1 cryptographic block
Безопасность: блок шифртекста, зашифрованный блок -
2 cryptographic block
блок шифротекста, зашифрованный блокАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > cryptographic block
3 cryptographic block
криптографический блок, блок криптоалгоритмаEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > cryptographic block
4 cryptographic block
криптографический блок, блок криптоалгоритмаThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > cryptographic block
5 block
1) блока) аппаратный блок; узел (напр. прибора)б) группа данных, рассматриваемая как единое целое при пересылкев) блок памяти2) формировать блоки; разбивать на блоки; объединять в блоки3) блокировка; преграда; препятствие || блокировать; преграждать; препятствовать; запирать•- analog block
- bit block
- boot block
- bootstrap block
- bristle block
- building block
- cacheable block
- cohesive blocks
- coil block
- conceptual block
- contact block
- control block
- cryptographic block
- data block - editing block
- embedded array blocks - file control block
- fixed-sized block - gate array block - intermediate block - logical block - mixed-signal block
- modular block
- mosaic blocks
- multifunction block
- multifunctional block
- nested block
- non-cacheable block - replicated data block
- request block
- server message block - system message block -
6 block
1) блока) аппаратный блок; узел (напр. прибора)б) группа данных, рассматриваемая как единое целое при пересылкев) блок памяти2) формировать блоки; разбивать на блоки; объединять в блоки3) блокировка; преграда; препятствие || блокировать; преграждать; препятствовать; запирать•- bit block
- block started by symbol
- boot block
- bootstrap block
- bristle block
- building block
- cacheable block
- cohesive blocks
- coil block
- conceptual block
- contact block
- control block
- cryptographic block
- data block
- data control block
- digital block
- editing block
- embedded array blocks
- end-of-transmission block
- event control block
- file control block
- fixed-sized block
- functional electronic block
- fuse block
- gate array block - intermediate block
- interruption request block
- label block
- logical block
- low-noise block
- message reference block
- mixed-signal block
- modular block
- mosaic blocks
- multifunction block
- multifunctional block
- nested block
- non-cacheable block
- operation systems function block
- pipelined block
- protocol data block
- queue control block
- regular parametrizable block
- replicated data block
- request block
- server message block
- solid-state functional block
- splicing block
- system message block
- upper memory block
- variable-sized blockThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > block
7 block
8 block decryption
термин обозначает криптографические алгоритмы, обеспечивающие поблочное дешифрованиеАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > block decryption
9 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
10 algorithm
алгоритм (cryptoalgorithm) криптографический алгоритм, криптоалгоритм; алгоритм шифрования (криптографического закрытия)- private cryptographic algorithmАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > algorithm
11 key
1) (криптографический) ключ2) ключ к замку или запирающему устройству, механический ключ- base key- candidate key- card key- code key- data key- DES key- fake key- file key- good key- hex key- host key- link key- lost key- node key- numeric key- numerical key- pass key- PRN key- safe key- seed key- test key- true key- used key- user key- weak key- work key- zone key -
12 CB
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Critical Biotope, любительский радиодиапазон, орган сертификации, сертификационный центр, сертификационная организация (certification body), Contractors Board2) Компьютерная техника: Card Bus, Clean Boot3) Авиация: conveyor belt4) Спорт: Chat Box5) Военный термин: Cast Bullet, Clean Burn, Code Breakers, Common Battery, Complex Burst, Crash And Burn, Cross Bow, carrier-borne, casualty branch, cavalry brigade, chemical and biological, coastal battery, cobalt bomb, code book, compass bearing, confidential book, confidential bulletin, configuration baseline, confinement to barracks, conical ball, construction battalion, contract brief, control block, control branch, coordination board, counterbattery, counterbombardment, cryptographic bureau, Си-Би (ОВ раздражающего действия)6) Техника: C-bias, Citizen's Band Radio, capacitor bank, changed bit, changing bits, citizen band, citizen radio band, clear back, common base, condition bit, conducting band, containment building, control buffer, control building, cosmic background7) Сельское хозяйство: carbon balance8) Шутливое выражение: Celestial Baby9) Химия: Conduction Band10) Метеорология: Corona Borealis11) Юридический термин: Cell Block, Child's Body12) Финансы: closing balance13) Биржевой термин: Central Bank, Constantly Buying, Counter Bid, Current Bid, Current Billing14) Грубое выражение: Cabin Babe, Christs