1 cost objective
2 cost objective
1) Бухгалтерия: объект затрат, цель затрат2) Химическое оружие: учётная единица затрат -
3 cost object
учет объект (учета) затрат, объект калькулирования (сегмент (организационное подразделение), продукт, функция, контракт или другой объект, на который могут начисляться затраты)Syn:See:segment 1. 4), product, function, contract, cost, cost unit, direct cost, overhead cost, cost centre, batch costing, contract costing, process costing, job order costing, product costing, costing, cost assignment* * *продукт или его партия, услуги, машино-часы, социальный проект -
4 objective, time, and cost
OTC, objective, time, and costцель, сроки выполнения и стоимость (программы)English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > objective, time, and cost
5 cost-performance objective
Бухгалтерия: запланированный уровень издержекУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > cost-performance objective
6 cost-performance objective
Англо-русский экономический словарь > cost-performance objective
7 low-cost leadership
эк. ценовое лидерство за счет [на основе\] низких издержек [затрат\] (разновидность ценового лидерства, в котором один из олигополистов имеет положение ценового лидера по причине существенно более низких издержек производства, чем у других олигополистов)The main objective of low-cost leadership is to achieve lower overall costs than the competition and to attract customers by under pricing rivals.
See: -
1) Общая лексика: профессиональная конфедерация шведских рабочих (Сертифицирует мобильные телефоны, офисную мебель и компьютеры, которые соответствуют определенным требованиям по энергоэффективности, безопасности рабочего места и воздействия на окружающую среду), Tengiz Chevroil2) Компьютерная техника: Third Cache- Off, Triple Capacity Option3) Американизм: Total Cost For Organization4) Военный термин: Telecommunications Certification Office, Telecommunications Contracting Office, Telecommunications Control Officer, tactical combat operations, tactical control officer, technical contracting office, technical control officer, test control office, test control officer, theater chief ordnance officer, traffic control officer, transport company, transportation control office, transportation control officer5) Техника: TELENET central office, telemetry and command subsystem, thermal cut-out, total cost ownership, прозрачный проводящий оксидный слой, transparent conductive oxide6) Шутливое выражение: Taking Care Of Ourselves7) Экономика: ССВ, совокупная стоимость владения8) Бухгалтерия: Take Cost Out9) Телекоммуникации: trial commercial operations, Общая стоимость владения10) Сокращение: Transport Control Officer (British Army)11) Электроника: Transparent Conducting Oxide12) Вычислительная техника: Test Cell Output (UNI, ATM), total cost of ownership, организация TCO (http://ivb.unact.ru/glossary/tcorg.html), стандарт TCO (http://ivb.unact.ru/glossary/tcostandard.html)13) Экология: total content of atmospheric ozone14) Деловая лексика: Take Costs Out, Total Cost Of Operation15) Образование: Teacher Chosen Objective16) Сахалин Ю: Tengizchevroil, total cost of ownership17) Расширение файла: T9000 object modules18) Должность: Telecommunications Certification Officer20) Программное обеспечение: Technical Computing Operations -
9 function
1) функция; назначение || функционировать, действовать; исполнять назначение2) pl функции, должностные обязанности3) мат. функция4) специализация управленческих процессов (напр. сбыт) -
10 function
n1) функция2) pl должностные обязанности
- administrative functions
- analytic function
- agricultural production functions
- agent's functions
- audit function
- behaviorial function
- business function
- capital function
- cognitive function
- constraint function
- consumption function
- correction function
- cost function
- cost control function
- criterion function
- damage function
- decision function
- defective function
- demand function
- deposit function
- depositary function
- distribution function
- dual function
- effectiveness function
- efficiency function
- effort function
- empirical function
- employment function
- entrepreneurial function
- evaluation function
- executive functions
- fabrication functions
- goal function
- inventory functions
- investment function
- linear function
- loan function
- loan demand function
- long-run supply function
- loss function
- market demand function
- marketing functions
- market supply function
- material control function
- money functions
- objective function
- payoff function
- penalty function
- preference function
- production function
- profit function
- remuneration function
- replenishment function
- response function
- return function
- risk function
- sales function
- saving function
- service function
- short-run supply function
- social functions
- social preference function
- stores functions
- supply function
- supporting service function
- target function
- time function
- trust functions
- utility function
- variable cost function
- welfare function
- functions of an arbitrator
- functions of a fiscal agent
- assume functions
- perform functionsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > function
11 COP
1) Общая лексика: (Chief Of Party) руководитель проекта (из терминологии USAID)2) Американизм: Coastal Ocean Program3) Спорт: Close Of Play4) Военный термин: Command Observation Post, Common Operational Picture, Common Operational Plan, Community Of Practice, Contingency Operation Plan, Crashout Package, capability objective package, coefficient of performance, coherent optical processor, combat outpost, command objective plan, command operating program, command operational post, command post, commanding officers' punishment, commissary operating plan, compact periscope, contingency operations plan, contingency outline plan, continuity of operations plan, control of operations program, cost of production, current operating procedure, общая оперативная картина (Common Operational Picture)6) Религия: Christians On Patrol7) Юридический термин: Coalition Of Police, Community On Patrol, Community Oriented Police, Community Oriented Policing, Conference Of Parties, Conference Of The Parties, Consumption On Premises, Contempt Of Police8) Автомобильный термин: coil on plug electronic ignition9) Сокращение: Career Opportunity Program, Certificate of Proficiency, Close Observation Platoon, Colombian Peso, Common Operating Picture, Continuation Of Pay (disability), Coptic, Crude Oil Purchasing, Cut-Order-Planning Program, Conference of Parties (КС) Конференция Сторон Рамочной Конвенции ООН об изменении климата (РКИК)10) Электроника: Controller Operating Properly11) Нефть: закупка сырой нефти (crude oil purchasing)12) Транспорт: