1 custody account
2 have
мати, володітиhave a design for an insurrection — = have a design of an insurrection планувати повстання
have a design of an insurrection — = have a design for an insurrection
have an abortion without undue restrictive interference from the government — робити аборт без зайвого обмежувального втручання з боку держави ( про жінку)
have an offensive weapon in one's possession in a public place — мати при собі нападницьку зброю у громадському місці
have from an authoritative source — отримувати з авторитетного (надійного) джерела ( повідомлення тощо)
have territorial claims on neighboring states — = have territorial claims on neighbouring states мати територіальні претензії до сусідніх держав
- have a chance to winhave territorial claims on neighbouring states — = have territorial claims on neighboring states
- have a child
- have a clue
- have a file
- have a history of crime
- have a legal perspective
- have a legitimate complaint
- have a long criminal record
- have a previous conviction
- have a priority right
- have a reputation
- have a right
- have a shot at smth.
- have a statutory right
- have a wide public response
- have access
- have access to legal advice
- have alibi
- have arraignment
- have ascendancy
- have authority
- have been convicted previously
- have blackouts
- have capacity
- have charge
- have control
- have driver's licence
- have driving licence
- have equal rights
- have full discretion to act
- have got the rats
- have in custody on a warrant
- have in custody
- have in possession
- have jurisdiction
- have legal consequences
- have legal effects
- have legal counsel
- have legal education
- have life tenure
- have mercy
- have moral right
- have no legal consequences
- have no legal effects
- have no legal effects
- have no object in life
- have one's just deserts
- have one vote
- have petition
- have plenty of briefs
- have power
- have prestige
- have previous conviction
- have proof
- have property in land
- have recourse
- have retroactive effect
- have revenge
- have reverses
- have sex
- have sexual intercourse
- have smb. shot without a trial
- have something
- have the authority
- have the burden of proof
- have the burden of proving
- have the floor
- have the force of law
- have the law
- have the right of abode
- have the same force
- have the weight as a precedent
- have ties
- have vehicle licence
- have vehicle license -
3 for
за, для, задляfor the purpose of personal enrichment — = for the purposes of personal enrichment з метою особистого збагачення
- for accountfor the purposes of personal enrichment — = for the purpose of personal enrichment
- for and on behalf of
- for hire
- for lack of evidence
- for motives
- for purposes of supervision
- for reasons of confidentiality
- for safe custody
- for tax reasons
- for the justice's sake
- for the purpose
- for the purpose of terrorism
- for unlawful purpose
- for unlawful purposes -
4 keep
володіти; зберігати; тримати; переховувати ( майно); не порушувати (спокій, порядок); дотримуватися (правила, угоди)keep a general supervision over the working of the courts — здійснювати загальний нагляд за діяльністю судів
keep service information secret — тримати в таємниці службову інформацію ( інформацію для службового користування)
keep up a secret correspondence — (with smb.) підтримувати таємне листування ( з кимсь)
- keep a close watchkeep wages abreast of the cost of living — підвищувати заробітну плату в залежності від зростання вартості життя
- keep a disorderly house
- keep a family
- keep a record
- keep a secret
- keep a state secret
- keep a term
- keep back a crowd
- keep bad company
- keep behind bars
- keep books
- keep close
- keep dark
- keep discipline
- keep domestic peace
- keep from aggressive action
- keep from aggressive actions
- keep from court
- keep guard
- keep in a detention center
- keep in close confinement
- keep in confinement
- keep in custody
- keep in detention
- keep in jail
- keep in solitary confinement
- keep in thralldom
- keep informed
- keep itself in office
- keep law current
- keep lost property
- keep mandate
- keep minutes
- keep order
- keep out
- keep out of
- keep out of danger
- keep out of debt
- keep out of mischief
- keep peace
- keep power
- keep private
- keep record
- keep records
- keep record clean
- keep secrecy
- keep secret
- keep securely
- keep the law
- keep the peace
- keep to the left
- keep to the protocol
- keep to the reference
- keep to the right
- keep to the right left
- keep to the terms of reference
- keep track
- keep under detention
- keep under guard
- keep under heavy guard
- keep under intense guard
- keep under observation
- keep under surveillance
- keep under surveille
- keep within the law
- keep within the bounds of law
- keep within the law
- keep within the reference
- keep within the speed limit
- keep within the time-limit -
5 special
спеціальний, особливий; окремий; позитивно виражений; екстрений ( про випуск газети тощо)- special act
- special administration
- special administrator
- special agency
- special agent
- special agreement
- special allowance
- special appeal tribunal
- special appearance
- special arbitrage account
- special arrangement
- special assessment
- special assumpsit
- special authority
- special authority
- special bail
- special bastard
- special calendar
- special case
- special charge
- special circumstances
- special class
