1 curtly
Curtly -
2 curtly
3 curtly
4 refuse
1. II asked him to come (to join us, etc.), but he refused я пригласил /попросил/ его прийти и т.д., но он отказался; she is free to refuse она может /имеет право/ отказаться2. IIrefuse in some manner refuse pointblank (positively, obstinately, curtly, courteously, haughtily, etc.) отказываться наотрез и т.д.3. III1) refuse smth. refuse a request (permission, admittance, help, leave of absence, etc.) отказывать в просьбе и т.д.; refuse smb. refuse a lady (miners, etc.) отказывать даме и т.д.2) refuse smth. refuse smb.'s invitation (a gift, a bribe, money, an office, the nomination for mayor, food, all medicines, etc.) отказываться от приглашения и т.д., не принимать приглашение и т.д.; he refused my offer of help он отказался от моего предложения о помощи; the editor refused the story редактор не взял этот рассказ; refuse smb. refuse a suitor (a candidate, this pleasant young man, etc.) отказывать поклоннику и т.д.4. IVrefuse smth. in some manner refuse smth. resolutely (modestly, curtly, etc.) отказывать в чем-л. решительно и т.д.5. Vrefuse smb. smth. refuse smb. money (any information, admittance, satisfaction, tribute, one's request, a favour, etc.) отказывать кому-л. в деньгах и т.д.; they refused me permission они мне не дали разрешения; I can't refuse her anything я ни в чем не могу ей отказать6. XIbe refused the invitation was refused от приглашения отказались; that is not to be refused a) в этом отказать нельзя; б) от этого нельзя отказаться; be refused in some manner the request was curtly refused в просьбе было резко отказано; I have never been refused мне никогда не отказывали, я никогда не получал отказа7. XIIIrefuse to do smth.1) resolutely (steadily, stupidly, etc.) refuse to help [me] (to answer, to speak, to eat, to move on, to surrender, to take money, to give one's consent, etc.) решительно и т.д. отказываться помочь [мне] и т.д., we refuseed to accept his resignation мы отказались принять его отставку; she refused to be seen home она отказалась /не захотела/, чтобы ее провожали домой2) refuse to burn (to shut, etc.) никак не загораться и т.д., three times the trap refused to work трижды капкан не срабатывал8. XXI1refuse smth. for smth. refuse a hundred pounds for a picture отказаться взять сто фунтов за картину -
5 abruptly
1. adv внезапно, резко2. adv отрывистоСинонимический ряд:1. roughly (adj.) bluntly; brutally; grimly; harshly; loudly; powerfully; roughly; rudely; sternly2. angrily (other) angrily; annoyed; huffy; in a huff; insulted; offended; rudely3. curtly (other) bluntly; brusquely; curtly; gruffly; peremptorily; sharply; shortly; tersely4. short (other) asudden; forthwith; short; sudden5. suddenly (other) hastily; hurriedly; impetuously; precipitately; suddenly -
6 peremptorily
Синонимический ряд:1. absolutely (other) absolutely; assertively; categorically; decidedly; emphatically; insistently; positively; undeniably; unmistakably2. curtly (other) abruptly; bluntly; brusquely; curtly; gruffly; sharply; shortly; tersely3. masterfully (other) domineeringly; high-handedly; imperatively; imperially; imperiously; magisterially; masterfully; overbearingly -
7 sharply
1. adv резко2. adv внимательноСинонимический ряд:1. clearly (adj.) abruptly; angrily; clearly; distinctly; piercingly; pointedly; promptly; suddenly2. cleanly (other) clean; cleanly; neatly; tidily3. curtly (other) abruptly; bluntly; brusquely; curtly; gruffly; peremptorily; shortly; tersely4. hard (other) closely; hard; intently; searchingly -
8 shortly
1. adv скоро, вскоре2. adv кратко, сжато, в нескольких словах3. adv резко, отрывисто; грубо4. adv редк. недолгоСинонимический ряд:1. presently (adj.) anon; before long; forthwith; immediately; in a minute; not at the moment; presently; pronto2. briefly (other) briefly; concisely; in brief; in short; laconically; succinctly; tersely3. curtly (other) abruptly; bluntly; brusquely; curtly; gruffly; peremptorily; sharply4. soon (other) after a short time; after a time; after a while; anon; any minute; before long; by and by; directly; in a minute; in a moment; in a second; in a while; momentarily; presently; soon -