Bitch, Consistant Bitch, Costume Bitch, Coward Bitch, Crazy Bitch, Crazy Bitches15) Полиграфия: Coated Back, с покрытием на обратной стороне (coated back)16) Политика: Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia)17) Телекоммуникации: Call Back, Channel Bank, Запрет вызова18) Сокращение: Battle cruiser, Central Battery, Centre of Buoyancy, Chemical-Biological, Circuit Breaker, Citizens Band, Citizens Band radio, Cluster Bomb, Confined to Barracks, Counter Battery fire, Counter-Bombardment, comparator buffer, component board19) Университет: College Bound20) Физиология: Chest-back, Chronic Bronchitis, Color Blind21) Электроника: Coupled Biquad22) Вычислительная техника: current bit23) Нефть: center of buoyancy, centerline bradenhead, changed bits, changing bit, core barrel, core bit, counterbalance, выключатель (circuit-breaker), керновый снаряд (core bullet), керноотборник (core barrel), поднятое из скважины долото (changed bit), противовес (counterbalance), размыкатель (curcuit breaker), смена долота (change of bit)24) Онкология: Cancer Board25) Банковское дело: кассовая книга (cash book), chargeback, возврат платежа26) Пищевая промышленность: Cow Brains27) Фирменный знак: Club Bones28) СМИ: Current Bulletin29) Деловая лексика: Constant Buying, Core Business30) Бурение: грунтоноска (core barrel), поднятые из скважины долота (changed bits)31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: catch basin, Кудер Бразерс юридическая фирма (Coudert Brothers), на конкурсной основе (competitive bidding)32) Образование: Coloring Book33) Инвестиции: cash book34) ЕБРР: correspondent bank35) Полимеры: carbon black, chlorobromomethane, cisbutadiene rubber, control board, control button, pentachlorobiphenyl36) Программирование: Count Of Bytes37) Сахалин Р: Coudert Brothers, competitive bidding38) Расширение файла: Microsoft clean boot file39) Энергосистемы: cross-border40) Нефть и газ: I/O compensation bias, basic controller, block coefficient, compensation bias, concrete block41) Электротехника: contact breaker, автоматический выключатель, прерыватель, размыкатель цепи, C.B., АВР, автомат безопасности, автомат включения резерва (дизель-генератор)42) Имена и фамилии: Carl Bevil, Charlie Brown, Chris Bennett, Colin Bryan43) Общественная организация: Club Beyond44) Чат: Chat Board, Clueless Boy, Cute Boy45) Правительство: Compensation Board, Council Bluffs, Iowa46) NYSE. Chubb Corporation47) Программное обеспечение: Command Button -
13 Cb
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Critical Biotope, любительский радиодиапазон, орган сертификации, сертификационный центр, сертификационная организация (certification body), Contractors Board2) Компьютерная техника: Card Bus, Clean Boot3) Авиация: conveyor belt4) Спорт: Chat Box5) Военный термин: Cast Bullet, Clean Burn, Code Breakers, Common Battery, Complex Burst, Crash And Burn, Cross Bow, carrier-borne, casualty branch, cavalry brigade, chemical and biological, coastal battery, cobalt bomb, code book, compass bearing, confidential book, confidential bulletin, configuration baseline, confinement to barracks, conical ball, construction battalion, contract brief, control block, control branch, coordination board, counterbattery, counterbombardment, cryptographic bureau, Си-Би (ОВ раздражающего действия)6) Техника: C-bias, Citizen's Band Radio, capacitor bank, changed bit, changing bits, citizen band, citizen radio band, clear back, common base, condition bit, conducting band, containment building, control buffer, control building, cosmic background7) Сельское хозяйство: carbon balance8) Шутливое выражение: Celestial Baby9) Химия: Conduction Band10) Метеорология: Corona Borealis11) Юридический термин: Cell Block, Child's Body12) Финансы: closing balance13) Биржевой термин: Central Bank, Constantly Buying, Counter Bid, Current Bid, Current Billing14) Грубое выражение: Cabin Babe, Christs Bitch, Consistant Bitch, Costume Bitch, Coward Bitch, Crazy Bitch, Crazy Bitches15) Полиграфия: Coated Back, с покрытием на обратной стороне (coated back)16) Политика: Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia)17) Телекоммуникации: Call Back, Channel Bank, Запрет вызова18) Сокращение: Battle cruiser, Central Battery, Centre of Buoyancy, Chemical-Biological, Circuit Breaker, Citizens Band, Citizens Band radio, Cluster Bomb, Confined to Barracks, Counter Battery fire, Counter-Bombardment, comparator buffer, component board19) Университет: College Bound20) Физиология: Chest-back, Chronic Bronchitis, Color Blind21) Электроника: Coupled Biquad22) Вычислительная техника: current bit23) Нефть: center of buoyancy, centerline bradenhead, changed bits, changing bit, core barrel, core bit, counterbalance, выключатель (circuit-breaker), керновый снаряд (core bullet), керноотборник (core barrel), поднятое из скважины долото (changed bit), противовес (counterbalance), размыкатель (curcuit breaker), смена долота (change of bit)24) Онкология: Cancer Board25) Банковское дело: кассовая книга (cash