2 create
create [kri:'eɪt]∎ to create a stir or a sensation faire sensation;∎ to create a scene (fuss) faire une scène;∎ Law to create a disturbance porter atteinte à l'ordre public∎ he was created (a) baron il a été fait baron(a) (be creative) créer;∎ the instinct to create is strong in all of us il y a un puissant instinct de création en chacun d'entre nous -
3 create
create a collision hazardсоздавать опасность столкновенияcreate forceсоздавать усилиеcreate liftсоздавать подъемную силуcreate loadсоздавать нагрузку -
4 create
create [kri:ˈeɪt](British = make a fuss) (inf!) faire une scène* * *[kriː'eɪt] 1.transitive verb gen créer; lancer [fashion]; provoquer [interest, scandal, repercussion]; poser [problem]; faire [good impression]2.(colloq) intransitive verb GB faire une scène -
5 create
6 create
create [krɪˊeɪt] v1) твори́ть, создава́ть2) вызыва́ть (какое-л. чувство и т.п.); производи́ть ( впечатление и т.п.)3) возводи́ть в зва́ние;he was created a baronet он получи́л ти́тул бароне́та
4) разг. суети́ться, волнова́ться;he is always creating about nothing он всегда́ суети́тся без то́лку
7 create
8 create
CREATE, computational resources for engineering and simulation, training and educationкомпьютерная техника для инженерно-технического обеспечения, моделирования ситуаций, подготовки и обучения ЛСEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > CREATE
10 create
викликати; творити, утворювати; породжувати, створювати (наслідки, відносини, закон тощо); передбачати у правовій нормі; присвоювати ( звання)- create a corporation
- create a court
- create a democracy
- create a distinct offence
- create a distinct offense
- create a job
- create a law
- create a mortgage
- create a national state
- create a new criminal offence
- create a new criminal offense
- create a new law
- create a new legal order
- create a new ministry
- create a new offence
- create a new offense
- create a new right
- create a new rule
- create a nuisance
- create a precedent
- create a presumption
- create a right
- create a rule
- create a state
- create a state of belligerency
- create a statutory foundation
- create a trust
- create a writ
- create a work of authorship
- create an easement
- create an economic zone
- create an obligation
- create an offence
- create an offense
- create an office
- create criminal personality
- create danger
- create disturbance
- create disturbances
- create laws
- create the status of marriage -
11 create
1. transitive verb1) schaffen; erschaffen (geh.); verursachen [Verwirrung]; machen [Eindruck]; [Sache:] mit sich bringen, [Person:] machen [Schwierigkeiten]2) (design) schaffen; kreieren [Mode, Stil]3) (invest with rank) ernennen2. intransitive verbcreate somebody a peer — jemanden zum Peer erheben od. ernennen
* * *[kri'eit]1) (to cause to exist; to make: How was the earth created?; The circus created great excitement.) (er-)schaffen•- academic.ru/17102/creation">creation- creative
- creatively
- creativeness
- creativity
- creator
- the Creator* * *cre·ate[kriˈeɪt]I. vt1. (make)who \created the world? wer hat die Welt erschaffen?2. (cause)▪ to \create sth etw erzeugen [o produzieren]unemployment \creates many social problems durch die Arbeitslosigkeit entstehen viele soziale Problemeto \create confusion Unruhe stiftento \create an impression einen Eindruck erweckento \create a precedent einen Präzedenzfall schaffento \create a sensation Aufsehen erregenhe was \createed first Earl of Cheshunt er wurde zum ersten Earl von Cheshunt ernannt* * *[kriː'eɪt]1. vt1) (= bring into existence) schaffen; new style, fashion also kreieren; the world, man erschaffen; draught, noise, fuss verursachen; difficulties machen; problems (person) schaffen; (action, event) verursachen, hervorbringen; impression machen; (COMPUT) file anlegen, erstellenpeers can only be created by the reigning monarch —
to create sb baron — jdn zum Baron erheben or ernennen
2. vi (Brit inf)Theater machen (inf)* * *create [kriːˈeıt; krı-] v/t1. (er)schaffen:2. schaffen, ins Leben rufen, hervorbringen, erzeugen:create jobs Arbeitsplätze schaffen3. einen Skandal etc hervorrufen, verursachen:create a demand einen Bedarf wecken;create an impression einen Eindruck machen;create an opportunity (a situation) eine Gelegenheit (eine Lage) schaffen;create a scoring chance SPORT eine Torchance herausspielen4. WIRTSCH, JURa) eine Gesellschaft gründen, errichten, ins Leben rufenb) eine Haftung etc begründenc) eine Hypothek bestellend) Geld, Kredit schöpfen5. THEAT etc, Mode: kreieren6. jemanden ernennen:7. jemanden erheben zu, machen zu:* * *1. transitive verb1) schaffen; erschaffen (geh.); verursachen [Verwirrung]; machen [Eindruck]; [Sache:] mit sich bringen, [Person:] machen [Schwierigkeiten]2) (design) schaffen; kreieren [Mode, Stil]3) (invest with rank) ernennen2. intransitive verbcreate somebody a peer — jemanden zum Peer erheben od. ernennen
