1 daily flow
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > daily flow
2 daily flow
3 daily flow
* * *
суточный приток, суточный дебит
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* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > daily flow
4 daily flow
1) Техника: среднесуточный расход, суточная добыча, суточный объём стока2) Нефть: суточный дебит3) Нефтегазовая техника суточный расход4) Нефть и газ: суточный дебит скважины -
5 daily flow
суточный дебитEnglish-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > daily flow
6 daily flow rate
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > daily flow rate
7 daily flow rate
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > daily flow rate
8 daily flow rate
Нефть: суточный дебит -
9 average daily flow rate
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > average daily flow rate
10 average daily flow rate
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > average daily flow rate
11 average daily flow rate
Нефть: среднесуточный дебитУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > average daily flow rate
12 flow
1. поток, струя, течение, истечение; движение жидкости [газа]2. фильтрация; расход жидкости; прокачка3. текучесть— flow in— flow off— flow out— gas flow— jet flow
* * *
1. поток2. фонтанирование || фонтанировать3. добыча
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1.поток, течение; фильтрация; движение флюидов; расход жидкости2.
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течение, поток
* * *
1) поток2) фонтанирование || фонтанировать; выдавать нефть ()3) добыча•flow by heads — пульсирующее фонтанирование;
flow from a pump — подача насоса; производительность насоса;
flow in porous medium — течение в пористой среде;
to flow by gravity — двигаться самотеком;
to flow by heads — фонтанировать;
to flow naturally — фонтанировать естественным путём;
to flow off — стекать;
to flow out — вытекать;
to flow over — переливаться;
to flow through — перекачивать; пропускать; протекать;
- flow of defectsto flow up — подниматься ()
- flow of liquid-gas mixture
- flow of non-Newtonian fluid
- flow of phases
- absolute open flow
- air flow
- all-gas flow
- annular flow
- annular dispersed flow
- annular two-phase flow
- artesian flow
- behind-the-casing flow
- break flow
- bubble flow
- calculated absolute open flow
- calculated open flow
- capillary flow
- channel flow
- churn-turbulent flow
- cocurrent catalyst flow
- constant flow
- continuous flow
- counter-current flow
- cross flow
- daily flow
- difference flow
- drilling mud flow
- drilling mud returning annular flow
- eddying flow
- estimated flow
- expanding gas flow
- filter fluid flow
- fluctuating flow
- fluid flow
- fluid flow along fractures
- fluid flow through pores
- fluid through flow
- foamy flow
- fractional flow
- fractional through flow
- free flow
- frictional flow
- frictionless flow
- froth flow
- gas flow
- gas-condensate flow
- gas-liquid flow
- gas-piston flow
- gravitational flow
- head flow
- induced flow
- initial flow
- interformational flow
- intermittent flow
- jet flow
- laminar flow
- linear flow
- mass flow
- mist flow
- multiphase flow
- natural flow
- nonstationary flow
- nonsteady flow
- nonviscous flow
- oil flow
- one-phase flow
- open flow
- operating flow
- parallel flow
- pipe flow
- piston flow
- plastic flow
- plug flow
- polyphase flow
- pump output flow
- radial flow
- retarded flow
- salt water flow
- semiannular flow
- slip flow
- smooth flow
- steady flow
- streamlined flow
- structural flow
- subsurface water flow
- survey-current flow
- three-phase flow
- transient flow
- trouble shooting flow
- turbulent flow
- two-component flow
- two-liquid flow
- two-phase flow
- two-phase critical flow
- two-phase gas-liquid flow
- uncontrolled flow
- undisturbed flow
- unrestricted flow
- unstable flow
- unsteady flow
- upward flow
- variable flow
- viscous flow
- viscous turbulent flow
- vortex flow
- water-oil flow
- wavy flow
- well flow
- well natural flow
- wide-open flow
- wispy-annular flow* * *• движение• добыча• прокачка• фонтан -
13 flow
1) течение; поток || течь2) сток3) расход, дебит4) растекание; расплыв(ание) || растекаться; расплываться5) пластическая деформация || претерпевать пластическую деформацию6) текучесть7) нефт. фонтанирование || фонтанировать8) нефт. добыча9) подвижность (напр. бетонной смеси)10) технологический маршрут; последовательность операций11) гидр. движение12) непрерывная подача энергии (электрической, тепловой)13) наводнение; затопление; разлив14) отводная труба16) разлив ( лакокрасочного покрытия)17) выпрессовка, грат (в прессовании пластмасс, резины)•to bypass flows — гидр. 1. пропускать строительные расходы по обводному каналу 2. пропускать паводок в обход сооруженияflow of catchment — сток водосбросаflow of control — 1. процесс управления 2. алгоритм управления; поток (команд) управленияflow of ground — пластическая деформация грунта-
adiabatic flow
air flow
air-mass flow
airport traffic flow
air-water flow
all-gas flow
annual flow
