1 country officer
референт з... ( назва країни) -
2 chief
1) керівник, начальник, завідувач2) головний, основний•- chief baron
- Chief Clerk
- chief conspirator
- Chief Constable
- chief controller
- Chief Crown Prosecutor
- chief defence witness
- chief defense witness
- chief detective-inspector
- chief draftsman
- chief-examination testimony
- chief executive
- chief executive authority
- chief executive officer
- chief executive of the nation
- Chief Executive pardon
- chief investigator
- chief issue in litigation
- chief judge
- chief judgeship
- chief justice
- chief magistrate
- chief master
- chief military procurator
- chief military prosecutor
- chief of department
- chief of detectives
- chief of police
- chief of state
- chief of the court
- chief offender
- chief officer
- chief officer of police
- chief operating officer
- Chief Political Administration
- chief prosecution witness
- Chief Prosecutor
- chief prosecutor
- chief public prosecutor
- chief tribunal officer
- chief victim
- chief weapon
- chief witness -
3 non-
префікс, що позначає заперечення або відсутність; нерідко перекладається префікомnon-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life, non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life, non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life неподання допомоги особі, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя становищі
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration to a sick person on the part of a medical worker — неподання допомоги хворому особою медичного персоналу
non-observance of the conditions of a contract — = non-observance of the terms of a contract порушення умов контракту ( угоди)
- non-acceptancenon-observance of the terms of a contract — = non-observance of the conditions of a contract
- non-access
- non-act
- non-actionable
- non-adjudicative
- non-adjudicative fact
- non-admission
- non-admittance
- non-adult
- non-affiliation
- non-age
- non-aggression
- non-aggression pact
- non-aggressive
- non-alcoholic
- non-aligned
- non-aligned countries
- non-aligned movement
- non-aligned state
- non-aligned status
- non-alignment
- non-alignment movement
- non-amicable
- non-appealable
- non-appearance
- non-arraignment
- non-attendance
- non-authoritarian
- non-belligerence
- non-belligerency
- non-belligerent
- non-binding
- non-cabinet agency
- non-cabinet minister
- non-cadreman
- non-capital murder
- non-career appointment
- non-career criminal
- non-career post
- non-citizen
- non-claim
- non-classified
- non-classified document
- non-coercive
- non-combatant
- non-commercial
- non-commercial organization
- non-commissioned officer
- non-committal
- non-committal reply
- non-committalism
- non-Communist
- non-Communist bloc of states
- non-comp.
- non-compelable witness
- non-compellable witness
- non-competition clause
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- non-compos
- non-compos mentis
- non-concur
- non-confidence
- non-confidence vote
- non-conforming
- non-conforming prisoner
- non-conformity
- non-constitutional
- non-constitutional authority
- non-content
- non-contentious proceedings
- non-contractual
- non-contractual case
- non-contractual liability
- non-contributory pension
- non-controversial
- non-controversial bill
- non-cooperation
- non-cooperationist
- non-corporate
- non-corporate body
- non-crime
- non-criminal
- non-criminal life
- non-criminal
- non-criminal prisoner
- non-criminal proceeding
- non-criminal proceedings
- non-cumulative
- non-custodial
- non-custodial penalty
- non-sanction
- non-custodial sentencing
- non-definitive
- non-definitive judgement
- non-definitive judgment
- non-delegable
- non-deliberate
- non-delivery
- non-democrat
- non-democratic
- non-departmental minister
- non-deputy
- non-detected delinquency
- non-deviation
- non-disclosure
- non-disclosure agreement
- non-discovery of the criminal
- non-discovery of the culprit
- non-discovery of the offender
- non-discretionary
- non-discriminating
- non-discriminating law
- non-discrimination
- non-discriminatory
- non-discriminatory law
- non-discriminatory law
- non-divulgence
- non-effective
- non-effective deterrent
- non-elected
- non-eligibility
- non-eligibility for office
- non-eligible for office
- non-enacted
- non-enacted law
- non-enforceability
- non-entry
- non-essential ignorance
- non-EU country
- non-evidence fact
- non-exclusive licence
- non-exclusive license
- non-exclusive
- non-exclusive use
- non-execution
- non-exempt
- non-existent
- non-expert opinion
- non-extradition
- non-feasance
- non-fulfilment
- non-fulfillment
- non-fulfilment of the decision
- non-gang offender
- non-governmental
- non-governmental body
- non-governmental organization
- non-governmental property
- non-governmental regulation
- non-immigrant
- non-immigrant visa
- non-immigrant
- non-independent
- non-independent country
- non-information
- non-infringing article
- non-infringing article
