1 curve splitting
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > curve splitting
2 curve splitting
Математика: разбиение кривой -
3 curve splitting
мат. -
4 splitting
1) разделение; расщепление; раскалывание, колка2) расслаивание3) разложение4) кож. двоение кожи || двоильный5) хим. диссоциация6) дробление• -
5 разбиение кривой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > разбиение кривой
6 method
метод; способсм. тж. method,method for predictionmethod of acceleration with conjugate gradientsmethod of assumed modesmethod of characteristicsmethod of dynamic causticsmethod of feasible directionsmethod of generalized coordinatesmethod of imagesmethod of linesmethod of momentsmethod of separation of variablesmethod of splittingmethod of weighted residualsaccelerometer methodacoustic methodAdams-Bashforth methodadjoint variable methodaerodynamic methodair bubbles methodALM methodanthropometric scaling methodanti-g methodanti-g protective methodassumed stress methodaugmented Lagrange multiplier methodback of the envelope methodBayesian estimation methodbirefringent coating methodBirnbaum's methodblock-bidiagonal methodBode methodboundary collocation methodboundary element methodboundary force methodboundary integral methodboundary integral equation methodboundary point methodboundary layer methodBroydon-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno methodchina-clay methodClmax prediction methodCohen and Reshotko methodcollocation methodcomplex variable boundary element methodcomplex-variable methodcompliance methodconfigurational methodconjugate directions methodconstant pressure panel methodcontinuation methodcorrection storage methodcorrelation methodcycle counting methodcyclic reduction methodDavidon-Fletcher-Powell methoddeferred correction methoddescribing function methoddesign method for reliabilitydesign to constraints methoddetection methoddifference methoddifferencing methoddiscrete vortex methoddisplacement methodDorodnitsyn finite element methoddoublet lattice methoddynamic condensation methodeigenfunction expansion methodeigenvalue methodelectrical discharge methodenergy methodenergy management methodequivalent control methodequivalent linearization methodEuler methodevaluation methodexplicit-implicit methodextrapolation methodFAS methodfeedback methodfinite difference methodfinite element methodfinite element method with splittingfinite element displacement methodfinite strip methodfinite volume methodFletcher-Reeves methodflexibility methodflutter experimental methodflux-difference/splitting methodforce methodFourier transform methodfractional steps methodfractographic methodfrequency methodfrequency-domain methodfull-approximation storage methodfull-potential methodGalerkin methodGauss elimination methodGauss-Seidel methodgeneralized methodGodunov methodgrid methodharmonic balance methodhelium-bubble methodhigher order methodHorner's methodhose-drogue methodhybrid vortex methodhydrogen bubbles methodinfra-imaging methodintegral methodintegral equation methodinterferometric methodinverse methodJ-integral methodkernel-function methodKhachian's methodLagrange multiplier methodLagrangian methodLanczos methodlaser induced fluorescence methodlaser light sheet methodleast-cost methodleast-square methodleast-squares methodleast-squares estimation methodLyapunov's second methodlift-analysis methodlinear quadratic methodlinear quadratic Gaussian methodlinear regulator methodlinear quadratic regulator methodLQ methodLQG methodlumped-parameter methodMacCormack's methodMach box methodmaintenance methodmarching methodmatrix methodmaximum likelihood methodmechanized methodML methodmodel-following methodmoment methodmoving finite element methodmultisurface methodmultigrid methodmultiple grid methodMyklestad methodNavier-Stokes methodNeal-Smith analysis methodNewton's methodNewton-Raphson methodnonconservative methodnumerical methodNyquist methodoil-flow methodoperational methodPade approximant methodpanel methodpaneling methodparameter methodperturbation methodphotoelastic methodpower methodPrandtl-Munk methodprediction methodpressure-splitting methodprobabilistic methodpseudo-spectral methodpseudospectral methodpseudotransient methodquasi-Newton methodR-curve methodrainflow methodrandom decrement methodrandomdec methodRayleigh methodRayleigh-Ritz methodrecovery methodreduction methodreliability methodrigid-plastic finite-element methodrobustness enhancing methodroot-locus methodRunge-Kutta methodsawtooth methodSchlieren methodsecant methodsemianalytic methodshadowgraph methodshock-capturing methodshock-expansion methodshock-fitting methodshooting methodsimplex methodsingular perturbation methodsingular value methodsizing methodsmoke-wire methodSouthwell methodspace-marching methodsplit-coefficient methodsplit-coefficient matrix methodsplitting methodsquare root methodstate space methodsteepest-ascent methodsteepest-descent methodstiffness methodstress relaxation methodsublimation methodsubspace iteration methodsubstitutional methodsubstructure synthesis methodsubstructuring methodsuper-characteristics methodsuperelement methodsuperposition methodsurface tracer methodsynthesis methodTheodorsen methodthrust methodthrust efficient methodtime-domain methodtransfer matrix methodtransfer-function methodTrefftz`s methodtuft methodunit load methodupwind methodupwind differencing methodV-g methodvapor-screen methodvariational methodvector methodvelocity-split methodviscous/inviscid interacting methodvon Schlippe methodvortex methodvortex panel methodvortex-lattice methodWalsh-function methodweight fraction methodX-ray diffraction methodz-transform methodzonal method -
7 frequency
1) частота
2) многократность
3) частотно
4) частотность
5) частотный
6) темп
– allocate frequency
– alternate frequency
– angular frequency
– antiresonance frequency
– antiresonant frequency
– assigned frequency
– audio frequency
– base frequency
– basic frequency
– beat frequency
– break frequency
– buoyancy frequency
– calling frequency
– carrier frequency
– cell frequency
– collision frequency
– commercial frequency
– component frequency
– conversion frequency
– critical frequency
– crossover frequency
– cutoff frequency
– cyclotron frequency
– difference frequency
– dot frequency
– driving frequency
– espected frequency
– field frequency
– fixed frequency
– flicker frequency
– formant frequency
– fractional frequency