annular flow
annular two-phase flow
annular-dispersed flow
approach flow
artesian flow
available flow
average annual flow
axial flow
backward flow
back flow
base flow
bearing form oil flow
behind-the-casing flow
blade-to-blade flow
boiling channel flow
boundary layer flow
break flow
bubble flow
bubbly flow
bulk flow
bypass flow
cascade flow
channel flow
chip flow
chugging flow
churn-turbulent flow
churn flow
climbing film flow
cocurrent catalyst flow
cocurrent flow
coherent boiling flow
cold flow
command-status flow
communication flow
constant flow
continuous flow
control flow
controlled flow
convergent flow
coolant flow
corkscrewlike flow
countercurrent flow
critical flow
cross flow
current flow
daily flow
data flow
decaying swirl flow
density-stratified flow
design water flow
developed flow
developed turbulent flow
direct surface flow
dispersed flow
divergent flow
diversion flow
down flow
downstream flow
downward flow
drainage flow
droplet-dispersed flow
droplet-free flow
dust flow
energy flow
estimated flow
evaporating flow
exergy flow
exhaust flow
failure flow
fictitious heat flow
filter fluid flow
flood flow
fluid flow
fog flow
forced flow
forward flow
free flow
free-surface flow
freight flow
frictional flow
froth flow
frozen flow
full flow
gas flow
gas piston flow
gas-liquid flow
generalized Couette flow
glass flow
grain-boundary flow
gravity flow
groundwater flow
heat flow
high flow
high-velocity bypass flow
homogeneous flow
horizontal flow
hydraulically smooth wind flow
hydroelectric flow
ice flow
incident flow
incoming flow
induced flow
information flow
ink flow
instruction flow
insurge flow
interconnection tie flow
intermittent flow
interrupt flow
interstitial flow
inverse annular flow
irrigation return flow
irrotational flow
isothermal flow
Knudsen flow
laminar flow
lateral flow
leakage flow
leak flow
letdown flow
liquid-vapor flow
load flow
low Reynolds number flow
low-velocity flow
low-water flow
magnetic flow
makeup flow
mass flow
mean flow
metered flow
mist flow
mixed flow
molecular flow
motion flow
mud-and-stone flow
multiphase flow
natural flow
near-bottom flow
negative core flow
no-load flow
noncontinuous flow
nonstationary flow
nonswirling flow
nonuniform flow
nozzle flow
n-sequential orifice flow
open-channel flow
outsurge flow
oven flow
overbank flow
peak flow
pipe flow
piston flow
plain-strain flow
plastic flow
plug flow
positive core flow
positive flow
postcombustion flow
potential flow
power flow
pressure flow
primary coolant flow
primary flow
priority flow
process flow
pulsating flow
pump output flow
pump flow
radial flow
ram air flow
reattached flow
recirculating flow
recirculating turbulent flow
recorded flow
recycling flow
reduced flow
reflux flow
regulated flow
retarded flow
return flow
reverse core steam flow
reverse flow
reverse-direction flow
ripple flow
riser flow
river flow
rotating flow
routed flow
seasonal flow
seepage flow
self-adapting production flow
self-aligning production flow
semiannular flow
separate flow
serrated flow
servovalve control flow
shear flow
sheet flow
sliding flow
slip flow
slipless flow
slugging flow
slug flow
smooth flow
snow flow
soil water flow
split flow
steady-state flow
steady flow
steering flow
storm flow
stratified flow
streamline flow
streamlined production flow
submerged flow
subsonic flow
subsurface water flow
supergeostrophic flow
supersonic flow
surface-water flow
surface flow
surge flow
swirling flow
swirl flow
thermally disordered flow
three-dimensional flow
throttled flow
tidal flow
tip-leakage flow
total coolant flow
total flow
total loop flow
traffic flow
true mass flow
turbulent flow
two-component flow
two-dimensional flow
two-phase critical flow
two-phase gas-liquid flow
unbalanced flow
uncontrolled flow
undershot orifice flow
undimensional heat flow
unimpeded flow
unit peak flow
unsteady-state flow
unsteady flow
upward flow
variable-area flow
viscous flow
volume flow
vortex flow
water flow
wave flow
wavy flow
weight flow
weir flow
well natural flow
wind flow
wind-induced flow
wispy-annular flow
working flow
yielding flow -
14 flow
1) расход (жидкости, газа), скорость воды, вытекаемой из источника ( выражается в единицах объёма в единицу времени)2) поток; струя; течение; расплыв ( бетонной смеси); текучесть4) трещина; раковина (в материале и т. п.)5) деформация, коробление6) течь, протекать•- flow of fluid - flow of heat - flow of light - flow of traffic - annual flow - capillary flow - continuous flow - coolant flow - daily water flow - design water flow - disturbed flow - drainage flow - dry weather flow - fire flow - filter fluid flow - free flow - freight flow - frozen flow - gravity flow - heat flow - hydraulic flow - infiltration flow - inverse flow - leak flow - leakage flow - main flow - major flow - metered flow - natural flow - nonuniform flow - nozzle flow - open-channel flow - pipe flow - plastic flow - pressure flow - recreational flows - reduced flow - reflux flow - residual flow - return flow - reverse flow - separated flow - soil flow - specific heat flow - steady flow - storm flow - streaming flow - surface flow - surplus flow - tortuous flow - traffic flow - turbulent flow - uniform flow - unrestricted flow - vertical flow - viscous flow - volume flow - weir flow - yielding flowto flow off — смываться, стекать