* * *v.entwerfen v.erschaffen v.erstellen v.erzeugen v.hervorbringen v.kreieren v.schaffen v. -
12 create
kri'eit1) (to cause to exist; to make: How was the earth created?; The circus created great excitement.) crear2) (to give (a rank etc to): Sir John was created a knight in 1958.) nombrar•- creation- creative
- creatively
- creativeness
- creativity
- creator
- the Creator
create vb creartr[kriː'eɪt]1 (make - gen) crear2 (cause - sensation, impression) producir, causar; (- difficulty, problem) crear, causar; (- fuss, scandal) armar3 (invest) nombrar1 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL familiar armar (un) jaleo\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto create a diversion distraer la atenciónv.• crear v.• hacer v.(§pres: hago, haces...) pret: hic-pp: hechofut/c: har-•)• originar v.kri'eɪt
a) ( bring into existence) crearto create jobs — crear or generar empleo
b) ( cause) \<\<problem/confusion\>\> crear; \<\<impression\>\> producir*, causar
vi ( make a fuss) (BrE colloq) armar jaleo (fam)[kriː'eɪt]1. VT1) (gen) (Comput) crear; [+ character] inventar; [+ rôle] encarnar; [+ fashion] desarrollar; [+ fuss, noise] armar; [+ problem] causar, crearto create an impression — impresionar, causar buena impresión
2) (=appoint) nombrar2.VI (Brit) * (=make a fuss) montar un número *, armar un lío ** * *[kri'eɪt]
a) ( bring into existence) crearto create jobs — crear or generar empleo
b) ( cause) \<\<problem/confusion\>\> crear; \<\<impression\>\> producir*, causar
vi ( make a fuss) (BrE colloq) armar jaleo (fam) -
13 create
создавать глагол: -
14 create
[kri:ˈeɪt]create возводить в звание; he was created a baronet он получил титул баронета create вызывать (какое-л. чувство и т. п.); производить (впечатление и т. п.) create вызывать create производить create создавать create разг. суетиться, волноваться; he is always creating about nothing он всегда суетится без толку create творить, создавать create творить create разг. суетиться, волноваться; he is always creating about nothing он всегда суетится без толку create возводить в звание; he was created a baronet он получил титул баронета -
15 create
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be created for[Swahili Word] -umbiwa[Part of Speech] verb[Class] appl-pass[Derived Word] umba V[Swahili Example] kuna hawa walioumbiwa kazi hizi [Abd]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be created with[Swahili Word] -umbiwa[Part of Speech] verb[Class] appl-pass[Derived Word] umba V[Swahili Example] mtu aache kutumia nyayo za kweli alizoumbiwa nazo [Abd]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create[Swahili Word] -hui[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create[Swahili Word] -huluku[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] hulka------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create[Swahili Word] -umba[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] umba vyungu[Terminology] religious------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create[Swahili Word] -umba[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create[Swahili Word] -unda[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create[Swahili Word] -zua[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create[Swahili Word] -kutisha[Part of Speech] verb[Class] causative[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -kuta[English Example] create doubts[Swahili Example] kutisha mashaka------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] create for[Swahili Word] -umbia[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] umba V------------------------------------------------------------ -
16 create
1. v создавать, творить2. v ирон. творить, заниматься творчеством3. v вызывать, произвести4. v офиц. возводить в звание; присваивать титул5. v разг. волноваться, суетиться6. v разг. поднимать шум, устраивать бучуСинонимический ряд:1. conceive (verb) conceive; concoct; devise; formulate2. found (verb) constitute; establish; found; institute; organise; organize; set up; start3. make (verb) beget; build; construct; effect; engender; erect; father; forge; form; generate; hatch; make; parent; procreate; produce; sire; spawn4. originate (verb) author; bring into being; cause; develop; give birth to; invent; occasion; originate5. produce (verb) compose; produce; writeАнтонимический ряд: -
