1 custom code
часть программы, вставляемая пользователемсм. тж. codeАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > custom code
2 custom code
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > custom code
3 custom code
Вычислительная техника: часть программы подключаемая пользователем -
4 custom code
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > custom code
5 Custom code
Заказная программа, специализированная программа -
6 custom code
часть программы, подключаемая пользователем -
7 code
1) код || кодировать3) (машинная) программа || программировать4) код, (машинное) слово (напр., команда)•- absolute code
- abstract code
- access code - address code
- alphanumeric code
- alphameric code
- alphabetical code
- alphabetic code
- amplitude code
- ASA code
- attribute-control code
- augmented operation code - balanced code
- bar code
- baseline code
- basic code
- basic order code
- Baudot code
- binary code
- binary decimal code
- binary-coded decimal code
- biquinary code
- block code
- block structured code
- Bose-Chaudhuri code
- brevity code
- bug-arresting code
- burst error correcting code
- cable code
- call directing code
- call direction code- cap code- character code
- check code
- checkable code
- Chinese binary code
- color code
- column binary code
- comma-free code
- command code
- compiler-produced code
- completion code
- computer code
- conditional code
- condition code
- constant ratio code
- continuous progressive code - convolution code
- convolutional code
- correcting code- CP code- cyclic code
- cyclic permuted code
- data code
- data conversion code
- data link code - dense binary code
- deposited source code
- destination code
- device code
- digital code
- direct code
- directing character code
- dot-and-dash code
- double-error correcting code
- eight channel code
- entry code - error-checking code
- error-control code
- error-correcting code
- error-detecting code
- error-detection code
- error-limited code
- escape code - executable code
- exit code
- exponent code
- extended mneminic code
- external readable code
- factorable code
- false code
- fault code
- feature code
- Fire code
- five bit code
- five channel code
- forbidden-character code
- forbidden code
- format code
- four-adress code
- fragile code
- frequency code
- function code
- Gray code
- group code
- Hamming code
- hash code - Huffman code
- identification code
- identifying code
- illegal code
- improper code
- in-line code
- inner code
- instantaneously decodable code
- instruction code
- internal code
- interpretive code
- inverted code - line code
- linear code
- line-feed code
- lock code
- machine code
- machine-instruction code
- machine-language code
- machine-operation code
- machine-readable code
- machine-treatable code
- magnetic bar code
- magnetic tape code
- Manchester code
- message-format code
- micro code
- minimum-access code
- minimum-delay code
- minimum-distance code
- minimum-latency code
- minimum-redundance code
- mnemonic code
- modified binary code
- modular code
- modulation code - Muller code
- multiple-address code
- multiple-error correcting code
- N-adjacent code
- name code
- N-ary code
- native code
- natural binary code
- N-bit code
- N-error correcting code
- N-level code
- noise combating code
- nonconsistently based code
- nonexistent code
- nonprint code
- nonreproducing code
- non-return-to-zero code
- nonsystematic code
- nonweighted code
- N-place code
- number address code
- number code
- numerical code
- numeric code
- N-unit code
- object code
- one-address code
- one-dimensional code
- one-level code
- one-out-of-ten code
- op code
- operand code
- operation code
- optimum code
- order code
- outer code
- own code
- paired-disparity code
- paper tape code
- parallel code
- parity-checking code
- parity-check code
- perforated tape code
- permutation code
- permuted code
- personal-identification code
- phonetic code
- physical-hardware-dependent code- positional code- position code
- position-independent code
- precedence code
- print restore code - pseudocyclic code
- pseudorandom code
- pulse code
- punched card code
- punched tape code
- pure code
- quibinary code
- ready-to-run code
- recurrent code
- redundant code
- Reed-Muller code
- Reed-Solomon code
- reenterable code
- reentrant code
- reflected binary code
- reflected code
- relative code
- relocatable code
- repertory code
- reproducing code
- residual class code
- residue code
- restricted-magnitude-error correcting code
- retrieval code
- return code
- return-to-zero code
- routing code
- row-binary code