– frame frequency
– free-running frequency
– frequency alignment
– frequency allocation
– frequency analysis
– frequency band
– frequency calibration
– frequency changer
– frequency channel
– frequency characteristic
– frequency code
– frequency compression
– frequency control
– frequency converter
– frequency correction
– frequency curve
– frequency departure
– frequency deviation
– frequency discrimination
– frequency distortion
– frequency distribution
– frequency diversity
– frequency divider
– frequency division
– frequency domain
– frequency doubler
– frequency drift
– frequency feedback
– frequency function
– frequency in pitch
– frequency in roll
– frequency interleaving
– frequency interpretation
– frequency isolation
– frequency jitter
– frequency jumping
– frequency limit
– frequency lock-in
– frequency mark
– frequency marker
– frequency match
– frequency meter
– frequency modulated
– frequency modulation
– frequency modulator
– frequency monitoring
– frequency multiplex
– frequency multiplication
– frequency multiplier
– frequency nominal
– frequency of event
– frequency polygon
– frequency pulling
– frequency range
– frequency ratio
– frequency response
– frequency selective
– frequency setting
– frequency shift
– frequency spacing
– frequency spectrum
– frequency splitting
– frequency spread
– frequency stability
– frequency stabilization
– frequency standard
– frequency synthesis
– frequency synthesizer
– frequency telegraphy
– frequency tolerance
– frequency transformation
– frequency transformer
– frequency translation
– frequency tripler
– frequency tuning
– frequency wobbling
– fundamental frequency
– genotype frequency
– harmonic frequency
– heterodyne frequency
– high frequency
– hold on to frequency
– hypersonic frequency
– idler frequency
– image frequency
– increase the frequency
– infrasonic frequency
– injection frequency
– instantaneous frequency
– intermediate frequency
– ion plasma frequency
– Larmor frequency
– laser frequency
– line frequency
– lock on frequency
– lowest-useful frequency
– magnetoplasma frequency
– marking frequency
– maser frequency
– master frequency
– modulating frequency
– modulation frequency
– multiple frequency
– multiplier of frequency
– natural frequency
– network frequency
– non-dimensional frequency
– operation frequency
– oscillation frequency
– oscillator frequency
– pedestal frequency
– penetration frequency
– picture frequency
– pilot frequency
– pitch frequency
– plasma frequency
– precessional frequency
– pump frequency
– quench frequency
– radio frequency
– rated frequency
– relative frequency
– repetition frequency
– resonance frequency
– resonant frequency
– ripple frequency
– scan frequency
– scanning frequency
– scattering frequency
– screen frequency
– set up fixed frequency
– set up frequency
– side frequency
– signal frequency
– slip frequency
– spacing frequency
– spatial frequency
– standard frequency
– Stokes frequency
– straight-line frequency
– subcarrier frequency
– subsonic frequency
– sum frequency
– superhigh frequency
– switching frequency
– synchronous frequency
– threshold frequency
– tracking frequency
– translate frequency
– tune to frequency
– ultra-high frequency
– ultrasonic frequency
– vibration frequency
– voice frequency
– wave frequency
– working frequency
– zero frequency
additive frequency mixing — преобразование частоты аддитивное
amplitude frequency distortion — амплитудно-частотное искажение
automatic frequency control — частотная АПЧ, автоматическая настройка частоты
automatic frequency unloading — разгрузка автоматическая частотная
carrier frequency system — система передачи с частотным разделением каналов
commutator-type frequency converter — коллекторный преобразователь частот
compensation frequency telegraphy — телеграфирование частотное компенсационное
compound frequency distribution — <math.> плотность распределения осредненная
decibel-log frequency characteristic — логарифмическая амплитудно-частотная характеристика
flatness of a frequency curve — сглаженность кривой плотности
frequency compensated amplifier — усилитель корректированный
frequency deviation meter — <tech.> стабилометр частоты
frequency domain spectroscopy — спектроскопия стационарная, спектроскопия частотная
frequency force factor — <electr.> коэффициент силовой частоты
kurtosis of a frequency curve — эксцесс плотности распределения
kurtosis of frequency curve — эксцесс плотности распределения
molecular rotation frequency — вращательная частота молекулы
moment of a frequency distributi — момент распределения вероятности
multiple-position frequency telegraphy — телеграфия частотная многопозиционная
operation frequency range — рабочий диапазон частот прибора СВЧ
parasite frequency modulation — паразитная частотная модуляция
roll-off of frequency response — завал частотной характеристики
signal increases in frequency — сигнал увеличивается по частоте
static frequency converter — статический преобразователь частоты
subcarrier frequency modulation — частотная модуляция с поднесущей
thyratron frequency changer — тиратронный преобразователь частоты
time-sharing two frequency laser — лазер с попеременной генерацией двух частот
transient frequency jitter — < radio> дергание частоты
valve-type frequency converter — вентильный преобразователь частоты
variable frequency oscillator — генератор плавного диапазона
8 SP
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Salvation Plan, specifications, поставщик услуг (бизнес, заключение договора), обслуживающая компания, обслуживающая организация2) Компьютерная техника: Single Processor, Stops Processing3) Медицина: sodium phosphate (фосфат натрия)4) Американизм: Semi Plenary, Special Publication5) Ботаника: Soil Properties6) Спорт: Sanity Points, Save Percentage, Short Program, Shoulder Pad, Single Play, Single Player, Spirit Points, Sports Plane, Sports Production, Starting Pitcher, Style Points, Subgame Perfect, Super Player7) Военный термин: Sabotage Pack, Security Pack, Security Policy, Shock Practice, Source Program, Special Proceeding, school of photography, seaplane, secret publication, security police, security policeman, security publication, self-propelled, sensor package, service pistol, service policeman, service publication, shipping port, shore party, sign post, signal post, signal processor, signal publication, single-purpose, smokeless powder, soft-point, spare part, spares