1 cyclical fluctuations
2 cyclical fluctuations
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cyclical fluctuations
3 cyclical fluctuations
циклические колебания ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > cyclical fluctuations
4 cyclical fluctuations
циклические колебанияАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > cyclical fluctuations
5 cyclical fluctuations
1) Математика: периодические колебания2) Экономика: циклические колебания -
6 cyclical fluctuations
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > cyclical fluctuations
7 cyclical fluctuations
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > cyclical fluctuations
8 cyclical fluctuations
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > cyclical fluctuations
9 cyclical fluctuations
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > cyclical fluctuations
10 cyclical fluctuations
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > cyclical fluctuations
11 cyclical fluctuations
English-Russian scientific dictionary > cyclical fluctuations
12 cyclical fluctuations
Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > cyclical fluctuations
13 cyclical fluctuations
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > cyclical fluctuations
14 non-cyclical fluctuations
нециклические колебания ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > non-cyclical fluctuations
15 cyclical
циклический ; ? cyclical change ; ? cyclical changes in demand and supply ; ? cyclical fluctuations ; ? cyclical influences ; ? cyclical movements ; ? cyclical pattern ; ? cyclical peak years ; ? cyclical unemployment ; ? cyclical variations ; ? internal -
16 cyclical
17 циклические колебания
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > циклические колебания
18 fluctuation
nколебание, неустойчивость
- accidental fluctuations
- acute fluctuations
- business fluctuations
- chance fluctuations
- constant fluctuations
- credit fluctuations
- currency fluctuations
- cyclical fluctuations
- demand fluctuations
- economic fluctuations
- erratical fluctuations
- excessive fluctuations
- exchange fluctuations
- foreign exchange fluctuations
- investment fluctuations
- irregular fluctuations
- leaping fluctuations
- local fluctuations
- market fluctuations
- oil price fluctuations
- periodic fluctuations
- price fluctuations
- random fluctuations
- recurrent fluctuations
- sales fluctuations
- seasonal fluctuations
- short-term fluctuations
- slight fluctuations
- sustained fluctuations
- temporary fluctuations
- trade fluctuations
- fluctuations in cost
- fluctuations in demand
- fluctuations in the parity of currency
- fluctuations in prices
- fluctuations in the rate of exchange
- fluctuations in revenue
- fluctuations in supply
- fluctuations of supply and demand
- fluctuations in turnover
- fluctuations in yield
- fluctuation of currencies to the dollar
- fluctuations of the discount rate
- fluctuations of the market
- fluctuations of supply and demand
- level up fluctuationsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > fluctuation
19 fluctuation
колебание, неустойчивость• -
20 fluctuation
n1) колебание, неустойчивость; неуверенность, нерешительность2) колебание, изменение (цен, спроса)•
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
cyclical — cyc‧li‧cal [ˈsɪklɪkl, ˈsaɪ ] also cy‧clic [ˈsɪklɪk, ˈsaɪ ] adjective happening in regular cycles: • Most of the the country s problems are cyclical and will disappear as the economic recovery begins. • seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in the… … Financial and business terms
Cyclical asymmetry — is an economic term which describes any large imbalance in economic factors that occur due to purely cyclical reactions by a market or nation. This can include employment rates, debt retention, interest rates, bond strengths, or stock market… … Wikipedia
cyclical — [sik′li kəl; ] for sense 1 also [ sīk′li kəl] adj. 1. CYCLIC 2. tending to rise and fall in line with the fluctuations of the business cycle [cyclical stocks] … English World dictionary
Cyclical industrial dynamics — Industrial dynamics is the study of the means and processes through which industries change over time, through their own processes of evolution – as first analyzed by Joseph Schumpeter. It is the complementary study to that of an industry’s… … Wikipedia
Cyclical theory — The cyclical theory refers to a model used by historian Arthur Schlesinger to attempt to explicate the fluctuations in politics throughout American History. Liberalism and conservatism are rooted in the “national mood” that shows a continuing… … Wikipedia
cyclical unemployment — periodic unemployment caused by fluctuations in the business cycle. * * * … Universalium
cyclical unemployment — periodic unemployment caused by fluctuations in the business cycle … Useful english dictionary
business cycle — a recurrent fluctuation in the total business activity of a country. [1920 25] * * * Periodic fluctuation in the rate of economic activity, as measured by levels of employment, prices, and production. Economists have long debated why periods of… … Universalium
government economic policy — ▪ finance Introduction measures by which a government attempts to influence the economy. The national budget generally reflects the economic policy of a government, and it is partly through the budget that the government exercises its three … Universalium
World-systems approach — World system approach is a post Marxist view of world affairs, one of several historical and current applications of Marxism to international relations. One of the basics of the approach is its view of imperialism, which for many Marxists during… … Wikipedia
Dependency theory — International relations theory • Idealism Liberalism … Wikipedia