- safety code - self-checking code
- self-complementaring code
- self-complementing code
- self-correcting code
- self-demarcating code
- separable code
- serial code - severity code
- Shannon code
- short computer code
- short code
- sign code
- signal code
- significant-digit subset code - single-address code
- single-error correcting and double-error detecting code
- single-error correcting code
- single-error detecting code
- single-parity code - skip code
- source code
- space code
- space-efficient code
- specific code - status code
- Stone's code
- stop code
- straight binary code
- straight-line code
- strip code
- syllable code
- symbol code
- symbolic code
- systematic error checking code
- tape code
- task code
- telecommunication code
- telegraph code
- teleprinter code
- teletype code
- ternary code
- threaded code
- three-adress code
- throw-away code
- time code
- timing code
- trace back code
- transmission code
- transmitter-start code
- triple-error correcting code
- two-address code
- two-out-of-five code
- two-rail code
- uniquely decipherable code
- uniquely decodable code
- unitary code
- unit-distance code
- unused code
- variable-length code
- viral code - weighted code
- weighted-checksum code - zero-address code
- zone codeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > code
8 code
1) код [программы]компьютерная программа или часть программы: последовательность команд, данных и описаний данных, из которых она состоит. Различают исходный текст программы на языке программирования (source code), объектный код (object code), полученный после трансляции исходного текста, и исполнимый (executable code), или машинный код (machine code). Термин "код" употребляют также для обозначения области исполняемых операторов (предложений) программы - чтобы отличить её от области данныхсм. тж. absolute code, binary code, code analyzer, code base, code bloat, code compatible, code conversion, code coverage, code density, code generation, code inspection, code maintenance, code motion, code optimization, code reuse, code section, code segment, code sequence, custom code, dead code, epilogue code, glue code, intermediate code, lines of code, microcode, mobile code, native code, portable code, prologue code, pseudocode, relocatable code, spaghetti code2) система кодирования, кодсм. тж. access code, bar code, character code, condition code, country code, error code, interrupt code, key code, operation code, scan code3) кодсимвол или число, которому присваивается определённое значение, например код возврата4) глаг. писать или редактировать программу, кодироватьАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > code
9 custom application code
Программирование: код пользовательской прикладной программы, код прикладной программы пользователяУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > custom application code
10 Customs Code of the Custom Union
Правительство: таможенный кодекс таможенного союзаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Customs Code of the Custom Union
11 заказная программа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > заказная программа
12 CAC
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
13 cac
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
14 CCC
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Category Cytology And Cytogenetics, контроль, управление и связь (Command, Control and Communications)4) Американизм: Credibility, Confidence, and Contracts6) Военный термин: CARDA Control Center, Calm Cool And Collected, Chaos To Control To Conquer, Civilian Credit Corps, Consolidated Command Center, Cool Calm Collective, Crisis Coordination Center, ceasefire control commission, central computer center, central computer complex, classified control clerk, combat control center, combined coordinating committee, command and control center, command control console, command, control, and communications, communications center console, communications control center, communications control console, complex control center, component change control, Corps Computer Centers (TOS)7) Психиатрия: Citrated calcium carbamide8) Техника: Charming China Cheapie, capacitor-coupled clamp, cause-consequence chart, chlorocholine chloride, closed-cycle cooler, command control center, common control circuit, communications channel capacity, computer communications console, computer communications converter, controller checkout console, cross-current conductance, cyclic check character, cycocel( 2-chloroethyl) trimethyl-ammonium chloride9) Сельское хозяйство: chlorcholine chloride10) Химия: Computer