book), chargeback, возврат платежа26) Пищевая промышленность: Cow Brains27) Фирменный знак: Club Bones28) СМИ: Current Bulletin29) Деловая лексика: Constant Buying, Core Business30) Бурение: грунтоноска (core barrel), поднятые из скважины долота (changed bits)31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: catch basin, Кудер Бразерс юридическая фирма (Coudert Brothers), на конкурсной основе (competitive bidding)32) Образование: Coloring Book33) Инвестиции: cash book34) ЕБРР: correspondent bank35) Полимеры: carbon black, chlorobromomethane, cisbutadiene rubber, control board, control button, pentachlorobiphenyl36) Программирование: Count Of Bytes37) Сахалин Р: Coudert Brothers, competitive bidding38) Расширение файла: Microsoft clean boot file39) Энергосистемы: cross-border40) Нефть и газ: I/O compensation bias, basic controller, block coefficient, compensation bias, concrete block41) Электротехника: contact breaker, автоматический выключатель, прерыватель, размыкатель цепи, C.B., АВР, автомат безопасности, автомат включения резерва (дизель-генератор)42) Имена и фамилии: Carl Bevil, Charlie Brown, Chris Bennett, Colin Bryan43) Общественная организация: Club Beyond44) Чат: Chat Board, Clueless Boy, Cute Boy45) Правительство: Compensation Board, Council Bluffs, Iowa46) NYSE. Chubb Corporation47) Программное обеспечение: Command Button -
14 cb
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Critical Biotope, любительский радиодиапазон, орган сертификации, сертификационный центр, сертификационная организация (certification body), Contractors Board2) Компьютерная техника: Card Bus, Clean Boot3) Авиация: conveyor belt4) Спорт: Chat Box5) Военный термин: Cast Bullet, Clean Burn, Code Breakers, Common Battery, Complex Burst, Crash And Burn, Cross Bow, carrier-borne, casualty branch, cavalry brigade, chemical and biological, coastal battery, cobalt bomb, code book, compass bearing, confidential book, confidential bulletin, configuration baseline, confinement to barracks, conical ball, construction battalion, contract brief, control block, control branch, coordination board, counterbattery, counterbombardment, cryptographic bureau, Си-Би (ОВ раздражающего действия)6) Техника: C-bias, Citizen's Band Radio, capacitor bank, changed bit, changing bits, citizen band, citizen radio band, clear back, common base, condition bit, conducting band, containment building, control buffer, control building, cosmic background7) Сельское хозяйство: carbon balance8) Шутливое выражение: Celestial Baby9) Химия: Conduction Band10) Метеорология: Corona Borealis11) Юридический термин: Cell Block, Child's Body12) Финансы: closing balance13) Биржевой термин: Central Bank, Constantly Buying, Counter Bid, Current Bid, Current Billing14) Грубое выражение: Cabin Babe, Christs Bitch, Consistant Bitch, Costume Bitch, Coward Bitch, Crazy Bitch, Crazy Bitches15) Полиграфия: Coated Back, с покрытием на обратной стороне (coated back)16) Политика: Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia)17) Телекоммуникации: Call Back, Channel Bank, Запрет вызова18) Сокращение: Battle cruiser, Central Battery, Centre of Buoyancy, Chemical-Biological, Circuit Breaker, Citizens Band, Citizens Band radio, Cluster Bomb, Confined to Barracks, Counter Battery fire, Counter-Bombardment, comparator buffer, component board19) Университет: College Bound20) Физиология: Chest-back, Chronic Bronchitis, Color Blind21) Электроника: Coupled Biquad22) Вычислительная техника: current bit23) Нефть: center of buoyancy, centerline bradenhead, changed bits, changing bit, core barrel, core bit, counterbalance, выключатель (circuit-breaker), керновый снаряд (core bullet), керноотборник (core barrel), поднятое из скважины долото (changed bit), противовес (counterbalance), размыкатель (curcuit breaker), смена долота (change of bit)24) Онкология: Cancer Board25) Банковское дело: кассовая книга (cash book), chargeback, возврат платежа26) Пищевая промышленность: Cow Brains27) Фирменный знак: Club Bones28) СМИ: Current Bulletin29) Деловая лексика: Constant Buying, Core Business30) Бурение: грунтоноска (core barrel), поднятые из скважины долота (changed bits)31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: catch basin, Кудер Бразерс юридическая фирма (Coudert Brothers), на конкурсной основе (competitive bidding)32) Образование: Coloring Book33) Инвестиции: cash book34) ЕБРР: correspondent bank35) Полимеры: carbon black, chlorobromomethane, cisbutadiene rubber, control board, control button, pentachlorobiphenyl36) Программирование: Count Of Bytes37) Сахалин Р: Coudert Brothers, competitive bidding38) Расширение файла: Microsoft clean boot file39) Энергосистемы: cross-border40) Нефть и газ: I/O compensation bias, basic controller, block coefficient, compensation bias, concrete block41) Электротехника: contact breaker, автоматический выключатель, прерыватель, размыкатель цепи, C.B., АВР, автомат безопасности, автомат включения резерва (дизель-генератор)42) Имена и фамилии: Carl Bevil, Charlie Brown, Chris Bennett, Colin Bryan43) Общественная организация: Club Beyond44) Чат: Chat Board, Clueless Boy, Cute Boy45) Правительство: Compensation Board, Council Bluffs, Iowa46) NYSE. Chubb Corporation47) Программное обеспечение: Command Button -
