1 criminal statutes
1) Юридический термин: уголовное законодательство2) юр.Н.П. уголовные законы, уголовный закон -
2 criminal statutes
<02> уголовное законодательство -
3 Cr.St.
Юридический термин: Criminal Statutes -
4 statute
статут (1. международный коллективный акт конститутивного характера 2. закон; законодательный акт 3. устав)statute declaratory of the common law — закон, формулирующий существующее общее право;
- statute of no effectstatute in force — 1. действующий законодательный акт, действующий статут 2. действующий устав
- abrogating statute
- affirmative statute
- amendatory statute
- amended statute
- antisyndicalist statute
- antitrust statute
- applicable statute
- appropriate statute
- cited statute
- civil statute
- codified statute
- compiled statutes
- comprehensive statute
- Congressional statute
- consolidated statutes
- criminal statute
- dead man's statutes
- declaratory statute
- disabled statute
- dominion statutes
- earlier statute
- effective statute
- efficient statute
- enabling statute
- enlarging statute
- existing statute
- expository statute
- federal statute
- former statute
- general statute
- hit-run statute
- incorporated statute
- later statute
- long-arm statute
- mixed statute
- negative statute
- obsolete statute
- omnibus statute
- organic statute
- penal statute
- personal statute
- previous statute
- private statute
- proposed statute
- public statute
- quoted statute
- real statute
- relevant statute
- remedial statute
- repealed statute
- repealing statute
- restraining statute
- retroactive statute
- revised statute
- special statute
- state statute
- subsequent statute
- uniform statute
- withdrawn statute
- working statute
- abrogative statute
- amending statute
- prior statute
- restrictive statute
- retrospective statute -
5 statute
nстатут, законодательный акт; устав -
6 Tex.
1) Юридический термин: Texas Civil Statutes, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Texas Laws, Texas Penal Code, Texas Reports, Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annuary2) Сокращение: Texas -
7 Tex.
сокр., амер.1) [Texas Reports] сборник судебных решений штата Техас2) [Texas Laws] сборник законов штата Техас3) [Texas Civil Statutes] сборник гражданских законов штата Техас4) [Texas Code of Criminal Procedure] уголовно-процессуальный кодекс штата Техас5) [Texas Penal Code] уголовный кодекс штата Техас6) [Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annuary] ежегодник пересмотренных гражданских законов штата Техас -
8 statute
[ʹstætʃu:t] n1. юр. статут; законодательный актreal statute - реальный /вещный/ статут
statute of limitations for Nazi crimes [in criminal cases] - срок давности по делам нацистских (военных) преступников [уголовного преследования]
2. уставstatute of a school [of a university] - устав школы [университета]
9 LSA-C.Cr.P.
Юридический термин: Louisiana Statutes Annotated-Code of Criminal Procedure -
10 code
1. n кодекс, свод законов2. n законы, принципы3. n кодcharacter code — код знака; код символа
4. n шифрa telegram in code — шифрованная телеграмма, шифрограмма, шифровка
5. n биол. генетический код6. n вчт. программа7. n ком. маркировка; шифр, индекс8. v кодифицировать9. v кодировать10. v шифровать11. v биол. определять генетический кодinstruction code — код команды; система команд; набор команд
false code — запрещенный код; запрещенная кодовая комбинация
direct code — абсолютный код; программа в абсолютных адресах
actual code — абсолютный код; программа в абсолютных адресах
ice code — ледовый код; условные обозначения состояния льда
12. v ком. маркировать; проставлять или присваивать шифр, индексСинонимический ряд:1. body of law (noun) body of law; civil code; codex; digest; key; law; method; pandect; system2. cryptogram (noun) cryptogram; cryptograph3. laws (noun) discipline; laws; regulations; rules; standards; statutes
См. также в других словарях:
criminal statutes or codes — Federal and state laws enacted by legislative bodies which define, classify, and set forth punishments for specific crimes; e.g. Title 18 of United States Code; Model Penal Code … Black's law dictionary
criminal statutes or codes — Federal and state laws enacted by legislative bodies which define, classify, and set forth punishments for specific crimes; e.g. Title 18 of United States Code; Model Penal Code … Black's law dictionary
criminal law — the laws of a state or country dealing with criminal offenses and their punishments. [1580 90] * * * Body of law that defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected offenders, and fixes punishment for… … Universalium
Criminal law consolidation Acts 1861 — The criminal law consolidation Acts 1861 (24 25 Vict. cc. 94 100) were Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. They consolidated provisions from a large number of earlier statutes which were then repealed. Their purpose was to simplify the… … Wikipedia
Criminal law of Singapore — A variety of activities ranging from smoking to carrying durians is banned on Singapore s Mass Rapid Transit system. Although the legal system of Singapore is a common law system, the criminal law of Singapore is largely statutory in nature. The… … Wikipedia
Criminal transmission of HIV — In many countries, the intentional or reckless infection of a person with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is considered to be a crime. This is often conflated, in laws and in discussion, with criminal exposure to HIV, which does not… … Wikipedia
criminal statute — A statute providing that an act or omission described therein shall constitute a criminal offense. Langenberg v Decker, 131 Ind 471, 31 NE 190. Statutes creating courts having jurisdiction of juvenile offenders, are not intended to provide… … Ballentine's law dictionary
criminal law — n: public law that deals with crimes and their prosecution compare civil law ◇ Substantive criminal law defines crimes, and procedural criminal law sets down criminal procedure. Substantive criminal law was originally common law for the most part … Law dictionary
Criminal Justice Act — (with its many variations) is a stock short title used for legislation in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Canada relating to the criminal law (including both substantive and procedural aspects of that law). It tends to be used for … Wikipedia
Criminal Law Amendment Act — (with its many variations) is a stock short title used for legislation in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Canada, India and South Africa which amends the criminal law (including both substantive and procedural aspects of that law).… … Wikipedia
Criminal Procedure Act — (with its variations) is a stock short title used for legislation relating to criminal procedure in Hong Kong, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa and the United Kingdom. The Bill for an Act with this short title may have been known as a… … Wikipedia