1 cycle length
1) Медицина: (ms) длина цикла (когда речь идет о пробежках желудочковой тахикардии)2) Техника: продолжительность цикла3) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: межрегенерационный период (для катализатора) -
2 cycle length (ms)
Медицина: длина цикла (когда речь идет о пробежках желудочковой тахикардии) -
3 cycle length
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > cycle length
4 basic cycle length
Кардиология: длина сердечного цикла, длительность сердечного цикла -
5 estrous-cycle length
Сельское хозяйство: продолжительность течкового цикла -
6 pacing cycle length
Медицинская техника: длина цикла кардиостимуляции (ЭКС) -
7 solar cycle length
Макаров: длительность солнечных циклов -
8 length
1) длина2) продолжительность, длительность -
9 cycle of length p
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cycle of length p
10 traverse length
Окружающая среда: length of travel of a mobile item of plant operating on a repetitive cycle (BS 5228-1:2009) -
11 fixed length stroke
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > fixed length stroke
12 key-length cycle
13 PCL
1) Компьютерная техника: Personal Control Lock, Printer Communication Language2) Морской термин: жизненный цикл изделия (product life cycle)3) Медицина: Psychopathy Checklist (перечень психопатических черт), posterior cruciate ligament, ЗКС, задняя крестообразная связка4) Американизм: Primary Contact Location5) Спорт: Pacific Coast League (Baseball)6) Военный термин: Parallel Communications Link, Purple Crow Lidar, permissible contamination limits, positive control line, preliminary change letter, prescribed chemical load8) Телекоммуникации: Product Computing Module Load (Nortel Switches)9) Сокращение: Passive Coherent Location (PRC system), Power Control Lever, pencil10) Вычислительная техника: Print Control Language, Printer Command Language, play control list, Portable Common LOOPS (CLOS), Programmable Command Language (CMU, DEC, TOPS), Printer Control Language (HP), язык управления принтерами12) Пищевая промышленность: Processed Cigarette Leaf13) Фирменный знак: Personal Computer Language14) Сетевые технологии: Printer Control Language15) Программирование: Photo Chemical Laboratory16) Автоматика: programmable control language17) Медицинская техника: pacing cycle length (ЭКС)18) Химическое оружие: program control logic19) Расширение файла: Process Control Language, Printer Command Language (HP), HP-PCL graphics data (HP Printer Control Language)20) Фантастика Planetary Conquest League21) Майкрософт: язык PCL22) NYSE. Plum Creek Timber Company, Inc.23) Библиотечное дело: Pierce County Library -
14 Pcl
1) Компьютерная техника: Personal Control Lock, Printer Communication Language2) Морской термин: жизненный цикл изделия (product life cycle)3) Медицина: Psychopathy Checklist (перечень психопатических черт), posterior cruciate ligament, ЗКС, задняя крестообразная связка4) Американизм: Primary Contact Location5) Спорт: Pacific Coast League (Baseball)6) Военный термин: Parallel Communications Link, Purple Crow Lidar, permissible contamination limits, positive control line, preliminary change letter, prescribed chemical load8) Телекоммуникации: Product Computing Module Load (Nortel Switches)9) Сокращение: Passive Coherent Location (PRC system), Power Control Lever, pencil10) Вычислительная техника: Print Control Language, Printer Command Language, play control list, Portable Common LOOPS (CLOS), Programmable Command Language (CMU, DEC, TOPS), Printer Control Language (HP), язык управления принтерами12) Пищевая промышленность: Processed Cigarette Leaf13) Фирменный знак: Personal Computer Language14) Сетевые технологии: Printer Control Language15) Программирование: Photo Chemical Laboratory16) Автоматика: programmable control language17) Медицинская техника: pacing cycle length (ЭКС)18) Химическое оружие: program control logic19) Расширение файла: Process Control Language, Printer Command Language (HP), HP-PCL graphics data (HP Printer Control Language)20) Фантастика Planetary Conquest League21) Майкрософт: язык PCL22) NYSE. Plum Creek Timber Company, Inc.23) Библиотечное дело: Pierce County Library -
15 pCl