9 tersely
Синонимический ряд:1. concisely (other) briefly; concisely; in a nutshell (colloquial); in a word; in brief; in fine; in short; laconically; shortly; succinctly2. curtly (other) abruptly; bluntly; brusquely; curtly; gruffly; peremptorily; sharply; shortly -
10 зыкать
11 зыкнуть
12 односложно
нареч. monosyllabically отвечать односложноБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > односложно
13 отрезать, отрезать
1. (вн.) cut* (smth.), cut* off (smth.) ;
2. (вн.;
разъединять) cut* off (smb., smth.) ;
отрезать кого-л. от главных сил cut* smb. off from the main forces;
3. (вн.;
доступ и т. п.) cut* (smth.) ;
все пути отрезаны all escape routes are cut;
4. разг. (резко отвечать) say* curtly, bark, snap out.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > отрезать, отрезать
14 отрубить
I несовер. - отрубать;
совер. - отрубить (что-л.) cut off;
chop off II совер.;
разг. snap back (при ответе)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > отрубить
15 inquire
1. Iwhen I don't know I inquire когда я не знаю, я спрашиваю2. IIIinquire smth. inquire a person's name (the time, the reason of his long absence, one's way, the price of smth., etc.) спрашивать, как зовут кого-л. и т. д., выяснять чье-л. имя и т. д.3. IVinquire smth. in some manner inquire smth. boldly (bluntly, curtly, officially, cautiously, skeptically, mischievously, incredulously, curiously, solicitously, etc.) смело и т. д. спрашивать о чем-л. /выяснять что-л./4. XIbe inquired into the matter is now being inquired into этот вопрос сейчас выясняется5. XVI1) inquire about fatter) smth., smb. inquire about tile matter (about trains to London, about rooms, about the thing, about the battle, about his welfare, about his doings, about him, etc.) осведомляться /справляться, спрашивать/ об этом деле и т. д., интересоваться этим делом и т. д.; everybody is inquiring about her ею все интересуются, все спрашивают о ней; inquire after a sick friend (after his mother, after the family, after smb.'s health, etc.) справляться о больном друге и т. д., inquire into smth. inquire into the affair (into the circumstances, into smb.'s past, more deeply into the matter, etc.) выяснять это дело и т. д.; inquire into a crime (into the cause of smb.'s sudden death, into the accident, etc.) расследовать преступление и т. д., вести расследование преступления и т. д., let's inquire into the truth of the matter давайте разузнаем, в чем действительно дело; inquire at some place inquire at the post office (at the station, etc.) спрашивать / наводить справки/ на почте и т. д.2) inquire for smth. inquire for a particular book (for the goods in a shop, for a room, etc.) просить дать определенную книгу и т.д., разыскивать определенную книгу и т. д.; inquire for smb. inquire for the manager (for the doctor, for someone called "Toby", etc.) спрашивать /просить вызвать/ администратора и т. д., I am the person you inquire for я как раз тот человек, которого вы спрашиваете6. XXVinquire what... (where..., etc.) inquire what is happening (what he wants, where to wait, what time the train would start, if she had any literature on the subject, whether he had to look after the luggage, etc.) выяснять /интересоваться/, что происходит и т. д. -
16 a visiting fireman
амер.; разг.1) именитый, важный гость, заезжая знаменитостьEver since the Buddhist trouble started, the local correspondents have been very hostile to Cung. So he's started feeding out comment through visiting firemen: representatives of the foreign Catholic press, magazine writers and stringers for odd journals who drift in and of Saigon, looking for features. (M. West, ‘The Ambassador’, ch. VII) — С тех пор, как началась эта история с буддистами, местные корреспонденты стали чрезвычайно враждебно относиться к Кунгу. И он для оглашения своих взглядов использовал влиятельных заезжих визитеров: представителей иностранной католической прессы, журналистов и разных борзописцев - газетчиков, курсирующих из Сайгона и в Сайгон в поисках материала.
