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  • 1 criticize

    1) (to find fault (with): He's always criticizing her.) kritizēt; nopelt
    2) (to give an opinion of or judgement on a book etc.) izteikt spriedumu/domas
    * * *
    kritizēt; nopelt, nosodīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > criticize

  • 2 backbite

    verb (to criticize a person when he is not present.) apmelot; celt neslavu
    * * *
    apmelošana, neslavas celšana; apmelot, celt neslavu

    English-Latvian dictionary > backbite

  • 3 butt

    I verb
    (to strike (someone or something) with the head: He fell over when the goat butted him.) badīt; grūst (ar galvu)
    II 1. noun
    (someone whom others criticize or tell jokes about: She's the butt of all his jokes.) izsmiekla objekts
    2. noun
    1) (the thick and heavy end (especially of a rifle).) (baļķa) resnais gals; (šautenes) laide
    2) (the end of a finished cigar, cigarette etc: His cigarette butt was the cause of the fire.) izsmēķis; nodegulis
    3) ((slang) a person's bottom: Come on, get off your butt - we have work to do.) pakaļa; dupsis
    * * *
    muca; resnais gals; šaujlauka uzbērums; grūdiens, sitiens; sitiens ar galvu; poligons; laide; mērķis; izsmēķis, nodegulis; izsmiekla objekts; badīt, grūst

    English-Latvian dictionary > butt

  • 4 censure

    ['senʃə] 1. verb
    (to criticize or blame: He was censured for staying away from work.) kritizēt; pelt
    2. noun
    (criticism or blame.) nopēlums
    * * *
    nopēlums; nokritizēt, nopelt

    English-Latvian dictionary > censure

  • 5 condemn

    1) (to criticize as morally wrong or evil: Everyone condemned her for being cruel to her child.) nosodīt
    2) (to sentence to (a punishment): She was condemned to death.) notiesāt
    3) (to declare (a building) to be unfit to use: These houses have been condemned.) atzīt par nederīgu
    - condemned cell
    * * *
    nosodīt; notiesāt; būt nolemtam; nodot; atzīt par nederīgu; konfiscēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > condemn

  • 6 crab

    I [kræb] noun
    (an edible sea animal with a shell and five pairs of legs, the first pair having claws.) krabis; jūras vēzis
    II past tense, past participle - crabbed; verb
    ((slang) to complain or criticize: He keeps on crabbing about the weather.) ņaudēt; īgņoties
    * * *
    īgņa; mežābols; krabis, jūras vēzis; Vēzis; mežābele; tītava, vinča; piesieties, piekasīties; bozties, īgņoties; padarīt īgnu

    English-Latvian dictionary > crab

  • 7 critic

    1) (a person who judges or comments on books, art etc: He is the book critic for the local newspaper.) kritiķis
    2) (a person who finds fault: His critics would say that he is unsuitable for the job.) kritiķis
    - critically
    - criticize
    - criticise
    - criticism
    * * *
    kritiķis; pēlējs

    English-Latvian dictionary > critic

  • 8 judge

    1. verb
    1) (to hear and try (cases) in a court of law: Who will be judging this murder case?) tiesāt
    2) (to decide which is the best in a competition etc: Is she going to judge the singing competition again?; Who will be judging the vegetables at the flower show?; Who is judging at the horse show?) vērtēt (sacensībās)
    3) (to consider and form an idea of; to estimate: You can't judge a man by his appearance; Watch how a cat judges the distance before it jumps; She couldn't judge whether he was telling the truth.) spriest; vērtēt
    4) (to criticize for doing wrong: We have no right to judge him - we might have done the same thing ourselves.) tiesāt
    2. noun
    1) (a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court: The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict.) tiesnesis
    2) (a person who decides which is the best in a competition etc: The judge's decision is final (= you cannot argue with the judge's decision); He was asked to be on the panel of judges at the beauty contest.) arbitrs; eksperts
    3) (a person who is skilled at deciding how good etc something is: He says she's honest, and he's a good judge of character; He seems a very fine pianist to me, but I'm no judge.) lietpratējs; pazinējs
    - judgment
    - judging from / to judge from
    - pass judgement on
    - pass judgement
    * * *
    tiesnesis; arbitrs, eksperts; lietpratējs, pazinējs; Soģu grāmata; tiesāt; būt par arbitru; spriest, vērtēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > judge

  • 9 nag

    past tense, past participle - nagged; verb
    ((often with at) to complain or criticize continually: She nags (at) her husband about their lack of money.) kurnēt; piesieties
    * * *
    ponijs; kleperis; šķendēties, piesieties; smelgt

    English-Latvian dictionary > nag

  • 10 scold

    (to criticize or blame loudly and angrily: She scolded the child for coming home so late.) bārt
    * * *
    ķildīga sieviete; bārt, rāt