1) Компьютерная техника: Personal Control Lock, Printer Communication Language2) Морской термин: жизненный цикл изделия (product life cycle)3) Медицина: Psychopathy Checklist (перечень психопатических черт), posterior cruciate ligament, ЗКС, задняя крестообразная связка4) Американизм: Primary Contact Location5) Спорт: Pacific Coast League (Baseball)6) Военный термин: Parallel Communications Link, Purple Crow Lidar, permissible contamination limits, positive control line, preliminary change letter, prescribed chemical load8) Телекоммуникации: Product Computing Module Load (Nortel Switches)9) Сокращение: Passive Coherent Location (PRC system), Power Control Lever, pencil10) Вычислительная техника: Print Control Language, Printer Command Language, play control list, Portable Common LOOPS (CLOS), Programmable Command Language (CMU, DEC, TOPS), Printer Control Language (HP), язык управления принтерами12) Пищевая промышленность: Processed Cigarette Leaf13) Фирменный знак: Personal Computer Language14) Сетевые технологии: Printer Control Language15) Программирование: Photo Chemical Laboratory16) Автоматика: programmable control language17) Медицинская техника: pacing cycle length (ЭКС)18) Химическое оружие: program control logic19) Расширение файла: Process Control Language, Printer Command Language (HP), HP-PCL graphics data (HP Printer Control Language)20) Фантастика Planetary Conquest League21) Майкрософт: язык PCL22) NYSE. Plum Creek Timber Company, Inc.23) Библиотечное дело: Pierce County Library -
16 BCL
1) Авиация: battery charge limiter2) Военный термин: battle coordination line, braked conventional landing3) Техника: base-coupled logic, broadcast listener4) Экономика: Bank Comfort Letter, Bank Capability Letter5) Сокращение: basic contour line, bicycle, broom closet6) Кардиология: basic cycle length (длина сердечного цикла)7) Онкология: B Cell Leukemia, B Cell Lymphoma8) Полимеры: biscaprolactam9) Автоматика: binary cutter location10) Расширение файла: Batch Command Language, Burroughs Common Language11) НАСДАК: Base Class Library12) Должность: Bachelor of Civil Laws13) Аэропорты: Barra Colorado, Costa Rica14) AMEX. B L C Financial Services, Inc. -
17 instruction
2) инструкция; программа действий3) обучение•- accumulator shift instruction
- actual instruction
- address modification instruction
- addressless instruction
- alphanumeric instruction
- alphameric instruction
- arithmetical instruction
- arithmetic instruction
- assignment instruction
- autocode instruction
- autoindexed instruction
- basic instruction
- bit-manipulation instruction
- blank instruction
- block-move instruction
- branching instruction
- branch instruction
- branching-programmed instruction
- branch-on-zero instruction
- breakpoint instruction
- broadcast instruction
- byte instruction
- call instruction
- card read instruction
- character-oriented instruction
- clear and add instruction
- clear store instruction
- clearing instruction
- compare instruction
- comparison instruction
- complete instruction
- compound instruction
- computer instruction
- computer-aided instruction
- computer-assisted instruction
- conditional assembly instruction
- conditional branch instruction
- conditional breakpoint instruction
- conditional instruction
- conditional jump instruction
- conditional stop instruction
- conditional transfer instruction
- conflicting instructions
- constant instruction
- consumer instruction
- control instruction
- control transfer instruction
- convert instruction
- current instruction
- data movement instruction
- data transfer instruction
- decimal instruction
- decision instruction
- declarative instruction
- decoded instruction
- diagnose instruction
- direct access instruction
- direct instruction
- discarded instruction
- discrimination instruction
- display instruction
- do-nothing instruction
- double-precision instruction
- dual-issued instructions
- dummy instruction
- edit instruction
- effective instruction
- engineering instruction
- entry instruction
- exchange instruction
- executive instruction
- external devices instruction
- extracode instruction
- extract instruction
- floating-point instruction
- follow the instructions carefully
- format instruction
- four-address instruction
- full-word instruction
- general instruction
- half-word instruction
- halt instruction
- housekeeping instruction
- idle instruction
- ignore instruction
- illegal instruction
- immediate address instruction
- immediate instruction
- imperative instruction
- indirect instruction
- input/output instruction
- inquiry input/output instruction
- integer instruction
- internal manipulation instruction
- interpretive instruction
- interrupt instruction
- interruptable instruction
- invitation instruction
- invite instruction
- iterative instruction
- jump instruction
- jump to subroutine instruction
- keyboard instruction
- linear programmed instruction
- link instruction
- linkage macro instruction
- load index register instruction
- load repeat counter instruction
- logical instruction
- logic instruction
- look-up instruction
- machine code instruction
- machine instruction
- machine language instruction
- macro instruction
- macroexpansion instruction
- macroprocessing instruction
- maintenance instruction
- math instruction
- memory load instruction
- memory protect privileged instruction
- memory-reference instruction
- micro instruction
- microprogrammable instruction
- mnemonic instruction
- modified instruction
- monadic instruction
- monitor call instruction
- motion video instruction
- move instruction
- MQ register sign jump instruction
- MQ sign jump instruction
- multiaddress instruction
- multilplying instruction
- multiple-address instruction
- multiple instruction
- multiple-cycle instruction
- multiple-length instruction
- multiplier-quotient register sign jump instruction
- multiplier-quotient sign jump instruction
- multiply-accumulate instruction
- N-address instruction
- native instruction
- noaddress instruction
- nonmemory-reference instruction
- nonprint instruction
- nonprivileged instruction
- non-speculative instruction
- no-op instruction
- no-operation instruction
- normalized instruction
- normalize instruction
- N-plus-one address instruction
- null instruction
- object instruction
- on-chip instruction
- one-address instruction
- one-and-a-half-address instruction
- one-over-one address instruction
- one-plus-one address instruction
- on-screen instruction
- operational-address instruction
- operation-address instruction
- optional halt instruction
- optional pause instruction
- optional stop instruction
- organizational instruction
- overflow jump instruction
- overriding instruction
- pause instruction
- picture-description instruction
- preempted instruction
- presumptive instruction
- prewired instruction
- privileged instruction
- producer instruction
- programmed instruction
- propagation instruction
- pseudo instruction
- quadruple address instruction
- quasi instruction
- reading instruction
- read instruction
- red-tape instruction
- reference instruction
- register-to-register instruction
- relative instruction
- repeat instruction
- repetition instruction
- restart instruction
- return instruction
- right shift instruction
- rotate instruction
- roundoff instruction
- scalar instruction
- search instruction
- seek instruction
- shift instruction
- shift-jump instruction
- short instruction
- single-address instruction
- single-cycle instruction
- single-operand instruction
- skeleton instruction
- skip instruction
- source-designation instruction
- source-destination instruction
- stack instruction
- steering instruction
- stop instruction
- string instruction
- summarize instruction
- supervisor call instruction
- symbolic instruction
- table look-up instruction
- tape instruction
- text-entry instruction
- three-address instruction
- three-plus-one-address instruction
- transfer instruction
- transfer of control instruction
- trap instruction
- try instruction
- two-address instruction
- two-plus-one-address instruction
- unconditional branch instruction
- unconditional control transfer instruction
- unconditional jump instruction
- unconditional transfer instruction
- unmodified instruction
- unretired instruction
- variable instruction
- variable length instruction
- variable-cycle instruction
- vector-processing instruction
- vector instruction
- verbal instruction
- waste instruction
- write instruction
- zero-address instruction
- zeroing instruction
- zero-suppress instructionEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > instruction
18 control
1) управление; регулирование || управлять; регулировать2) контроль || контролировать3) управляющее устройство; устройство управления; регулятор4) профессиональное мастерство, квалификация, техническая квалификация5) pl органы управления•"in control" — "в поле допуска" ( о результатах измерения)
to control closed loop — управлять в замкнутой системе; регулировать в замкнутой системе
- 2-handed controlsto control open loop — управлять в разомкнутой системе; регулировать в разомкнутой системе
- 32-bit CPU control
- acceptance control
- access control
- acknowledge control
- active process control
- adaptable control
- adaptive constraint control
- adaptive control for optimization
- adaptive control
- adaptive feed rate control
- adaptive quality control
- adjustable feed control
- adjustable rotary control
- adjustable speed control
- adjusting control
- adjustment control
- AI control
- air logic control
- analog data distribution and control
