1 customer complaints
1) Парфюмерия: жалобы потребителей2) Макаров: претензии потребителей -
2 customer complaints
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > customer complaints
3 customer problems and complaints
SAP. проблемы и рекламации клиентовУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > customer problems and complaints
4 customer problems and complaints
проблемы и рекламации клиентовEnglish-Russian IT glossary > customer problems and complaints
5 complaint
[kəmʹpleınt] n1. 1) недовольство2) причина недовольстваmy chief complaint is that... - главная причина моего недовольства заключается в том, что...
2. жалоба, сетованиеyou have no cause /ground/ of /for/ complaint - у вас нет оснований жаловаться
3. 1) юр. жалоба; иск; возбуждение уголовного делаto lodge /to make, to prefer/ a complaint against smb. - подавать жалобу на /иск против/ кого-л.; возбуждать уголовное дело против кого-л.
bill of complaint - исковое заявление, жалоба ( письменная)
2) ком. рекламация; претензия❝Complaints❞ - «стол претензий», «бюро жалоб» ( в магазине)4. болезнь, недомогание; боль♢
he who makes constant complaint gets little compassion - вечные жалобы не находят сочувствия -
6 complaint
1. n недовольство2. n причина недовольстваmy chief complaint is that … — главная причина моего недовольства заключается в том, что …
3. n жалоба, сетование4. n юр. жалоба; иск; возбуждение уголовного делаbill of complaint — исковое заявление, жалоба
5. n ком. рекламация; претензия6. n болезнь, недомогание; больСинонимический ряд:1. ailment (noun) ailment; indisposition; rockiness2. disease (noun) affection; affliction; ailment; condition; disease; disorder; ill; illness; infirmity; malady; sickness; symptom; syndrome3. reproach (noun) accusation; charge; criticism; disapproval; grievance; grumble; lament; objection; protest; reproach; suggestionАнтонимический ряд:compliment; remedy -
7 escalation
(МСЭ-Т G.808.1).
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
эскалация (в информационных технологиях)
(ITIL Service Operation)
Деятельность, направленная на получение дополнительных ресурсов, когда это необходимо для достижения целевых показателей уровня услуги или удовлетворения ожиданий заказчика. Эскалация может потребоваться в рамках любого процесса управления ИТ-услугами, но наиболее часто ассоциируется с управлением инцидентами, управлением проблемами и управлением жалобами заказчика.
Существует два типа эскалации: функциональная эскалация и иерархическая эскалация.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]EN
(ITIL Service Operation)
An activity that obtains additional resources when these are needed to meet service level targets or customer expectations. Escalation may be needed within any IT service management process, but is most commonly associated with incident management, problem management and the management of customer complaints.
There are two types of escalation: functional escalation and hierarchic escalation.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > escalation
8 downgrading
сущ.общ. понижение (в звании, должности, статусе, оценке и т. п.); перевод в более низкую категорию [на менее квалифицированную работу\]; снижение (разряда и т. п.)The reassessment of staff has led to some downgrading. — Переоценка квалификации персонала привела к некоторому понижению ее уровня.
They can lead to financial loss through the deterioration of food quality, downgrading of products, customer complaints and rejection of stock. — Они могут привести к финансовым потерям, связанным с ухудшением качества продуктов, отнесением продукции к более низкому сорту, жалобами покупателей и выбраковыванием товаров.