- non-institutional treatment
- non-intentional
- non-intentional fault
- non-intercourse
- non-interference
- non-intervention
- non-issuable
- non-issuable plea
- non-joinder
- non-judgemental
- non-judgmental
- non-judicial
- non-judicial agency
- non-judicial day
- non-judicial punishment
- non-juring
- non-jury
- non-jury case
- non-jury court
- non-legal
- non-legal employee
- non-lethal
- non-legislative
- non-legislative organization
- non-lethal weapon
- non-lethal weapons
- non-mailable
- non-mandatory
- non-marital
- non-marital sexual relations
- non-medical
- non-medical use of drugs
- non-member
- non-member state
- non-metropolitan county
- non-military
- non-military means
- non-military service
- non-ministration
- non-ministration of succor
- non-ministration of succour
- non-molestation order
- non-moral
- non-national
- non-negligent manslaughter
- non-negotiable
- non-nuclear
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- non-observance
- non-observance of traffic laws
- non-obvious
- non-obvious subject-matter
- non-offender
- non-official
- non-official majority
- non-parliamentary
- non-participation
- non-partisan
- non-partisan ballot
- non-partisan government
- non-party
- non-party minister
- non-patent
- non-patentability
- non-patentable
- non-payment
- non-payment of taxes
- non-pecuniary
- non-performance
- non-permanent
- non-permanent member
- non-police
- non-police enforcement
- non-police enforcement agency
- non-police enforcement body
- non-presidential appointment
- non-prison
- non-prison gang
- non-professional
- non-professional consul
- non-profit
- non-profit agency
- non-profit corporation
- non-profit organization
- non-proliferation
- non-proliferation treaty
- non-property
- non-property right
- non-pros.
- non-prosequitur
- non-prospectus company
- non-punishable
- non-punitive
- non-recognition
- non-recurrent
- non-recurrent levy
- non-recurrent transaction
- non-recurring
- non-recurring duty
- non-registrability
- non-relative
- non-relative adoption
- non-representative
- non-residence
- non-resident
- non-resident alien
- non-resident citizen
- non-resident patient
- non-residential care
- non-residential premises
- non-retroactivity
- non-retroactivity of law
- non-secular
- non-secular law
- non-secure
- non-secure setting
- non-secure shelter
- non-self-executing treaty
- non-self-governing
- non-self-governing territory
- non-signatory
- non-state
- non-statutory
- non-statutory authority
- non-statutory subject-matter
- non-substantive
- non-suit
- non-support
- non-tariff
- non-tariff barriers
- non-tariff regulation
- non-tax source
- non-taxable
- non-taxed
- non-term
- non-terminal
- non-testifying co-defendant
- non-transferable
- non-treaty based
- non-treaty based mechanism
- non-unanimous
- non-unanimous jury
- non-unanimous jury system
- non-union country
- non-union employer
- non-use
- non-use of force
- non-use of punishment
- non-user
- non-violent
- non-violent protest
- non-voter
- non-voting
- non-voting member
- non- wage benefits
- non-working
- non-working day
- non-working elements
- non-working time -
4 duty
збір, гербовий збір, мито, акциз, податок; обов'язок, моральний обов'язок, повинність, функція; чергуванняduty to advance one's client interest — обов'язок ( адвоката) захищати інтереси клієнта
duty to preserve confidentiality — обов'язок зберігати таємницю ( або у таємниці)
duty to preserve the confidentiality of the client's affairs — обов'язок зберігати у таємниці відомості, повідомлені клієнтом ( про адвоката)
duty to provide quiet enjoyment of property — обов'язок забезпечити спокійне користування (розпорядження) власністю
- duty applicableduty to speak fearlessly for one's client — обов'язок говорити без страху за свого клієнта ( про адвоката)
- duty-bound
- duty call
- duty classification
- duty drawback
- duty enjoined by law
- duty-exempt
- duty for revenue
- duty-free
- duty-free ceiling
- duty-free goods
- duty-free items
- duty-free sale
- duty-free trade
- duty journey
- duty list
- duty of a deputy
- duty of a husband
- duty of a wife
- duty of applicant
- duty of attendance
- duty of care
- duty of custody
- duty of discovery
- duty of fidelity
- duty of giving evidence
- duty of loyalty
- duty of obedience
- duty of payment
- duty of protection
- duty of reversion
- duty of service
- duty of the legislature
- duty of tonnage
- duty officer
- duty on capital flows
- duty on consumer loans
- duty on export
- duty on exports
- duty on goods in bond
- duty on import
- duty on imports
- duty on shares
- duty on spirits
- duty owed to the community
- duty-paid
- duty paid
- duty-paid goods
- duty relief
- duty requirement
- duty roster
- duty scheme
- duty station
- duty status
- duty to act
- duty to comply
- duty to country
- duty to declare
- duty to deduct
- duty to disclose information
- duty to exercise care
- duty to file tax returns
- duty to give notice
- duty to inform
- duty to keep accounts