- analogical control
- analytical control
- application control
- arrows-on-curves control
- autodepth control
- autofeed control
- automated control of a document management system
- automated technical control
- automatic backlash control
- automatic control
- automatic editing control
- automatic gain control
- automatic gripper control
- automatic level control
- automatic process closed loop control
- automatic remote control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic sequence control
- automatic speed control
- automatic stability controls
- auxiliaries control
- balanced controls
- band width control
- bang-bang control
- bang-bang-off control
- basic CNC control
- batch control
- bibliographic control
- bin level control
- boost control
- built-in control
- button control
- cam control
- cam throttle control
- camshaft control
- carriage control
- Cartesian path control
- Cartesian space control
- cascade control
- C-axis spindle control
- cell control
- center control
- central control
- central supervisory control
- centralized control
- centralized electronic control
- central-station control
- changeover control
- chip control
- circumferential register control
- close control
- closed cycle control
- closed loop control
- closed loop machine control
- closed loop manual control
- closed loop numerical control
- closed loop position control
- clutch control
- CNC control
- CNC indexer control
- CNC programmable control
- CNC symbolic conversational control
- CNC/CRT control
- CNC/MDI control
- coarse control
- coded current control
- coded current remote control
- color control
- combination control
- command-line control
- compensatory control
- composition control
- compound control
- computed-current control
- computed-torque control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer process control
- computer-aided measurement and control
- computer-integrated manufacturing control
- computerized control
- computerized numerical control
- computerized process control
- constant surface speed control
- constant value control
- contactless control
- contact-sensing control
- contamination control
- continuous control
- continuous path control
- continuous process control
- contour profile control
- contouring control
- conventional hardware control
- conventional numerical control
- conventional tape control
- convergent control
- conversational control
- conversational MDI control
- coordinate positioning control
- coordinate programmable control
- copymill control
- counter control
- crossed controls
- current control
- cycle control
- dash control
- data link control
- data storage control
- deadman's handle controls
- depth control
- derivative control
- dial-in control
- differential control
- differential gaging control
- differential gain control
- differential temperature control
- digital brushless servo control
- digital control
- digital position control
- digital readout controls
- dimensional control
- direct computer control
- direct control
- direct digital control
- direct numerical control
- direction control
- directional control
- dirt control
- discontinuous control
- discrete control
- discrete event control
- discrete logic controls
- dispatching control
- displacement control
- distance control
- distant control
- distributed control
- distributed numerical control
- distributed zone control
- distribution control
- dog control
- drum control
- dual control
- dual-mode control
- duplex control
- dust control
- dynamic control
- eccentric control
- edge position control
- EDP control
- electrical control
- electrofluidic control
- electromagnetic control
- electronic control
- electronic level control
- electronic speed control
- electronic swivel control
- elevating control
- emergency control
- end-point control
- engineering change control
- engineering control
- entity control
- environmental control
- error control
- error plus error-rate control
- error-free control
- external beam control
- factory-floor control
- false control
- feed control
- feed drive controls
- feedback control
- feed-forward control
- field control
- fine control
- finger-tip control
- firm-wired numerical control
- fixed control
- fixed-feature control
- fixture-and-tool control
- flexible-body control
- floating control
- flow control
- fluid flow control
- follow-up control
- foot pedal control
- force adaptive control
- forecasting compensatory control
- fork control
- four quadrant control
- freely programmable CNC control
- frequency control
- FROG control