Ant:* * * -
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
10 cac
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
11 PCC
1) Общая лексика: plain cement concrete2) Американизм: Panama Canal Commission, Per Capita Capital, Postal Customer Council, President's Car Conference, President's Conference Committee, Press Complaints Commission3) Спорт: Playing Command And Conquer4) Военный термин: Chief Postal Clerk, POADS Computer Center, Percentage Of Correct Classification, Personnel Contingency Cell, President of Canteen Committee, Primary Control Center, Program Coordinating Committee, Pseudo City Code, performance criteria categories, personnel control center, personnel coordination center, planning coordination conference, platoon control central, positive control communications, postal and courier communications, postal and courier communications PCBS, positive control bombardment system, postal concentration center, precommand course, production control center, program change control, progress control clerk, project cost control, provisional control code5) Техника: plutonium concentrator concentrate, power control console, primary component cooling, process chemistry cell, program cost categories6) Химия: Precipitated Calcium Carbonate7) Религия: Praise Chapel Club8) Железнодорожный термин: Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad Incorporated9) Юридический термин: Prerogative Court Of Canterbury, Psychic Character Class, Pure Coke Club10) Дипломатический термин: Protocol Coordination Center11) Телекоммуникации: Protected Cell Company, Постоянный консультативный комитет12) Сокращение: Parochial Church Council, Partnership Co-ordination Cell (NATO), Polarity Coincidence Correlation receiver, Police Compact Carbine, Population Crisis Committee, Postal & Courier Communications, Postal Concentration Center (Miami, FL gathers APO/FPO mail), Presidents Conference Committee, peaceful chemical compound, point of compound curve13) Университет: Palmer College of Chiropractic, Pensacola Christian College, Piedmont Community College, Portland Community College, Pratt Community College14) Электроника: Personal Computer Controlled15) Вычислительная техника: program-controlled computer16) Литература: Petro-Canada Central Toastmasters Club17) Транспорт: Paver Compacted Concrete, Performance Concept Car, Portland Cement Concrete, Panama Channel Charge / сбор за прохождение Панамского канала18) Фирменный знак: Pacific Computer Consulting, Pennsylvania Council Of Cooperatives, Playboy Cyber Club, Professional Cultural Centre19) СМИ: Press Complaints Commission (a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers)20) Деловая лексика: Price Check Committee, Project Contemporary Competitiveness21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: propped conical caisson22) Образование: Percent Correct Classification, Percentage Of Consonants Correct23) Океанография: Policy Coordination Council24) Безопасность: Poison Control Center25) Расширение файла: Peripheral Control Computer, Cutout picture vector graphics (ZSoft PC Paintbrush)26) Нефть и газ: Producer Companies Committee, КДК, Комитет добывающих компаний27) Военно-политический термин: Partnership Coordination Cell28) Электротехника: power control center, Point of Common Coupling29) Общественная организация: Pennsylvania Conservation Corps31) Правительство: Pima County Code32) НАСА: Power Converter for CDMU33) Программное обеспечение: Portable C Compiler34) AMEX. P M C Commercial Trust35) Оргтехника: Printer Carriage Control -
12 pcc
1) Общая лексика: plain cement concrete2) Американизм: Panama Canal Commission, Per Capita Capital, Postal Customer Council, President's Car Conference, President's Conference Committee, Press Complaints Commission3) Спорт: Playing Command And Conquer4) Военный термин: Chief Postal Clerk, POADS Computer Center, Percentage Of Correct Classification, Personnel Contingency Cell, President of Canteen Committee, Primary Control Center, Program Coordinating Committee, Pseudo City Code, performance criteria categories, personnel control center, personnel coordination center, planning coordination conference, platoon control central, positive control communications, postal and courier communications, postal and courier communications PCBS, positive control bombardment system, postal concentration center, precommand course, production control center, program change control, progress control clerk, project cost control, provisional control code5) Техника: plutonium concentrator concentrate, power control console, primary component cooling, process chemistry cell, program cost categories6) Химия: Precipitated Calcium Carbonate7) Религия: Praise Chapel