- duty to keep secrets
- duty to live together
- duty to maintain public order
- duty to notify
- duty to obey laws
- duty to pay rent
- duty to pay taxes
- duty to prove title
- duty to register
- duty to repair
- duty to support
- duty to take reasonable care
- duty to the law
- duty to truth
- duty towards an individual
- duty travel allowance
- duty unpaid -
5 land
1) земля (в т. ч. адмін.-терит. одиниця в Австрії і ФРН); країна, держава; земельна власність, нерухомість2) опинятися; спіймати ( злочинця тощо); повертати ( втікача до в'язниці тощо)•- land acquisitionland owned by local authorities — земля, що знаходиться у володінні місцевих властей
- land-agent
- land and buildings
- land assessment
- land bank
- land-based pollution
- land behind bars
- land cadaster
- land cadastre
- land carrier
- land certificate
- land charge
- land charges
- land charges act
- land charges law
- land charges register
- land code
- land contract
- land court
- land damages
- land dispute
- land domain
- land entitlement
- land forces
- land fraud
- land frontier
- land holder
- land in prison
- land jobber
- land law
- land laws
- land-locked
- land-locked country
- land mortgage
- land next to a home
- land office
- land ownership
- land parceling
- land parcelling
- land patent
- land possession
- land power
- land privatization
- land records
- land reform
- land register
- land register number
- land registration
- land registration act
- land registration law
- land registration endorsement
- land registration system
- land registry
- land registry certificate
- land registry office
- land rent
- land speculation
- land speculator
- land surveyor
- land tax
- land taxation
- land tenure
- land tribunal
- land use
- land use map
- land-use system
- land utilization
- land-utilization system
- land valuation
- land valuation officer
- land value
- land value tax
- land value taxation
- land waiter -
6 security
поручитель; безпека, почуття безпеки; надійність; забезпечення ( боргу тощо); застава; режим, ізоляція ( в пенітенціарній установі); секретність, режим секретності- security administration
- security arrangements
- security bill
- security classification
- security clearance
- Security Council
- Security Council Resolution
- security dealer
- security expert
- security firm
- security for claim
- security for loan
- security force
- security forces
- security guarantee
- security guard
- security housing
- security in old age
- security information
- security interest
- security law
- security man
- security measures
- security ministry
- security of citizens
- security of country
- security of firearms
- security of frontiers
- security of person
- security of property
- security of residence
- security of suretyship
- security of tenure
- security of the community
- security of the state
- security officer
- security police
- security precautions
- security risk
- security-screening
- security service
- security service investigator
- security service operation
- security system
- security to bearer
- security violation
- security zone
См. также в других словарях:
Officer Candidate School (U.S. Army) — Officer Candidate School The original Officer Candidate School logo. Known today as the OCS roadwheel and still in wide use throughout the OCS. Active 1941 19/20 Dec 1949, 1951 present … Wikipedia
Officer Cadet — is a rank held by military cadets during their training to become commissioned officers. The term Officer Trainee is used interchangeably in some countries. Some countries refer to naval officer cadets as midshipmen, although in other countries… … Wikipedia
Officer cadet — is a rank held by military and merchant navy cadets during their training to become commissioned officers and merchant navy officers, respectively. The term officer trainee is used interchangeably in some countries. Some countries refer to naval… … Wikipedia
Officer Candidate School — or Officer Cadet School (OCS) are institutions which train civilians and enlisted personnel in order for them to gain a commission as officers in the armed forces of a country. How OCS is run differs between countries and services. Typically, it… … Wikipedia
Officer, Victoria — Officer Victoria Aerial view from south west … Wikipedia
Officer Candidates School (United States Marine Corps) — Officer Candidates School The OCS insignia Active 1891 present Country … Wikipedia
Country Pure Foods — Type Private company Founded 1995 Key people Raymond K. Lee (President, CEO) Products Fruit drinks, juices, nectars, and conentrate … Wikipedia
Officer Buckle and Gloria — … Wikipedia
Officer 444 — Directed by Francis Ford Ben F. Wilson Produced by J. Charles Davis Written by Francis Ford Starring … Wikipedia
Officer 666 (1916 film) — Officer 666 1912 poster for Cohan s play Directed by Fred Niblo Written by W.J. Lincoln … Wikipedia
Officer Pooch — Directed by William Hanna Joseph Barbera Produced by Fred Quimby Distributed by Metro Goldwyn Mayer … Wikipedia