- full computer control
- full order control
- full spindle control
- gage measurement control
- gain control
- ganged control
- gap control
- gear control
- generative numerical control
- generic path control
- geometric adaptive control
- graphic numerical control
- group control
- grouped control
- guidance control
- hairbreath control
- hand control
- hand feed control
- hand wheel control
- hand-held controls
- handle-type control
- hand-operated controls
- hardened computer control
- hardwared control
- hardwared numerical control
- heating control
- heterarchical control
- hierarchical control
- high-integrity control
- high-level robot control
- high-low control
- high-low level control
- high-technology control
- horizontal directional control
- humidity control
- hybrid control
- hydraulic control
- I/O control
- immediate postprocess control
- inching control
- in-cycle control
- independent control
- indexer control
- indirect control
- individual control
- industrial processing control
- industrial-style controls
- infinite control
- infinite speed control
- in-process control
- in-process size control
- in-process size diameters control
- input/output control
- integral CNC control
- integral control
- integrated control
- intelligent control
- interacting control
- interconnected controls
- interlinking control
- inventory control
- job control
- jogging control
- joint control
- joystick control
- just-in-time control
- language-based control
- laser health hazards control
- latching control
- lead control
- learning control
- lever control
- lever-operated control
- line motion control
- linear control
- linear path control
- linearity control
- load control
- load-frequency control
- local control
- local-area control
- logic control
- lubricating oil level control
- machine control
- machine programming control
- machine shop control
- macro control
- magnetic control
- magnetic tape control
- main computer control
- malfunction control
- management control
- manual control
- manual data input control
- manual stop control
- manually actuatable controls
- manufacturing change control
- manufacturing control
- master control
- material flow control
- MDI control
- measured response control
- mechanical control
- memory NC control
- memory-type control
- metering control
- metrological control of production field
- microbased control
- microcomputer CNC control
- microcomputer numerical control
- microcomputer-based sequence control
- microprocessor control
- microprocessor numerical control
- microprogrammed control
- microprogramming control
- milling control
- model reference adaptive control
- model-based control
- moisture control
- motion control
- motor control
- motor speed control
- mouse-driven control
- movable control
- multicircuit control
- multidiameter control
- multilevel control
- multimachine tool control
- multiple control
- multiple-processor control
- multiposition control
- multistep control
- multivariable control
- narrow-band proportional control
- navigation control
- NC control
- neural network adaptive control
- noise control
- noncorresponding control
- noninteracting control
- noninterfacing control
- nonreversable control
- nonsimultaneous control
- numerical contouring control
- numerical control
- numerical program control
- odd control
- off-line control
- oligarchical control
- on-board control
- one-axis point-to-point control
- one-dimensional point-to-point control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open loop control
- open loop manual control
- open loop numerical control
- open-architecture control
- operating control
- operational control
- operator control
- optical pattern tracing control
- optimal control
- optimalizing control
- optimizing control
- oral numerical control
- organoleptic control
- overall control
- overheat control
- override control
- p. b. control
- palm control
- parameter adaptive control
- parameter adjustment control
- partial d.o.f. control
- path control
- pattern control
- pattern tracing control
- PC control
- PC-based control
- peg board control
- pendant control
- pendant-actuated control
- pendant-mounted control
- performance control
- photoelectric control
- physical alignment control
- PIC control
- PID control
- plugboard control
- plug-in control
- pneumatic control
- point-to-point control
- pose-to-pose control
- position/contouring numerical control
- position/force control
- positional control
- positioning control
- positive control
- postprocess quality control
- power adaptive control
- power control
