1 crusher
- crusher
- nдробилка
- alligator crusher
- ball crusher
- ballast crusher
- Blake jaw crusher
- cone crusher
- gates crusher
- gyratory cone crusher
- gyratory crusher
- hammer crusher
- impact crusher
- jaw crusher
- mobile crusher
- primary crusher
- rolling crusher
- roll crusher
- rotary crusher
- secondary crusher
- single toggle jaw crusher
- stone crusher
- tertiary crusher
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 crusher
crusher дробилкаcone crusher конусная дробилкаhammer crusher молотковая дробилкаjaw crusher щековая дробилкаprimary crusher дробилка для первичного дробленияrotary crusher вращающаяся дробилкаrotary crusher ротационная дробилкаEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > crusher
3 crusher
crusher [ˊkrʌʃə] n1) тот, кто или то, что сокруша́ет2) разг. потряса́ющее собы́тие, но́вость3) сл. полисме́н4) тех. дроби́лка -
4 crusher
дробилка; дробильная установка; мялка- crusher shell - ball crusher - ballast crusher - bark crusher - boulder crusher - centrifugal crusher - clod crusher - coal crusher - cone crusher - cone-type crusher - corn-and-cob crusher - cullet crusher - disk crusher - Dodge-type jaw crusher - drop crusher - double-roll crusher - fine crusher - grape crusher - gyratory crusher - gyratory cone crusher - hammer crusher - in-pit crusher - impact crusher - inertial crusher - initial crusher - jaw crusher - mobile crusher - oat crusher - oil crusher - ore crusher - permanent crusher - plant crusher - portable crusher - primary crusher - ring-roll crusher - rock crusher - roll crusher - roll-jaw crusher - rotary crusher - secondary crusher - single-impeller impact crusher - single-roll crusher - single-spindle hammer crusher - single-toggie jaw crusher - stationary crusher - stone crusher - tertiary crusher -
5 crusher
1) дробилка; дробильная установка; измельчитель, машина для измельчения2) мялка3) пищ. плющилка•-
ball crusher
ballast crusher
bark crusher
centrifugal crusher
coal crusher
cone crusher
cullet crusher
disk crusher
Dodge-type jaw crusher
double-roll crusher
fine crusher
gyratory crusher
hammer crusher
impact crusher
inertial crusher
initial crusher
in-pit crusher
jaw crusher
mobile crusher
ore crusher
permanent crusher
portable crusher
primary crusher
ring-roll crusher
roll crusher
rotary crusher
secondary crusher
single-impeller impact crusher
single-roll crusher
single-spindle hammer crusher
single-toggie jaw crusher
slime crusher
stationary crusher
stone crusher
tertiary crusher -
6 crusher
- disk crusher - hammer crusher - horizontal disk crusher - impact rotary crusher - jaw crusher - mobile crusher - ring crusher - roll crusher - secondary cone crusher - single-stage crusher - toothed crusher - twin-jaw crusher - vibratory crusher* * *дробилка- alligator crusher
- ball crusher
- ballast crusher
- Blake jaw crusher
- cone crusher
- gates crusher
- gyratory cone crusher
- gyratory crusher
- hammer crusher
- impact crusher
- jaw crusher
- mobile crusher
- primary crusher
- rolling crusher
- roll crusher
- rotary crusher
- secondary crusher
- single toggle jaw crusher
- stone crusher
- tertiary crusher -
7 crusher
1) плющилка
2) дисмембратор
3) дробилка
4) корпус дробилки
5) крешер
6) крэшер
7) рудодробилка
8) фалевка
– baffle crusher
– blade crusher
– cane crusher
– cone crusher
– cone-type crusher
– crusher chamber
– crusher gauge
– disk crusher
– fertilizer crusher
– fine crusher
– hammer crusher
– impact crusher
– primary crusher
– roll crusher
– roll-hammer crusher
– roll-jaw crusher
– roller crusher
– rotary crusher
– secondary crusher
8 crusher
дробилка; дробильная установка- boulder crusher
- chip crusher
- coarse crusher
- cone crusher
- corrugated roll crusher
- cullet crusher
- disk crusher
- double-jaw crusher
- gyratory crusher
- hammer crusher
- jaw crusher
- plant crusher
- preliminary crusher
- roll crusher
- secondary crusher -
9 crusher
= breakerдробилка, дробильная установка•
- boulder crusher
- coal crusher
- cone crusher
- cone-type crusher
- disk crusher
- gyratory crusher