Child Occupancy Protection, Child Occupant Protection13) Холодильная техника: коэффициент производительности, холодильный коэффициент (coefficient of performance), холодильный коэффициент14) СМИ: Children Of The Phoenix15) Деловая лексика: Call Or Put Warrant, Certificate Of Production, Cross Our Palms, таможня порта (custom of port)16) Производство: conformity of production17) Образование: Certificate of Participation, Committee of Practitioners18) Валютные операции: Колумбийское песо (Columbian peso)19) Сетевые технологии: Coda Optimistic Protocol, cellular optimized processor, character-oriented protocol, протокол посимвольной передачи данных, процессор передачи данных20) Макаров: Codes of Practice, character-output printer, coorbiting platforms21) Лифты: car operating panel22) Нефть и газ: карбонатно-органический полимер, carbonate-organic polymer23) Электротехника: capacity outage probability24) ООН: Convention Of The Parties25) Общественная организация: Christian Orthopaedic Partners26) Должность: Constable On Patrol, Continuation Of Pay27) NYSE. Consolidated Products, Inc. (delisted)28) Международные перевозки: customs of port -
12 cop
1) Общая лексика: (Chief Of Party) руководитель проекта (из терминологии USAID)2) Американизм: Coastal Ocean Program3) Спорт: Close Of Play4) Военный термин: Command Observation Post, Common Operational Picture, Common Operational Plan, Community Of Practice, Contingency Operation Plan, Crashout Package, capability objective package, coefficient of performance, coherent optical processor, combat outpost, command objective plan, command operating program, command operational post, command post, commanding officers' punishment, commissary operating plan, compact periscope, contingency operations plan, contingency outline plan, continuity of operations plan, control of operations program, cost of production, current operating procedure, общая оперативная картина (Common Operational Picture)6) Религия: Christians On Patrol7) Юридический термин: Coalition Of Police, Community On Patrol, Community Oriented Police, Community Oriented Policing, Conference Of Parties, Conference Of The Parties, Consumption On Premises, Contempt Of Police8) Автомобильный термин: coil on plug electronic ignition9) Сокращение: Career Opportunity Program, Certificate of Proficiency, Close Observation Platoon, Colombian Peso, Common Operating Picture, Continuation Of Pay (disability), Coptic, Crude Oil Purchasing, Cut-Order-Planning Program, Conference of Parties (КС) Конференция Сторон Рамочной Конвенции ООН об изменении климата (РКИК)10) Электроника: Controller Operating Properly11) Нефть: закупка сырой нефти (crude oil purchasing)12) Транспорт: Child Occupancy Protection, Child Occupant Protection13) Холодильная техника: коэффициент производительности, холодильный коэффициент (coefficient of performance), холодильный коэффициент14) СМИ: Children Of The Phoenix15) Деловая лексика: Call Or Put Warrant, Certificate Of Production, Cross Our Palms, таможня порта (custom of port)16) Производство: conformity of production17) Образование: Certificate of Participation, Committee of Practitioners18) Валютные операции: Колумбийское песо (Columbian peso)19) Сетевые технологии: Coda Optimistic Protocol, cellular optimized processor, character-oriented protocol, протокол посимвольной передачи данных, процессор передачи данных20) Макаров: Codes of Practice, character-output printer, coorbiting platforms21) Лифты: car operating panel22) Нефть и газ: карбонатно-органический полимер, carbonate-organic polymer23) Электротехника: capacity outage probability24) ООН: Convention Of The Parties25) Общественная организация: Christian Orthopaedic Partners26) Должность: Constable On Patrol, Continuation Of Pay27) NYSE. Consolidated Products, Inc. (delisted)28) Международные перевозки: customs of port -
13 function
1) функция2) функционировать; находиться в работоспособном состоянии3) выполнять функцию; играть роль4) (дополнительное) функциональное устройство, проф. функция ( в стандарте USB)5) вчт. отображение || отображать•- actuating transfer function
- additive function
- additive/multiplicative function
- admittance function
- advanced communication function
- affine Boolean function
- aggregate function
- algebraic function
- all-pass transfer function
- all-pole function
- all-zero function
- alternating function
- ambiguity function
- amplitude distribution function
- amplitude function
- AM-tive function additive/multiplicative function
- anode work function
- aperture phase function
- apodizing function
- application program function
- autocorrelation function
- automatic azimuth alignment function
- band-limited function
- base station control function
- basis function
- Bellman function
- bent function
- Bessel function of imaginary argument
- Bessel function
- beta function
- bijection function
- bijective function
- binary activation function
- binary sigmoid function
- binate function
- bipolar sigmoid function
- bi-state function
- bivariate distribution function
- Boolean function
- Bose-Einstein distribution function
- bounded function
- boxcar function
- Brillouin function
- built-in function
- Butterworth function
- carpet function
- carrier function
- cathode work function
- characteristic function
- circular function
- closed function
- closed-loop transfer function
- clutching function
- coherence function
- color matching functions
- comb function
- combination function
- combining function
- competitive function
- complementary error function
- complementary function
- composite function
- computable function
- concentrated likelihood function
- continuous function
- contrast transfer function
- control function
- convolution function
- correlation function
- cost function
- covariance generating function
- criterion function
- cross-correlation function - current potential function
- current transfer function
- curried function
- data communications function
- data-path function
- decision function
- degate function
- degating function
- delta function
- demand function
- density function
- descrambling function
- describing function
- difference transfer function
- differentiable function
- digamma function
- Dirac delta function
- Dirac function
- disconnect-reconnect function
- discriminant function
- distribution function
- driving-point function
- eikonal function
- electron wave function
- embedding function
- encryption function
- ergodic function
- error function
- excitation function
- explicit function
- exponential function
- extensional function
- external function
- failure density function
- feedback transfer function
- Fermi function
- Fermi-Dirac distribution function
- force function
- forward transfer function
- frequency function