- Special Commission
- special committee
- special conditional fee
- special contract
- special count
- special court
- special custody
- special custom
- special damages
- special defence
- special defense
- special demurrer
- special deposit
- special deputy
- special deputy sheriff
- special deterrence
- special disability
- special drawing rights
- special duty
- special election
- special endorsement
- special envoy
- special exception
- special excise
- special excise duty
- special execution
- special files
- special finding of fact
- special guardian
- special hospital
- special indorsement
- special intent
- special investigation
- special investigation group
- special investigation team
- special investigative crime
- special investigator
- special jurisdiction
- special juror
- special jury
- special law
- special leave
- special leave of the court
- special legislation
- special licence
- special license
- special majority
- special measure
- special meeting
- special police task force
- special mission
- special object of crime
- special operation group
- special operations group
- special order
- special part
- special partner
- special partnership
- special passport
- special patrol
- special pension
- special peril
- special permission
- special plea in bar
- special pleading
- special policy
- Special Political Committee
- special position
- special power of attorney
- special prevention
- special privilege
- special procedure
- special procedures
- special proceeding
- special proceedings
- special property
- special prosecutor
- special provision
- special purpose policeman
- special registration
- special resolution
- special retainer
- special right
- special right to cover
- special rule
- special security cell
- special service
- special service unit
- special-service agent
- special session
- special shelter
- special status
- special tariff
- special team of investigators
- special traverse
- special treatment
- special tribunal
- special trust
- special venue
- special verdict
- special words -
6 take
1) улов2) заволодівати; затримувати, заарештовувати; обертати у власність•take a statement into consideration — приймати заяву до відома ( або на розгляд)
take part in an election campaign — = take part in an electoral campaign брати участь у передвиборній кампанії
take part in an electoral campaign — = take part in an election campaign
take review against a judgement — = take review against a judgment оскаржувати рішення суду
take the investigation under personal control — = take the investigation under one's personal control брати розслідування під особистий контроль
take the investigation under one's personal control — = take the investigation under personal control
take the law into one's own hands — брати закон в свої руки; розправлятися без суду з кимсь
take the stand in one's own defence — = take the stand in one's own defense виступати на свій захист, давати свідчення на власний захист
- take a blood sampletake the stand in one's own defense — = take the stand in one's own defence
- take a bribe
- take a brief
- take a case
- take a case to court
- take a claim to arbitration
- take a copy
- take a decision by majority
- take a drug overdose
- take a hostage
- take a law off the books
- take a lease
- take a lie-detector test
- take a loyalty oath
- take a picture
- take a polygraph test
- take a second ballot
- take a sheet off a hedge
- take a shot
- take a shot at smth.
- take a sight
- take a specimen of blood
- take a specimen of blood urine
- take a statement
- take a verdict
- take a view
- take a vote
- take acknowledgement
- take acknowledgement of a fact
- take acknowledgment of a fact
- take advantage
- take advice
- take alive
- take all measures
- take all measures to prevent
- take all responsibility
- take an action
- take an affidavit
- take an appeal
- take an independent stand
- take an overdose
- take arms
- take as a hostage
- take away
- take ballot
- take by assault
- take by descent
- take by force
- take by purchase
- take by storm
- take care clause
- take chair
- take charge
- take coercive measures
- take cognizance
- take collective action
- take collective actions
- take confession
- take one's confession
- take counsel's opinion
- take count
- take count of votes
- take criminal proceeding
- take criminal proceedings
- take decisive measures
- take decisive steps
- take deposition
- take depositions
- take disciplinary actions
- take discriminatory measure
- take divorce proceedings
- take effect
- take effect on ratification
- take effect on signature
- take effect upon ratification
- take emergency measures
- take enforcement action
- take enforcement actions
- take evidence
- take examination
- take exception
- take exception against
- take exception to
- take extraordinary measures
- take formal note
- take guidance
- take guidance from the law
- take home pay
- take hostage
- take in charge
- take in the mainor
- take in the mainour
- take into account
- take into consideration
- take into custody
- take into one's confidence
- take judicial note
- take judicial notice
- take legal action
- take legal advice
- take legal proceedings
- take legal recourse
- take legal steps
- take life
- take smb.'s life
- take measures
- take mercy
- take minutes
- take necessary measures
- take no chances
- take note
- take notice
- take-off
- take-off accident
- take off an embargo
- take off to jail