planning, special performance, special planning, special program, special project, special projective, special propellants, special-purpose, specialist, splinter-protected, standard practice, standard procedure, standing procedure, start point, stragglers' post, strategic plan, strategic planning, strategic program, stretcher party, student pilot, submarine patrol, summary plotter, supply point, support publication, surveillance procedure, system parameter, systems planning8) Техника: Silk Purse, Silver Plated, Something Probably, Special Product, Square Pod, safety principles, sampling point, satellite processor, saturation paste, saturation percentage, security procedure, self-potential, separator, set point, short-period, shotpoint, signal projector, single pole, single-processor, solar panel, solidification point, space character, span value, stand pipe, star photometer, starting period, stellar photometry, superpressure, suppression pool, suspended particles9) Сельское хозяйство: superphosphate10) Шутливое выражение: Super Pud11) Химия: Solubility Product12) Математика: свойство вычитания (subtraction property), случайный процесс (stochastic process)13) Религия: Saint Peter, Supreme Power14) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company15) Юридический термин: State Police, Street Price16) Бухгалтерия: sales proceeds, selling price17) Автомобильный термин: запаска, запасное колесо, запчасть (spare part, обычно именно про колесо)18) Грубое выражение: Sex Partner, Shit Pot, Sneaky Peek, Stinky Poop, Stupid Parents, Stupid Party, Stupid Piece, Stupid Prat, Stupidly Priced, Sucky Piece19) Металлургия: straight polarity20) Телевидение: standart play21) Телекоммуникации: Signaling Point (ANSI)22) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Poland), Satellite Photo, Shore Patrol (USA), Shore Patrol, Single-Phase, Smart Procurement (UK MoD), Socialist Party, Southern Pacific, Spain (NATO country code), Spotting round, Stabilised Platform, Star Patrol, Static Pressure, one-pole, sample part, seaplane port, shear plate, single-pole, spare, spare parts, species, specification, speed, splitting, stake and platform, standpipe, stop of payment, structured protection, supply, Short Play (VHS VCR), special (projectile)23) Университет: Satisfactory Progress, Student Program, Sure Pass24) Физиология: Sleep Paralysis, Spine, spinal25) Вычислительная техника: Signaling Point, Speculative Precomputation, Speech Processing, Structured Programming, System Product, semipermanent, shift pulse, sound parameters, square punch, параметры звука, Southern Pacific (Corporate name, Railroading), Service Provider (DMI), SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Simple visual Profile (MPEG), Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT), Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC), Stack Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from spontaneous potential (SP) log, bbl separator barrel, curve spontaneous polarization curve, reflected wave, self potential, set plug, shot point, shot points, slightly porous, spontaneous polarization, straddle packer, surface pressure, давление на устье скважины (surface pressure), естественный потенциал (self-potential), короткопериодный (short-period), место перфорирования, нормальное давление (safe pressure), пункт взрыва (shotpoint), сдвоенный пакер (straddle packer), точка взрыва (shot point), точка возбуждения (shot point), установка временной мостовой пробки (set plug), Spontaneous Potential Log27) Банковское дело: приостанавливать платёж (stop payment)28) Геофизика: ПВ, ПС, потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации29) Пищевая промышленность: Sugar Pie30) Силикатное производство: softening point, suspension preheater31) Воздухоплавание: Supervisory Package32) Фирменный знак: Simple Productions, Sprague33) СМИ: Special Presentation, Studio Package, Suggested Page34) Деловая лексика: Semidirect Product, Single Premium, Special Partner, Special Process, Starting Price35) Бурение: СП (spontaneous polarization), спонтанная поляризация (spontaneous polarization), self potential log (an electrical log for indicating lithology)36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic profile, standing pipe rack, каротаж собственного потенциала (spontaneous potential), потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации (Spontaneous Potential)37) Нефтегазовая техника самопроизвольная поляризация38) Образование: Schools Program, Skills Practice, Spell Points39) Инвестиции: stop payment40) Полимеры: series-parallel, single propellant, singlephase, sliced plate, smokeless propellant, soil pipe, solid propellant, solidifying point, spot plate, standard pitch, standard pressure, steam pressure, superior-processing41) Программирование: Single Precision, System Procedure42) Сахалин Р: Spontaneous Potential, spontaneous potential43) Сахалин А: set pressure44) Химическое оружие: secondary power45) Макаров: single-point, starting point46) Безопасность: Secure Proxy, Security Potential47) Расширение файла: Service Package, Stack Pointer, Summary Punch, Supervisory Printer, Service Pack (IBM), Compressed file archive (Splint)48) Автоматическое регулирование: set point, точка уставки ( регулятора) (точка цставки, настройки регулятора в контурах автоматического управления (регулирования))49) SAP.тех. хранимая процедура50) Нефть и газ: code of practice, self-potential curve, small power supply51) Электротехника: source point, spinning reserve52) Майкрософт: пакет обновления53) Общественная организация: Samaritan's Purse54) Должность: Senior Pastor, Street Photography, Superior Performance, Suppressive Person55) Чат: Shiny Pants, Social Points, Super Pretty56) Правительство: Sterling Park, Stevens Point57) НАСА: Sub Project58) Программное обеспечение: Service Pack, Smart Pointer -
9 Sp