- frequency-generating function
- frequency-response function
- friend function
- FS function
- full-speed function
- fuzzy function
- fuzzy objective function
- fuzzy utility function
- gage function
- Gaussian function
- Gaussian radial basis function
- generalized function
- generic function
- global implicit function
- global inverse function
- Green functions
- Green's function
- Hamilton function
- Hankel function
- hard limit activation function - hazard function
- head-related transfer function
- Heaviside step function
- Huber function
- hyperbolic function
- hyperbolic tangent activation function
- idempotent function
- image function
- impedance function
- implicit function
- injection function
- injective function
- inline function
- intensional function
- interference function
- interworking function
- inverse distribution function
- inverse function
- invertible mapping function
- inverting function
- kernel function
- Lagrange's function
- Langevin function
- latent function
- Legendre associated function of the first kind
- Legendre associated function of the second kind
- Legendre function of the first kind
- Legendre function of the second kind
- lexical function
- likelihood function
- line search function
- linear function
- linear logic function
- logic function
- logistic function
- logistic sigmoid function
- log-likelihood function
- log-linear function
- log-log function
- look-up function
- loss function
- low-speed function
- LS function
- luminosity function
- macro function
- main function
- maintenance entity function
- majorized function
- majorizing function
- mapping function
- Markov function
- mathematical function
- member function
- membership function
- memo function
- memoised function
- memoized function
- minorized function
- minorizing function
- modified Bessel function
- modular hash-function
- modulating function
- modulation transfer function
- moment-generating function
- monotonic function
- Morse function
- multi-input multi-output transfer function
- multi-valued function
- multivariate distribution function
- mutual coherence function
- natural trigonometric function
- never-decreasing function
- never-increasing function
- non-decreasing function
- non-increasing function
- nonlinear function
- normalized Gaussian radial basis function
- normalized radial basis functions with equal heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal volumes
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths and heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths
- normalized radial basis functions with unequal widths and heights
- objective function
- one-one function
- one-to-one function
- one-way function
- one-way hash function
- open-loop transfer function
- optical transfer function
- ordinary Gaussian radial basis function
- ordinary radial basis functions with equal widths
- ordinary radial basis functions with unequal widths
- orthogonal functions
- overlapped functions
- partial autocorrelation function
- penalty function
- perfect hash-function
- phase transfer function
- photoelectric work function
- photopic response function
- piecewise constant function
- piecewise linear function
- piecewise polynomial function
- Pierce function
- point-spread function
- polynomial function
- positive linear function
- postsynaptic potential function
- power function of test
- power function
- predefined function
- predicate function
- probability density function
- probability function
- probability mass function
- production function
- projection function
- projective function
- propagation function
- propositional function
- PSP function
- pulsating function
- pure virtual function
- quadratic error function
- radial basis function
- radial combination function
- ramp function
- range weighting function
- reactance function
- register function
- regression function
- resolvent function
- response function
- restricted function
- risk function
- saturating linear function
- scalar function
- scaling function
- scattering function
- scedastic function
- Schrödinger wave function
- scrambling function
- screen size-viewing distance function
- self-inverse function
- semilinear function
- sensing function
- sentential function
- shape function
- sigmoid activation function
- sigmoid function
- sign function
- signal function
- signum activation function
- signum function
- smooth function
- socket library function
- softmax activation function
- spectral density function
- spectral function
- spectral radiance function
- spline function
- spot function
- spread function
- square-integrable function
- square-law transfer function
- squashed sign function
- squashing function
- state function
- state query function
- steering function
- step function
- stream function
- summing function
- support entity function
- support function
- supported function
- surjection function
- surjective function
- survival function
- switch function
- switching function
- switch-type function
- symmetric saturating linear function
- tame function
- tan-sigmoid activation function
- target function
- tensor function
- tesseral function
- testing function
- tetragamma function
- thermionic work function
- threshold function
- through transfer function
- transcendental function
- transfer function
- trial function
- trigamma function
- trigonometric function
- tri-state function
- typematic function
- unate function
- uncurried function
- unit impulse function
- unit step function
- unsupported function
- user-defined function
- utility function
- vector function
- virtual function
- visibility function
- voltage potential function
- voltage transfer function
- Walsh functions
- wave function
- wave-number limited function
- weighting function
- window function
- work functionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > function
14 COP
COP, capability objective package————————COP, coefficient of performance————————COP, coherent optical processor————————COP, combat outpost————————COP, command objective plan————————COP, command operating programпрограмма действий [деятельности] командования————————COP, command operational post————————COP, command postкомандный пункт, КП————————COP, commanding officers' punishmentвзыскание, налагаемое властью командира (подразделения)————————COP, commissary operating plan————————COP, compact periscope————————COP, contingency operations planплан действий в особой обстановке [при различных вариантах обстановки]————————COP, contingency outline planкраткий [общий] план действий в особой обстановке [при различных вариантах обстановки]————————COP, continuity of operations planплан обеспечения непрерывности функционирования [боевых действий]————————COP, control of operations program————————COP, cost of production————————COP, current operating procedureEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > COP