- power feed control
- power-assisted control
- powered control
- power-operated control
- precision control
- predictor control
- preselective control
- preset control
- presetting control
- pressbutton control
- pressure control
- preview control
- process control
- process quality control
- production activity control
- production control
- production result control
- programmable adaptive control
- programmable cam control
- programmable control
- programmable logic adaptive control
- programmable logic control
- programmable machine control
- programmable microprocessor control
- programmable numerical control
- programmable sequence control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus floating control
- proportional plus integral control
- prototype control
- pulse control
- pulse duration control
- punched-tape control
- purpose-built control
- pushbutton control
- quality control
- radio remote control
- radium control
- rail-elevating control
- ram stroke control
- ram-positioning control
- rapid-traverse controls for the heads
- rate control
- ratio control
- reactive control
- real-time control
- reduced-order control
- register control
- registration control
- relay control
- relay-contactor control
- remote control
- remote program control
- remote switching control
- remote valve control
- remote-dispatch control
- resistance control
- resolved motion rate control
- retarded control
- reversal control
- revolution control
- rigid-body control
- robot control
- robot perimeter control
- robot teach control
- rod control
- safety control
- sampled-data control
- sampling control
- schedule control
- SCR's control
- second derivative control
- selective control
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-adaptive control
- self-adjusting control
- self-aligning control
- self-operated control
- self-optimizing control
- self-programming microprocessor control
- semi-automatic control
- sensitivity control
- sensor-based control
- sequence control
- sequence-type control
- sequential control
- series-parallel control
- servo control
- servo speed control
- servomotor control
- servo-operated control
- set value control
- shaft speed control
- shape control
- shift control
- shop control
- shower and high-pressure oil temperature control
- shut off control
- sight control
- sign control
- single variable control
- single-flank control
- single-lever control
- size control
- slide control
- smooth control
- software-based NC control
- softwared numerical control
- solid-state logic control
- space-follow-up control
- speed control
- stabilizing control
- stable control
- standalone control
- start controls
- static control
- station control
- statistical quality control
- steering control
- step-by-step control
- stepless control
- stepped control
- stick control
- stock control
- stop controls
- stop-point control
- storage assignment control
- straight cut control
- straight line control
- stroke control
- stroke length control
- supervisor production control
- supervisory control
- swarf control
- switch control
- symbolic control
- synchronous data link control
- table control
- tap-depth controls
- tape control
- tape loop control
- teach controls
- temperature control
- temperature-humidity air control
- template control
- tension control
- test control
- thermal control
- thermostatic control
- three-axis contouring control
- three-axis point-to-point control
- three-axis tape control
- three-mode control
- three-position control
- throttle control
- thumbwheel control
- time control
- time cycle control
- time optimal control
- time variable control
- time-critical control
- time-proportional control
- timing control
- token-passing access control
- tool life control
- tool run-time control
- torque control
- total quality control
- touch-panel NC control
- touch-screen control
- tracer control
- tracer numerical control
- trajectory control
- triac control
- trip-dog control
- TRS/rate control
- tuning control
- turnstile control
- two-axis contouring control
- two-axis point-to-point control
- two-dimension control
- two-hand controls
- two-position control
- two-position differential gap control
- two-step control
- undamped control
- user-adjustable override controls
- user-programmable NC control
- variable flow control
- variable speed control
- variety control
- varying voltage control
- velocity-based look-ahead control
- vise control
- vision responsive control
- visual control
- vocabulary control
- vocal CNC control
- vocal numerical control
- voltage control
