1 crown density
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > crown density
2 crown density
сомкнутость (густота) кроныБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > crown density
3 crown density
сомкнутость ( густота) кроны -
4 crown density
5 crown density
1) Биология: сомкнутость крон2) Техника: густота кроны, сомкнутость кроны3) Лесоводство: плотность кроны4) Экология: смыкание кроны -
6 crown density
7 crown density
8 crown density
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > crown density
9 crown density
The English-Russian dictionary of the Pulp and Paper Industry > crown density
10 density
density плотность; густотаdensity плотность (например, плотность популяции)density of canopy сомкнутость лесного пологаdensity of plating плотность засеваdensity of stocking полнота насажденияdensity of sward сомкнутость травяного покроваbuoyant density плавучая плотностьcell density плотность клетокcrown density сомкнутость кронhead density плотность колосаinoculum density оптическая плотность посевного материалаoptical density оптическая плотностьpopulation density плотность популяцииspecific density удельная плотностьsuperhelix density плотность сверхспиралиsuspension culture density оптическая плотность суспензионной культурыEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > density
11 crown
1. n корона; венецcrown counsel — адвокат короны; обвинитель
2. n корона, власть монарха, престолcrown witness — свидетель короны; свидетель обвинения
3. n монарх; король; королева4. n крона, верхушка дерева5. n макушка; темя6. n круглая вершина горы7. n гребень8. n венокvallar crown — венок, которым награждался солдат, первым преодолевший крепостной вал неприятеля
9. n бот. верхушка, венец10. n венчик, розетка11. n тулья12. n венец, завершение13. n архит. шелыга арки или свода14. n мор. пятка15. n тех. коронка16. n геол. перегиб, лоб17. n дор. выпуклость18. n с. -х. свальная борозда19. n опт. крон, кронгласcrown piece — крона, монета в одну крону
20. v венчать, короновать21. v награждать, увенчивать22. v завершать, венчать23. v увенчивать, заканчивать собою верхнюю частьa tower crowned with a spire — башня, увенчанная шпилем
24. v провести в дамки25. v поставить коронку на зуб26. v сл. ударить по головеand then, to crown all, we missed the last train — и в довершение всего мы опоздали на последний поезд
Синонимический ряд:1. apex (noun) acme; apex; apogee; capsheaf; capstone; climax; comble; crescendo; crest; culmen; culmination; fastigium; height; meridian; ne plus ultra; noon; noontide; peak; pinnacle; roof; sublimity; summit; top; vertex; zenith2. coronet (noun) coronet; diadem; tiara3. head (noun) head; pate4. monarchy (noun) monarchy; royalty; sovereignty5. wreath (noun) anadem; chaplet; circlet; coronal; garland; wreath6. authorize (verb) authorize; commission; endow7. cover (verb) blanket; cover; overcast; overlay; overspread8. culminate (verb) cap; climax; consummate; crest; culminate; finish off; fulfill; peak; perfect; round off; surmount; top; top offАнтонимический ряд:base; begin; democracy; depose -
12 density
1) плотность; концентрация•-
acceptor density
- actual flux density -
actual tooth density
air density
aircraft seating density
air-gap flux density
ambient density
ampere density
apparent density
apparent gap density
areal data density
areal-packing density
areal-recording density
atomic density
average density
base density
batch density
Baume density
bit density
bulk density
buoyant density
carrier density
channel density
character density
charge density
circuit density
color density
component density
contact density
coolant density
crack density
critical density
crop density
crosslink density
crown density
current density
data density
density of charge
density of distribution
density of gap states
density of load
density of passenger traffic
density of seams
density of states
density of undergrowth
density of vulcanization network
density of wood
dew-point density
dielectric flux density
dielectric density
diffuse density
dislocation density
displacement current density
distortion energy density
donor density
doping density
drainage density
dry density
electric displacement density
electrolyte density
electromagnetic energy density
electrostatic flux density
energy density
energy-flux density
equilibrium density
equivalent neutral density
equivalent density
excess density
failure density
fallout density
field density
fin density
fission density
fixed charge density
flux density
fog density
forest density
Fourier density
freely settled density of catalyst
freight traffic density
functional density
function density
gamma density
gap density
gravimetric energy density
green-packing density
heat-flux density
helium density of catalyst
highlight film density
housing density
image density
impurity density
induction density
information density
integration density
interfacial area density
ionization density
level density
linear density
linear power density
linearly data density
linearly packing density
linearly recording density
load density
lowlight film density
luminous density
luminous flux density
magnetic flux density
magnetic moment density
maximum commodity density
maximum dry density
mercury density of catalyst
mixture density
moderator density
needle density
network density
neutral density
neutron-flux density
noise power spectral density
noise spectral density
nonequilibrium carrier density
nonuniform density
nuclear density
nuclear-level density
optical density
packaging density
packed density
photocurrent density
photographic density
pinch density
plasma density
pollution density
population density
power density
power flux density
power spectral density
printing density
probability density
product density
radiant density
radiant flux surface density
radiant flux density
real density of catalyst
recording density
reflected flux density
reflection density
relative density
remanent flux density
saturation current density
selective density
separation density
setting density
slowing-down density
solar radiant flux density
sound-energy density
sound-energy-flux density
space charge density
spectral density
stacking density
stitch density
storage density
stowing density
strain energy density
submerged density of soil
supercurrent density
support density
surface density
target density
thermal-power density