15 study
разработка (напр. штабная, исследовательская) ; доклад по отдельному вопросу; исследование; учебаArmy Air Defense C2 study — разработка по вопросам оперативного управления силами и средствами ПВО СВ
— vulnerability staff study -
16 function
1. функция, функциональная зависимость2. функциональный элемент; функциональный блок3. функция; назначение; обязанность; задачаaccelerometer-to-control-command transfer functionadmissible functionaerodynamic functionair-data functionair-to-air functionair-to-surface functionairfoil shape functionairplane transfer functionairspeed transfer functionAiry stress functionaperiodic functionapproximating functionarbitrary functionaugmented airplane transfer functionautocorrelation functionbank angle-to-aileron transfer functionBessel functionBueckner weight functioncoherence functioncollective transfer functionconstraint functioncontinuous functioncontrol functioncontroller transfer functioncorrelation functioncost functiondefect stream functiondelta functiondescribing functionDirac delta functiondisplacement functiondissipation functiondistribution functiondisturbing functiondrag functionerror transfer functionexplicit functionfeedback transfer functionflight management functionflight path transfer functionflight-critical functionflight-generated transfer functionflight path to stick-force transfer functionfly-by-wire functionforcing functionfrequency response functionGreen functionground proximity functiongust functionHankel functionHeaviside step functionhigh-workload functionhyperbolic functionimplicit functionindicial lift functioninfluence functioninterpolation functionkernel functionKussner lift growth functionKussner's kernel functionLagrangian functionLegendre functionlift deficiency functionlikelihood functionload-factor transfer functionloading functionLommel functionloop transfer functionlower level functionsLyapunov functionmatrix functionmodal functionmode functionmultistep functionobjective functionopen-loop transfer functionoscillatory functionoutput transfer functionpenalty functionperformance functionperiodic functionpilot describing functionpilot transfer functionpitch rate to stick force transfer functionpitch rate transfer functionpitch attitude response to pilot input transfer functionpitch attitude to pitch control transfer functionpulse transfer functionquadratic cost functionRayleigh dissipation functionreceptance functionroll rate transfer functionSears gust functionsensitivity functionshape functionsideslip-to-rudder transfer functionsign functionsingle-input/single-output transfer functionsmoothing functionspline functionstep functionstick to pitch rate transfer functionstream functionstress functionstructural-control functionswitch functionswitching functiontemporal functionTheodorsen functiontorsion functiontransfer functionunit-step functionWagner functionWagner growth functionWagner indicial functionWalsh functionWeibull functionweight functionweighting functionZ-transfer function -
17 statement
ˈsteɪtmənt сущ.
1) заявление, утверждение to confirm a statement ≈ подтверждать заявление to deny a statement ≈ опровергать заявление to issue a statement, to make a statement ≈ заявлять, делать заявление to refute a statement ≈ опровергать заявление to retract, withdraw a statement ≈ взять обратно свое заявление official statement ≈ официальное заявление She has issued a statement that she intends to be a candidate. ≈ Она заявила, что собирается выставлять свою кандидатуру. brief statement short statement terse statement clear statement false statement oral statement rash statement written statement
2) изложение, формулировка
3) официальный отчет, бюллетень to issue a statement ≈ издавать бюллетень bank statement ≈ баланс банка, перечень банковских счетов financial statement ≈ финансовый отчет The government issued a statement about the strike. ≈ Правительство выпустило бюллетень о забастовке. высказывание, изложение - an admirable * of the case великолепное изложение дела - a new * of old truths is often necessary зачастую полезно вновь повторять старые истины заявление, утверждение;
констатация - formal * официальное заявление - opening * (дипломатическое) вступительное заявление - inaugural * вступительная декларация - a * on the subject of... заявление по вопросу о... - to make a * сделать заявление - this * is unfounded это утверждение ни на чем не основано - upon smb.'s own * по чьему-л. собственному утверждению - according to the * made by M. согласно заявлению, сделанному М. формулировка - * of problem постановка задачи - it requires clearer * это требует более ясной формулировки (юридическое) показание - verbal * устное показание /заявление/ - sworn * показание под присягой - * of the defence изложение обстоятельств дела защитой (в уголовном процессе) ;
письменное возражение ответчика по иску - * of the prosecution изложение обстоятельств дела представителем обвинения;
формулировка обвинения официальный отчет;
ведомость - monthly * ежемесячный бюллетень - * of service( военное) послужной список - * of equipment инвентарная ведомость( коммерческое) выписка счета (тж. * of account) расценка за сдельную работу a priori ~ предположение account ~ выписка с банковского лицевого счета клиента accounting ~ бухгалтерский отчет accounts ~ отчет о состоянии счетов assert ~ вчт. оператор контроля assignment ~ вчт. оператор присваивания average ~ страх. диспаша average ~ диспаша average ~ мор. страх. диспаша bank ~ баланс банка, перечень счетов bank ~ баланс банка bank ~ выписка из банковского счета bank ~ перечень счетов банка budget ~ проект бюджета call ~ вчт. оператор вызова case ~ вчт. оператор выбора cash flow ~ анализ движения денежной наличности cash flow ~ отчет о движении денежной наличности cash flow ~ отчет о движении ликвидности cash ~ кассовый отчет chairman's ~ отчет председателя charge-and-discharge ~ отчет об обвинениях и оправданиях claim ~ расчет страхового возмещения closing ~ итоговый отчет closing ~ окончательный баланс collateral ~ вчт. совместное предложение comment ~ вчт. комментарий compile-time ~ вчт. оператор периода трансляции completion ~ отчет о выполненных работах completion ~ отчет об объеме выполненных работ compound ~ вчт. составной оператор conditional ~ вчт. условный оператор consolidated financial ~ сводный финансовый отчет consolidated funds ~ отчет о финансовой деятельности consolidated income ~ сводный финансовый отчет cost apportionment ~ отчет о постатейном распределении затрат debugging ~ вчт. отладочный оператор declarative ~ вчт. оператор описания defamatory ~ клеветническое утверждение deficiency ~ недостаточно обоснованное заявление