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См. также в других словарях:

  • условный радиус кривизны ( relative curvature radius), Ryc — 3.38 условный радиус кривизны ( relative curvature radius), Ryc: Кривизна поверхности грунта природного сложения или на уровне подошвы фундамента на криволинейных участках изменения просадки грунта от собственного веса от нуля до максимальной… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Radius of curvature (applications) — The distance from the center of a sphere or ellipsoid to its surface is its radius. The equivalent surface radius that is described by radial distances at points along the body s surface is its radius of curvature (more formally, the radius of… …   Wikipedia

  • Radius of curvature (optics) — Radius of curvature has specific meaning and sign convention in optical design. A spherical lens or mirror surface has a center of curvature located in (x, y, z) either along or decentered from the system local optical axis. The vertex… …   Wikipedia

  • Radius of curvature — may refer to: Radius of curvature (mathematics) Radius of curvature (optics) Radius of curvature (applications), in geodesy and materials science The reciprocal of the curvature, in differential geometry Radius, for a sphere (lingo) The radius of …   Wikipedia

  • Radius of curvature — Curvature Cur va*ture (k?r v? t?r; 135), n. [L. curvatura. See {Curvate}.] 1. The act of curving, or the state of being bent or curved; a curving or bending, normal or abnormal, as of a line or surface from a rectilinear direction; a bend; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curvature — Cur va*ture (k?r v? t?r; 135), n. [L. curvatura. See {Curvate}.] 1. The act of curving, or the state of being bent or curved; a curving or bending, normal or abnormal, as of a line or surface from a rectilinear direction; a bend; a curve. Cowper …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curvature of the spine — Curvature Cur va*ture (k?r v? t?r; 135), n. [L. curvatura. See {Curvate}.] 1. The act of curving, or the state of being bent or curved; a curving or bending, normal or abnormal, as of a line or surface from a rectilinear direction; a bend; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Radius of curvature — Radius Ra di*us (r[=a] d[i^]*[u^]s), n.; pl. L. {Radii} (r[=a] d[i^]*[imac]); E. {Radiuses} (r[=a] d[i^]*[u^]s*[e^]z). [L., a staff, rod, spoke of a wheel, radius, ray. See {Ray} a divergent line.] 1. (Geom.) A right line drawn or extending from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Radius — Ra di*us (r[=a] d[i^]*[u^]s), n.; pl. L. {Radii} (r[=a] d[i^]*[imac]); E. {Radiuses} (r[=a] d[i^]*[u^]s*[e^]z). [L., a staff, rod, spoke of a wheel, radius, ray. See {Ray} a divergent line.] 1. (Geom.) A right line drawn or extending from the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Radius bar — Radius Ra di*us (r[=a] d[i^]*[u^]s), n.; pl. L. {Radii} (r[=a] d[i^]*[imac]); E. {Radiuses} (r[=a] d[i^]*[u^]s*[e^]z). [L., a staff, rod, spoke of a wheel, radius, ray. See {Ray} a divergent line.] 1. (Geom.) A right line drawn or extending from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Curvature — In mathematics, curvature refers to any of a number of loosely related concepts in different areas of geometry. Intuitively, curvature is the amount by which a geometric object deviates from being flat, or straight in the case of a line, but this …   Wikipedia

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