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Salvation Plan, specifications, поставщик услуг (бизнес, заключение договора), обслуживающая компания, обслуживающая организация2) Компьютерная техника: Single Processor, Stops Processing3) Медицина: sodium phosphate (фосфат натрия)4) Американизм: Semi Plenary, Special Publication5) Ботаника: Soil Properties6) Спорт: Sanity Points, Save Percentage, Short Program, Shoulder Pad, Single Play, Single Player, Spirit Points, Sports Plane, Sports Production, Starting Pitcher, Style Points, Subgame Perfect, Super Player7) Военный термин: Sabotage Pack, Security Pack, Security Policy, Shock Practice, Source Program, Special Proceeding, school of photography, seaplane, secret publication, security police, security policeman, security publication, self-propelled, sensor package, service pistol, service policeman, service publication, shipping port, shore party, sign post, signal post, signal processor, signal publication, single-purpose, smokeless powder, soft-point, spare part, spares planning, special performance, special planning, special program, special project, special projective, special propellants, special-purpose, specialist, splinter-protected, standard practice, standard procedure, standing procedure, start point, stragglers' post, strategic plan, strategic planning, strategic program, stretcher party, student pilot, submarine patrol, summary plotter, supply point, support publication, surveillance procedure, system parameter, systems planning8) Техника: Silk Purse, Silver Plated, Something Probably, Special Product, Square Pod, safety principles, sampling point, satellite processor, saturation paste, saturation percentage, security procedure, self-potential, separator, set point, short-period, shotpoint, signal projector, single pole, single-processor, solar panel, solidification point, space character, span value, stand pipe, star photometer, starting period, stellar photometry, superpressure, suppression pool, suspended particles9) Сельское хозяйство: superphosphate10) Шутливое выражение: Super Pud11) Химия: Solubility Product12) Математика: свойство вычитания (subtraction property), случайный процесс (stochastic process)13) Религия: Saint Peter, Supreme Power14) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company15) Юридический термин: State Police, Street Price16) Бухгалтерия: sales proceeds, selling price17) Автомобильный термин: запаска, запасное колесо, запчасть (spare part, обычно именно про колесо)18) Грубое выражение: Sex Partner, Shit Pot, Sneaky Peek, Stinky Poop, Stupid Parents, Stupid Party, Stupid Piece, Stupid Prat, Stupidly Priced, Sucky Piece19) Металлургия: straight polarity20) Телевидение: standart play21) Телекоммуникации: Signaling Point (ANSI)22) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Poland), Satellite Photo, Shore Patrol (USA), Shore Patrol, Single-Phase, Smart Procurement (UK MoD), Socialist Party, Southern Pacific, Spain (NATO country code), Spotting round, Stabilised Platform, Star Patrol, Static Pressure, one-pole, sample part, seaplane port, shear plate, single-pole, spare, spare parts, species, specification, speed, splitting, stake and platform, standpipe, stop of payment, structured protection, supply, Short Play (VHS VCR), special (projectile)23) Университет: Satisfactory Progress, Student Program, Sure Pass24) Физиология: Sleep Paralysis, Spine, spinal25) Вычислительная техника: Signaling Point, Speculative Precomputation, Speech Processing, Structured Programming, System Product, semipermanent, shift pulse, sound parameters, square punch, параметры звука, Southern Pacific (Corporate name, Railroading), Service Provider (DMI), SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Simple visual Profile (MPEG), Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT), Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC), Stack Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from spontaneous potential (SP) log, bbl separator barrel, curve spontaneous polarization curve, reflected wave, self potential, set plug, shot point, shot points, slightly porous, spontaneous polarization, straddle packer, surface pressure, давление на устье скважины (surface pressure), естественный потенциал (self-potential), короткопериодный (short-period), место перфорирования, нормальное давление (safe pressure), пункт взрыва (shotpoint), сдвоенный пакер (straddle packer), точка взрыва (shot point), точка возбуждения (shot point), установка временной мостовой пробки (set plug), Spontaneous Potential Log27) Банковское дело: приостанавливать платёж (stop payment)28) Геофизика: ПВ, ПС, потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации29) Пищевая промышленность: Sugar Pie30) Силикатное производство: softening point, suspension preheater31) Воздухоплавание: Supervisory Package32) Фирменный знак: Simple Productions, Sprague33) СМИ: Special Presentation, Studio Package, Suggested Page34) Деловая лексика: Semidirect Product, Single Premium, Special Partner, Special Process, Starting Price35) Бурение: СП (spontaneous polarization), спонтанная поляризация (spontaneous polarization), self potential log (an electrical log for indicating lithology)36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic profile, standing pipe rack, каротаж собственного потенциала (spontaneous potential), потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации (Spontaneous Potential)37) Нефтегазовая техника самопроизвольная поляризация38) Образование: Schools Program, Skills Practice, Spell Points39) Инвестиции: stop payment40) Полимеры: series-parallel, single propellant, singlephase, sliced plate, smokeless propellant, soil pipe, solid propellant, solidifying point, spot plate, standard pitch, standard pressure, steam pressure, superior-processing41) Программирование: Single Precision, System Procedure42) Сахалин Р: Spontaneous Potential, spontaneous potential43) Сахалин А: set pressure44) Химическое оружие: secondary power45) Макаров: single-point, starting point46) Безопасность: Secure Proxy, Security Potential47) Расширение файла: Service Package, Stack Pointer, Summary Punch, Supervisory Printer, Service Pack (IBM), Compressed file archive (Splint)48) Автоматическое регулирование: set point, точка уставки ( регулятора) (точка цставки, настройки регулятора в контурах автоматического управления (регулирования))49) SAP.тех. хранимая процедура50) Нефть и газ: code of practice, self-potential curve, small power supply51) Электротехника: source point, spinning reserve52) Майкрософт: пакет обновления53) Общественная организация: Samaritan's Purse54) Должность: Senior Pastor, Street Photography, Superior Performance, Suppressive Person55) Чат: Shiny Pants, Social Points, Super Pretty56) Правительство: Sterling Park, Stevens Point57) НАСА: Sub Project58) Программное обеспечение: Service Pack, Smart Pointer -
10 sp