15 system
- computationally secure system- abuse-free system- algebraic code system- analog system- asymmetric system- asymmetric key system- authentication/secrecy system- binary system- block system- broadcast system- broadcasting system- cipher-feedback system- classical system- common-key system- communication system- compromised system- computationally secure system- conference system- conventional system- DES-based system- DES-like system- deterministic system- DH system- Diffie and Hellman system- discrete-exponentiation system- discrete log system- E3 system- effectively unbreakable system- elliptic curve system- endomorphic system- end-to-end encryption system- error propagating system- factorization system- finite system- finite automation system- Galois field system- general system- generalized system- Goppa-code system- hardware-implemented system- hidden key system- high-grade system- high-speed system- hybrid public-secret key system- hybrid stream/block system- identity-based system- system immune to cryptoanalysis- indecipherable system- intractable system- iterated system- key escrow system- keyed system- key escrow system- key-minimal system- knapsack-based system- knapsack public key system- matrix system- McEliece' system- Merkle-Hellman system- MH system- microprocessor based system- minuend system- multiple access system- multiple destination system- multiplicative knapsack system- network system- non-linear system- number theoretic system- one-key system- one-master-key system- one-time-key system- one-time-pad system- one-time-tape system- perfect secrecy system- practical security system- private key system- proprietary system- public key system- public key distribution system- public key signature system- rapid system- reciprocal number system- residue system- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman system- rotor system- RSA public key system- r-th residue system- secret-key system- secure system- shared key system- shift register system- single-key system- sophisticated system- split key system- strong system- subtractive system- symmetric system- theoretically unbreakable system- threshold system- transposition system- trap-door-knapsack public key system- transient key system- threshold system- two-key system- unbreakable system- voice system -
16 device
прибор; аппарат; устройство; (техническое) средство- wireless bugging device -
17 mode
18 regime
19 code
20 protection
1) защита; охрана; обеспечение безопасности2) крепление; ограждение3) гарантия•-
acoustic protection
aircraft hijack protection
anodic protection
arc protection
automatic overload protection
average quality protection
backup protection
balance protection
bank protection
bilge protection
boundary protection
built-in power-supply protection
built-in thermal protection
busbar protection
bus protection
cabin glare protection
carbon build-up protection
carrier-current protection
cathodic protection
circuit breaker protection
circulating-current pilot-wire differential protection
coating protection
collision protection
computer protection
contact protection
copyright protection
corrosion protection
crossing protection
cryptographic protection
current protection
damage protection
data protection
database protection
definite-time graded relay protection
definite-time graded protection
differential protection
digital distance protection
digital overvoltage protection
diode protection
directional ground protection
directional protection
discrimination protection
distance protection
dual protection
electrochemical protection
encryption protection
engine overspeed protection
environmental protection
error protection
excess-voltage protection
explosion protection
external field protection
falling voltage protection
fault protection
fetch protection
field-failure protection
field-winding protection
file protection
fire protection
flag protection
flood protection
foam fire protection
foam protection
frost-heave protection
galvanic protection
gas protection
ground fault protection
ground overcurrent protection
ground overvoltage protection
hail protection
head-on protection
highlight overload protection
high-speed protection
high-voltage protection
impedance protection
implosion protection
indoor protection
interference protection
interturn short-circuit protection
intrusion protection
inverse-definite-time current protection
jamming protection
lading protection
leakage protection
lightning protection
lightning surge protection
local backup protection
longitudinal differential protection
loss-of-field protection
loss-of-synchronism protection
lot quality protection
low-voltage protection
magnetic protection
memory protection
missiles protection
negative phase-sequence protection
negative sequence protection