- take on hire
- take on sale
- take opinion
- take out a document
- take out a patent
- take out a process
- take out insurance
- take out an insurance policy
- take-over
- take over a case
- take over as President
- take-over of public buildings
- take over the case
- take own life
- take one's own life
- take part
- take part in a debate
- take part in a demonstration
- take part in a discussion
- take part in a duel
- take part in a meeting
- take part in a session
- take part in a sitting
- take part in election
- take part in elections
- take physical part in a crime
- take possession
- take potassium cyanide
- take power
- take power in one's own hands
- take precautions
- take precedence
- take preference
- take preventive actions
- take preventive measures
- take prisoner
- take proceedings
- take prompt action
- take prompt actions
- take proof
- take punitive measures
- take recourse
- take red-handed
- take remedial action
- take responsibility
- take responsibility on oneself
- take review against a judgment
- take risk
- take seat on the court
- take security measures
- take silk
- take stock
- take testimony
- take the ballot
- take the blame upon oneself
- take the case under control
- take the census
- take the chair
- take the change
- take the consequences
- take the decision to court
- take the floor
- take the form of a contract
- take the law
- take the name
- take the oath
- take the poll
- take the rue
- take the side
- take the stand
- take the surname
- take the throne
- take the witness chair
- take the witness stand
- take third-party proceedings
- take title
- take to court
- take to court for trial
- take to freight
- take to prison
- take under advisement
- take under strict control
- take up
- take up a bill
- take up arms
- take up duties
- take up one's duties
- take upon oneself
- take vengeance -
7 term
ком. 1. n строк; період; час; термін; a строковий; терміновий; 2. pl умови1. визначений відрізок часу; момент настання, виконання чого-небудь; 2. обставини, які стосуються платежу, угоди, заробітної плати, ціни, страхового полісу тощо═════════■═════════acceptable terms прийнятні умови; attractive terms привабливі умови; berthing terms умови причалювання • лінійні умови (про завантаження і розвантаження в торговому мореплавстві); buying terms умови покупки; cash terms умови платежу готівкою; collection terms умови інкасо; commercial terms комерційні умови; concessionary terms пільгові умови; consignment terms умови консигнації; contract terms умови контракту; credit terms умови позички • умови надання кредиту • умови акредитиву; credit payment terms умови сплати кредиту; current terms поточні умови; delivery terms умови постачання; discharging terms умови розвантаження; discount terms умови знижки • умови дисконту; easy terms пільгові умови; easy tax terms пільговий податковий режим; equal terms однакові умови; exact terms точні умови; exclusionary terms обмежувальні умови • заборонні умови; expired term термін, що минув; exploration term період дослідження; extended term продовжений строк; fair terms справедливі умови; favourable terms сприятливі умови; financial terms фінансові умови; financing terms умови фінансування; fixed term встановлений строк; general terms загальні умови; hire-purchase terms умови надання кредиту при продажу на виплат; income term індекс доходу; indexing term термін індексування; inequitable terms нерівноправні умови; initial terms первісні умови • початкові умови; insurance terms умови страхування; intermediate term середній термін; legal terms юридичні умови; lending terms умови кредиту; license term термін чинності ліцензії • термін чинності патенту • термін чинності дозволу; licensing terms умови ліцензійного договору; long term довгий термін; mortgage term термін застави; negotiated terms узгоджені умови; normal terms нормальні умови; payment terms умови платежу; preferential terms пільгові умови; purchase terms умови купівлі; regular terms звичайні умови; sale terms умови продажу; selling terms умови продажу; settlement terms умови розрахунку; short term короткий термін; soft terms пільгові умови; special terms спеціальні умови; standard terms стандартні умови; stipulated terms узгоджені умови; technical terms технічні умови; trade terms умови торгівлі; trading terms торговельні умови; unacceptable terms неприйнятні умови; unequal terms нерівноправні умови; usual terms звичайні умови═════════□═════════delivery on term доставка у визначений термін; for a term of на термін; for a stated term на застережений термін; in terms of у перерахунку на • у перерахуванні на; in demographic terms з погляду демографії; in money terms у грошовому виразі; in per capita terms в розрахунку на душу населення; in percentage terms у відсотковому обрахуванні; in physical terms в натуральному виразі; in real terms в реальному обрахуванні; in value terms у вартісному виразі; on advantageous terms на вигідних умовах; on credit terms на умовах кредиту; on easy terms на пільгових умовах; on usual terms на звичайних умовах; term account терміновий рахунок; term assurance страхування життя на визначений термін; term bill вексель зі встановленим терміном; term borrowing позика на термін; term credit строковий кредит; term deposit вклад на термін • строковий депозит; terms do not exceed 6 months терміни кредитування не перевищують 6 місяців; term for appeal термін для подання апеляції; term insurance страхування на