Controlled Combustion11) Религия: Calvary Community Church, Campus Christian Center, Campus Crusade For Christ, Catholic Curriculum Consortium, Christian City Church, Colorado Community Church, Contemporary Christian Center, Канадский Совет Церквей12) Юридический термин: Canadian Criminal Cases13) Бухгалтерия: Credit Card Cheque14) Страхование: care, custody and control15) Автомобильный термин: converter clutch control, computer command control system (GM)16) Грубое выражение: Cant Condone Cocks17) Телекоммуникации: Clear Channel Capability, Вызов с использованием кредитной карты18) Сокращение: CINC Command Complex, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Commercial Corporation, Canadian Committee on Cataloging, Central Criminal Court, Christ Church College, Civil(ian) Conservation Corps, Classification Currents Communicator (newsletter), Combat Control Centre, Combustible Cartridge Case, Combustible Case Charge, Combustible Charge Container, Commercial Credit Corporation, Communications Control Centre, Contemporary Culture Convention, Corporate Customer Contact, Corpus Christi College, Crisis Co-ordination Center (US Secretary of Defense), Customs Cooperation Council, Concourse Computer Center (MIT), Command, Control, and Communications (sometimes C^3)19) Театр: Creation Counter Creation20) Университет: Campus Computing Center, Campus Computing Clowns, Coast Community College, College Credit Certificate, Cook County College21) Физиология: Certificate Of Clinical Competence, Certificate Of Clinical Competency, Cognitive Complexity And Control, Counselling Code Of Conduct, Counting Carbs And Calories22) Электроника: Ceramic chip carrier, Circuit Cross Connect, Convert Character Code23) Вычислительная техника: Computer Control Center, Copyright Clearance Center, Центр по проверке авторских прав США, Cube Connected Cycles (MP), Chaos Computer Club (organization)24) Нефть: карта причин и последствий (отказов; cause-consequence chart)25) Генетика: ковалентно замкнутое кольцо (двухцепочечная молекула ДНК, не имеющая свободных концов; полная "замкнутость" CCC сохраняется даже после денатурации, в нативной форме CCC может быть суперскрученым), covalently closed circle26) Офтальмология: капсулорексис (capsulorrhexis)27) Космонавтика: consolidated control center (объединенный центр управления)28) Картография: Civil Conservation Corps29) Банковское дело: Корпорация подтоварного кредита (в США; Commodity Credit Corporation), безналичные расчёты между провинциальными банками (country check clearing)30) Транспорт: Camaro Custom Club, Cargo Carrying Capacity, Choice Capacity Class, Classic Contemporary And Custom, Climb Climb Climb, Culinary Catalytic Converter31) Пищевая промышленность: Chocolate And Cheap Champagne, Chu Chin Chow, Crispy Carmel Cookies32) Фирменный знак: Canadian Cloning Corporation, Capitol City Center, Cards Convention Center, Caribbean Casino Corporation, Caribbean Conservation Corporation, Carlton Chain Company, Certified Collateral Corporation, Clear Channel Communications, Computer Curriculum Corporation, Consolidated Construction Company, Consolidated Contractors Company, Continental Can Company35) Деловая лексика: Compliment Comment Or Complaint, Corporate Client Council, Customer Competence Center, Customer Contact Center36) SAP. (Customer Competence Center) ЦКК (Центр компетенции клиента)37) Менеджмент: current contract contingency38) Образование: Can Can Can, Chinese Compulsory Certification39) Инвестиции: Commodity Credit Corporation, country check clearing40) Сетевые технологии: cache coherency check, контроль когерентности кэша41) Программирование: Carriage Control Character42) Сахалин Ю: compressor controls corporation43) Химическое оружие: Central Control Console44) Расширение файла: Central Computational Computer, Computer Control Complex, Curtain Call native format Bitmap graphics45) SAP.тех. центр компетенции клиента46) Нефть и газ: Customer Competence Center (ТНК-BP), Change Control Committee47) Военно-политический термин: Capabilities Coordination Cell48) Аварийное восстановление: customer control center49) Фантастика Cosmic Camel Corps50) Общественная организация: Cache Creek Conservancy, Civilian Crop Conservationists, Consortium Of Collective Consciousness52) NYSE. Calgon Carbon Corporation53) Программное обеспечение: Clipper To C Compiler54) Хобби: Country Cooking Club -
15 CDM
