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critical item

См. также в других словарях:

  • critical item — lemiamoji materialinė priemonė statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Daiktas ir pan., dėl kurio stokos ar gedimo galima netekti būtinos uždaviniui atlikti operacinės galimybės. atitikmenys: angl. critical item pranc. article critique ryšiai: dar… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • critical item — An essential item which is in short supply or expected to be in short supply for an extended period. See also critical supplies and materiel; regulated item …   Military dictionary

  • critical item list — Prioritized list, compiled from a subordinate commander …   Military dictionary

  • critical supplies and materiel — Those supplies vital to the support of operations, which owing to various causes are in short supply or are expected to be in short supply. See also critical item; regulated item …   Military dictionary

  • Item (game) — In pencil and paper games and computer and video games, an item is an object within the game world that can be collected by a player or, occasionally, a non player character. These items are sometimes called pick ups .Items are most often… …   Wikipedia

  • Critical internet infrastructure — Physical transmission lines of all types such as wired, fiber optic and microwave links along with routing equipment and the accompanying critical soft services like DNS, email, website hosting, authentication and authorization, storage systems… …   Wikipedia

  • critical sustainability item — Any item described at National Stock Number level of detail, by federal supply class, as part of the logistic factors file, that significantly affect the commander …   Military dictionary

  • critical point — A part, assembly, installation, or production system with one or more essential characteristics that, if not conforming to the design data or quality requirements, would result in an unsafe condition that could cause loss or serious damage to the …   Military dictionary

  • critic - critical - critique — ◊ critic Critic is a noun. A critic is a person who writes reviews and expresses opinions in newspapers or on television about books, films, music, or art. What did the New York critics have to say about the production? ...comments by a couple of …   Useful english dictionary

  • Integrated Consumable Item Support — A decision support system that takes time phased force and deployment data (i.e., Department of Defense deployment plans) and calculates the ability of the Defense Logistics Agency, the warehousing unit of the Department of Defense, to support… …   Military dictionary

  • regulated item — Any item whose issue to a user is subject to control by an appropriate authority for reasons that may include cost, scarcity, technical or hazardous nature, or operational significance. Also called controlled item. See also critical supplies and… …   Military dictionary

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