The president's wife is a hopeless alcoholic and I've had to do the entertaining of the visiting firemen. (J. O'Hara, ‘Elizabeth Appleton’, ch. XI) — Супруга ректора - хронический алкоголик, вот мне и приходится заниматься приемом именитых гостей.
2) гость, посетитель, турист (особ. не останавливающийся перед расходами)The Senior Senator was going to be stripped of his dignity. He would be... curtly introduced like a visiting fireman, and that was all. No toasts. No words about his years of service, no place of honor. (W. Manchester, ‘The Death of a President’, ch. 1) — Хотели унизить его достоинство. Его, старейшего сенатора штата! Хотели... наспех представить его президенту - просто ни слова о его многолетних заслугах, ни почетного места.
Girls... will show your visitors what most visiting firemen want to see. (WD) — Девушки... покажут вашим гостям все, что так хотят видеть заезжие визитеры, швыряющие деньги налево и направо.
17 bluntly
adv прямо, резко, напрямикСинонимический ряд:1. candidly (adj.) candidly; directly; forthrightly; frankly; freely; honestly; openly; purposely; sincerely2. baldly (other) baldly; directly; explicitly; expressly; flatly; frankly; outright; outspokenly; plainly; point-blank; straight from the shoulder; straight out; straightforwardly3. bluffly (other) abruptly; bluffly; briefly; brusquely; crustily; curtly; gruffly; peremptorily; roughly; sharply; shortly; tersely4. dully (other) dully; obtusely -
18 brusquely
Синонимический ряд:1. bluffly (other) abruptly; bluffly; briefly; crustily; curtly; gruffly; peremptorily; roughly; sharply; shortly; tersely2. bluntly (other) baldly; bluntly; directly; explicitly; expressly; flatly; frankly; outright; outspokenly; plainly; point-blank; straight from the shoulder; straight out; straightforwardly -
19 crustily
adv разг. с раздражением, сварливо, ворчливо; резкоСинонимический ряд:1. bluffly (other) abruptly; bluffly; bluntly; briefly; brusquely; curtly; gruffly; roughly; shortly2. obscenely (other) coarsely; crudely; dirtily; filthily; foully; grossly; indecently; nastily; obscenely; profanely; rankly; scurrilously; smuttily; vulgarly -
20 gruffly
1. adv грубо; резко2. adv угрюмо3. adv хриплоСинонимический ряд:1. bluffly (other) abruptly; bluffly; bluntly; briefly; brusquely; crustily; curtly; peremptorily; roughly; sharply; shortly; tersely2. hoarsely (other) hoarsely; huskily
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Curtly — Curt ly (k[^u]rt l[y^]), adv. In a curt manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
curtly — adv. Curtly is used with these verbs: ↑answer, ↑nod, ↑reply, ↑say, ↑tell … Collocations dictionary
curtly — curt ► ADJECTIVE ▪ noticeable or rudely brief. DERIVATIVES curtly adverb curtness noun. ORIGIN Latin curtus cut short, abridged … English terms dictionary
curtly — adverb in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner (Freq. 1) he told me curtly to get on with it he talked short with everyone he said shortly that he didn t like it • Syn: ↑short, ↑shortly • Derived from adjective … Useful english dictionary
Curtly Ambrose — Personal information Full name Curtly Elconn Lynwall Ambrose Born 21 September 1963 (1963 09 21) (age 48) S … Wikipedia
Curtly Ambrose — en 2005. Curtly Elconn Lynwall Ambrose (né le 21 septembre 1963) est un ancien joueur de cricket antiguais barbudien. Il joua au niveau international pour l équipe des Indes occidentales. Il disputa son premier test et son premier … Wikipédia en Français
curtly — adverb see curt … New Collegiate Dictionary
curtly — See curt. * * * … Universalium
curtly — adverb In a curt manner; tersely, almost rudely … Wiktionary
curtly — Synonyms and related words: abruptly, aphoristically, bearishly, bluffly, bluntly, boorishly, brashly, briefly, brusquely, cavalierly, churlishly, compendiously, concisely, crisply, crustily, economically, gruffly, harshly, in brief compass,… … Moby Thesaurus
curtly — adv. briefly, tersely, bluntly, gruffly … English contemporary dictionary