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Salvation Plan, specifications, поставщик услуг (бизнес, заключение договора), обслуживающая компания, обслуживающая организация2) Компьютерная техника: Single Processor, Stops Processing3) Медицина: sodium phosphate (фосфат натрия)4) Американизм: Semi Plenary, Special Publication5) Ботаника: Soil Properties6) Спорт: Sanity Points, Save Percentage, Short Program, Shoulder Pad, Single Play, Single Player, Spirit Points, Sports Plane, Sports Production, Starting Pitcher, Style Points, Subgame Perfect, Super Player7) Военный термин: Sabotage Pack, Security Pack, Security Policy, Shock Practice, Source Program, Special Proceeding, school of photography, seaplane, secret publication, security police, security policeman, security publication, self-propelled, sensor package, service pistol, service policeman, service publication, shipping port, shore party, sign post, signal post, signal processor, signal publication, single-purpose, smokeless powder, soft-point, spare part, spares planning, special performance, special planning, special program, special project, special projective, special propellants, special-purpose, specialist, splinter-protected, standard practice, standard procedure, standing procedure, start point, stragglers' post, strategic plan, strategic planning, strategic program, stretcher party, student pilot, submarine patrol, summary plotter, supply point, support publication, surveillance procedure, system parameter, systems planning8) Техника: Silk Purse, Silver Plated, Something Probably, Special Product, Square Pod, safety principles, sampling point, satellite processor, saturation paste, saturation percentage, security procedure, self-potential, separator, set point, short-period, shotpoint, signal projector, single pole, single-processor, solar panel, solidification point, space character, span value, stand pipe, star photometer, starting period, stellar photometry, superpressure, suppression pool, suspended particles9) Сельское хозяйство: superphosphate10) Шутливое выражение: Super Pud11) Химия: Solubility Product12) Математика: свойство вычитания (subtraction property), случайный процесс (stochastic process)13) Религия: Saint Peter, Supreme Power14) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company15) Юридический термин: State Police, Street Price16) Бухгалтерия: sales proceeds, selling price17) Автомобильный термин: запаска, запасное колесо, запчасть (spare part, обычно именно про колесо)18) Грубое выражение: Sex Partner, Shit Pot, Sneaky Peek, Stinky Poop, Stupid Parents, Stupid Party, Stupid Piece, Stupid Prat, Stupidly Priced, Sucky Piece19) Металлургия: straight polarity20) Телевидение: standart play21) Телекоммуникации: Signaling Point (ANSI)22) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Poland), Satellite Photo, Shore Patrol (USA), Shore Patrol, Single-Phase, Smart Procurement (UK MoD), Socialist Party, Southern Pacific, Spain (NATO country code), Spotting round, Stabilised Platform, Star Patrol, Static Pressure, one-pole, sample part, seaplane port, shear plate, single-pole, spare, spare parts, species, specification, speed, splitting, stake and platform, standpipe, stop of payment, structured protection, supply, Short Play (VHS VCR), special (projectile)23) Университет: Satisfactory Progress, Student Program, Sure Pass24) Физиология: Sleep Paralysis, Spine, spinal25) Вычислительная техника: Signaling Point, Speculative Precomputation, Speech Processing, Structured Programming, System Product, semipermanent, shift pulse, sound parameters, square punch, параметры звука, Southern Pacific (Corporate name, Railroading), Service Provider (DMI), SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Simple visual Profile (MPEG), Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT), Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC), Stack Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from spontaneous potential (SP) log, bbl separator barrel, curve spontaneous polarization curve, reflected wave, self potential, set plug, shot point, shot points, slightly porous, spontaneous polarization, straddle packer, surface pressure, давление на устье скважины (surface pressure), естественный потенциал (self-potential), короткопериодный (short-period), место перфорирования, нормальное давление (safe pressure), пункт взрыва (shotpoint), сдвоенный пакер (straddle packer), точка взрыва (shot point), точка возбуждения (shot point), установка временной мостовой пробки (set plug), Spontaneous Potential Log27) Банковское дело: приостанавливать платёж (stop payment)28) Геофизика: ПВ, ПС, потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации29) Пищевая промышленность: Sugar Pie30) Силикатное производство: softening point, suspension preheater31) Воздухоплавание: Supervisory Package32) Фирменный знак: Simple Productions, Sprague33) СМИ: Special Presentation, Studio Package, Suggested Page34) Деловая лексика: Semidirect Product, Single Premium, Special Partner, Special Process, Starting Price35) Бурение: СП (spontaneous polarization), спонтанная поляризация (spontaneous polarization), self potential log (an electrical log for indicating lithology)36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic profile, standing pipe rack, каротаж собственного потенциала (spontaneous potential), потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации (Spontaneous Potential)37) Нефтегазовая техника самопроизвольная поляризация38) Образование: Schools Program, Skills Practice, Spell Points39) Инвестиции: stop payment40) Полимеры: series-parallel, single propellant, singlephase, sliced plate, smokeless propellant, soil pipe, solid propellant, solidifying point, spot plate, standard pitch, standard pressure, steam pressure, superior-processing41) Программирование: Single Precision, System Procedure42) Сахалин Р: Spontaneous Potential, spontaneous potential43) Сахалин А: set pressure44) Химическое оружие: secondary power45) Макаров: single-point, starting point46) Безопасность: Secure Proxy, Security Potential47) Расширение файла: Service Package, Stack Pointer, Summary Punch, Supervisory Printer, Service Pack (IBM), Compressed file archive (Splint)48) Автоматическое регулирование: set point, точка уставки ( регулятора) (точка цставки, настройки регулятора в контурах автоматического управления (регулирования))49) SAP.тех. хранимая процедура50) Нефть и газ: code of practice, self-potential curve, small power supply51) Электротехника: source point, spinning reserve52) Майкрософт: пакет обновления53) Общественная организация: Samaritan's Purse54) Должность: Senior Pastor, Street Photography, Superior Performance, Suppressive Person55) Чат: Shiny Pants, Social Points, Super Pretty56) Правительство: Sterling Park, Stevens Point57) НАСА: Sub Project58) Программное обеспечение: Service Pack, Smart Pointer -