- gyratory cone crusher
- hammer crusher
- jaw crusher
- ore crusher
- plant crusher
- primary crusher
- rock crusher
- roll crusher -
10 crusher
11 crusher
бегуны; дробилка
- corrugated roll crusher
- gyratory cone crusher
- initial crusher
- intermediate crusher
- multi-roll crusher
- ring crusher
- roll crusher -
12 crusher
дробилка имя существительное:потрясающее событие (crusher, staggerer)тот, кто сокрушает (crusher)то, что сокрушает (crusher) -
13 crusher
1. n + -r2. n дробилка3. n разг. ошеломляющее, потрясающее событие, сообщение4. n сл. по лицейский5. n сл. старшина -
14 crusher
15 crusher
дробилка; дробильная установка- jaw crusher
- roll crusher
- rolling crusher
- single-stage crusherEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > crusher
16 crusher
измельчитель; дробилка; установка рубки -
17 crusher
18 crusher
1. приспособление, сминающее конец газовой трубы и дающее плотное закрытие ( в экстренных случаях)2. дробилка, мельница; бегуны
* * *
1) дробилка2) приспособление, сминающее конец газовой трубы и дающее плотное закрытие ()•* * *• бегуны• дробилка• мельница• приспособление, сминающее конец газовой трубы и дающее плотное закрытие -
19 crusher
[ˈkrʌʃə]crusher тех. дробилка crusher жарг. полисмен crusher разг. потрясающее событие, новость crusher тот, кто или то, что сокрушает -
20 crusher
coal crusher угледробилка
ore crusher установка для дробления руды
rock crusher камнедробилка, дробилка для породы
* * *
См. также в других словарях:
Crusher — Crush er ( ?r), n. One who, or that which, crushes. [1913 Webster] {Crusher gauge}, an instrument for measuring the explosive force of gunpowder, etc., by its effect in compressing a piece of metal. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crusher — ● crusher nom masculin (anglais to crush, écraser) Petite éprouvette cylindrique, en cuivre pur, dont on mesure l écrasement pour déterminer la pression produite lors de l explosion d une poudre … Encyclopédie Universelle
Crusher — For other uses, see Crusher (disambiguation). A crusher is a machine designed to reduce large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel, or rock dust. Crushers may be used to reduce the size, or change the form, of waste materials so they can be more… … Wikipedia
Crusher — Bone Crusher Bone Crusher (* 23. August 1971 in Atlanta, Georgia als Wayne Hardnett) ist ein US amerikanischer Dirty South Rapper und Hip Hop Produzent. Er bedient das Subgenre Crunk und lässt in seine Musik Aspekte aus der Rockmusik einfließen … Deutsch Wikipedia
crusher — [[t]krʌ̱ʃə(r)[/t]] crushers N COUNT: usu n N A crusher is a piece of equipment used for crushing things. Squeeze the peeled ginger in a garlic crusher. ...a 40 ton stone crusher … English dictionary
crusher — Synonyms and related words: KO, cheese grater, clincher, comminutor, conclusive argument, death stroke, deathblow, end all, ender, final stroke, finisher, finishing stroke, floorer, granulator, grater, grinder, kayo, kayo punch, knockdown… … Moby Thesaurus
crusher — trupintuvas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Rupaus smulkinimo įrenginys. atitikmenys: angl. breaker; crusher rus. дробилка … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
crusher — trupintuvas statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Įrenginys medžiagos (kuro) gabalams trupinti. Trupintuvu gabalai trupinami smūgiuojant, trinant, gniuždant, skaldant. Kuras trupinamas diskiniais dantiniais ir veleniniais dantiniais… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
crusher — crush ► VERB 1) deform, squash, or pulverize by compressing forcefully. 2) crease or crumple (cloth or paper). 3) violently subdue (opposition or a rebellion). 4) cause (someone) to feel overwhelming disappointment or embarrassment. ► NOUN 1) a… … English terms dictionary
Crusher Joe — クラッシャージョウ (Kurasshā Jō) Genre Science fiction … Wikipedia
Crusher (robot) — Crusher Manufacturer DARPA Year of creation 2006[1] Derived from Spinner[1] Crusher is a 13,200 pound (6,000 kg) … Wikipedia