threshold current density
track density
traffic density
train density
transition density
transverse density
vapor density
variable density
volume density of electric charge
volumetric energy density
well spacing density
well density
wet bulk density
winding density
writing density -
13 crown
1. замок; шелыга2. гребень3. свод4. верхнее колено5. вершина; выпуклость6. крон -
14 density
плотность; густота; сомкнутость- buoyant density
- crop density
- crown density
- density of canopy
- density of plating
- density of stocking
- density of sward
- economic density
- haptenation density
- haptenic density
- head density
- optical density
- planting density
- population density
- stocking density
- stomatal density* * * -
15 Britain Crown
ист. золотая крона -
16 silicate crown
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > silicate crown
17 zinc crown
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > zinc crown
18 сомкнутость кроны
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > сомкнутость кроны
19 сомкнутость кроны
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > сомкнутость кроны
20 index
1) индекс; показатель; коэффициент || индексировать, помечать индексами, снабжать индексами; вчт. (с)формировать индекс3) указатель, стрелка ( измерительного прибора) || показывать5) (алфавитный или предметный) указатель, индекс || составлять( алфавитный или предметный) указатель6) полигр. (вырубленные) уступы ( на обрезе справочного издания)•-
acidity index
acoustoelectric index
adiabatic index
aggregate index
air pollution index
air quality index
amplitude modulation index
antecedent precipitation index
aridity index
array index
articulation index
asphalt penetration index
beam index
bell-position index
branching index
breaking index
burning index
caking index
capability utilization index
carbonization index of oil
catalog index
circulation index
citation index
cladding index of refraction
clayiness index
coke-quality index
coke-strength index
color index
cone index
consistency index
constraint index
core index of refraction
correction index
corrosion index
crown-area index
current index
current-noise index
curve index
cycle index
cylinder index
decontamination index
dense index
density index
deterioration index
diaphragm index
dielectric index
dielectric loss index
diesel index
dilatometer test index
directivity index
double bond index
drillability index
driving index
drum index
ductility index
dust index
ear height index
ecological sensitivity index
embrittlement index
emission index
environment quality index
extraordinary refraction index
extraordinary index
extreme values index
face shifting index
fine index
flow-behavior index
fractional index
fracture toughness index
free fluid index
go/no-go index
graded index
gravity index
grindability index
gross index
group refraction index
group index
gum inhibiting index
hardness index
hash index
hazard index
hydraulic index
hydrogen index
impurity index
index of absorption
index of cograduation
index of cooperation
index of correlation
index of dispersion
index of extinction
index of goodness
index of irrigation need
index of lens
index of moisture conditions
index of plasticity
index of refraction
index of root
index of thunderstorm activity
index of turbulence
index of wetness
infiltration index
injectivity index
inverted index
knock-limited density index
limiting viscosity index
loss index
machinability index
magnetic loss index
main index
mixing index
mode index
modified viscosity index
modulation index
moldability index
molding index
nondense index
oiliness index
optical index
ordinary refraction index
ordinary index
overall index
oversampling index
oxygen index
pattern correspondence index
perceived environmental quality index
performance index
permanganate index
permeability index
plasticity index
pluvial index
pollutional index
pollution index
porosity index
privacy index
probe index
processability index
producible oil index
productivity index
quality index
rainfall index
range index
reactivity index
reflection index
refraction index
reliability index
resistivity index
reversed index
reverse index
riding properties index
Roga index
roof quality index
salt index
scintillation index
secondary index
selection index
sharpness index
slagging index
snow accumulation index
stand density index
staple index
static reserve index
stepped index
step index
summation index
survival index
swelling index
throwing index
track index
traffic noise index
viscosity index
viscosity-temperature index
viscosity-zone index
volatility index
voltage index
vorticity area index
water pollution index
water quality index
wet grip index
winter severity index
word index
work-hardening index
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
crown density — noun : the relation of the area of the crown canopy of a forest to the land area determined especially by the distance apart of the trees and the compactness of the crowns of the individual trees … Useful english dictionary
Crown Point, New York — Town Ruins of the barracks at Fort Crown Point … Wikipedia
Crown City, Ohio — Village Location of Crown City, Ohio … Wikipedia
Crown Point, Alaska — CDP Welcome to Crown Point … Wikipedia
Crown-of-thorns starfish — On a reef in Fiji, 2005. Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Crown of Aragon — Corona d Aragón (Aragonese) Corona d Aragó (Catalan) Corona Aragonum (Latin) Corona de Aragón (Spanish) … Wikipedia
Crown of Castile — Corona de Castilla (Spanish) Corona Castellae (Latin) … Wikipedia
Crown closure — Aerial Overview of Crown Closure Crown closure is a term used in forestry. Crown closure, also known as canopy cover, crown cover, or canopy closure, is defined as the percent of canopy overlying the forest floor.[1] Another definition of crown… … Wikipedia
Crown Heights, New York — For the neighborhood in Brooklyn, see Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Crown Heights Brooklyn, New York CDP Residential road i … Wikipedia
Crown Point, Indiana — City of Crown Point, Indiana City Former Lake County courthouse in Crown Point … Wikipedia
Crown (botany) — Tree crown The crown of a plant refers to the totality of the plant s aboveground parts, including stems, leaves, and reproductive structures. A plant canopy consists of one or more plant crowns growing in a given area. The crown of a woody pl … Wikipedia