11 factor
1) коэффициент; множитель || выносить за скобки; разлагать на множители2) фактора) коэффициент; константа; постояннаяб) поправочный коэффициент; корректирующий множитель3) делитель ( числа или выражения)4) регрессор•- absorption factor
- accountable factor
- alternating-quantity form factor
- amplification factor
- amplifier distortion factor
- amplitude factor
- array factor
- AT form factor
- attenuation factor
- ATX form factor
- autonomous factor
- avalanche multiplication factor
- average noise factor
- Baby AT form factor
- bandwidth factor
- base-transport factor
- beam compression factor
- between factor
- blocking factor
- Boltzmann factor
- branching factor
- bunching factor
- capacitive branch quality factor
- causal factor
- chance factor
- chill factor
- coincidence factor
- collector-current multiplication factor
- color correction factor
- commutation factor
- commutative factor
- compensation factor
- complex factor
- complexity factor
- confidence factor
- constant factor
- constraint factor
- correction factor
- correlation factor
- coupling factor
- crest factor
- cross-modulation factor
- current-amplification factor
- current-multiplication factor
- current-stability factor
- cyclic duration factor
- damping factor
- daylight factor
- Debye-Waller factor
- deflection factor
- deflection uniformity factor
- degeneracy factor
- degeneration factor
- demagnetization curve fullness factor
- demagnetizing factor
- demand factor
- depolarization factor
- depreciation factor
- derating factor
- determining factor
- design factor
- dielectric dissipation factor
- dielectric filling factor
- dielectric loss factor
- dielectric power factor
- diffusion factor
- dimension factor
- dimensionless factor
- directivity factor
- dissipation factor
- distortion factor
- distribution factor
- diversity factor
- duty factor
- electrical form factor
- element factor
- elimination factor
- exogenous factor
- exponential factor
- feedback factor
- ferrite filling factor
- fill factor
- filling factor
- filter factor
- fineness factor
- fixed factor
- flare factor
- flex-ATX form factor
- force factor
- form factor
- free factor
- frequency multiplication factor
- fudge factor
- fullness factor
- g-factor
- gap factor
- gas-amplification factor
- gas-content factor
- gas-multiplication factor
- geometric factor
- geometry factor
- greatest common factor
- greatest prime factor
- grouping factor
- growth factor
- harmonic distortion factor
- heat conductivity factor
- human factor
- hysteresis factor
- impedance mismatch factor
- improvement factor
- inductive branch quality factor
- injection factor
- interlace factor
- interleave factor
- K-factor
- Kell factor
- Landé factor
- leakage factor
- literal factor
- load factor
- loss factor - luminosity factor
- luminous factor
- magnetic dissipation factor
- magnetic form factor
- magnetic leakage factor
- magnetic loss factor
- magnetic power factor
- magnetic splitting factor
- magnetostrictive sensitivity factor
- magnification factor
- magnitude factor
- mains decoupling factor
- mains-interference immunity factor
- mechanical quality factor
- micro-ATX form factor
- mini-ATX form factor
- mismatch factor
- mismatching factor
- modifying factor
- modulation factor
- mu factor
- multiplication factor
- multiplying factor
- mutual inductance factor
- nature factor
- NLX form factor
- noise factor
- noise improvement factor
- nonlinear distortion factor
- nuclear g-factor
- nuclear Landé factor
- nuclear magnetic splitting factor
- numerical factor
- operation factor
- output factor
- overload factor
- packing factor
- peak factor
- penetration factor
- performance factor
- permeability rise factor
- phase factor
- photomultiplication factor
- piezoelectric coupling factor
- pitch factor
- plane-Earth factor
- polarization mismatch factor
- polarization receiving factor
- post-deflection acceleration factor
- power factor
- propagation factor
- propagation terrain factor
- proximity factor
- pulse duty factor
- punch-through factor
- Q-factor
- quality factor
- radiance factor
- reactive factor
- readiness factor
- receiver noise factor
- rectification factor
- rectifier form factor
- reduced quality factor
- reflection factor
- regularization factor
- relative erythemal factor
- relative severity factor
- reliability factor
- relocation factor
- repairability factor
- repeatability factor
- repeating measure factor
- restorability factor
- RF demagnetizing factor
- ripple factor
- rolloff factor
- SA factor
- safety factor
- saturation factor
- scale factor
- scaling factor
- secondary-electron emission factor
- sector interleave factor
- selective availability factor
- shadow factor
- shape factor
- shield factor
- shielding factor
- signal-to-noise factor
- skip factor
- sky factor
- slowing factor
- smoothing factor
- space factor
- space-charge growth factor
- speed-up factor
- spherical-Earth factor
- spot noise factor
- spread factor
- stability factor
- stabilization factor
- standing-wave loss factor
- storage factor
- structure factor
- surround factor
- switching factor
- time-scaling factor
- transfer factor
- transition factor
- transmission factor
- transport factor
- unitary factor
- unity power factor
- unloaded dissipation factor
- utilization factor
- vacuum factor
- velocity factor
- visibility factor
- voltage amplification factor
- weight factor
- weighting factor
- windchill factor
- winding factor
- within factor
- WTX form factor
- Y-factor
- Z-factor
- μ-factor -
12 factor
1) коэффициент; множитель || выносить за скобки; разлагать на множители2) фактора) коэффициент; константа; постояннаяб) поправочный коэффициент; корректирующий множитель3) делитель ( числа или выражения)4) регрессор•- μ factor- absorption factor
- accountable factor
- alternating-quantity form factor
- amplification factor
- amplifier distortion factor
- amplitude factor
- array factor
- AT form factor
- attenuation factor
- ATX form factor
