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  • Corporeity — Cor po*re i*ty (k?r p? r? ? t?), n. [LL. corporeitas: cf. F. corpor?it?.] The state of having a body; the state of being corporeal; materiality. [1913 Webster] The one attributed corporeity to God. Bp. Stillingfleet. [1913 Webster] Those who deny …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • corporeity — index corpus, embodiment, materiality (physical existence) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • corporeity — [kôr΄pə rē′ə tē] n. [ML corporeitas < L corporeus] 1. CORPOREALITY 2. material or bodily substance …   English World dictionary

  • corporeity — noun (plural ties) Date: 1610 the quality or state of having or being a body ; materiality …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • corporeity — /kawr peuh ree i tee/, n. material or physical nature or quality; materiality. [1615 25; < ML corporeitas, equiv. to L corpore(us) CORPOREAL + itas ITY] * * * …   Universalium

  • corporeity — noun /kɔːpəˈriːɪti,kɔːpəˈreɪɪti/ a) The quality or fact of having a physical or material body. b) A body, a physical substance …   Wiktionary

  • corporeity — n. state of being corporeal; materiality …   English contemporary dictionary

  • corporeity — [ˌkɔ:pə ri:ɪti, reɪɪti] noun rare the quality of having a physical body or existence …   English new terms dictionary

  • corporeity — cor·po·re·i·ty …   English syllables

  • corporeity — cor•po•re•i•ty [[t]ˌkɔr pəˈri ɪ ti[/t]] n. material or physical nature or quality; materiality • Etymology: 1615–25; < ML …   From formal English to slang

  • corporeity — /kɔpəