring tools with access to traffic from a large number of network links. It provides a combination of functionality that may include aggregating monitoring… … Wikipedia
Data security — is the means of ensuring that data is kept safe from corruption and that access to it is suitably controlled. Thus data security helps to ensure privacy. It also helps in protecting personal data. Data security is part of the larger practice of… … Wikipedia
Access control — is the ability to permit or deny the use of a particular resource by a particular entity. Access control mechanisms can be used in managing physical resources (such as a movie theater, to which only ticketholders should be admitted), logical… … Wikipedia