1 credited
Abbreviation: cr. -
2 Credited Retail Outlet
Business: CROУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Credited Retail Outlet
3 зачисляться
4 оприходованная сумма
Banks. Exchanges. Accounting. (Russian-English) > оприходованная сумма
5 называть
•By a long slug is meant one which is long enough to be the subject of a steady-state extrusion.
•This portion of the wave will be denoted (or named, or designated, or called) the stable section.
•When the ratio is unity, the propeller is described as a square propeller.
•This system is designated as Model M-50.
•Such a plot is generally identified as a "Stress-Number of Cycles Curve".
•This phenomenon is known as piping.
•Such absorption is termed chemical.
•This type of magnetism is given the name temporary magnetism.
•Actinomycetales are often spoken of as "higher", "filamentous", or "mouldlike" bacteria.
•This relationship has been labelled as Stefan's law.
•When there are more than two alleles of a given gene, they are said to be multiple alleles.
•The minimum current density needed to start lasing action in a diode is termed (or referred to as) the threshold current density.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > называть
6 объяснять
•The theory gave an insight into why...
•A look at... further illuminates the causes of these shifts.
•This seems difficult to justify on the basis of simple electrostatic forces.
•The hypothesis provides an explanation for the magnetic symmetry that appears...
•This action accounts for (or explains) the name of the instrument - "contrabarometer".
•This discrepancy is accounted for by the difference in...
•The difference may be ascribed (or attributed) to recombination in...
•The poor quality of the mirrors is explained by (or is due to) two causes.
•The reduction in mortality can be put down to better living conditions.
•Microcrack formation may be responsible for the lower density of cold-worked metals.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > объяснять
7 приписывать
•Historians trace both ideas to ancient Greeks.
•We ascribe to r(β) and s(α) the values determined at points and , respectively.
•The boundary values are assigned to the term uv.
•The amber was assigned a negative charge.
•Not long ago these diseases were accredited to our dizzy pace of living.
•The increased boron content may be attributed (or ascribed) to the dissolution of the samples.
•A large number of early investigators are credited with the invention of the mercury thermometer.
•If we put it down to chance ( случайности),...
•The same type of structure can be assigned to many other molecules with unsaturated six-member rings.
•The elementary particles can be classified by assigning quantum numbers to each of them.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > приписывать
8 Бодхидхарма
Religion: Bodhidharma ( Fl. 6th century AD, Indian monk who is credited with the establishment of the Chan sect of Buddhism) -
9 Все страховые поступления и суммы страховых возмещений зачисляются в счёт погашения расходов.....
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Все страховые поступления и суммы страховых возмещений зачисляются в счёт погашения расходов.....
10 Вьяса
11 Дхаммапала
12 Марк, Папа Римский
Religion: Mark( Pope from January 18 to October 7, 336. He is credited with having given the bishops of Ostia the right to consecrate new Popes)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Марк, Папа Римский
13 Падмасамбхава
Religion: Padmasambhava ( Fl. 8th century, legendary Indian Buddhist mystic who introduced Tantric Buddhism to Tibet and who is credited with establishing the first Buddhist monastery there) -
14 в доход федерального бюджета
1) General subject: to federal budget revenue (shall be credited to federal budget revenue)2) Law: to the federal budget (в контексте: взыскать госпошлину в доход федерального бюджета)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > в доход федерального бюджета
15 день поступления денежных средств на счёт
General subject: date on which the amount is credited to the accountУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > день поступления денежных средств на счёт
16 заёмщик
1) General subject: lendee2) Law: mutuary3) Economy: credited party, fund receiver, loan debtor, loan-subscriber4) Banking: borrower5) Advertising: loaner6) Business: borrower of money -
17 зачислены как полностью оплаченные
Finances: credited as fully paid (об акциях)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > зачислены как полностью оплаченные
18 зачислить на счёт
Accounting: credit to an account (e.g. The funds have been credited to your account) -
19 инвестор при 50% заёмных средств
Gold mining: investor credited 50% of the loanУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > инвестор при 50% заёмных средств
20 кредитовать в счёт
Economy: credited againstУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > кредитовать в счёт
См. также в других словарях:
credited — index prominent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Credited — Credit Cred it (kr[e^]d [i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Credited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Crediting}.] 1. To confide in the truth of; to give credence to; to put trust in; to believe. [1913 Webster] How shall they credit A poor unlearned virgin? Shak.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
credited — un·credited; … English syllables
credited — adjective (usually followed by to ) given credit for an invention credited to Edison • Similar to: ↑attributable … Useful english dictionary
credited — adjective /ˈkredɪt/ Something attributed to. See Also: accredited … Wiktionary
credited — Synonyms and related words: accepted, accountable, accredited, alleged, ascribable, assignable, attributable, attributed, believed, charged, derivable from, derivational, derivative, due, explicable, imputable, imputed, of good credit, owing,… … Moby Thesaurus
credited — cred·it || kredɪt n. money (in a bank account); money available for a person to borrow (from a bank or other source); deferred payment; trust, confidence; importance, respect; points earned (through study); recognition; thanks; entry on a list… … English contemporary dictionary
credited — directed … Anagrams dictionary
credited — The alternative to paid. Lynchburg Trust & Savings Bank v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, C.C.A.4, 68 F.2d 356, 358 … Black's law dictionary
credited — The alternative to paid. Lynchburg Trust & Savings Bank v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, C.C.A.4, 68 F.2d 356, 358 … Black's law dictionary
well-credited — adj. * * * … Universalium