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  • 1 crack

    [kræk] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) break partly without falling to pieces: The window cracked down the middle.) (į)skilti, įdaužti, įskelti
    2) (to break (open): He cracked the peanuts between his finger and thumb.) aižyti, traiškyti
    3) (to make a sudden sharp sound of breaking: The twig cracked as I stepped on it.) trakštelėti, pokštelėti, pliaukštelėti
    4) (to make (a joke): He's always cracking jokes.) (iš)krėsti
    5) (to open (a safe) by illegal means.) įsilaužti į
    6) (to solve (a code).) įminti, išspręsti, iššifruoti
    7) (to give in to torture or similar pressures: The spy finally cracked under their questioning and told them everything he knew.) palūžti, palaužti
    2. noun
    1) (a split or break: There's a crack in this cup.) įdauža, įskilimas
    2) (a narrow opening: The door opened a crack.) plyšys
    3) (a sudden sharp sound: the crack of whip.) pliaukštelėjimas, pokštelėjimas, driokstelėjimas, triokštelėjimas
    4) (a blow: a crack on the jaw.) smūgis
    5) (a joke: He made a crack about my big feet.) pokštas, kandi pastaba
    6) (a very addictive drug: He died of too much crack with alcohol)
    3. adjective
    (expert: a crack racing-driver.) aukštos klasės
    - crackdown
    - cracker
    - crackers
    - crack a book
    - crack down on
    - crack down
    - get cracking
    - have a crack at
    - have a crack

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > crack

  • 2 crack down (on)

    (to act firmly against: The police have cracked down on drug dealers; to crack down on illegal immigration.) imtis griežtų priemonių

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > crack down (on)

  • 3 crack down (on)

    (to act firmly against: The police have cracked down on drug dealers; to crack down on illegal immigration.) imtis griežtų priemonių

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > crack down (on)

  • 4 crack a book

    ((slang) to open a book in order to read or study: He always gets high marks in his exams although he hardly cracks a textbook.) pavartyti/pasklaidyti knygą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > crack a book

  • 5 have a crack (at)

    (to have a try at.) pabandyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > have a crack (at)

  • 6 have a crack (at)

    (to have a try at.) pabandyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > have a crack (at)

  • 7 leak

    [li:k] 1. noun
    1) (a crack or hole through which liquid or gas escapes: Water was escaping through a leak in the pipe.) plyšys, skylė
    2) (the passing of gas, water etc through a crack or hole: a gas-leak.) nutekėjimas, ištekėjimas
    3) (a giving away of secret information: a leak of Government plans.) (slaptos informacijos) išdavimas
    2. verb
    1) (to have a leak: This bucket leaks; The boiler leaked hot water all over the floor.) tekėti, (pra)leisti
    2) (to (cause something) to pass through a leak: Gas was leaking from the cracked pipe; He was accused of leaking secrets to the enemy.) sunktis, nutekėti, išduoti
    - leaky

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > leak

  • 8 cracker

    1) (a thin crisp biscuit.) krekeris, sausainis
    2) (a small exploding firework: fire crackers.) sproginukas
    3) (a decorated paper tube, containing paper hats etc, which gives a loud crack when pulled apart.) sproginukas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cracker

  • 9 crevasse

    (a very deep crack or split in a glacier.) plyšys, įskilimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > crevasse

  • 10 crevice

    (a crack or narrow opening (in a wall, rock etc): Plants grew in the crevices.) siauras plyšys, sprogymė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > crevice

  • 11 fault

    [fo:lt] 1. noun
    1) (a mistake; something for which one is to blame: The accident was your fault.) kaltė, klaida
    2) (an imperfection; something wrong: There is a fault in this machine; a fault in his character.) trūkumas, defektas
    3) (a crack in the rock surface of the earth: faults in the earth's crust.) sprūdis
    2. verb
    (to find fault with: I couldn't fault him / his piano-playing.) prikibti prie
    - faultlessly
    - faulty
    - at fault
    - find fault with
    - to a fault