1) Компьютерная техника: Collaborative Data Mining, Command Data Module, Control Development Module2) Военный термин: Cable Driver Modem, Common Defense Market, Common Digital Map, chief decision makers, civil defense management, command detonated mine, contractor developed material3) Техника: central data management, certified design material, code-division multiplexing, compounded delta modulation, continuous diameter4) Шутливое выражение: Comical Defense Mechanism5) Строительство: Construction Design and Management6) Оптика: capacitive discharge mode7) Политика: Clean Development Mechanism8) Сокращение: Cartridge-Dispenser Module (e.g., on aircraft), Coastal Defence Missile, Conditioned Diphase Modulation, Consolidated Diamond Mines, cement deep mixing9) Университет: Construction Design Management10) Электроника: Common Device Model for SAB, Charged Device Model11) Вычислительная техника: Compressed Data Mode, code-division multiplex, conceptual data model13) Иммунология: Cardioid Dynamic Microphone14) Транспорт: Congestion/Demand Management, Corolla Drift Machine15) Фирменный знак: Centralised Data Modules16) Экология: МЧР (Clean Development Mechanism - Механизм чистого развития (Kyoto Protocol))17) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Decision Making, Custom Device Module18) Сахалин Ю: methyldethanolamine19) Расширение файла: Disk Drivers NPA (Novell NetWare), Music format (compressed)20) МИД: Clean Development Mechanism (определен в ст. 12 Киотского протокола)21) Космогония и космология: холодная тёмная материя (cold dark matter)22) Программное обеспечение: Custom Development Method23) Базы данных: Collection And Database Management -
16 CST
1) Общая лексика: Corpus-based Specialised Translation2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Supported Telephony3) Медицина: электросудорожная терапия (convulsive shock therapy), электрошок (convulsive shock therapy), электроконвульсивная терапия (convulsive shock therapy)4) Военный термин: Chief of Supply and Transport, Classroom Systems Trainer, Coalition Support Team, Coastal Survey Team, Communications Subtest, Comprehensive Security Transformation (название компании), coding speed testing, combat support training, combined system test, common specialist training, complex safety technician, conceptual systems test, control system test, учебное устройство для командования и личного состава (Command and Staff Trainer), Civil Support Team5) Техника: Canopus star tracker, coding speed test, compensated sonic tool, condensate storage tank, constant separation traversing, crystal-stabilized transmitter, Датчики и Технологии Специального Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies), Сенсоры и Технологии Особого Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies)6) Железнодорожный термин: общие цели безопасности (Common Safety Target)7) Экономика: налог на добавленную стоимость между штатами (Central Sales Tax), Central Sales Tax8) Страхование: Container Service Tariff, Central Standard Time (USA)9) Телевидение: cassette10) Сокращение: Code Sort Translator (converts keystrokes to dot codes and dotcodes to addresses), Collective Security Treaty (Russia), Combat Support Trailer, Commander Sea Training, Control-Signal Transmitter, Conventional Stability Talks, Council for Science and Technology, Central Standard Time (GMT - 0600)11) Университет: Curriculum Sharing Tool12) Школьное выражение: car system training13) Электроника: CIM Systems Technology14) Вычислительная техника: Central Standard Time, Central Standard Time-6:00, code segment table, таблица кодовых сегментов, Central Standard Time (-0600, TZ, CDT, USA)15) Нефть: compressed-air soil sampler, sidewall coring sample taker, керноотборник, хронологический керноотборник, Chronological Sample Taker16) Иммунология: Contraction stress test17) Геофизика: профилирование с постоянным разносом электродов18) Силикатное производство: chemical strengthening treatment19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Percussion sidewall core sampler, core gun, sidewall coring, стреляющий грунтонос (sidewall coring percussion sample taker), пробоотборник для взятия керна (Core Sample Taker)20) Образование: Career Skills Training21) Полимеры: critical solution temperature22) Контроль качества: combined systems test23) Сахалин Р: Core Sample Taker, coring sample taker, sidewall coring percussion sample taker24) Океанография: Toulouse Space Center25) Макаров: crystal-stabilized26) Расширение файла: California Seller Of Travel, Central Standard Time (-6:00)27) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) capillary suction time = время капиллярного всасывания, время капиллярной пропитки ( в испытании чувствительности глин к буровым жидкостям)28) Электротехника: commercial subsurface transformer29) Чат: Continuing Story Thread -