Club8) Железнодорожный термин: Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad Incorporated9) Юридический термин: Prerogative Court Of Canterbury, Psychic Character Class, Pure Coke Club10) Дипломатический термин: Protocol Coordination Center11) Телекоммуникации: Protected Cell Company, Постоянный консультативный комитет12) Сокращение: Parochial Church Council, Partnership Co-ordination Cell (NATO), Polarity Coincidence Correlation receiver, Police Compact Carbine, Population Crisis Committee, Postal & Courier Communications, Postal Concentration Center (Miami, FL gathers APO/FPO mail), Presidents Conference Committee, peaceful chemical compound, point of compound curve13) Университет: Palmer College of Chiropractic, Pensacola Christian College, Piedmont Community College, Portland Community College, Pratt Community College14) Электроника: Personal Computer Controlled15) Вычислительная техника: program-controlled computer16) Литература: Petro-Canada Central Toastmasters Club17) Транспорт: Paver Compacted Concrete, Performance Concept Car, Portland Cement Concrete, Panama Channel Charge / сбор за прохождение Панамского канала18) Фирменный знак: Pacific Computer Consulting, Pennsylvania Council Of Cooperatives, Playboy Cyber Club, Professional Cultural Centre19) СМИ: Press Complaints Commission (a voluntary regulatory body for British printed newspapers and magazines, consisting of representatives of the major publishers)20) Деловая лексика: Price Check Committee, Project Contemporary Competitiveness21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: propped conical caisson22) Образование: Percent Correct Classification, Percentage Of Consonants Correct23) Океанография: Policy Coordination Council24) Безопасность: Poison Control Center25) Расширение файла: Peripheral Control Computer, Cutout picture vector graphics (ZSoft PC Paintbrush)26) Нефть и газ: Producer Companies Committee, КДК, Комитет добывающих компаний27) Военно-политический термин: Partnership Coordination Cell28) Электротехника: power control center, Point of Common Coupling29) Общественная организация: Pennsylvania Conservation Corps31) Правительство: Pima County Code32) НАСА: Power Converter for CDMU33) Программное обеспечение: Portable C Compiler34) AMEX. P M C Commercial Trust35) Оргтехника: Printer Carriage Control -
13 complaint
жалоба; претензия; рекламация• -
14 complaint
kəmˈpleɪnt сущ.
1) жалоба, недовольство, неудовлетворенность Syn: discontent, dissatisfaction, lamentation, plaint
2) а) протест (против чего-л.), выражение протеста б) юр. иск, жалоба Syn: accusation, charge
3) болезнь, заболевание, недуг Syn: sickness, illness недовольство причина недовольства;
- my chief * is that... главная причина моего недовольства заключается в том, что... жалоба, сетование;
- he is full of *s он постоянно жалуется;
- you have no cause of * у вас нет оснований жаловаться (юридическое) жалоба;
возбуждение уголовного дела;
- to lodge a * against smb. подавать жалобу на кого-л;
- bill of * исковое заявление, жалоба ( письменная) (коммерческое) рекламация;
- customer *s претензии потребителей;
- "Complaints" "стол претензий", "бюро жалоб" болезнь, недомогание;
- a * of the liver боль в печени;
- he's suffering from a heart * он страдает болезнью сердца > he who makes constant * gets little compassion вечные жалобы не находят сочувствия complaint болезнь, недуг ~ возбуждение уголовного дела ~ жалоба;
to lodge (или to make) a complaint (against smb.) подавать жалобу на кого-л;
I have no complaint to make мне не на что жаловаться;
without complaint безропотно ~ жалоба ~ иск ~ недовольство ~ официальное обвинение ~ причина недовольства ~ пункт обвинения ~ рекламация ~ жалоба;
to lodge (или to make) a complaint (against smb.) подавать жалобу на кого-л;
I have no complaint to make мне не на что жаловаться;
without complaint безропотно ~ жалоба;
to lodge (или to make) a complaint (against smb.) подавать жалобу на кого-л;
I have no complaint to make мне не на что жаловаться;
without complaint безропотно lodge a ~ подавать жалобу make a ~ подавать жалобу make a ~ подавать рекламацию tax assessment ~ иск, связанный с неправильным налогообложением ~ жалоба;
to lodge (или to make) a complaint (against smb.) подавать жалобу на кого-л;
I have no complaint to make мне не на что жаловаться;
without complaint безропотно written ~ письменная жалоба written ~ письменная претензияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > complaint
15 build-up
сущ.тж. buildup1) общ., разг. реклама (благоприятное высказывание или отзыв о каком-л. продукте, событии или человеке)His letter of recommendation gave her a terrific build-up. — В своем рекомендательном письме он не скупился на похвалу в ее адрес.