- warehouse control
- washdown control
- water-supply control
- welding control
- wheel control
- wide-band control
- zero set control
- zoned track controlEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > control
19 operation
1) операция; действие2) работа; функционирование4) срабатывание ( прибора)5) редк. управление•- arithmetic operation
- array operation
- asynchronous operation
- atomic operation
- attend operation
- autohorized operation
- auto-parallel operation
- auto-serial operation
- auxiliary operation
- average calculating operation
- average calculation operation
- background operation
- battery operation
- biconditional operation
- bidirectional operation
- binary operation
- bitwise operation
- bit operation
- bookkeeping operation
- Boolean add operation
- Boolean operation
- both-way operation
- branch operation
- byte operation
- byte/word operations
- byte-write operation
- carry clearing operation
- checkpointing operation
- clerical operation
- collation operation
- combination operation
- combined operation
- comparison operation
- complementary operation
- complete operation
- compound operation
- computer operation
- concurrent operation
- conditional implication operation
- conditional operation
- conjunction operation
- consecutive operation
- consistency operation
- control operation
- control transfer operation
- conversational mode operation
- conversational operation
- corner-turning operation
- cumulative operation
- dagger operation
- data processing operation
- database operation
- declarative operation
- decoded operation
- device-dependent operation
- digit-to-digit operation
- digtiwise operation
- disjunction operation
- do-nothing operation
- don't care operation
- double-address operation
- double-length operation
- double-precision operation
- down operation
- drag and drop operation
- dual operation
- duplex operation
- dyadic operation
- either way operation
- EITHER-OR operation
- equality operation
- equivalence operation
- error-free operation
- except operation
- exchange operation
- exclusive OR operation
- fade operation
- fail-safe operation
- fail-soft operation
- fast rewind operation
- fixed-cycle operation
- fixedcycle operation
- fixed-point operation
- floating-point operation
- flow of control operation
- foreground operation
- full-duplex operation
- graft operation
- grouped operation
- half-duplex operation
- handshaked operation
- hands-on operation
- high-gain operation
- high-speed operation
- housekeeping operation
- I/O operations
- identity operation
- IF-AND-ONLY-IF operation
- IF-THEN operation
- illegal operation
- immediate operation
- implication operation
- inclusive OR operation
- inference operation
- input operation
- input/output operations
- integer operation
- interframe operation
- interlaced operations
- interleaving operations
- irreversible operation
- iterative operation
- jump operation
- keystroke operation
- large-signal operation
- link-following operation
- loading operation
- logical operation
- look-up operation
- loop operation
- low-level signal operation
- machine operation
- main operation
- majority operation
- make-break operation
- manual operation
- marginal operation
- marking operation
- master-slave operation
- match operation
- match-merge operation
- matrix operation
- meet operation
- mismatch operation
- monadic operation
- monitor-controlled operation
- move operation
- multibyte operation
- multidimensional operation
- multijob operation
- multiple operations
- multiple-computer operation
- multiple-processor operation
- multiple-shift operation
- multiple-word operation
- multiplex operation
- multiplexed operations
- multiply-accumulate operation
- multitask operation
- multitrack operation
- N-adic operation
- naming operation
- NAND operation
- N-ary operation
- nearest-value operation
- neighborhood operation
- NEITHER-NOR operation
- next higher retrieval operation
- next lower retrieval operation
- no operation
- no-failure operation
- nonarithmetical operation
- nonconjunction operation
- nondata operation
- nondisjunction operation
- nonequivalence operation
- nonidentity operation
- nonprimitive operation
- NOR operation
- NOT AND operation
- NOT BOTH operation
- NOT operation
- NOT-IF-THEN operation
- NOT-OR operation
- nullary operation
- off-line operation
- one-pass operation
- one-shot operation
- one-step operation
- one-way operation
- on-going operations
- on-line operation
- OR operation
- output operation
- overhead operation
- P operation
- packet-mode operation
- parallel operation
