1 crazy
adj. (-ier, -iest) 1. дон шүглэсэн, донтой. 2. галзуу, солиотой. -
2 some
adj. 1. зарим. \some people say he is crazy. Зарим хүн түүнийг солиотой гэдэг. 2. хэдэн. There were \some children in the park. Цэцэрлэгт хэдэн хүүхэд байсан. 3. жаахан. Give me \some water. Надад жаахан ус өгөөч. 4. бараг, орчим. He said there were \some twenty persons present. Тэр, бараг хориод хүн байсан гэж хэлсэн.
См. также в других словарях:
Crazy — may refer to: Insanity In print media: Crazy Magazine (1973–1983), a comic magazine Crazy, a novel by Benjamin Lebert In movies: Crazy (1999 film), a 1999 documentary by Heddy Honigmann Crazy (2000 film), a 2000 film directed by Hans Christian… … Wikipedia
Crazy P — Crazy Penis Audioriver Festival 2009, Płock, Poland Background information Also known as … Wikipedia
Crazy 4 U — Single par Kumi Kōda extrait de l’album Feel My Mind Face A Crazy 4 U Face B Yume with You Sortie 15 janvier 2004 … Wikipédia en Français
Crazy 4 U — Single by Kumi Koda from the album Feel My Mind Relea … Wikipedia
Crazy — Cra zy (kr[=a] z[y^]), a. [From {Craze}.] 1. Characterized by weakness or feebleness; decrepit; broken; falling to decay; shaky; unsafe. [1913 Webster] Piles of mean andcrazy houses. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] One of great riches, but a crazy… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Crazy — (engl.: verrückt) steht für: Crazy (Roman), einen Roman von Benjamin Lebert Crazy (Film), eine Verfilmung des Romans von Benjamin Lebert des Regisseurs Hans Christian Schmid Crazy (Lied), ein Lied der US amerikanischen Band Aerosmith Crazy… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Crazy B — upright49 Nom Nicolas Vadon Activité principale Disc jockey … Wikipédia en Français
Crazy C — (born Simone Cullins) is an American songwriter and a record producer. He is a co owner of Paid in Full Entertainment, the label that launched the careers of Chamillionaire and Paul Wall.[1] He is best known as a producer for the platinum selling … Wikipedia
crazy — (adj.) 1570s, diseased, sickly, from CRAZE (Cf. craze) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Meaning full of cracks or flaws is from 1580s; that of of unsound mind, or behaving as so is from 1610s. Jazz slang sense cool, exciting attested by 1927. To drive (someone)… … Etymology dictionary
crazy — ► ADJECTIVE (crazier, craziest) 1) insane or unbalanced, especially in a wild or aggressive way. 2) extremely enthusiastic about something. 3) absurdly unlikely: a crazy angle. 4) archaic full of cracks or flaws. ► NOUN (pl … English terms dictionary
crazy — [krā′zē] adj. crazier, craziest [< CRAZE] 1. a) having flaws or cracks b) shaky or rickety; unsound 2. a) unsound of mind; mentally unbalanced or deranged; psychopathic; insane … English World dictionary