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > fault

  • 12 rift

    1) (a split or crack.) plyšys
    2) (a disagreement between friends.) nesutarimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > rift

  • 13 split

    [split] 1. verb
    present participle splitting: past tense, past participle split)
    1) (to cut or (cause to) break lengthwise: to split firewood; The skirt split all the way down the back seam.) skaldyti, skilti, plyðti
    2) (to divide or (cause to) disagree: The dispute split the workers into two opposing groups.) suskaldyti, suskilti
    2. noun
    (a crack or break: There was a split in one of the sides of the box.) įtrūkimas, plyšys
    - split second
    - splitting headache
    - the splits

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > split

  • 14 upper

    1. adjective
    (higher in position, rank etc: the upper floors of the building; He has a scar on his upper lip.) viršutinis
    2. noun
    ((usually in plural) the part of a shoe above the sole: There's a crack in the upper.) bato viršus
    3. adverb
    (in the highest place or position: Thoughts of him were upper-most in her mind.) pirmiausia, pirmoje vietoje
    - get/have the upper hand of/over someone
    - get/have the upper hand

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > upper

См. также в других словарях:

  • crack — crack …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • crack — crack; crack·et; crack·led; crack·less; crack·le·ware; crack·ly; crack·nel; crack·pot; gim·crack·ery; wise·crack·er; hy·dro·crack; crack·er; crack·er·jack; crack·ers; crack·ing; crack·le; crack·ling; gim·crack; crack·lin; crack·pot·ism; …   English syllables

  • Crack — Crack, n. 1. A partial separation of parts, with or without a perceptible opening; a chink or fissure; a narrow breach; a crevice; as, a crack in timber, or in a wall, or in glass. [1913 Webster] 2. Rupture; flaw; breach, in a moral sense. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crack — crack1 [krak] vi. [ME craken < OE cracian, to resound, akin to Ger krachen < IE base * ger : see CROW1] 1. to make a sudden, sharp noise, as of something breaking 2. to break or split, usually without complete separation of parts 3. a) to… …   English World dictionary

  • Crack — may refer to: Crack cocaine, the freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked Crack, a fracture or discontinuation in a body Crack may also refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 Slang …   Wikipedia

  • crack — ► NOUN 1) a narrow opening between two parts of something which has split or been broken. 2) a sudden sharp or explosive noise. 3) a sharp blow. 4) informal a joke or jibe. 5) informal an attempt to do something. 6) Irish enjoyable entertainment; …   English terms dictionary

  • Crack — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La palabra crack es un anglicismo que se ha agregado al español para expresar diversos conceptos. En el arte, Generación del crack, un movimiento estético de narradores mexicanos de fines del siglo XX. En informática …   Wikipedia Español

  • Crack — (kr[a^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cracked} (kr[a^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Cracking}.] [OE. cracken, craken, to crack, break, boast, AS. cracian, cearcian, to crack; akin to D. kraken, G. krachen; cf. Skr. garj to rattle, or perh. of imitative origin …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crack — vb *break, burst, bust, snap, shatter, shiver Analogous words: split, rend, cleave, rive (see TEAR) crack n 1 Crack, cleft, fissure, crevasse, crevice, cranny, chink are comparable when meaning an opening, break, or discontinuity made by or as if …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • crack — [adj] super, first rate able, ace, adept, best, capital, choice, crackerjack*, deluxe, elite, excellent, expert, first class, handpicked, pro*, proficient, skilled, skillful, superior, talented; concepts 528,542,574 Ant. bad, inferior, poor crack …   New thesaurus

  • crack up — {v.} 1. To wreck or be wrecked; smash up. * /The airplane cracked up in landing./ * /He cracked up his car./ 2. {informal} To become mentally ill under physical or mental overwork or worry. * /He had kept too busy for years, and when failures… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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