1 coveralls
tr['kʌvərɔːlz]1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL→ link=overalls overalls{n.• traje de faena s.m.['kʌvǝrɔːlz]NPL (US) (=overalls) mono msing -
2 coveralls
n pl (AmE) (cf overalls BrE )SAFE bata de trabajo f (Esp), mono de trabajo m (Esp), overoles m pl (AmL) -
3 coveralls
s.mono de trabajo. (plural)pl.mono (de trabajo) (Estados Unidos), overol (Am.) -
4 mono
'monəu((of records, record-playing equipment etc) using one channel only; not stereo.) mono, monofonía
Multiple Entries: mono moño
mono 1
◊ -na adjetivo1 (fam) ‹ mujer› pretty, lovely-looking (colloq); ‹ niño› lovely, cute (colloq); ‹vestido/piso› gorgeous, lovely 2 (Col) ( rubio) ‹hombre/niño› blond; ‹mujer/niña› blonde 3 (Audio) mono ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino 1 (Zool) monkey; 2 sustantivo masculino (— con peto) overalls (pl) (AmE), dungarees (pl) (BrE)
mono 2 sustantivo masculino ( monigote) 1 doodle;◊ una revista de monitos (Andes, Méx) a comic;moño animado (Chi) cartoon; moño de nieve (Chi) snowman 2 (— con peto) overalls (pl) (AmE), dungarees (pl) (BrE) 3 (arg) ( síndrome de abstinencia) cold turkey (sl);
moño sustantivo masculino estar hasta el moño to be fed up (to the back teeth) (colloq)
I m,f Zool monkey
II sustantivo masculino
1 Indum (para trabajo) overalls pl; US coveralls pl
2 argot (de abstinencia) cold turkey
III adj fam (bonito) lovely, pretty, charming Locuciones: ¿tengo monos en la cara?, what are you staring at?
moño m (de pelo) bun: se hizo un moño, she put her hair up in a bun Locuciones: familiar estar hasta el moño, to be sick to death [de, of] ' moño' also found in these entries: Spanish: mona - mono - chongo - comodín - corbata - deshacer - mano - rico English: ape - boiler suit - bun - cold turkey - coveralls - cute - death - dungarees - jump suit - monkey - overall - sick - sweet - blond - boiler - bow - cartoon - cover - fair - hair - jump - mono - yellowtr['mɒnəʊ]1 familiar mono, monofonía1 familiar mono, monofónico,-a'mɑːnəʊ, 'mɒnəʊ ['mɒnǝʊ]1.ADJ ABBR= monophonic mono inv, monoaural, monofónicomono system — sistema m monoaural
2.N* * *['mɑːnəʊ, 'mɒnəʊ] -
5 mameluco
6 moña
Multiple Entries: mona moña
mona sustantivo femenino 1 (fam) ( borrachera):◊ agarrar una moña to get plastered (colloq);dormir la moña to sleep it off 2◊ como la moña (CS fam) terrible
moña sustantivo femenino (Taur) ribbon; ( lazo) (RPl) bow
I m,f Zool monkey
II sustantivo masculino
1 Indum (para trabajo) overalls pl; US coveralls pl
2 argot (de abstinencia) cold turkey
III adj fam (bonito) lovely, pretty, charming Locuciones: ¿tengo monos en la cara?, what are you staring at?
mona f fam Locuciones: coger/pillar una mona, to get pissed, plastered, sloshed
dormir la mona, to sleep it off ' moña' also found in these entries: Spanish: dormir - mona - mormón English: sleep off - Mormon -
7 mona
Multiple Entries: mona moña
mona sustantivo femenino 1 (fam) ( borrachera):◊ agarrar una mona to get plastered (colloq);dormir la mona to sleep it off 2◊ como la mona (CS fam) terrible
moña sustantivo femenino (Taur) ribbon; ( lazo) (RPl) bow
I m,f Zool monkey
II sustantivo masculino
1 Indum (para trabajo) overalls pl; US coveralls pl
2 argot (de abstinencia) cold turkey
III adj fam (bonito) lovely, pretty, charming Locuciones: ¿tengo monos en la cara?, what are you staring at?
