Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 cotton

    I ['kotn] noun
    1) (a soft substance got from the seeds of the cotton plant, used in making thread or cloth.) bavlna
    2) (the yarn or cloth made from this: a reel of cotton; This shirt is made of cotton; ( also adjective) a cotton shirt.) bavlna; bavlnený
    - cottonwool II ['kotn]
    * * *
    • bavlnený
    • bavlnená látka
    • bavlna
    • nit

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton

  • 2 cotton on

    verb (to understand: He'll soon cotton on (to what you mean).) chápať

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton on

  • 3 cotton industry

    • bavlnársky priemysel

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton industry

  • 4 cotton-covered wire

    • drôt s bavlnenou izolácio
    • drôt opradený bavlnou

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton-covered wire

  • 5 cotton-mill

    • pradiaren bavlny
    • prádelna

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton-mill

  • 6 cotton-plant

    • bavlník

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton-plant

  • 7 cotton-wool

    • vata

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton-wool

  • 8 cotton-yarn

    • bavlnená priadza

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton-yarn

  • 9 cotton candy

    ((American) candy floss.) cukrová vata

    English-Slovak dictionary > cotton candy

  • 10 absorbent cotton

    • vata
    • hygroskopická vata

    English-Slovak dictionary > absorbent cotton

  • 11 gun-cotton

    • strelná bavlna

    English-Slovak dictionary > gun-cotton

  • 12 cottonwool

    noun ((American absorbent cotton) loose cotton pressed into a mass, for absorbing liquids, wiping or protecting an injury etc: She bathed the wound with cotton wool.) vata

    English-Slovak dictionary > cottonwool

  • 13 bale

    [beil] I noun
    (a large bundle of goods or material (cloth, hay etc) tied together: a bale of cotton.) žoch
    II 1. verb
    ((also bail) to clear (water out of a boat with buckets etc): Several gallons of water were baled out of the boat.) vyberať (vodu z lode)
    2. See also:
    * * *
    • žoch
    • zoskok padákom

    English-Slovak dictionary > bale

  • 14 candy floss

    ( American cotton candy) (flavoured sugar spun into a fluffy ball on the end of a stick.) cukrová vata
    * * *
    • cukrová vata

    English-Slovak dictionary > candy floss

  • 15 cargo

    plural - cargoes; noun
    (a load of goods carried by a ship etc: a cargo of cotton.) náklad
    * * *
    • lodný náklad
    • nákladná lod
    • nákladný
    • náklad

    English-Slovak dictionary > cargo

  • 16 linen

    1) (( also adjective) (of) cloth made of flax used to make sheets, tablecloths, tea-towels etc: This handkerchief is made of linen; linen sheets.) ľan; ľanový
    2) (articles made of linen or, now more usually, cotton: table-linen; bed-linen.) prestieradlo
    * * *
    • bielizen
    • plátno
    • lanový

    English-Slovak dictionary > linen

  • 17 lint

    1) (linen in the form of a soft fluffy material for putting over wounds.) vyzrnené bavlnené plátno
    2) (very small pieces of fluff from cotton etc.) textilný prach
    * * *
    • štítkový prach

    English-Slovak dictionary > lint

  • 18 market

    1. noun
    1) (a public place where people meet to buy and sell or the public event at which this happens: He has a clothes stall in the market.) trhovisko
    2) ((a place where there is) a demand for certain things: There is a market for cotton goods in hot countries.) trh
    2. verb
    (to (attempt to) sell: I produce the goods and my brother markets them all over the world.) predávať
    - marketing
    - market-garden
    - market-place
    - market-square
    - market price/value
    - market research
    - be on the market
    * * *
    • stržit
    • tržisko
    • trhovisko
    • trhová cena
    • trh
    • predaj
    • predávat na trhu
    • predat na trhu
    • dopyt
    • jarmok
    • kurz
    • odbyt
    • obchodovat
    • obchod

    English-Slovak dictionary > market

  • 19 muslin

    noun, adjective
    ((of) a type of fine soft cotton cloth.) mušelín; mušelínový
    * * *
    • mušelín

