1 country of origin principle
гос. фин., межд. эк. = origin principleАнгло-русский экономический словарь > country of origin principle
2 country-of-origin principle
гос. фин., межд. эк. = origin principleАнгло-русский экономический словарь > country-of-origin principle
3 origin principle
гос. фин., межд. эк. принцип страны происхождения (один из принципов взимания НДС: НДС должен взиматься в той стране, в которой товары были произведены; в соответствии с этим принципом не производится ни взимание НДС с импортных товаров, ни возмещение НДС экспортерам)Syn:Ant:See: -
4 country of origin
1) межд. эк., гос. фин., торг. страна происхождения (страна, в которой товар был полностью произведен или подвергся значительной обработке; для услуг — страна, резидентом которой является лицо, оказавшее услугу; определяется для контроля предоставления преференциального импортного режима, взимания антидемпинговых и компенсационных пошлин, соблюдения торговых квот)Syn:See:country of exportation, certificate of origin, rule of origin, mark of origin, manufacturing country, import quota, customs duty, antidumping duty, countervailing duty, Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indication of Source on Goods, origin principle, originating goods, non-originating goods, area of destination2) общ. = mother country 1), 2), -
5 country of destination
общ. страна назначения (страна, в которую направляются мигранты, товары или капитал)See:* * *Англо-русский экономический словарь > country of destination
См. также в других словарях:
Country of origin principle — For a discussion of labelling and marketing products according to their place of manufacture, see Country of origin. The country of origin principle is a principle in the law of the European Union for resolving conflict of laws between Member… … Wikipedia
Country of origin — For the legal term from European law, see Country of origin principle. Swiss Made label on a TAG Heuer chronograph … Wikipedia
Rules of origin — are used to determine the country of origin of a product for purposes of international trade. There are two common type of rules of origin depending upon application, the preferential and non preferential rules of origin.Fact|date=March 2008 The… … Wikipedia
Home country control — (also Country of Origin rule) is the rule of EU law, specifically of Single Market law, that determines which laws will apply to goods or services that cross the border of Member States. EU law requires that the goods or services produced legally … Wikipedia
Origin of language — The origin of language is the emergence of language in the human species. This is a highly controversial topic, empirical evidence being so limited that many regard it as unsuitable for serious scholars. In 1866, the Linguistic Society of Paris… … Wikipedia
Origin of Latter Day Saint polygamy — Mormonism and polygamy Members of Joseph F. Smith s family, including his sons and daughters, as well as their spouses and children, circa 1900 … Wikipedia
principle — noun 1》 a fundamental truth or proposition serving as the foundation for belief or action. ↘a rule or belief governing one s personal behaviour. ↘morally correct behaviour and attitudes: a man of principle. 2》 a general scientific theorem … English new terms dictionary
On the Origin of Species — Origin of Species redirects here. For other uses, see Origin of Species (disambiguation). On the Origin of Species … Wikipedia
Status of religious freedom by country — The status of religious freedom around the world varies from country to country.CountriesAfghanistanThe current government of Afghanistan has only been in place since 2002, following a U.S. led invasion which displaced the former Taliban… … Wikipedia
Liberalism by country — Liberal democratic redirects here. For the form of government, see Liberal democracy. This article is about liberalism as a political current in specific regions and countries. For the conceptual background, see Liberalism … Wikipedia
Freedom of speech by country — Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one s opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. Speech is not limited to public speaking and is generally taken to include other forms of expression. The right … Wikipedia