mona f fam Locuciones: coger/pillar una mona, to get pissed, plastered, sloshed
dormir la mona, to sleep it off ' mona' also found in these entries: Spanish: dormir - moña - mormón English: sleep off - Mormon -
8 overol
9 prenda
Del verbo prendar: ( conjugate prendar) \ \
prenda es: \ \3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativoDel verbo prender: ( conjugate prender) \ \
prenda es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativoMultiple Entries: prenda prender
prenda sustantivo femenino 1 ( de vestir) garment; 2 (señal, garantía) security, surety 3 (Jueg) forfeit
prender ( conjugate prender) verbo transitivo 1 ‹ persona› to catch, seize 2 ( sujetar) to pin; ‹bajo/dobladillo› to pin up 3 ‹estufa/horno› to turn on; ‹radio/luz/televisión› to turn on, switch on verbo intransitivo 1 [rama/planta] to take 2 [ leña] to catch (light) 3 [idea/moda] to catch on prenderse verbo pronominal
prenda sustantivo femenino
1 (de vestir) garment
prenda interior, undergarment
prendas de lana, GB woollens, US woolens
prendas deportivas, sportswear
2 (garantía) security, pledge
dejar algo en prenda, to leave sthg as security
3 (en juegos) forfeit
jugar a las prendas, to play forfeits Locuciones: no soltar prenda, not to say a word
I verbo transitivo
1 (a una persona) to catch, capture
2 (arrestar, detener) to arrest
3 (sujetar) to fasten, attach (con alfileres) to pin
4 (una cerilla, un cigarro) to light
prender fuego a algo, to set fire to sthg
II verbo intransitivo
1 (fuego) to catch: la leña mojada no prende, wet wood doesn't catch fire
2 (planta) to take root
3 (una idea, una opinión) to catch on ' prenda' also found in these entries: Spanish: abertura - abotonar - abrigada - abrigado - abrigo - abrochar - acolchar - acolchada - acolchado - ajustada - ajustado - americana - baja - bajo - bolsillo - buzo - calentar - capa - ceñirse - combinación - decolorarse - deformar - deformarse - desabrocharse - descosido - desgastarse - desmontable - empeño - encoger - estrenar - fibra - garantía - húmeda - húmedo - liga - oprimir - pelechar - presilla - puesta - puesto - revés - rotura - sostén - talle - teñir - tirante - tomate - transparentarse - vaporosa - vaporoso English: arm - article - brassiere - cape - clothing - corset - coveralls - garment - hand-me-down - item - neck - overall - ribbed - sleeve - split - take in - woolly - wooly - forfeit - hand - waterproof -
10 industrial overalls
n pl (BrE) (cf coveralls AmE ) -
11 overalls
n pl (BrE) (cf coveralls AmE )PROD, SAFE bata de trabajo f (Esp), mono de trabajo m (Esp), overoles m (AmL)
См. также в других словарях:
coveralls — UK US /ˈkʌvərɔːlz/ noun [plural] US ► OVERALLS(Cf. ↑overalls) … Financial and business terms
coveralls — UK [ˈkʌvərˌɔːlz] US [ˈkʌvərˌɔlz] noun [plural] american overalls Thesaurus: clothing worn over other clotheshyponym … Useful english dictionary
coveralls — noun A coverall Syn: overalls … Wiktionary
coveralls — cov|er|alls [ˈkʌvəro:lz US o:lz] n [plural] AmE a piece of clothing that you wear over all your clothes to protect them British Equivalent: overalls … Dictionary of contemporary English
coveralls — cov|er|alls [ kʌvər,ɔlz ] noun plural AMERICAN a piece of clothing that you wear over your ordinary clothes in order to protect them … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
coveralls — n. protective article of clothing worn over other clothes … English contemporary dictionary
coveralls — N. Amer. overalls. → coverall … English new terms dictionary
coveralls — noun (plural) AmE a piece of clothing that you wear over all your clothes to protect them; overalls overall 3 (3) BrE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
coveralls — UK [ˈkʌvərˌɔːlz] / US [ˈkʌvərˌɔlz] noun [plural] American overalls … English dictionary
coveralls — Same as overalls … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Overall — This article is about bib and brace overalls, shortalls, boilersuits. For the loose above the knee coat like protective garment called an overall in parts of the UK and Ireland, see Smock frock or Lab coat. For other uses, see Overall… … Wikipedia