17 create
[krıʹeıt] v1. 1) создавать, творитьto create an epic [a drama, a theory, a system of philosophy] - создать эпическую поэму [драму, теорию, философскую систему]
to create an army [a powerful industry] - создать армию [мощную промышленность]
to create difficulties [illusions, the mood] - создавать трудности [иллюзии, настроение]
2) ирон. творить, заниматься творчеством2. вызывать, произвестиto create a painful feeling in the throat - вызвать болезненное ощущение в горле
his behaviour created a bad impression - его поведение произвело плохое впечатление
3. офиц. возводить в звание; присваивать титулthe queen created him a knight - королева возвела его в рыцарское достоинство
4. разг.1) волноваться, суетитьсяyou needn't create about it - вам не следует расстраиваться по этому поводу
2) поднимать шум, устраивать бучуhe is always creating about nothing - он всегда поднимает шум из-за пустяков
the baby stopped creating and went to sleep - ребёнок перестал капризничать и заснул
18 create
vсоздавать, творить- create a risk of smth. -
19 create
cre·ate [kriʼeɪt] vt1) ( make)who \created the world? wer hat die Welt erschaffen?2) ( cause)to \create sth etw erzeugen [o produzieren];unemployment \creates many social problems durch die Arbeitslosigkeit entstehen viele soziale Probleme;to \create confusion Unruhe stiften;to \create an impression einen Eindruck erwecken;to \create a precedent einen Präzedenzfall schaffen;to \create a sensation Aufsehen erregen -
20 create
v створювати, творити, завдавати- to create complications створювати ускладнення- to create difficulties створювати труднощі- to create opposition створювати опозицію- to create a risk of smth. створювати небезпеку для чогось- to create a system створювати систему- to create a theory створювати теорію
См. также в других словарях:
Create (!) — Origin Long Beach, California, U.S. Genres free jazz experimental traditional music no wave Years active 1999–present … Wikipedia
create — cre‧ate [kriˈeɪt] verb [transitive] 1. to make something exist that did not exist before: • The building boom has created 50,000 construction jobs in the state. • The two organizations will create a company to sell life insurance in Spain, with… … Financial and business terms
Create — Cre*ate , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Created}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Creating}.] 1. To bring into being; to form out of nothing; to cause to exist. [1913 Webster] In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Gen. i. 1. [1913 Webster] 2. To effect … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
create — I verb be responsible, be the agent, be the author, be the cause of, be the reason, beget, bring about, bring into being, bring on, bring out, bring to effect, bring to pass, build, carve, cause, cause to exist, chisel, compose, conceive, concoct … Law dictionary
Create — Cre*ate (kr[ e]*[=a]t ), a. [L. creatus, p. p. of creare to create; akin to Gr. krai nein to accomplish, Skr. k[.r] to make, and to E. ending cracy in aristocracy, also to crescent, cereal.] Created; composed; begotten. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
create — [krē āt′; ] often [ krē′āt΄] vt. created, creating [ME createn < L creatus, pp. of creare, to create < IE * k̑rē , var. of base * ker , to grow, cause to grow > CEREAL] 1. to cause to come into existence; bring into being; make;… … English World dictionary
create — late 14c., from L. creatus, pp. of creare to make, bring forth, produce, beget, related to crescere arise, grow (see CRESCENT (Cf. crescent)). Related: Created; creating … Etymology dictionary
create — *invent, discover Analogous words: *make, form, fashion, shape, forge: design, plan, scheme (see under PLAN n) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
create — [v] develop in mind or physically actualize, author, beget, bring into being, bring into existence, bring to pass, build, cause to be, coin, compose, conceive, concoct, constitute, construct, contrive, design, devise, discover, dream up, effect,… … New thesaurus
create — ► VERB 1) bring into existence. 2) make (someone) a member of the nobility. 3) Brit. informal make a fuss; complain. ORIGIN Latin creare produce … English terms dictionary
create — verb 1. make or cause to be or to become (Freq. 94) make a mess in one s office create a furor • Syn: ↑make • See Also: ↑make over (for: ↑mak … Useful english dictionary