термін; term loan термінова позика; terms of acceptance умови прийняття; term of an agreement термін чинності угоди; term of an appeal термін подання апеляції; term of an application термін подання заяви; terms of auction умови аукціону; term of a bill термін векселя; terms of cancellation умови анулювання • умови скасування; terms of carriage умови перевезення; terms of conveyance умови перевезення; term of custody термін перебування під вартою; terms of exchange умови обміну; terms of freight умови фрахту; term of grace пільговий термін; terms of a guarantee умови гарантії; terms of a lease умови оренди; term of lease строк оренди; term of limitation термін давності; term of a loan термін позики; terms of an offer умови пропозиції; term of office термін уповноваження • термін перебування на посаді; term of notice термін повідомлення; term of a patent строк чинності патенту; terms of payment умови платежу; term of a policy термін чинності полісу; terms of a proposal умови пропозиції; term of punishment термін покарання; terms of redemption умови викупу; terms of reinsurance умови перестрахування; terms of sale умови продажу; term of service термін служби; terms of settlement умови розрахунку; terms of subscription умови передплати; terms of transport умови транспортування; terms of a treaty умови договору; term of validity термін чинності; term to maturity термін виплати кредиту • термін сплати цінних паперів; to accept the terms приймати/прийняти умови; to agree on the terms погоджуватися/погодитися з умовами; to alter the terms змінювати/змінити умови; to buy on easy terms купувати/купити на вигідних умовах; to comply with the terms відповідати умовам; to define the terms визначати/визначити умови; to exceed a term не дотримуватися/не дотриматися терміну • пропускати/пропустити термін • прострочувати/прострочити; to extend a term продовжувати/продовжити строк; to fix a term визначати/визначити строк • визначати/визначити термін; to hold to terms дотримуватися/дотриматися умов; to meet the terms виконувати/виконати умови; to negotiate the terms домовлятися/домовитися про умови; to observe the terms дотримуватися/дотриматися умов; to outline the terms визначати/визначити умови; to propose terms пропонувати/запропонувати умови; to quote the terms визначати/визначити умови; to reduce a term скорочувати/скоротити строк; to revise the terms переглядати/переглянути умови; to sell on easy terms продавати/продати на вигідних умовах; to set a term встановлювати/встановити строк; to specify the terms застерігати/застерегти про умови; to stipulate the terms застерігати/застерегти про умови; to tailor the terms of the loan пристосовувати/пристосувати умови позикиterm¹ — ім. реченець, прикм. реченцевий (зах. укр., діал., діас.)
См. также в других словарях:
custody account — securities account in a bank … English contemporary dictionary
safe custody account — A securities account, in most cases, held and managed by the central bank on which credit institutions can place securities deemed suitable to back central bank operations. The securities held on these accounts are finally deposited with the CSD… … Financial and business terms
safe custody account — A securities account, in most cases, held and managed by the central bank on which credit institutions can place securities deemed suitable to back central bank operations. The securities held on these accounts are finally deposited with the CSD… … Euroclear glossary
custody — The care and control of a thing or person. The keeping, guarding, care, watch, inspection, preservation or security of a thing, carrying with it the idea of the thing being within the immediate personal care and control of the person to whose… … Black's law dictionary
custody — The care and control of a thing or person. The keeping, guarding, care, watch, inspection, preservation or security of a thing, carrying with it the idea of the thing being within the immediate personal care and control of the person to whose… … Black's law dictionary
custody — The safekeeping (and often settlement) of investments introduced as a category of investment business under the Financial Services Act 1986 in June 1997. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary * * * custody cus‧to‧dy [ˈkʌstədi] noun… … Financial and business terms
account — A detailed statement of the mutual demands in the nature of debit and credit between parties, arising out of contracts or some fiduciary relation. A statement in writing, of debits and credits, or of receipts and payments; a list of items of… … Black's law dictionary
account — A detailed statement of the mutual demands in the nature of debit and credit between parties, arising out of contracts or some fiduciary relation. A statement in writing, of debits and credits, or of receipts and payments; a list of items of… … Black's law dictionary
Custody transfer — in the oil and gas industry refers to the transactions involving transporting physical substance from one operator to another. This includes the transferring of raw and refined petroleum between tanks and tankers; tankers and ships and other… … Wikipedia
custody fees — Amount charged by a financial intermediary for administering a securities account. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary … Financial and business terms
custody fees — Amount charged by a financial intermediary for administering a securities account … Euroclear glossary