- parallel-parallel operation
- parallel-serial operation
- part-word operation
- paste operation
- peripheral operation
- pipeline operation
- pixel-level operation
- pointer operation
- polar operation
- primitive operation
- privileged operation
- prune operation
- pseudo off-line operation
- pulsed operation
- quarternary operation
- queue operation
- real operation
- real-time operation
- record-at-a-time operation
- red-tape operation
- reductive operation
- refinement operation
- register operation
- relational algebraic operation
- relational join operation
- remote operation
- repetitive operation
- retrieval operation
- rewind operation
- RMW operation
- scalar operation
- scale operation
- scanning operation
- scatter-write operation
- scheduled operation
- screening operation
- search operation
- sensing operation
- sensory operation
- sequential operation
- serial digit operation
- serial operation
- serial word operation
- serial-parallel operation
- serial-serial operation
- set operation
- set-at-a-time operation
- Sheffer-stroke operation
- shift operation
- simplex operation
- simultaneous operation
- single operation
- single-program operation
- single-shot operation
- single-step operation
- single-task operation
- slave operation
- small-signal operation
- split-word operation
- stable operation
- stack operation
- stacked job operation
- standard operation
- start-stop operation
- step-and-repeat operations
- step-by-step operation
- storage operation
- streaming operation
- string operation
- synchronous operation
- takedown operation
- team operation
- threshold operation
- time-consuming operation
- time-sharing operation
- transfer operation
- transmit operation
- triggerable operation
- Turing elementary operation
- two-way alternative operation
- two-way-simultaneous operation
- unary operation
- unattended operation
- unauthorized operation
- union operation
- unloading operation
- up operation
- V operation
- variable-cycle operation
- variable-length operation
- vector operation
- word operation
- write operation
- write-on match operation
- write-while read operation
- yes-no operationEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > operation
20 string
См. также в других словарях:
Cycle Length — Dieser Artikel beschreibt den DRAM Chip. Für das mit diesen Chips aufgebaute DRAM Modul (ugs.: Speicherriegel), siehe Artikel Speichermodul. Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), oder der halb eingedeutschte Begriff Dynamisches RAM, bezeichnet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cycle length — An ISO term. The period of time during which the accumulated sum of all debit transactions shall not exceed the amount authorised per cycle period. 2n … International financial encyclopaedia
cycle length — in cardiac pacing, the time interval in milliseconds from one event to the next … Medical dictionary
Cycle Menstruel — Le cycle menstruel est l ensemble des phénomènes physiologiques de la femme préparant l organisme à une éventuelle fécondation et survenant le plus souvent de façon périodique. La manifestation la plus visible de ces modifications est la… … Wikipédia en Français
Cycle detection — This article is about iterated functions. For another use, see Cycle detection (graph theory). In computer science, cycle detection is the algorithmic problem of finding a cycle in a sequence of iterated function values. For any function ƒ that… … Wikipedia
Cycle menstruel — Le cycle menstruel est l ensemble des phénomènes physiologiques de la femme préparant son organisme à une éventuelle fécondation et survenant le plus souvent de façon périodique. La manifestation la plus visible de ces modifications est la… … Wikipédia en Français
Cycle (album) — Cycle Studio album by Merzbow Released 30 June, 2003 Recorded March May, 2003 at Bedroom in … Wikipedia
Cycle Repeats — Studio album by Lost Eden Released March 20, 2007 Recorded 2006 2007 Genre Melodic Death Metal … Wikipedia
Cycle index — In mathematics, and in particular in the field of combinatorics, cycle indices are used in combinatorial enumeration when symmetries are to be taken into account. This is particularly important in species theory. Each permutation π of a finite… … Wikipedia
Cycle double cover — Unsolved problems in mathematics Does every bridgeless graph have a multiset of cycles covering every edge exactly twice? … Wikipedia
Cycle graph — This article is about connected, 2 regular graphs. For other uses, see Cycle graph (disambiguation). Cycle graph A cycle graph of length 6 Vertices n … Wikipedia