17 Cst
1) Общая лексика: Corpus-based Specialised Translation2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Supported Telephony3) Медицина: электросудорожная терапия (convulsive shock therapy), электрошок (convulsive shock therapy), электроконвульсивная терапия (convulsive shock therapy)4) Военный термин: Chief of Supply and Transport, Classroom Systems Trainer, Coalition Support Team, Coastal Survey Team, Communications Subtest, Comprehensive Security Transformation (название компании), coding speed testing, combat support training, combined system test, common specialist training, complex safety technician, conceptual systems test, control system test, учебное устройство для командования и личного состава (Command and Staff Trainer), Civil Support Team5) Техника: Canopus star tracker, coding speed test, compensated sonic tool, condensate storage tank, constant separation traversing, crystal-stabilized transmitter, Датчики и Технологии Специального Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies), Сенсоры и Технологии Особого Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies)6) Железнодорожный термин: общие цели безопасности (Common Safety Target)7) Экономика: налог на добавленную стоимость между штатами (Central Sales Tax), Central Sales Tax8) Страхование: Container Service Tariff, Central Standard Time (USA)9) Телевидение: cassette10) Сокращение: Code Sort Translator (converts keystrokes to dot codes and dotcodes to addresses), Collective Security Treaty (Russia), Combat Support Trailer, Commander Sea Training, Control-Signal Transmitter, Conventional Stability Talks, Council for Science and Technology, Central Standard Time (GMT - 0600)11) Университет: Curriculum Sharing Tool12) Школьное выражение: car system training13) Электроника: CIM Systems Technology14) Вычислительная техника: Central Standard Time, Central Standard Time-6:00, code segment table, таблица кодовых сегментов, Central Standard Time (-0600, TZ, CDT, USA)15) Нефть: compressed-air soil sampler, sidewall coring sample taker, керноотборник, хронологический керноотборник, Chronological Sample Taker16) Иммунология: Contraction stress test17) Геофизика: профилирование с постоянным разносом электродов18) Силикатное производство: chemical strengthening treatment19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Percussion sidewall core sampler, core gun, sidewall coring, стреляющий грунтонос (sidewall coring percussion sample taker), пробоотборник для взятия керна (Core Sample Taker)20) Образование: Career Skills Training21) Полимеры: critical solution temperature22) Контроль качества: combined systems test23) Сахалин Р: Core Sample Taker, coring sample taker, sidewall coring percussion sample taker24) Океанография: Toulouse Space Center25) Макаров: crystal-stabilized26) Расширение файла: California Seller Of Travel, Central Standard Time (-6:00)27) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) capillary suction time = время капиллярного всасывания, время капиллярной пропитки ( в испытании чувствительности глин к буровым жидкостям)28) Электротехника: commercial subsurface transformer29) Чат: Continuing Story Thread -
18 cSt
1) Общая лексика: Corpus-based Specialised Translation2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Supported Telephony3) Медицина: электросудорожная терапия (convulsive shock therapy), электрошок (convulsive shock therapy), электроконвульсивная терапия (convulsive shock therapy)4) Военный термин: Chief of Supply and Transport, Classroom Systems Trainer, Coalition Support Team, Coastal Survey Team, Communications Subtest, Comprehensive Security Transformation (название компании), coding speed testing, combat support training, combined system test, common specialist training, complex safety technician, conceptual systems test, control system test, учебное устройство для командования и личного состава (Command and Staff Trainer), Civil Support Team5) Техника: Canopus star tracker, coding speed test, compensated sonic tool, condensate storage tank, constant separation traversing, crystal-stabilized transmitter, Датчики и Технологии Специального Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies), Сенсоры и Технологии Особого Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies)6) Железнодорожный термин: общие цели безопасности (Common Safety Target)7) Экономика: налог на добавленную стоимость между штатами (Central Sales Tax), Central Sales Tax8) Страхование: Container Service Tariff, Central Standard Time (USA)9) Телевидение: cassette10) Сокращение: Code Sort Translator (converts keystrokes to dot codes and dotcodes to addresses), Collective Security Treaty (Russia), Combat Support Trailer, Commander Sea Training, Control-Signal Transmitter, Conventional Stability Talks, Council for Science and Technology, Central Standard Time (GMT - 0600)11) Университет: Curriculum Sharing Tool12) Школьное выражение: car system training13) Электроника: CIM Systems Technology14) Вычислительная техника: Central Standard Time, Central Standard Time-6:00, code segment table, таблица кодовых сегментов, Central Standard Time (-0600, TZ, CDT, USA)15) Нефть: compressed-air soil sampler, sidewall coring sample taker, керноотборник, хронологический керноотборник, Chronological Sample Taker16) Иммунология: Contraction stress test17) Геофизика: профилирование с постоянным разносом электродов18) Силикатное производство: chemical strengthening treatment19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Percussion sidewall core sampler, core gun, sidewall coring, стреляющий грунтонос (sidewall coring percussion sample taker), пробоотборник для взятия керна (Core Sample Taker)20) Образование: Career Skills Training21) Полимеры: critical solution temperature22) Контроль качества: combined systems test23) Сахалин Р: Core Sample Taker, coring sample taker, sidewall coring percussion sample taker24) Океанография: Toulouse Space Center25) Макаров: crystal-stabilized26) Расширение файла: California Seller Of Travel, Central Standard Time (-6:00)27) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) capillary suction time = время капиллярного всасывания, время капиллярной пропитки ( в испытании чувствительности глин к буровым жидкостям)28) Электротехника: commercial subsurface transformer29) Чат: Continuing Story Thread -
19 cdm
1) Компьютерная техника: Collaborative Data Mining, Command Data Module, Control Development Module2) Военный термин: Cable Driver Modem, Common Defense Market, Common Digital Map, chief decision makers, civil defense management, command detonated mine, contractor developed material3) Техника: central data management, certified design material, code-division multiplexing, compounded delta modulation, continuous diameter4) Шутливое выражение: Comical Defense Mechanism5) Строительство: Construction Design and Management6) Оптика: capacitive discharge mode7) Политика: Clean Development Mechanism8) Сокращение: Cartridge-Dispenser Module (e.g., on aircraft), Coastal Defence Missile, Conditioned Diphase Modulation, Consolidated Diamond Mines, cement deep mixing9) Университет: Construction Design Management10) Электроника: Common Device Model for SAB, Charged Device Model11) Вычислительная техника: Compressed Data Mode, code-division multiplex, conceptual data model13) Иммунология: Cardioid Dynamic Microphone14) Транспорт: Congestion/Demand Management, Corolla Drift Machine15) Фирменный знак: Centralised Data Modules16) Экология: МЧР (Clean Development Mechanism - Механизм чистого развития (Kyoto Protocol))17) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Decision Making, Custom Device Module18) Сахалин Ю: methyldethanolamine19) Расширение файла: Disk Drivers NPA (Novell NetWare), Music format (compressed)20) МИД: Clean Development Mechanism (определен в ст. 12 Киотского протокола)21) Космогония и космология: холодная тёмная материя (cold dark matter)22) Программное обеспечение: Custom Development Method23) Базы данных: Collection And Database Management -
20 cst
1) Общая лексика: Corpus-based Specialised Translation2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Supported Telephony3) Медицина: электросудорожная терапия (convulsive shock therapy), электрошок (convulsive shock therapy), электроконвульсивная терапия (convulsive shock therapy)4) Военный термин: Chief of Supply and Transport, Classroom Systems Trainer, Coalition Support Team, Coastal Survey Team, Communications Subtest, Comprehensive Security Transformation (название компании), coding speed testing, combat support training, combined system test, common specialist training, complex safety technician, conceptual systems test, control system test, учебное устройство для командования и личного состава (Command and Staff Trainer), Civil Support Team5) Техника: Canopus star tracker, coding speed test, compensated sonic tool, condensate storage tank, constant separation traversing, crystal-stabilized transmitter, Датчики и Технологии Специального Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies), Сенсоры и Технологии Особого Назначения (Custom Sensors and Technologies)6) Железнодорожный термин: общие цели безопасности (Common Safety