1 cynic
2 cynic
1. n циник2. n ист. киник, представитель философской школы киников3. a ист. кинический, относящийся к философской школе киниковСинонимический ряд:unbeliever (noun) agnostic; doubter; man-hater; misanthrope; pessimist; questioner; sceptic; scoffer; skeptic; unbelieverАнтонимический ряд: -
3 pessimist
n пессимистСинонимический ряд:1. calamity howler (noun) calamity howler; Cassandra; crepehanger; worrywart2. cynic (noun) cynic; defeatist; kill-joy; malcontent; skeptic3. spoilsport (noun) fault-finder; grouch; humorless cynic; killjoy; party pooper; prophet of doom; sourpuss; spoilsport; wet blanketАнтонимический ряд: -
4 misanthrope
5 enthusiast
1. n энтузиаст; горячий поклонник или приверженец2. n арх. исступлённый фанатикСинонимический ряд:1. booster (noun) booster; promoter; supporter2. champion (noun) champion; follower; zealot3. devotee (noun) bigot; bug; devotee; fan; fanatic; fiend; freak; maniac; monomaniac; nut; partisan; rooterАнтонимический ряд:critic; cynic; opponent -
6 doubter
n скептикСинонимический ряд:1. skeptic (noun) doubting Thomas; headshaker; Pyrrhonian; Pyrrhonist; skeptic; zetetic2. unbeliever (noun) agnostic; cynic; questioner; sceptic; unbeliever -
7 agnostic
1. n филос. агностик2. a филос. агностическийСинонимический ряд:1. unbelieving (adj.) atheistic; dubious; faithless; heathen; infidel; irreligious; unbelieving2. skeptic (noun) cynic; doubter; empiricist; freethinker; nonbeliever; non-believer; skeptic; unbelieverАнтонимический ряд: -
8 fault-finder
1. n придирчивый человек, придира; критикан2. n тех. прибор для определения повреждения, дефектоскопСинонимический ряд:spoilsport (noun) grouch; humorless cynic; killjoy; party pooper; pessimist; prophet of doom; sourpuss; spoilsport; wet blanket -
9 infidel
1. n язычник; неверный2. n неверующий, безбожник3. a языческий; неверный4. a атеистическийСинонимический ряд:1. heathen (adj.) ethnic; gentile; heathen; infidelic; pagan; profane2. unbelieving (adj.) agnostic; atheistic; dubious; faithless; irreligious; unbelieving3. atheist (noun) agnostic; atheist; cynic; heathen; heretic; nonbeliever; pagan; skeptic; unbelieverАнтонимический ряд: -
10 killjoy
n разг. человек, отравляющий другим удовольствие, брюзгаСинонимический ряд:spoilsport (noun) fault-finder; grouch; humorless cynic; malcontent; party pooper; party-pooper; pessimist; prophet of doom; sourpuss; spoilsport; spoil-sport; wet blanketАнтонимический ряд: -
11 misbeliever
n еретикСинонимический ряд:skeptic (noun) cynic; dissenter; dissident; doubter; heretic; nonconformist; questioner; sceptic; schismatic; schismatist; sectary; separatist; skeptic -
12 party pooper
1. студ. жарг. гость, который уходит первым с вечеринки2. разг. некомпанейский человек3. разг. человек, не склонный соглашаться с общим мнением; индивидуалистСинонимический ряд:spoilsport (noun) fault-finder; grouch; humorless cynic; killjoy; pessimist; prophet of doom; sourpuss; spoilsport; wet blanket -
13 rationalist
1. n филос. рационалист2. a рационалистическийСинонимический ряд:doubter (noun) agnostic; cynic; disbeliever; doubter; heretic; questioner; scoffer; skeptic; unbeliever -
14 sceptic
1. n скептик2. n философ-скептикСинонимический ряд:doubter (noun) cynic; disbeliever; dissenter; doubter; questioner; unbeliever -
15 scoffer
n насмешник, зубоскалСинонимический ряд:doubter (noun) agnostic; cynic; disbeliever; doubter; heretic; questioner; rationalist; skeptic; unbeliever -
16 separatist
1. n сепаратист2. n раскольник, отступник, сектант3. n сторонник расовой сегрегацииСинонимический ряд:skeptic (noun) cynic; dissenter; dissident; doubter; heretic; misbeliever; nonconformist; questioner; schismatic; schismatist; sectary; skeptic -