detailed ~ подробное заявление detailed ~ подробный отчет dummy ~ вчт. пустой оператор editing ~ вчт. команда редактирования environmental impact ~ отчет о воздействии на окружающую среду exit ~ вчт. оператор выбора explanatory ~ поясняющий комментарий factual ~ изложение фактов false ~ ложное утверждение false ~ вчт. ложное утверждение final ~ заключительное заявление financial ~ финансовое заявление financial ~ финансовый отчет financing ~ обзорный анализ доходности financing ~ сводный анализ доходности financing ~ синоптический анализ доходности financing ~ финансовый отчет funds flow ~ отчет об источниках и использовании средств funds ~ отчет об источниках и использовании средств general average ~ заявление об общей аварии group financial ~ финансовый отчет группы компаний if ~ вчт. условный оператор imperative ~ вчт. императивный оператор income ~ заявление о доходах income ~ отчет о доходах и расходах income ~ отчет о результатах хозяйственной деятельности income ~ счет прибылей и убытков income tax ~ отчет о подоходном налоге input-output ~ баланс соотношения затраты-выпуск interim ~ промежуточный отчет introductory ~ вступительная декларация issue a ~ выпускать отчет issue a ~ делать заявление itemized ~ детализированный отчет iteration ~ вчт. оператор цикла liquidity movement ~ отчет о движении ликвидности loop ~ вчт. оператор цикла ~ утверждение, заявление;
to make a statement заявлять, делать заявление make a ~ давать показания make a ~ делать заявление make a ~ составлять формулировку marginal income ~ выч. отчет о маржинальном доходе null ~ вчт. пустой оператор objective ~ пообъектный бухгалтерский отчет operating ~ отчет о прибылях и убытках operating ~ отчет о результатах хозяйственной деятельности oral ~ устное заявление parcel post ~ извещение о посылке particular average ~ диспаша по частной аварии payments ~ платежная ведомость premium ~ ведомость страховых взносов pro forma ~ фиктивный отчет profit and loss ~ заявление о прибылях и убытках prosecution ~ изложение обвинения provisional ~ предварительное заявление published financial ~ опубликованный финансовый отчет reasoned ~ аргументированное заявление reconciliation ~ подтверждение в получении reconciliation ~ подтверждение клиентом правильности ведения банковского счета registration ~ документ о регистрации ценных бумаг registration ~ заявление о регистрации repetitive ~ вчт. оператор цикла salary ~ ведомость заработной платы securities purchase ~ выписка о покупке ценных бумаг securities sales ~ выписка о продаже ценных бумаг securities trading ~ выписка об операциях клиента, подготовленная его брокером short ~ краткое заявление source ~ вчт. оператор исходной программы source-and-disposition ~ документ об источниках финансовых средств и их использовании sources-and-uses ~ документ об источниках финансовых средств и их использовании specification ~ вчт. описание statement баланс ~ ведомость, расчет, смета ~ ведомость ~ выписка счета ~ высказывание ~ запись ~ заполнение анкеты ~ заявление, утверждение, изложение, формулировка ~ заявление ~ изложение, формулировка ~ изложение ~ исчисление ~ констатация ~ вчт. оператор ~ ответ опрашиваемого лица ~ отчет, баланс ~ официальный отчет ~ официальный отчет, бюллетень ~ подсчет ~ показание ~ расценка за сдельную работу ~ расчет ~ регистрация ~ смета ~ сметная калькуляция ~ таблица ~ утверждение, заявление;
to make a statement заявлять, делать заявление ~ утверждение ~ формулировка ~ for completion ведомость комплектации ~ label data вчт. данные типа оперативной метки ~ of accession заявление о присоединении (к договору) ~ of account выписка с банковского счета ~ of account выписка счета ~ of account transactions отчет о бухгалтерских операциях ~ of accounting policies отчет об учетной политике ~ of accounts отчет о состоянии счетов ~ of accounts with the Treasury отчет для министерства финансов о состоянии счетов ~ of affairs ревизорский бухгалтерский баланс ~ of affairs финансовый отчет по итогам ревизии ~ of affairs for liquidation purposes ревизорский бухгалтерский баланс для ликвидации предприятия ~ of amount количественный расчет ~ of assets and liabilities баланс ~ of assets and liabilities of joint estate баланс совместного имущества ~ of average диспаша ~ of balance баланс ~ of changes in financial position отчет об изменениях финансового положения ~ of charge and discharge заявление о долговых обязательствах и освобождении от долговых обязательств ~ of claim исковое заявление ~ of defence письменное возражение ответчика по иску ~ of defence and counterclaim письменное возражение ответчика по иску и встречное требование ~ of earnings отчет о прибылях и убытках ~ of earnings отчет о результатах хозяйственной деятельности ~ of executory payments отчет о предстоящих платежах ~ of expenses отчет о затратах ~ of facts заявление об обстоятельствах дела ~ of facts изложение фактов ~ of facts отчет о положении дел ~ of facts финансовый отчет об итогах ревизии ~ of facts of case изложение обстоятельств дела ~ of financial condition баланс ~ of financial condition отчет о финансовом положении ~ of income отчет о прибылях и убытках ~ of income отчет о результатах хозяйственной деятельности ~ of income and expenses отчет о доходах и расходах ~ of inheritance заявление о праве наследования ~ of loss отчет об убытках ~ of loss and gain отчет об убытках и прибылях ~ of offence заявление о правонарушении ~ of operating income отчет о доходе от основной деятельности ~ of overindebtedness справка о чрезмерной задолженности ~ of possible loan amount выписка о возможной сумме долга ~ of profit and loss баланс прибыли и убытка ~ of realization and winding up отчет о реализации и списании товара ~ of reasons заявление о причинах ~ of receipts and disbursements отчет о поступлениях и расходах ~ of repayments отчет о погашении долга ~ of sales отчет о продажах ~ of securities account выписка счета ценных бумаг sworn ~ заявление под присягой sworn ~ показания под присягой tabular ~ полигр. оператор табулирования take a ~ снимать показания tax ~ налоговая декларация true ~ вчт. истинное утверждение valuers' ~ экспертиза wage ~ ведомость заработной платы wage ~ платежная ведомость withholding ~ ведомость вычетов withholding ~ выписка об удержаниях write ~ вчт. оператор вывода year-to-date ~ отчет за истекший годБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > statement
18 advertising
сущ.1) рекл. реклама (совокупность каких-л. рекламных объявлений; обычно употребляется с указанием места, где размещается данная реклама)Over 60 percent of alcohol advertising [on television\] is shown during sports programming
Asian governments have attempted to limit excessive consumptions by instituting strict control over the content and amount of advertising in the media.