2) общ. наращивание, накопление; формирование (напр., стратегии фирмы); развертывание (напр., работ)There has been a build-up of complaints about customer service. — В последнее время много клиентов жалуются на плохое обслуживание.
16 complaint
сущ.1) общ. жалоба, недовольствоSee:2) юр. иск, жалоба, официальное обвинениеto lodge [to make, to prefer\] a complaint against (smb) — подавать жалобу на (кого-л.), возбуждать иск против (кого-л.)
Syn:3) болезнь, заболевание, недугSyn:
* * *
жалоба, иск, возбуждение уголовного дела, недовольство.* * *жалоба; рекламация. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
17 product performance
тж. product's performance марк. потребительские характеристики [качества, свойства\] продукта (способность товара или услуги удовлетворять нужды потребителей; включает в себя не только технические характеристики, но и такие, как марка, внешнее оформление и т. д.)Product performance is measured by factory complaints during test and by customer feedback while in field. — Эксплуатационные характеристики продукта определяется в зависимости от результатов тестирования товара на предприятии и от отзывов потребителей на рынке.
product performance may be varied or enhanced to meet individual requirements — потребительские характеристики товара могут быть изменены или улучшены в соответствии с индивидуальными запросами
See: -
1) Военный термин: low-altitude supersonic target2) Сокращение: Light Applique System Technique, Low Altitude Supersonic Target, Listen, Advise, Solve, Thank (A god aid for training customer service and complaints handling.)3) Иммунология: latex allergosorbent test -
19 last
1) Военный термин: low-altitude supersonic target2) Сокращение: Light Applique System Technique, Low Altitude Supersonic Target, Listen, Advise, Solve, Thank (A god aid for training customer service and complaints handling.)3) Иммунология: latex allergosorbent test -
20 attend
1. Iif you don't attend, you won't understand если вы не будете внимательны /внимательно слушать/, вы не поймете, please attend! внимание!2. IIattend in some manner you are not attending at all вы совсем не слушаете3. III1) attend smth. attend a lecture (a course of lectures, a public meeting, etc.) посещать лекцию и т. д, присутствовать на лекции и т. д.; attend a first performance поддеть на премьеру; attend a funeral пойти на похороны; all children over six must attend school все дети, достигшие шестилетнего возраста, должны ходить в школу /должны учиться в школе/2) attend smb. attend one's patients (the wounded, the injured, the poor, etc.) a) ухаживать за своими пациентами и т. д.; б) лечить своих пациентов и т. д.', which doctor is attending you? вы у какого врача лечитесь?, кто ваш врач?; I was called to attend a child меня вызвали к ребенку3) attend smb. attend customers /clients/ (purchasers, guests, etc.) обслуживать клиентов и т. д.4) attend smb. offic. attend an ambassador (a minister, an archbishop, etc.) сопровождать посла и т. д. id may good luck (success) attend you! да сопутствует вам удача /успех/ !4. IV1) attend smth. in some manner attend smth. frequently (rarely, compulsorily, eagerly, punctually, etc.) часто и т. д. посещать что-л.; I regularly attended his classes я регулярно /аккуратно/ ходил на его занятия; attend smth. at some time attend smth. daily (nightly, etc.) посещать что-л. ежедневно и т. д.; it was the first exhibition I had ever attended это была первая выставка, которую я кого-либо видел2) attend smb. in some manner attend smb. patiently (devotedly, professionally, expertly, etc.) терпеливо и т. д. ходить /ухаживать/ за кем-л. /лечить кого-л./; attend smb. for some time doctor Smith has attended our family these twenty years доктор Смит вот уже двадцать лет лечит всю нашу семью3) attend smb. in some manner attend smb. cheerfully (properly, casually, etc.) приветливо и т. д. обслуживать кого-л.; attend smb. at some time attend smb. immediately (at once, etc.) обслужить кого-л. немедленно и т. д.5. XI1) be attended in some manner the theatre was well attended в театре было много народу2) be attended by smb. he was attended by a very good doctor его лечил очень хороший врач, он лечился у очень хорошего врача3) be attended by smb. we were attended by three waiters нас обслуживали три официанта; she was attended upon by her own maid ей прислуживала ее собственная горничная4) be attended by smb. offic. the Prime Minister was attended by his Cabinet премьер-министра сопровождали /при премьер-министре находились/ члены его кабинета; be attended with /by/ smth. book. be attended with danger (by some risk, by unexpected consequences, etc.) сопровождаться опасностью и т.