17 skeptic
Синонимический ряд:doubter (noun) agnostic; cynic; disbeliever; dissenter; doubter; doubting Thomas; freethinker; headshaker; Pyrrhonian; Pyrrhonist; questioner; unbeliever; zetetic -
18 spoilsport
n тот, кто портит удовольствие другимСинонимический ряд:killjoy (noun) fault-finder; grouch; humorless cynic; killjoy; party pooper; pessimist; prophet of doom; sourpuss; wet blanket -
19 unbeliever
1. n неверующий2. n скептикСинонимический ряд:skeptic (noun) agnostic; apostate; atheist; cynic; dissenter; doubter; doubting Thomas; headshaker; heretic; infidel; Pyrrhonian; Pyrrhonist; sceptic; skeptic; zetetic -
20 wet blanket
разг. человек, отравляющий другим удовольствие; нудная личностьshe would spoil the whole evening, she is such a wet blanket — она испортит весь вечер, где она, там сразу становится скучно
Синонимический ряд:spoilsport (noun) fault-finder; grouch; humorless cynic; killjoy; party pooper; pessimist; prophet of doom; sourpuss; spoilsport
См. также в других словарях:
cynic — ► NOUN 1) a person who has little faith in the integrity or sincerity of others. 2) a sceptic. 3) (Cynic) (in ancient Greece) a member of a school of philosophers founded by Antisthenes, characterized by an ostentatious contempt for wealth and… … English terms dictionary
cynic — noun (C) someone who is not willing to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something: Even the most hardened cynic must agree that charity does some good. cynicism noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cynic — noun Etymology: Middle French or Latin, Middle French cynique, from Latin cynicus, from Greek kynikos, literally, like a dog, from kyn , kyōn dog more at hound Date: 1542 1. capitalized an adherent of an ancient Greek school of philosophers who… … New Collegiate Dictionary
cynic — noun he was a cynic who deflated all the hopeful aspirations of his children Syn: skeptic, doubter, doubting Thomas; pessimist, prophet of doom, doomsayer, Cassandra, Chicken Little Ant: idealist, Pollyanna … Thesaurus of popular words
cynic — noun /ˈsɪnɪk/ a) A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness. b) A person whose outlook is scornfully negative. See Also: cynical, cynicism … Wiktionary
cynic — noun Syn: sceptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, pessimist, prophet of doom Ant: idealist, optimist … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
cynic spasm — noun : risus sardonicus … Useful english dictionary
cynic — [ sɪnɪk] noun 1》 a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self interest. ↘a sceptic. 2》 (Cynic) a member of a school of ancient Greek philosophers characterized by an ostentatious contempt for wealth and pleasure. Derivatives … English new terms dictionary
cynic — UK [ˈsɪnɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms cynic : singular cynic plural cynics 1) someone who believes that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest 2) someone who expects things not to be successful or useful … English dictionary
cynic — /ˈsɪnɪk / (say sinik) noun 1. someone who doubts or denies the goodness of human motives, and who often displays this attitude by sneers, sarcasm, etc. –adjective 2. cynical. {from Cynic} …
Cynic — /ˈsɪnɪk/ (say sinik) noun 1. one of a school of Greek philosophers founded by Antisthenes of Athens (born about 444 BC), who sought to develop the ethical teachings of Socrates. –adjective 2. of or relating to the Cynics or their doctrines.… …