Advertising [on buses\] is one of the important advertising means to which companies and establishments attach great importance because this type of advertisement is a mobile one seen by all.
two-thirds of the food and drink advertising for children under 12 — две трети всей рекламы продуктов питания для детей младше 12-ти лет
Last month, 10 companies that produce almost two-thirds of the food and drink advertising [for children\] under 12 agreed to start cutting back on advertising junk foods.
No person shall within the city distribute [printed\] advertising by placing it within or upon parked automobiles.
2) рекл. реклама, рекламирование (процесс осуществления рекламы; как правило, употребляется с указанием рекламируемого продукта)Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol producers through a variety of media.
the control of medicines advertising in the UK — контроль за рекламой лекарств в Соединенном Королевстве
ATTRIBUTES: accessory 2. 1), advance 3. 2), aerial 3. 1), agricultural, air 2. 1),
alternative 2. 3), ambient 1. 1), audiovisual, auxiliary 2. 1), block 1. 4) а), boastful, broadcast 2. 1), n1, classified 1. 1), commercial 1. 4) а), comparative, competing 1. 1) а), competitive 1. 2) а), concept 1. 2) а), consumer 1. 1) а), continuity 1. 1) а), controversial 1. 1) а), cooperative 2. 1), n2, coordinated, corporate 1. 2) а), б, corrective 1. 1), creative, deceptive, demographic, denigratory, dissipative, domestic 1. 2) а),
foreign 1) б), global, professional 1. 3) б), regional, repeat 3. 3) б), strategic, superior 3. 1) б), test 3. 3) б), traditional
Syn:See:accessory advertising, advance advertising, advocacy advertising, aerial advertising, agricultural advertising, air advertising, aisle advertising, alternative advertising, ambient advertising, analogy advertising, association advertising, audiovisual advertising, auxiliary advertising, bait advertising, bait and switch advertising, bait-and-switch advertising, bank advertising, banner advertising, bargain advertising, bargain-basement advertising, block advertising, boastful advertising, brand advertising, brand image advertising, brand name advertising, breakthrough advertising, broadcast advertising, burst advertising, business advertising, business paper advertising, business publication advertising, business-to-business advertising, car-card advertising, cause advertising, challenged advertising, charity advertising, children's advertising, cinema advertising, classified advertising, combative advertising, commercial advertising, comparative advertising, comparison advertising, competing advertising, competitive advertising, concept advertising, consumer advertising, continuity advertising, controversial advertising, co-op advertising, cooperative advertising, coordinated advertising, corporate advertising, corporate image advertising, corrective advertising, counter advertising, counteradvertising, coupon advertising, creative advertising, deceptive advertising, demographic advertising, demonstration advertising, denigratory advertising, direct advertising, direct response advertising, direct-action advertising, direct mail advertising, direct-mail advertising, directory advertising, display advertising, dissipative advertising, domestic advertising, door-to-door advertising, educational advertising, electric advertising, electrical advertising, e-mail based advertising, entertaining advertising, ethical advertising, export advertising, eye-catching advertising, factual advertising, false advertising, farm advertising, fashion advertising, film advertising, financial advertising, flexform advertising, follow-up advertising, foreign advertising, fraudulent advertising, full-page advertising, gender advertising, general advertising, generic advertising, global advertising, goodwill advertising, group advertising, hard-sell advertising, hard-selling advertising, heavy advertising, help wanted advertising, high-pressure advertising, house advertising, house-to-house advertising, idea advertising, illuminated advertising, image advertising, impact advertising, indirect action advertising, indirect-action advertising, individual advertising, indoor advertising, industrial advertising, information advertising, informational advertising, informative advertising, in-house advertising, initial advertising, innovative advertising, institutional advertising, in-store advertising, insurance advertising, international advertising, interstate advertising, introductory advertising, intrusive advertising, issue advertising, joint advertising, large-scale advertising, launch advertising, legal advertising, local advertising, mail advertising, mail-order advertising, mass advertising, mass-media advertising, media advertising, military advertising, misleading advertising, mobile advertising, mood advertising, movie theatre advertising, multimedia advertising, multinational advertising, national advertising, non-business advertising, non-commercial advertising, novelty advertising, obtrusive advertising, offbeat advertising, off-season advertising, on-line advertising, on-target advertising, opinion advertising, oral advertising, outdoor advertising, out-of-home advertising, package advertising, periodical advertising, personality advertising, persuasive advertising, point-of-purchase advertising, point-of-sale advertising, political advertising, postal advertising, postcard advertising, poster advertising, postmark advertising, pre-launch advertising, premium advertising, press advertising, prestige advertising, price advertising, primary advertising, print advertising, private sector advertising, problem-solution advertising, procurement advertising, producer advertising, product advertising, product-comparison advertising, professional advertising, promotional advertising, public relations advertising, public sector advertising, public service advertising, public-affairs advertising, public interest advertising, public-issue advertising, public-service advertising, radio advertising, railway advertising, reason-why advertising, recruitment advertising, regional advertising, reinforcement advertising, remembrance advertising, reminder advertising, repeat advertising, retail advertising, retentive advertising, saturation advertising, scented advertising, screen advertising, seasonal advertising, selective advertising, self-advertising, semi-display advertising, show-window advertising, sky advertising, slide advertising, social advertising, social cause advertising, soft-sell advertising, specialty advertising, split-run advertising, spot advertising, store advertising, strategic advertising, street advertising, strip advertising, subliminal advertising, sustaining advertising, switch advertising, tactical advertising, target advertising, taxi top advertising, teaser advertising, television advertising, test advertising, testimonial advertising, tie-in advertising, tombstone advertising, total advertising, trade advertising, trademark