д.; our plans were attended with great difficulties наши планы были связаны с большими трудностями; the pain was attended with fever боль сопровождалась повышением температуры6. XVI1) attend to smb., smth. attend to the teacher (to his directions, to smb.'s complaints, etc.) внимательно выслушивать преподавателя и т. д.; I was not attending to the conversation я не следил за беседой2) attend to smth. attend to one's studies (to one's duties, to one's business, to one's correspondence, to smb.'s education, to smb.'s needs, to smb. attend comforts, etc.) усердно /прилежно/ заниматься своими уроками и т. д.; you won't succeed unless you attend to your work вы не добьетесь успеха, если [вы] не будете добросовестно работать; I shall attend to it, don't worry не беспокойтесь, я займись этим /позабочусь об этом/3) attend to /upon/ smb. attend to a customer (to the guests, upon an ambassador, etc.) обслуживать клиента или посетителя и т. д., is anyone attending to you? вами кто-нибудь занимается?; вас обслуживают?; I shall attend to you in a minute я займусь вами через минуту4) attend upon smb. attend upon a patient (upon an invalid, upon an old lady, etc.) лечить больного и т. д.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Customer service — is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. According to Turban et al. (2002),[1] “Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a… … Wikipedia
customer — A designation that refers to segregated clearing member firm trading activity. Customer trading activity and funds may not be combined with non segregated house activity within a clearing member firm. A term which, within the SFA rules, means a… … Financial and business terms
customer — noun (C) 1 someone who buys goods or services from a shop, company etc: Next customer please! | the customer complaints department | regular customer: keeping the shop s regular customers happy | sb s biggest/best customer (=someone who buys the… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Complaints Bureau — A part of the SFA that considers customer complaints with a view to conciliate between the firm and the client. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary … Financial and business terms
Customer feedback management services — Customer feedback management (CFM) online services are web applications that allow businesses to manage user suggestions and complaints in a structured fashion. Methodology There are different approaches, or methodologies to feedback management… … Wikipedia
Customer Satisfaction Index — (CSI) A survey of randomly selected residential postal customers that, along with unsolicited consumer complaints, offers feedback on consumer services … Glossary of postal terms
customer care — UK US noun [uncountable] business the activity of looking after customers, and helping them with any complaints or problems Thesaurus: activity of sellinghyponym … Useful english dictionary
customer services — UK US noun [uncountable] business the department of a company that provides customers with information and deals with any problems or complaints that they have Thesaurus: departments in companies and organizationshyponym … Useful english dictionary
customer — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, favoured/favored (esp. BrE), favourite/favorite (esp. AmE), good, important, key, large, major ▪ They are one of our biggest custom … Collocations dictionary
Customer advocacy — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing … Wikipedia
Customer advisory council — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing … Wikipedia