1 corpulent
2 corpulent
3 corpulent
corpulent [ˊkɔ:pjυlənt] aдобро́тный, по́лный, ту́чный, жи́рный -
4 corpulent
5 corpulent
тучный имя прилагательное: -
6 corpulent
'ko:pjulənt(fat: a corpulent old man.) corpulentotr['kɔːpjələnt]1 corpulento,-acorpulent ['kɔrpjələnt] adj: obeso, gordoadj.• atocinado, -a adj.• corpudo, -a adj.• corpulento, -a adj.'kɔːrpjələnt, 'kɔːpjʊləntadjective corpulento['kɔːpjʊlǝnt]ADJ corpulento* * *['kɔːrpjələnt, 'kɔːpjʊlənt]adjective corpulento -
7 corpulent
8 corpulent
['ko:pjulənt](fat: a corpulent old man.) korpulent; svær; fedladen* * *['ko:pjulənt](fat: a corpulent old man.) korpulent; svær; fedladen -
9 corpulent
adj. dik, zwaarlijvig[ ko:pjoelənt] 〈zelfstandig naamwoord: corpulence〉1 corpulent ⇒ dik, zwaar(lijvig) -
10 corpulent
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] become corpulent[Swahili Word] -nenepa[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] nene------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] corpulent[Swahili Word] -nene[Part of Speech] adjective------------------------------------------------------------ -
11 corpulent
['kɔːpjʊlənt]aggettivo form. corpulento* * *['ko:pjulənt](fat: a corpulent old man.) corpulento* * *corpulent /ˈkɔ:pjʊlənt/a.corpulento; obesocorpulence, corpulencyn.corpulenza; obesità.* * *['kɔːpjʊlənt]aggettivo form. corpulento -
12 corpulent
13 corpulent
ˈkɔ:pjulənt прил. дородный, жирный, полный, тучный Syn: fat тучный, жирный;
полный, дородный corpulent дородный, полный, тучный, жирныйБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > corpulent
14 corpulent
'ko:pjulənt(fat: a corpulent old man.) korpulent, svær, fet og tykkkorpulent--------svær--------tykkadj. \/ˈkɔːpjʊlənt\/korpulent, fet, tykk -
15 corpulent
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Adj1. मोटा\corpulentतथा\corpulentभारीHis corpulent body does not allow him to run fast. -
18 corpulent
['ko:pjulənt](fat: a corpulent old man.) corpulento* * *cor.pu.lent[k'ɔ:pjulənt] adj 1 corpulento. 2 obeso, gordo. -
19 corpulent
a дебел, пълен, корпулентен* * *{'kъ:pjulъnt} а дебел, пълен, корпулентен.* * *шишкав; пълен; дебел;* * *a дебел, пълен, корпулентен* * * -
20 corpulent
adj. şişman, iri* * *şişman* * *['ko:pjulənt](fat: a corpulent old man.) şişman
См. также в других словарях:
corpulent — corpulent, ente [ kɔrpylɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • XVe; lat. corpulens, de corpus « corps » ♦ Qui est d une forte corpulence. ⇒ étoffé, gras, gros. ⊗ CONTR. 1. Maigre. ● corpulent, corpulente adjectif (latin corpulentus … Encyclopédie Universelle
corpulent — corpulent, ente (kor pu lan, lan t ) adj. Qui a beaucoup de corpulence. Un homme gros et corpulent. Une femme corpulente. HISTORIQUE XVe s. • Mais estoit corpulent, bien croisé et bien formé, fors de bras et d eschine, CHASTEL. Éloge de… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
corpulent — late 14c., from O.Fr. corpulent stout, fat, from L. corpulentus fleshy, fat, from corpus body (see CORPOREAL (Cf. corporeal)) + ulentus full of. Leigh Hunt was sent to prison for two years for calling the Prince Regent corpulent in print in 1812 … Etymology dictionary
Corpulent — Cor pu*lent ( p? lent), a. [L. corpulentus, fr. corpus: cf. F. corpulent. See {Corpse}.] 1. Very fat; obese. [1913 Webster] 2. Solid; gross; opaque. [Obs.] Holland. Syn: Stout; fleshy; bulky; obese. See {Stout}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corpulent — index ponderous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
corpulent — *fleshy, portly, fat, stout, obese, rotund, plump, chubby Analogous words: burly, husky, brawny, *muscular: thickset, chunky, stubby, dumpy (see STOCKY) Antonyms: spare Contrasted words: *lean, gaunt, rawboned, angular, lanky, lank, skinny,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
corpulent — [adj] fat, chubby baby elephant*, beefy*, blimp*, bulky, burly, embonpoint, fat, fleshy, gross, having a bay window*, having a spare tire*, heavy, hefty, husky, large, lusty, obese, overblown, overweight, plump, portly, roly poly*, rotund, stout … New thesaurus
corpulent — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a person) fat. DERIVATIVES corpulence noun. ORIGIN Latin corpulentus, from corpus body … English terms dictionary
corpulent — [kôr′pyo͞olənt, kôr′pyələnt] adj. [< L corpulentus < CORPUS] fat and fleshy; stout; obese corpulently adv … English World dictionary
CORPULENT — ENTE. adj. Qui a beaucoup de corpulence. Un homme corpulent. Une femme corpulente. Il est très corpulent … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
corpulent — [[t]kɔ͟ː(r)pjʊlənt[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe someone as corpulent, you mean they are fat. [LITERARY] ...a rather corpulent farmer … English dictionary