advertising, traditional advertising, transformational advertising, transit advertising, transportation advertising, truthful advertising, truth-in-advertising, two-step formal advertising, unacceptable advertising, unfair advertising, untruthful advertising, visual advertising, vocational advertising, wall advertising, word-of-mouth advertising, written advertising, yellow pages advertising, advertising abuse, advertising action, advertising aids, advertising analysis а), advertising appeal, advertising approach, advertising audience, advertising awareness, advertising balance, advertising band, advertising believability, advertising break, advertising brochure, advertising catalogue, advertising circular, advertising claim 1) а), advertising clutter, advertising column, advertising communication, advertising competition 2) а), advertising copy, advertising coupon, advertising credibility, advertising cue, advertising decay, advertising deception, advertising device, advertising emphasis, advertising exaggeration, advertising exposure 2) а), advertising factor а), advertising film, advertising folder, advertising frequency, advertising gift, advertising gimmick, advertising handbill, advertising hoarding, advertising image, advertising impact, advertising impression, advertising influence, advertising insert, advertising intensity, advertising jingle, advertising label, advertising leaflet, advertising letter, advertising literature 1) а), advertising location, advertising magazine, advertising material, advertising matter, advertising media, advertising medium, advertising novelty, advertising operation 2) а), advertising page, advertising pamphlet, advertising panel, advertising penetration, advertising perception, advertising personality, advertising playback, advertising point, advertising posttest, advertising pretest, advertising puffery, advertising pylon, advertising race, advertising readership, advertising recall, advertising response, advertising retention, advertising sample, advertising section 2) а), advertising site, advertising slogan, advertising space, advertising specialty, advertising sponsorship, advertising spoof, advertising spot, advertising standards, advertising structure, advertising supplement, advertising test, advertising testing, advertising text, advertising threshold, advertising time, advertising vehicle, advertising wearout, advertising wedge, Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, Code of Advertising Practice, Defining Advertising goals for Measured Advertising Results, Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, ICC Guidelines / Code on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet, ICC International Code of Advertising Practice, ICC International Code of Environmental Advertising, ICC International Codes of Marketing and Advertising Practices, Standard Advertising Register, Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies, Standards of Practice of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, Advertising Association, Advertising Association of the West, Advertising Checking Bureau, Advertising Club of New York, Advertising Council, Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc. 2), Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc.3) рекл. рекламное дело, рекламная деятельность, рекламный бизнес (реклама как вид деятельности безотносительно каких-л. конкретных продуктов; реклама как одна из функций организации)advertising counsellor [consultant\] — рекламный консультант, консультант по рекламе
advertising expert — рекламный эксперт, эксперт по рекламе
Syn:See:above-the-line advertising, below-the-line advertising, flat fee advertising, investment advertising, per inquiry advertising, advertising account, advertising activity, advertising agency, advertising agent, advertising agreement, advertising allowance, advertising analysis б), advertising appropriation, advertising assistant, advertising audit, advertising brief, advertising broker, advertising budget, advertising business, advertising campaign, advertising canvasser, advertising claim 2) б), advertising club, advertising code, advertising community, advertising company, advertising competition 1) б), advertising contract, advertising contractor, advertising control, advertising cooperative, advertising copywriting, advertising cost, advertising coverage, advertising customer, advertising department, advertising director, advertising directory, advertising drive, advertising effect, advertising effectiveness, advertising efficiency, advertising environment, advertising ethics, advertising exchange, advertising executive, advertising expenditures, advertising expenses, advertising exposure 1) б), &3, advertising factor б), advertising firm, advertising guide, advertising industry, advertising injury, advertising landscape, advertising legislation, advertising leverage, advertising liability, advertising linage, advertising literature 2) б), advertising man, advertising management, advertising manager, advertising method, advertising mix, advertising monopoly, advertising network, advertising objective, advertising office, advertising operation 1) б), advertising order, advertising outcome, advertising outlay, advertising output, advertising people, advertising performance, advertising personnel, advertising plan, advertising planner, advertising planning, advertising portfolio, advertising practice, advertising practitioner, advertising professional, advertising programme, advertising purpose, advertising rate, advertising register, advertising representative, advertising research, advertising restrictions, advertising sales agents, advertising schedule, advertising section 1) б), advertising self-regulation, advertising services, advertising specialist, advertising spending, advertising statistics, advertising strategy, advertising substantiation, advertising support, advertising talent, advertising theory, advertising value, advertising variable, advertising weight, media buy, copywriting, advertology
* * *
реклама, рекламирование: использование печатных, теле-, радио- и иных посланий, оплаченных рекламодателем, для благоприятного воздействия на потенциальных покупателей товара или клиентов.* * *размещение объявлений; размещение рекламы; рекламирование. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *эмоционально окрашенная информация об основных характеристиках отдельных видов страхования и страховых операций с целью формирования устойчивого спроса на страховые услуги-----средство распространения информации и убеждения людей через прессу, телевидение, радиовещание, объявления, плакаты и другим образом -
19 budgeting
сущ.фин., упр. бюджетирование ( процесс составления бюджета и контроля за его исполнением)Decision makers can use budgeting for strategic planning, implementation, and control. — Лица, принимающие решения, могут использовать бюджетирование для стратегического планирования, реализации планов и контроля за их исполнением.
