1 counter-flow-continuous chillers
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > counter-flow-continuous chillers
2 Wide Counter Flow Pipeline
Transport: WCFPУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Wide Counter Flow Pipeline
3 counter-current flow limitation
Engineering: CCFLУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > counter-current flow limitation
4 встречное течение
5 встречное течение
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > встречное течение
6 проточный счётчик
flow counter, flow-type counter -
7 противоточный способ
Русско-английский технический словарь > противоточный способ
8 противоточный способ
Русско-английский политехнический словарь > противоточный способ
9 пртивоточный способ
Русско-английский политехнический словарь > пртивоточный способ
10 противоточный теплообменник
Русско-английский физический словарь > противоточный теплообменник
11 противоточный способ
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > противоточный способ
12 противоток
1) General subject: contraflow, counter-flow, countercurrent2) Naval: counter current3) Engineering: countercurrent flow, counterflow, hindward flow, hindwards flow, inrush current, reflux flow, reverse flow4) Chemistry: back current5) Construction: contra flow6) Railway term: opposed current7) Automobile industry: return flow8) Polygraphy: flowback9) Information technology: counter-current10) Oil: backflow (жидкости из пласта при прекращении промывки), counter-current flow, reversed current, backward flow11) Fishery: opposing current, reversing current12) Astronautics: reversed flow13) Silicates: backflow (стекломассы)14) Coolers: countercurrent floorage, countercurrent stream15) Ecology: backup (в канализационном коллекторе)16) Oil&Gas technology back flow18) Makarov: counter-current flow (организация потоков в мембранном модуле, при которой потоки до и после МБ движутся параллельно её ПВ, но в противоположных направлениях), reflux19) Electrochemistry: back-current, underflow20) Combustion gas turbines: counter flow -
13 противотечение
1) Naval: counter current, counter-current, counter-flow, reverse current, reversed flow2) Engineering: back flow, backward flow, countercurrent, countercurrent flow, counterflow, reflow, reflux flow, return flow, reverse flow3) Hydrography: backflow4) Oil: counter-current flow5) Fishery: back current, counter flow, opposing current, reversing current6) Oceanography: backwater7) General subject: return current -
14 встречный поток
1) Aviation: counterflux2) Engineering: approach flow (воздуха в полете)3) Economy: counterstream (переселенцев или эмигрантов)4) Automobile industry: (транспортный) contra flow5) Mining: counter current6) Oil: counter-current flow7) Coolers: countercurrent floorage, countercurrent stream8) Drilling: countercurrent flow9) Polymers: counterflow10) Makarov: apprise flow, counter flow, countercurrent -
15 обратное течение
1) General subject: contraflow, refluence2) Aviation: inverse flow3) Naval: back waters, backward flow, countercurrent, return current, return flow4) Engineering: backflow, backstreaming, reflux flow5) Chemistry: back-flow6) Construction: reverse flow (напр, конденсата)7) Oil: reflow8) Fishery: counter flow9) Astronautics: backward jet, reversed flow10) Coolers: reverse floorage11) Ecology: countercurrent flow12) Polymers: pressure flow13) Automation: counterflow14) Plastics: back flow (в червячном прессе), pressure flow (в червячном прессе)15) Makarov: back current, backset, backwater, recirculation, reflux16) Combustion gas turbines: contra flow17) General subject: counter drift, reverse current -
16 проточный газовый счётчик
1) Engineering: gas-flow counter2) Metrology: gas-flow detector3) Makarov: flow counter, flow-type counterУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > проточный газовый счётчик
17 встречное течение
1) General subject: cross current, cross-current2) Geology: counterflow3) Naval: counter-flow, eddy, reverse current, reverse flow4) Fishery: countercurrent, opposed flow5) Automation: backflow7) Yachting: counter current -
18 противоточный теплообменник
1) Engineering: countercurrent heat exchanger, counterflow heat exchanger2) Construction: counter flow heat exchanger3) Silicates: countercurrent heater, counterflow preheater4) Makarov: counter-current heat exchanger5) Combustion gas turbines: counter-flow heat exchangerУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > противоточный теплообменник
19 противоток
backflow, countercurrent, counterflow, inrush current, countercurrent flow, reflux flow, return flow, reverse flow* * *противото́к м.
countercurrent flowвещество́ А поступа́ет в противото́ке с вещество́м Б хим. — A is (admitted in) countercurrent to B* * * -
20 проточный счётчик
Engineering: flow counter, flow-type counter
См. также в других словарях:
Counter-flows — Counter flow (also referred as contra flow) is the movement of cultures from one place to another brought by mobile subjects (migrants) that can have a positive or negative impact or effect on society. It is no longer from “the west to the rest,” … Wikipedia
Counter-Clock World — Cover of first edition (paperback) … Wikipedia
Counter-insurgency — Police question a civilian during the Malayan Emergency. Counter insurgency involves action from both military and police authorities … Wikipedia
Counter-intelligence — This article is a subset article of intelligence cycle security. National intelligence programs, and, by extension, the overall defenses of nations, are vulnerable to attack. It is the role of intelligence cycle security to protect the process… … Wikipedia
Flow cytometry — Analysis of a marine sample of photosynthetic picoplankton by flow cytometry showing three different populations (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotes) Flow cytometry (abbreviated: FCM) is a technique for counting and examining… … Wikipedia
counter-current flow — priešpriešinis srautas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Srautas, tekantis kitam srautui priešinga kryptimi. atitikmenys: angl. counter current flow; countercurrent flow rus. встречный поток … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
counter — A device that counts, usually scintillations. automated differential leukocyte c. an instrument using digital imaging or cytochemical techniques to differentiate leukocytes. electronic cell c. an automatic blood cell c. in which cells passing… … Medical dictionary
Counter run — In American football, a counter run is a running play in which the running back will take a step in the opposite direction of the play, only to get the handoff in the other direction. Weak side linemen will sometimes pull and lead the back… … Wikipedia
flow counter — noun : a device for detecting low level radiation involving essentially transport of emanations to a Geiger counter in a stream of inert gas … Useful english dictionary
counter emf — Tendency for reverse electrical flow as magnetic field changes in an induction coil … Dictionary of automotive terms
Balanced flow — In atmospheric science, balanced flow is an idealisation of atmospheric motion. The idealisation consists in considering the behaviour of one isolated parcel of air having constant density, its motion on a horizontal plane subject to selected… … Wikipedia