* * *1. поток, течение; сток2. расход3. подвижность ( бетонной смеси); пластическое течение ( материала)- air flow
- air freight flow
- air transport flow
- annual flow
- average flow
- average annual flow
- base flow
- bimodal flow
- channel flow
- concentrated flow
- concurrent flow
- controlled flow
- convective flow
- critical flow
- design flow
- direct flow
- displacement flow
- diversion flow
- drainage flow
- drowned flow
- dry weather flow
- elastic flow
- estimated flow
- fire flow
- flood flow
- free flow
- free-surface flow
- ground-water flow
- heat flow
- hypercritical flow
- incident flow
- laminar flow
- low-water flow
- low flow
- mass flow
- multiple retrogressive flow
- natural flow
- nonstationary flow
- nonuniform flow
- normal flow
- open-channel flow
- overland flow
- peak traffic flow
- pedestrian flow
- pipe flow
- plastic flow
- pulsating flow
- regulated flow
- return flow
- reverse flow
- river flow
- seepage flow
- sheet flow
- shooting flow
- skin flow
- space air flow
- specific heat flow
- straight flow
- streaming flow
- subcritical flow
- subsurface flow
- swirling flow
- temperature-driven flow
- tortuous flow
- tranquil flow
- transient heat flow
- transition flow
- turbulent flow
- two-phase flow
- uniform flow
- unit flow
- unsteady flow
- viscous flow
- volume flow
- vortex flow
- wastewater flow -
15 flow rate
1. объемная скорость потока2. расходThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > flow rate
16 daily rate
water rate — плата за воду; муниципальный налог на воду
17 daily seasonal population
population flow — миграционные потоки; перемещения населения
overflow of population — избыточное население; перенаселение
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > daily seasonal population
18 daily water flow
19 daily water flow
Экология: суточный расход воды -
20 daily well flow rate
Общая лексика: ежесуточный отбор нефти
См. также в других словарях:
Flow — (fl[=o]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flowed} (fl[=o]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flowing}.] [AS. fl[=o]wan; akin to D. vloeijen, OHG. flawen to wash, Icel. fl[=o]a to deluge, Gr. plw ein to float, sail, and prob. ultimately to E. float, fleet. [root]80. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Daily Mirror — This article is about the British newspaper. For the Australian newspaper, see The Daily Mirror (Australia). For the Sri Lankan newspaper, see The Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka). Daily Mirror Type Daily newspaper Format Tabloid … Wikipedia
flow — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy, large, massive ▪ good ▪ adequate ▪ poor ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Flow computer — A flow computer is an electronic computational device which implements the required algorithms to turn the raw data received from flow meters to which it is connected into volumes at base conditions.A flow computer also audits changes that have… … Wikipedia
daily — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. Daily is used with these nouns: ↑allowance, ↑attendance, ↑barrage, ↑basis, ↑brief, ↑briefing, ↑business, ↑calorie, ↑care, ↑charge, ↑check, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
Sidoarjo mud flow — The Sidoarjo mud flow or Lapindo mud, also informally abbreviated as Lusi , a contraction of Lumpur Sidoarjo ( lumpur is the Indonesian word for mud), is a since May 2006 ongoing eruption of gas and mud in the subdistrict of Porong, Sidoarjo in… … Wikipedia
Demand flow technology — (DFT) is a strategy to define and deploy business processes in a flow, driven in response to customer demand. DFT is based on a set of applied mathematical tools that are used to connect processes in a flow and link it to daily changes in demand … Wikipedia
Headline Daily — (zh t|t=頭條日報 Pinyin: Tóu Tiáo Rì Bào) was launched on July 12, 2005 by Sing Tao Newspaper Group Limited and became the second free Chinese newspaper published officially in Hong Kong ( Metropolis Daily (TC: 都市日報 Pinyin: Dū Shì Rì Bào) being the… … Wikipedia
Gas flow computer — Originally the gas flow computer was an electronic module that simply provided a dedicated gas flow computer function. Today gas flow computer is a misnomer since the gas flow computer function is a subfunction to an overall data acquisition and… … Wikipedia
Material flow analysis — 3R Concepts Waste Disposal Hierarchy Reduce Reuse Recycle Barter Dematerialization Downcycling Dumpster diving Ecode … Wikipedia
Scapa Flow — (Old Norse: Skalpaflói ) is a body of water in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom, sheltered by the islands of Mainland, Graemsay, Burray, South Ronaldsay and Hoy. At 140 square miles, with a sandy bottom, and relatively shallow (not… … Wikipedia