The most critical estimate made during budgeting involves the amount of loans outstanding and cash in the bank that is projected to be held throughout the year, and the relative rate each of those balances will earn. — Наиболее важные оценки, производимые в ходе бюджетирования, касаются величины непогашенных займов и остатка средств на банковских счетах, которые планируется поддерживать в течение всего года, а также соответствующая ставка, по которой на каждый из этих остатков будут начисляться проценты.
See:activity-based budgeting, affordable method, bottom-up budgeting, budget planning, budget process, budget programming, budgeting fund, budgeting process, capital budgeting, competitive-parity method, continuous budgeting, cost budgeting, government budgeting, incremental budgeting, financial planning, objective-and-task method, planning-programming-budgeting system, programme budgeting, Resource Accounting and Budgeting, resource budgeting, top-down budgeting, zero-based budgeting, decision package
* * *
составление бюджета, составление сметы доходов и расходов.* * ** * *разработка бюджета; бюджетный процесс; выставление бюджета; подготовка сметы; составление бюджета; составление сметы. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
20 evaluation
сущ.1) общ. оценка, оценивание, аттестация (определение качества, количества, значимости, состояния и т. п. чего-л.)Syn:See:CHILD [method\]: atomistic evaluation, holistic evaluation, cost-effectiveness evaluation, destructive evaluation, nondestructive evaluation, economic evaluation, engineering evaluation, environmental evaluation, approximate evaluation, expert evaluation, laboratory evaluation, qualitative evaluation CHILD [object\]: job evaluation, quality evaluation, bid evaluation, contractor performance evaluation, campaign evaluation, risk evaluation, feasibility evaluation, marketing evaluation, performance evaluation, product evaluation, reliability evaluation, source evaluation, vendor evaluation, validity evaluation CHILD [creator\]: consumer evaluation, customer evaluation, evaluation period, evaluation test, research, development, test, and evaluation2) эк. оценка [вычисление, определение\] стоимости [ценности\] (определение ценности какого-л. актива, напр., оборудования, ценной бумаги, человеческого капитала и т. д.)See:3) общ. свидетельство, аттестат (письменное или устное заявление о качестве, значимости, состоянии чего-л.)4) с.-х. = ratingpasture evaluation — бонитировка пастбищ;
* * *
оценка, оценивание, анализ, вычисление.* * *Оценка. Вычисление. Аттестация.. . Словарь терминов по риск-медеджменту .
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
cost objective — noun The purpose for which costs are measured … Wiktionary
Cost-plus pricing — is a pricing method used by companies to maximize their profits. The firms accomplish their objective of profit maximization by increasing their production until marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and then charging a price which is determined … Wikipedia
Cost engineering — is an area of engineering practice concerned with the application of scientific principles and techniques to problems of cost estimating, cost control, business planning and management science, profitability analysis, project management, and… … Wikipedia
Cost accounting — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia
Cost-plus contract — A cost plus contract, also termed a Cost Reimbursement Contract, is a contract where a contractor is paid for all of its allowed expenses to a set limit plus additional payment to allow for a profit.[1] Cost reimbursement contracts contrast with… … Wikipedia
Objective Individual Combat Weapon program — See XM29 OICW for more information on that subset of the overall program The Objective Individual Combat Weapon or OICW refers to the next generation service rifle competition that was under development as part of the United States Army OICW… … Wikipedia
Objective Individual Combat Weapon — OICW redirects here, for the Observatory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, see Carnegie Institution for Science. An early XM8 mockup after the break up; became part of OICW Increment 1 The Objective Individual Combat Weapon or OICW was the … Wikipedia
cost-benefit analysis — A method of setting out the factors which need to be taken into account in making choices about major investments in public sector projects. The objective is to assign monetary values to and weight all costs and all benefits, social and economic … Dictionary of sociology
Multi-objective optimization — (or multi objective programming),[1][2] also known as multi criteria or multi attribute optimization, is the process of simultaneously optimizing two or more conflicting objectives subject to certain constraints. Multiobjective optimization… … Wikipedia
Budgeted cost of work scheduled — (BCWS), also referred to as Planned Value (PV), is a term from earned value management, a project management technique that seeks to measure forward progress in an objective manner. BCWS is defined as the approved budget that has been allocated… … Wikipedia
Mobile User Objective System — The Mobile User Objective System is an array of geosynchronous[1] satellites being developed for the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to provide global satellite communications (SATCOM) narrowband (64 kbit/s and below) connectivity for… … Wikipedia