    English-Slovak dictionary > muslin

  • 20 raw

    1) (not cooked: raw onions/meat.) surový, nevarený
    2) (not prepared or refined; in the natural state: raw cotton; What raw materials are used to make plastic?) surový, nespracovaný
    3) (with the skin rubbed and sore: My heel is raw because my shoe doesn't fit properly.) odrený, odretý
    4) (untrained; inexperienced: raw recruits.) neskúsený
    - a raw deal
    - raw material
    * * *
    • vlhký
    • živý
    • základný
    • surovo
    • sychravý
    • sprostý
    • surový
    • primitívny
    • hanebný
    • hrubý
    • bolavé miesto
    • bolavý
    • cistý
    • cerstvý
    • citlivý
    • prvotný
    • páliaci
    • otvorený
    • panenský
    • otlacený
    • krutý
    • krvácajúci
    • nezahojený
    • nepokrytý
    • neskúsený
    • nepálený
    • nerafinovaný
    • nevyhodnotený
    • neriedený
    • nezarastený
    • nezacelený
    • neuvarený
    • nezacistený
    • nenaklícený
    • nezaucený
    • neosvetlený
    • nevybrúsený
    • neslušný
    • nespracovaný
    • neostrielaný
    • nekultivovaný
    • odretý

    English-Slovak dictionary > raw

См. также в других словарях:

  • Cotton — Cot ton (k[o^]t t n), n. [F. coton, Sp. algodon the cotton plant and its wool, coton printed cotton, cloth, fr. Ar. qutun, alqutun, cotton wool. Cf. {Acton}, {Hacqueton}.] 1. A soft, downy substance, resembling fine wool, consisting of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cotton — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Aimé Cotton (1869–1951), französischer Physiker Annie Cotton (* 1975), kanadische Sängerin und Schauspielerin Antony Cotton (* 1975), britischer Schauspieler Aylett R. Cotton (1826–1912), US amerikanischer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cotton On — Group Type Privately owned Industry Fashion Founded Geelong, Australia Headquarters Geelong, Australia Key people Nigel Austin …   Wikipedia

  • COTTON (A. A.) — COTTON AIMÉ AUGUSTE (1869 1951) Né à Bourg en Bresse, élève à l’École normale supérieure de 1890 à 1893, Aimé Auguste Cotton y enseigna de 1900 à 1922, après avoir été professeur à la faculté des sciences de Toulouse de 1895 à 1900. De 1920 à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • COTTON (J.) — COTTON JOHN (1584 1652) Le pasteur puritain qui allait devenir la plus grande figure de «la Plantation du Seigneur» en Nouvelle Angleterre est né en 1584. Le mouvement qui milite pour que l’Église d’Angleterre extirpe d’elle même les «reliques du …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • cotton — [kät′ n] n. [ME cotoun < OFr coton < (? via It cotone) Ar quṭun < ? Egypt] 1. the soft, white seed hairs filling the seedpods of various shrubby plants (genus Gossypium) of the mallow family, originally native to the tropics 2. a plant… …   English World dictionary

  • cotton to — ˈcotton to [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they cotton to he/she/it cottons to present participle cottoning to past tense cottoned to p …   Useful english dictionary

  • COTTON — COTTON, plant mentioned under the name karpas (derived from the Sanskrit karpasa) in the Book of Esther (1:6) in the description of the magnificent ornamentation of Ahasuerus palace. In the Mishnah cotton is called ẓemer gefen ( vine wool ) as… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Cotton — Cotton, Robert Bruce * * * (as used in expressions) Cotton Belt Cotton Club Cotton, John Cotton, sir Robert Bruce King Cotton Mather, Cotton …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Cotton — Cot ton, v. i. 1. To rise with a regular nap, as cloth does. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] It cottons well; it can not choose but bear A pretty nap. Family of Love. [1913 Webster] 2. To go on prosperously; to succeed. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] New,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cotton — ● cotton nom masculin (de W. Cotton, nom propre) Métier rectiligne qui tricote simultanément plusieurs panneaux avec augmentations et diminutions. Cotton (Aimé) (1869 1951) physicien français, spécialiste d électromagnétisme …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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