1 vergruizen
2 dranghek
n. crush barrier -
3 fijnknijpen
v. crush, smash, break into small pieces; squeeze hard, defeat, destroy -
4 fijnmaken
n. crushing--------v. pulverize, puree, crush -
5 fijnmalen
v. grind, crush, break up into small particles; be reduced to powder -
6 fijnslaan
v. crush, smash, break into small pieces; squeeze hard; defeat, destroy -
7 fijnstampen
v. stamp, crush, mash, pound -
8 gruizelen
v. pulverize, crush, grind into fine particles -
9 heiblok
n. rammer, heavy device used to crush or force something -
10 klakhoed
n. crush hat, opera hat -
11 menigte
n. multitude, multiplicity, plurality, quantity, heap, pile, ruck, shoal, crowd, mass, hordes, troop, crush, boodle, Host, concourse, loads, abundance -
12 onderdrukken
v. oppress, suppress, repress, keep down, put down, down, stifle, tyrannize, quash, quell, suffocate, smother, inhibit, crush, pocket -
13 onderdrukking
n. oppression, suppression, repression, subdual, crush, raw deal -
14 run
n. tan, bark, crush -
15 samendrukken
v. compress, crush, jam -
16 schok
n. shock, bump, concussion, jolt, jolting, jerk, shake, crush, clash, jog, impact, brunt -
17 toeloop
n. confluence, crush, concourse, run, onrush, run up -
18 uitpersen
v. crush, express, press -
19 uitpersing
n. crush, expression -
20 vernietigen
v. destroy, smash, wreck, annul, nullify, reverse, annihilate, abate, quash, abolish, defeat, perish, undo, cancel, confound, consume, demolish, crush, extinguish, dissipate, obliterate, prostrate, avoid, override, overturn, shatter, wither, blast
См. также в других словарях:
Crush 40 — Jun Senoue (left) and Johnny Gioeli (right) performing at Summer of Sonic 2010 Background information Also known as Sons Of Angels Origin … Wikipedia
Crush 'Em — Single by Megadeth from the album Risk Released Summer 1999 … Wikipedia
Crush 40 — est un groupe hard rock américain et japonais ayant grandement participé à la piste sonore de plusieurs jeux vidéo chez SEGA, compagnie japonaise de jeux vidéo réputée, principalement les jeux Sonic.Le cœur du groupe est le guitariste hard rock… … Wikipédia en Français
crush — vb 1 Crush, mash, smash, bruise, squash, macerate are comparable when they mean to reduce or be reduced to a pulpy or broken mass. Crush implies a compressing between two hard or resistant surfaces that succeeds, usually, in destroying the shape… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Crush 'Em — «Crush Em» Сингл Megadeth c альбома «Risk» Выпущен … Википедия
Crush 3D — Developer(s) Zoe Mode Publisher(s) Sega P … Wikipedia
Crush — (kr[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crushed} (kr[u^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Crushing}.] [OE. cruschen, crousshen, Of. cruisir, croissir, fr. LL. cruscire, prob. of Ger. origin, from a derivative of the word seen in Goth. kruistan to gnash; akin to Sw … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Crush — Crush, n. 1. A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction; ruin. [1913 Webster] The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. Violent pressure, as of a crowd; a crowd which produced uncomfortable pressure;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Crush — Crush: Crush компьютерная игра в жанре головоломки и платформера. «Crush» песня австралийской драм н бейс группы Pendulum. «Crush» песня немецкого трансового диджея Пола ван Дайка. «Crush» песня Jennifer Paige. См. также… … Википедия
Crush — (englisch: Verknalltsein; aber auch: zerquetschen) bezeichnet: Brian Adams (Wrestler), Künstlername eines Wrestlers Crush (Album), Album der Rockband Bon Jovi Crush, Originaltitel des Films Heiraten für Fortgeschrittene Crush (Song), der größte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Crush'd — Ugly Betty episode Episode no. Season 3 Episode 7 Directed by Victor Neili, Jr. Written by … Wikipedia