Target)7) Экономика: налог на добавленную стоимость между штатами (Central Sales Tax), Central Sales Tax8) Страхование: Container Service Tariff, Central Standard Time (USA)9) Телевидение: cassette10) Сокращение: Code Sort Translator (converts keystrokes to dot codes and dotcodes to addresses), Collective Security Treaty (Russia), Combat Support Trailer, Commander Sea Training, Control-Signal Transmitter, Conventional Stability Talks, Council for Science and Technology, Central Standard Time (GMT - 0600)11) Университет: Curriculum Sharing Tool12) Школьное выражение: car system training13) Электроника: CIM Systems Technology14) Вычислительная техника: Central Standard Time, Central Standard Time-6:00, code segment table, таблица кодовых сегментов, Central Standard Time (-0600, TZ, CDT, USA)15) Нефть: compressed-air soil sampler, sidewall coring sample taker, керноотборник, хронологический керноотборник, Chronological Sample Taker16) Иммунология: Contraction stress test17) Геофизика: профилирование с постоянным разносом электродов18) Силикатное производство: chemical strengthening treatment19) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Percussion sidewall core sampler, core gun, sidewall coring, стреляющий грунтонос (sidewall coring percussion sample taker), пробоотборник для взятия керна (Core Sample Taker)20) Образование: Career Skills Training21) Полимеры: critical solution temperature22) Контроль качества: combined systems test23) Сахалин Р: Core Sample Taker, coring sample taker, sidewall coring percussion sample taker24) Океанография: Toulouse Space Center25) Макаров: crystal-stabilized26) Расширение файла: California Seller Of Travel, Central Standard Time (-6:00)27) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) capillary suction time = время капиллярного всасывания, время капиллярной пропитки ( в испытании чувствительности глин к буровым жидкостям)28) Электротехника: commercial subsurface transformer29) Чат: Continuing Story Thread
См. также в других словарях:
Code Access Security — (CAS), in the Microsoft .NET framework, is Microsoft s solution to prevent untrusted code from performing privileged actions. When the CLR loads an assembly it will obtain evidence for the assembly and use this to identify the code group that the … Wikipedia
Custom House for Excel DLR station — Custom House for ExCeL … Wikipedia
Custom — Cus tom (k[u^]s t[u^]m), n. [OF. custume, costume, Anglo Norman coustome, F. coutume, fr. (assumed) LL. consuetumen custom, habit, fr. L. consuetudo, dinis, fr. consuescere to accustom, verb inchoative fr. consuere to be accustomed; con + suere… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Custom of merchants — Custom Cus tom (k[u^]s t[u^]m), n. [OF. custume, costume, Anglo Norman coustome, F. coutume, fr. (assumed) LL. consuetumen custom, habit, fr. L. consuetudo, dinis, fr. consuescere to accustom, verb inchoative fr. consuere to be accustomed; con +… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Code of Personal Status (Tunisia) — The Code of Personal Status (CPS) (Arabic: مجلة الأحوال الشخصية) is a series of progressive Tunisian laws aiming at the institution of equality between women and men in a number of areas. It was promulgated by beylical decree on August 13, 1956… … Wikipedia
Code reuse — Code reuse, also called software reuse, is the use of existing software, or software knowledge, to build new software.[1] Contents 1 Overview 2 Types of reuse 3 Examples … Wikipedia
code — [n1] secret language system cipher, cryptograph; concepts 276,284 code [n2] law, rule canon, charter, codex, constitution, convention, custom, digest, discipline, ethics, etiquette, manners, maxim, method, regulation, system; concepts 318,688 … New thesaurus
Custom hardware attack — The EFF s Deep Crack machine contained 1,856 custom chips and could brute force a DES key in a matter of days the photo shows a circuit board fitted with 32 custom attack chips In cryptography, a custom hardware attack uses specifically designed… … Wikipedia
Custom House, London — For other uses, see Custom House (disambiguation). Coordinates: 51°30′27″N 0°01′47″E / 51.5076°N 0.0297°E / 51.5076; 0.0297 … Wikipedia
Code::Blocks — Not to be confused with the computer programming term code block. Code::Blocks Code::Blocks 10.05 running on Windows Vista … Wikipedia
Code duello — A code duello is a set of rules for a one on one combat, or duel. Codes duello regulate dueling and thus help prevent vendettas between families and other social factions. They assure that non violent means of reaching agreement be exhausted and… … Wikipedia