- autonomous factor
- avalanche multiplication factor
- average noise factor
- Baby AT form factor
- bandwidth factor
- base-transport factor
- beam compression factor
- between factor
- blocking factor
- Boltzmann factor
- branching factor
- bunching factor
- capacitive branch quality factor
- causal factor
- chance factor
- chill factor
- coincidence factor
- collector-current multiplication factor
- color correction factor
- commutation factor
- commutative factor
- compensation factor
- complex factor
- complexity factor
- confidence factor
- constant factor
- constraint factor
- correction factor
- correlation factor
- coupling factor
- crest factor
- cross-modulation factor
- current-amplification factor
- current-multiplication factor
- current-stability factor
- cyclic duration factor
- damping factor
- daylight factor
- Debye-Waller factor
- deflection factor
- deflection uniformity factor
- degeneracy factor
- degeneration factor
- demagnetization curve fullness factor
- demagnetizing factor
- demand factor
- depolarization factor
- depreciation factor
- derating factor
- design factor
- determining factor
- dielectric dissipation factor
- dielectric filling factor
- dielectric loss factor
- dielectric power factor
- diffusion factor
- dimension factor
- dimensionless factor
- directivity factor
- dissipation factor
- distortion factor
- distribution factor
- diversity factor
- duty factor
- electrical form factor
- element factor
- elimination factor
- exogenous factor
- exponential factor
- factor of production
- feedback factor
- ferrite filling factor
- fill factor
- filling factor
- filter factor
- fineness factor
- fixed factor
- flare factor
- flex-ATX form factor
- force factor
- form factor
- free factor
- frequency multiplication factor
- fudge factor
- fullness factor
- gap factor
- gas-amplification factor
- gas-content factor
- gas-multiplication factor
- geometric factor
- geometry factor
- g-factor
- greatest common factor
- greatest prime factor
- grouping factor
- growth factor
- harmonic distortion factor
- heat conductivity factor
- human factor
- hysteresis factor
- impedance mismatch factor
- improvement factor
- inductive branch quality factor
- injection factor
- interlace factor
- interleave factor
- Kell factor
- K-factor
- Landé factor
- leakage factor
- literal factor
- load factor
- loss factor
- lowest common factor
- LPX form factor
- luminosity factor
- luminous factor
- magnetic dissipation factor
- magnetic form factor
- magnetic leakage factor
- magnetic loss factor
- magnetic power factor
- magnetic splitting factor
- magnetostrictive sensitivity factor
- magnification factor
- magnitude factor
- mains decoupling factor
- mains-interference immunity factor
- mechanical quality factor
- micro-ATX form factor
- mini-ATX form factor
- mismatch factor
- mismatching factor
- modifying factor
- modulation factor
- mu factor
- multiplication factor
- multiplying factor
- mutual inductance factor
- nature factor
- NLX form factor
- noise factor
- noise improvement factor
- nonlinear distortion factor
- nuclear g-factor
- nuclear Landé factor
- nuclear magnetic splitting factor
- numerical factor
- operation factor
- output factor
- overload factor
- packing factor
- peak factor
- penetration factor
- performance factor
- permeability rise factor
- phase factor
- photomultiplication factor
- piezoelectric coupling factor
- pitch factor
- plane-Earth factor
- polarization mismatch factor
- polarization receiving factor
- post-deflection acceleration factor
- power factor
- propagation factor
- propagation terrain factor
- proximity factor
- pulse duty factor
- punch-through factor
- Q-factor
- quality factor
- radiance factor
- reactive factor
- readiness factor
- receiver noise factor
- rectification factor
- rectifier form factor
- reduced quality factor
- reflection factor
- regularization factor
- relative erythemal factor
- relative severity factor
- reliability factor
- relocation factor
- repairability factor
- repeatability factor
- repeating measure factor
- restorability factor
- RF demagnetizing factor
- ripple factor
- rolloff factor
- SA factor
- safety factor
- saturation factor
- scale factor
- scaling factor
- secondary-electron emission factor
- sector interleave factor
- selective availability factor
- shadow factor
- shape factor
- shield factor
- shielding factor
- signal-to-noise factor
- skip factor
- sky factor
- slowing factor
- smoothing factor
- space factor
- space-charge growth factor
- speed-up factor
- spherical-Earth factor
- spot noise factor
- spread factor
- stability factor
- stabilization factor
- standing-wave loss factor
- storage factor
- structure factor
- surround factor
- switching factor
- time-scaling factor
- transfer factor
- transition factor
- transmission factor
- transport factor
- unitary factor
- unity power factor
- unloaded dissipation factor
- utilization factor
- vacuum factor
- velocity factor
- visibility factor
- voltage amplification factor
- weight factor
- weighting factor
- windchill factor
- winding factor
- within factor
- WTX form factor
- Y factor
- Z factorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > factor
13 level
1) уровень
2) ватерпас
3) ватерпасный
4) выверять по уровню
5) горизонтировать
6) заравнивать
7) нивелир
8) нивелировать
9) разравнивать
10) сувальдный
11) уровнь
12) уровнять
13) устанваливаться
14) ступень
15) горизонтальный
16) ровный
17) ровно
18) выравнивать
– above sea level
– acceptor level
– acidity level
– background level
– binocular level
– black level
– blacker-than-black level
– blanking level
– block level
– capture level
– carpenter's level
– charging level
– clamp level
– cloud level
– confidence level
– cross-talk level
– cut-off level
– datum level
– deep-lying level
– donor level
– draw level
– drawdown level
– dummy level
– empty level
– energy level
– excitation level
– excited level
– Fermi level
– fill level
– filled level
– flux level
– frame level
– grizzly level
– ground level
– hand level
– high-water level
– hum level
– hunting for a level
– hydrogenic level
– illumination level
– injection level
– insulation level
– integration level
– intensity level
– intermediate level
– inversion level
– ionization level
– ionized level
– level airplane
– level amplifier
– level balance
– level blocking
– level bubble
– level checker
– level circuit
– level control