    English-Latvian dictionary > scold

  • 11 slaughter

    ['slo:tə] 1. noun
    1) (the killing of people or animals in large numbers, cruelly and usually unnecessarily: Many people protested at the annual slaughter of seals.) (masu) slepkavošana; (masu) slepkavība
    2) (the killing of animals for food: Methods of slaughter must be humane.) (lopu) kaušana
    2. verb
    1) (to kill (animals) for food: Thousands of cattle are slaughtered here every year.) []kaut (lopus)
    2) (to kill in a cruel manner, especially in large numbers.) slepkavot
    3) (to criticize unmercifully or defeat very thoroughly: Our team absolutely slaughtered the other side.) nežēlīgi kritizēt; satriekt
    * * *
    slepkavošana; kaušana; slepkavot; kaut

    English-Latvian dictionary > slaughter

  • 12 talking-to

    noun (a talk given to someone in order to scold, criticize or blame them: I'll give that child a good talking-to when he gets home!) bāriens, rājiens
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > talking-to

  • 13 be hard on

    1) (to punish or criticize severely: Don't be too hard on the boy - he's too young to know that he was doing wrong.) sodīt; kritizēt
    2) (to be unfair to: If you punish all the children for the broken window it's a bit hard on those who had nothing to do with it.) būt netaisnam

    English-Latvian dictionary > be hard on

  • 14 be on the offensive

    (to be making an attack: She always expects people to criticize her and so she is always on the offensive.) ieņemt agresīvu pozīciju

    English-Latvian dictionary > be on the offensive

  • 15 find fault with

    (to criticize or complain of: She is always finding fault with the way he eats.) kritizēt; pelt

    English-Latvian dictionary > find fault with

  • 16 get on at

    (to criticize (a person) continually or frequently: My wife is always getting on at me.) kritizēt; piesieties (par kaut ko)

    English-Latvian dictionary > get on at

  • 17 pass judgement (on)

    (to criticize or condemn: Do not pass judgement (on others) unless you are perfect yourself.) kritizēt; izteikt spriedumu

    English-Latvian dictionary > pass judgement (on)

  • 18 pass judgement (on)

    (to criticize or condemn: Do not pass judgement (on others) unless you are perfect yourself.) kritizēt; izteikt spriedumu

    English-Latvian dictionary > pass judgement (on)

  • 19 pick holes in

    (to criticize or find faults in (an argument, theory etc): He sounded very convincing, but I'm sure one could pick holes in what he said.) atrast trūkumus; piekasīties

    English-Latvian dictionary > pick holes in

См. также в других словарях:

  • criticize — criticize, reprehend, blame, censure, reprobate, condemn, denounce are comparable when they mean to find fault with someone or something openly, often publicly, and with varying degrees of severity. Criticize in its basic sense does not carry… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • criticize — v. t. same as {criticise}; as, The paper criticized the new movie. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • criticize — [v1] disapprove, judge as bad animadvert on, bash, blame, blast, blister, carp, castigate, censure, chastise, chide, clobber, come down on, condemn, cut down*, cut to bits*, cut up*, denounce, denunciate, disparage, do a number on*, dress down*,… …   New thesaurus

  • criticize — [krit′ə sīz΄] vi., vt. criticized, criticizing 1. to analyze and judge as a critic 2. to judge disapprovingly; find fault (with); censure criticizable adj. criticizer n. SYN. CRITICIZE, in this comparison, is the general term for finding fault… …   English World dictionary

  • criticize — I (evaluate) verb adjudge, appraise, assess, consider, examine, gauge, iudicare, judge, measure, rank, rate, reckon, review, scrutinize, sum up, take stock of, value, weigh II (find fault with) verb animadvert, berate, blame, castigate, censure,… …   Law dictionary

  • criticize — 1640s, to pass judgment on something (usually unfavorable), from CRITIC (Cf. critic) + IZE (Cf. ize). Meaning to discuss critically is from 1660s; that of to censure is from 1704. Related: Criticized; criticizing …   Etymology dictionary

  • criticize — (also criticise) ► VERB 1) indicate the faults of in a disapproving way. 2) form and express a critical assessment of (a literary or artistic work) …   English terms dictionary

  • criticize — crit|i|cize W3S3 also criticise BrE [ˈkrıtısaız] v 1.) [I and T] to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults ≠ ↑praise ▪ Ron does nothing but criticize and complain all the time. be strongly/sharply/heavily… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • criticize — v. 1) to criticize fairly; harshly, severely, sharply 2) (D; tr.) to criticize for (to criticize smb. for sloppy work) * * * [ krɪtɪsaɪz] harshly severely sharply to criticize fairly (D; tr.) to criticize for (to criticize smb. for sloppy work) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • criticize */*/ — UK [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] / US [ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪz] verb Word forms criticize : present tense I/you/we/they criticize he/she/it criticizes present participle criticizing past tense criticized past participle criticized Metaphor: Criticizing someone or speaking in …   English dictionary

  • criticize — crit|i|cize [ krıtı,saız ] verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to say what you think is wrong or bad about something: Cabinet members were told not to criticize the policy publicly. It was difficult to be honest without seeming to criticize.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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