no-voltage protection
no-volt protection
open-phase protection
opposing block protection
outdoor protection
out-of-step protection
overall protection
overcurrent protection
overload protection
overpower protection
overspeed protection
overvoltage protection
oxide protection
password protection
percentage biased differential protection
percentage differential protection
phase overcurrent fault protection
phase-comparison protection
phase-failure protection
phase-reversal protection
physical protection
pilot-wire protection
points protection
pole slipping protection
positive phase-sequence protection
positive sequence protection
power protection
power system relay protection
power system protection
power-down protection
program protection
protection of labor
radiation protection
radiological protection
reactance protection
reactor protection
rear protection
relay protection
remote backup protection
riprap protection
roll-over protection
rotor ground-fault protection
rust protection
sacrificial protection
sandblasting protection
scour protection
sectionalizing protection
selective protection
shore protection
short-circuit protection
skid protection
slip protection
slope protection
smoke protection
spark protection
static discharge protection
stator short-circuit protection
stepped current protection
storage protection
surge voltage protection
surge protection
switching error protection
text security protection
thermal overload protection
thermal protection
trailing protection
transverse differential protection
traveling-wave protection
tripping protection
unbalance protection
undercurrent protection
underfrequency protection
undervoltage protection
unequal error protection
visibility protection
water protection
weather protection
wheel slide protection
work-site protection
zerophase-sequence protection
zerosequence protection
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Cryptographic primitive — Cryptographic primitives are well established, low level cryptographic algorithms that are frequently used to build computer security systems. These routines include, but are not limited to, one way hash functions and encryption functions.… … Wikipedia
Cryptographic hash function — A cryptographic hash function (specifically, SHA 1) at work. Note that even small changes in the source input (here in the word over ) drastically change the resulting output, by the so called avalanche effect. A cryptographic hash function is a… … Wikipedia
Block cipher modes of operation — This article is about cryptography. For method of operating , see modus operandi. In cryptography, modes of operation is the procedure of enabling the repeated and secure use of a block cipher under a single key.[1][2] A block cipher by itself… … Wikipedia
Block cipher — In cryptography, a block cipher is a symmetric key cipher operating on fixed length groups of bits, called blocks, with an unvarying transformation. A block cipher encryption algorithm might take (for example) a 128 bit block of plaintext as… … Wikipedia
Cryptographic Message Syntax — The Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) is the IETF s standard for cryptographically protected messages. It can be used to digitally sign, digest, authenticate or encrypt any form of digital data. CMS is based on the syntax of PKCS#7, which in… … Wikipedia
Comparison of cryptographic hash functions — The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of cryptographic hash functions.[1] Contents 1 General information 1.1 Notes 2 Compression function … Wikipedia
Cryptanalysis of TIA's Common Cryptographic Algorithms — In 1992, the TR 45 working group within the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) developed a standard for integration of cryptographic technology into tomorrow s digital cellular systems [TIA92] , which has been updated at least once… … Wikipedia
Media Key Block — La Media Key Block (MKB) est une clé faisant partie du système de protection anti copie (DRM) AACS. Ce système est utilisé pour protéger le contenu des formats Blu ray et HD DVD et a été développé par de grandes entreprises aussi bien de… … Wikipédia en Français
Media Key Block — The Media Key Block (MKB) is one of the keys that are included inside the copying protection system (DRM) AACS. This system is used to protect Blu ray and HD DVD formats from being copied. The system has been developed by big companies from the… … Wikipedia
Controlled Cryptographic Item — A Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI) is a U.S. National Security Agency term for secure telecommunications or information handling equipment, associated cryptographic component or other hardware item which performs a critical COMSEC… … Wikipedia
Signature block — For the use of signatures in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Signatures. A signature block (often abbreviated as signature, sig block, sig file, .sig, dot sig, siggy, or just sig) is a block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an e mail… … Wikipedia