– level crosscut
– level crossing
– level curve
– level datum
– level detector
– level flight
– level gauge
– level ground
– level inverter
– level line
– level lock
– level logic
– level monitoring
– level multiple
– level net
– level of confidence
– level of hierarchy
– level of low waters
– level pillar
– level shaft
– level shears
– level shift
– level splints
– level splitting
– level square
– level surface
– level the plane
– level vial
– limiting level
– loudness level
– low water level
– low-lying level
– low-water level
– main level
– mean sea level
– noise level
– occupied level
– occupy level
– on a level with
– output level
– overload level
– oxidation level
– pond level
– power level
– precise level
– pumping level
– quantization level
– quantum level
– radiation level
– recording level
– reduce to sea level
– reduction to sea level
– redundancy level
– reference level
– regulator of level
– reside at level
– rotational level
– sea level
– sea level pressure
– set up a level
– significance level
– sound level
– spare level
– spirit level
– striding level
– threshold level
– tilt a level
– tilting level
– top up level
– top up the level
– transmission level
– volume level
– Wannier-Stark level
– when level
– white level
– working level
– zero level
automatic level gage — автур, уровнемер автоматический
coded at the machine-language level — <comput.> над машинными кодами
high water level — <geol.> горизонт высоких вод
line of precise level — <geod.> линия точного нивелирования
population of rotational level — заполненность вращательных уровней
sound level meter — измеритель силы звука, < radio> импульсмессер
suspended level viscometer — вискозиметр с подвешенным уровнем
14 spectral
– spectral band
– spectral coherence
– spectral folding
– spectral function
– spectral lamp
– spectral line
– spectral norm
– spectral property
– spectral radiation
– spectral region
– spectral response
– spectral window
– vibrational spectral
one-sided spectral density — <opt.> плотность спектральная одномерная
red shift of spectral lines — красное смещение спектральных линий
spectral density of radiance — плотность энергетическая яркости спектральная
two-sided spectral density — <opt.> плотность спектральная двумерная
15 module
1) модуль || разбивать на модули2) блок, узел3) коэффициент4) строит. модульная секция•module in space — мат. модуль в пространстве
module on space — мат. модуль на пространстве
module with differentiation — мат. дифференциальный модуль, модуль с дифференциалом
module with filtration — мат. модуль с фильтрацией
module without torsion — мат. модуль без кручения
16 node
17 test
1) замер2) испытание; испытания || испытывать; исследовать3) стат. критерий4) обнаружение; определение5) опробывание6) опыт; эксперимент7) признак8) проба || пробовать9) проверка || проверять10) тест || тестовый11) пробный•test for uniformity — мат. критерий равномерности
test for trend — мат. проверка на тренд
test for singularity — мат. критерий особенности
test for regression — мат. проверка на наличие регрессии
test for randomness — мат. критерий случайности
test for primality — мат. признак простоты (числа)
test for optimality — мат. критерий оптимальности
test for nonadditivity — мат. признак неаддитивности
test for minimum — мат. проверка на минимум
test for interaction — мат. критерий взаимодействия
test for exponentiality — мат. критерий экспоненциальности
test for ergodicity — мат. критерий эргодичности
test for divisibility — мат. признак делимости
test for definiteness — мат. критерий определённости
test for convergence — мат. критерий сходимости
test for concordance — мат. критерий согласия
test for casualty — мат. критерий обусловленности
- asymptotically efficient test - asymptotically minimax test - asymptotically most powerful rank test - asymptotically optimum test - asymptotically robust test - asymptotically unbiased test - double-tailed testto make test — стат. строить критерий (напр., для проверки значимости отклонений)
- fat test- general test for homogeneity- jet test- locally unbiased test - multiple comparison test - multiple ranking test - normal scores test - one-tailed test - probability ratio test - process normality test - single-tailed test - statistically valid test - test for goodness of fit - test for homogeneity of means - test for homogeneity of variances - test for nonsphericalness of disturbances - test for significant changes - test for uniform convergence - test hypothesis with experiment - uniformly asymptotically efficient test - uniformly best test - uniformly consistent test
См. также в других словарях:
Splitting maul — Woodsplitting maul Other names Wood maul Wood mall Block Buster (Typically used throughout Australia and New Zealand) Classification Hand tool Related Sledge hammer … Wikipedia
Heegaard splitting — In the mathematical field of geometric topology, a Heegaard splitting is a decomposition of a compact oriented 3 manifold that results from dividing it into two handlebodies. The importance of Heegaard splittings has grown in recent years as more … Wikipedia
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Z-order curve — Not to be confused with Z curve or Z order. Four iterations of the Z order curve … Wikipedia
Z-order (curve) — Z order, or Morton order, first proposed in 1966 by G. M. Morton, [citation|first=G. M.|last=Morton|title=A computer Oriented Geodetic Data Base; and a New Technique in File Sequencing|series=Technical Report|publisher=IBM Ltd.|location=Ottawa,… … Wikipedia
B-spline — In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, a B spline is a spline function that has minimal support with respect to a given degree, smoothness, and domain partition. A fundamental theorem states that every spline function of a given… … Wikipedia
B-spline — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En el subcampo matemático de análisis numérico, una B spline es una función spline que tiene el mínimo apoyo con respecto a un determinado grado, suavidad, y partición del dominio. Un teorema fundamental establece… … Wikipedia Español
Hilbert R-tree — Hilbert R tree, an R tree variant, is an index for multidimensional objects like lines, regions, 3 D objects, or high dimensional feature based parametric objects. It can be thought of as an extension to B+ tree for multidimensional objects.The… … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… … Wikipedia