1 coulometric titration
Техника: кулонометрическое титрование -
2 coulometric titration detector
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > coulometric titration detector
3 coulometric (titration )detector
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > coulometric (titration )detector
4 coulometric (titration )detector
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > coulometric (titration )detector
5 coulometric titration detector
Техника: кулонометрический детекторУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > coulometric titration detector
6 coulometric titration with external generation of titrant
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > coulometric titration with external generation of titrant
7 oxidation coulometric titration
Электрохимия: окислительное кулонометрическое титрованиеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > oxidation coulometric titration
8 reduction coulometric titration
Электрохимия: восстановительное кулонометрическое титрованиеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > reduction coulometric titration
9 кулонометрический детектор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > кулонометрический детектор
10 кулонометрический детектор
coulometric ( titration) detectorАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > кулонометрический детектор
11 detector
1) обнаружитель, устройство обнаружения; индикатор2) детектор; демодулятор3) чувствительный (воспринимающий) элемент; датчик, (первичный) измерительный преобразователь•-
acceleration detector
acoustic emission detector
activation detector
adsorption detector
air check detector
air-to-air detector
amplitude detector
angle-of-attack detector
argon detector
arrival detector
average detector
balanced detector
baseband detector
bearing oil leak detector
beta detector
beta-ray detector
brightness-signal detector
broadband detector
brush arc detector
burnout detector
burst-slug detector
carbon monoxide detector
catalytic combustion detector
cathode luminescence detector
charge detector
chevron detector
chroma detector
coarse detector
coherent detector
combustible gas detector
common luminance-chrominance detector
conductometric detector
continuous wave detector
correlation detector
coulometric titration detector
coulometric detector
course detector
crack detector
cross-correlation detector
crystal detector
destructive detector
difference detector
differential detector
differential leak detector
diffused junction detector
diode detector
directional detector
discharge detector
Doppler detector
dosimetric detector
drip detector
dual-flame detector
dust impact detector
earth detector
edge detector
electromagnetic flaw detector
electron-capture detector
embedded temperature detector
embrittlement detector
envelope detector
error detector
excessive tension detector
false lock detector
fast detector
fast-neutron detector
fault detector
fault-phase selection detector
fine detector
fire detector
firedamp detector
first detector
fission detector
flame detector
flame-emissivity detector
flame-ionization detector
flaw detector
fluorescent radiation detector
flux detector
flux-gate detector
focus detector
fog detector
frequency difference detector
frequency-modulation detector
frost detector
gamma-ray detector
gamma-sensitive detector
gas chromatography detector
gas detector
gas discharge detector
gas-volume detector
glow-discharge detector
ground detector
halide leak detector
heat-of-adsorption detector
helium ionization detector
helium detector
heterodyne detector
holiday detector
hot-metal detector
hot-wheel detector
hot-wire detector
humidity detector
hydrogen sulfide detector
hydrogen-flame ionization detector
hydrogen-flame temperature detector
ice detector
iceberg detector
image detector
imaging photon detector
infrared cloud cover detector
infrared detector
infrared leak detector
in-phase detector
integral detector
interfinger detector
intrusion detector
ion detector
ionization detector
knot detector
leak detector
leakage current detector
level detector
light detector
linear detector
liquid chromatography detector
lithium-drifted detector
locally optimum detector
loop detector
low-visibility detector
luminance detector
magnetic detector
mass spectrometer-type leak detector
mass spectrometer leak detector
maximum-likelihood detector
memoryless detector
metal detector
microchannel detector
missing-pulse detector
moment detector
motion detector
moving-coil detector
moving-target detector
moving-window detector
moving-wire detector
multilinear array detector
narrow-band detector
needle detector
neutron detector
neutron track detector
nitrogen detector
noncontacting IR detector
nondestructive detector
nonlinear detector
no-sheet detector
nuclear magnetic-resonance detector
null detector
optical detector
out-of-lock detector
particle detector
pattern detector
peak-to-peak detector
peak detector
phase detector
phase-frequency detector
phase-lock detector
phase-sensitive detector
photoconductive detector
photo detector
photo-ionization detector
photon detector
photoresist detector
piezoelectric crystal detector
pinhole detector
pitch detector
precipitation detector
primary detector
product detector
proximity detector
pulse detector
pulse-envelope detector
push-pull detector
quadrature detector
radiation detector
radio interference detector
radiometric detector
rail flaw detector
rain detector
ratio detector
recoil detector
regenerative detector
ringing detector
scintillation detector
second detector
seismic detector
selective detector
sequence detector
sheet detector
sign detector
silence detector
single-signal detector
skid detector
slope detector
smoke detector
sonic interface detector
sound detector
sound intermediate-frequency detector
sound velocity detector
spark coil detector
speech detector
spread spectrum detector
square-law detector
strip edge crack detector
stuck point detector
superheterodyne detector
superregenerative detector
supply failure detector
synchronous detector
temperature detector
thermal detector
thermal-conductivity detector
thermal-neutron detector
thermionic detector
thermistor detector
threshold detector
tool breakage detector
torque detector
tracking detector
transition detector
transmitted electrons detector
two-sheet detector
ultrasonic density detector
ultrasonic flaw detector
ultra-violet detector
valve detector
vibration detector
video detector
voice detector
voiced-unvoiced detector
voltage detector
web break detector
wind-shear detector
worn tool detector
X-ray detector
yarn detector
zero-crossing detector
См. также в других словарях:
coulometric titration — titration by determining the amount of electricity required to electrochemically generate a titrant which reacts with the substance in question. If the current is kept constant, the amount of electricity (coulombs) used is proportional to the… … Medical dictionary
coulometric titration — noun : a method of titration in which the titrating agent is produced in a solution by electrolysis and the required amount of the agent is determined by measuring the number of coulombs used in preparing it … Useful english dictionary
titration — [tī trā′shən] n. 〚/span> TITRATE + ION〛 Chem. Physiol. the process of finding out how much of a certain substance is contained in a known volume of a solution by measuring volumetrically how much of a standard solution is required to produce a… … Universalium
Karl Fischer titration — is a classic titration method in analytical chemistry that uses coulometric or volumetric titration to determine trace amounts of water in a sample. It was invented in 1935 by the German chemist Karl Fischer.Coulometric titrationThe main… … Wikipedia
Coulometry — is the name given to a group of techniques in analytical chemistry that determine the amount of matter transformed during an electrolysis reaction by measuring the amount of electricity (in coulombs) consumed or produced.[1] There are two basic… … Wikipedia
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
galvanostat — noun A device that maintains a constant current in an electrolytic cell during the course of a coulometric titration … Wiktionary
potentiostat — noun A device that maintains a constant potential during the course of a coulometric titration … Wiktionary
coulometry — coulometric /kooh leuh me trik/, adj. coulometrically, adv. /kooh lom i tree, keuh /, n. Chem. a method used in quantitative analysis, whereby the amount of a substance set free or deposited during electrolysis is determined by measuring the… … Universalium
Electroanalytical method — Electroanalytical methods are a class of techniques in analytical chemistry which study an analyte by measuring the potential (Volts) and/or current (Amps) in an electrochemical cell containing the analyte. [Bard, A.J.; Faulkner, L.R.… … Wikipedia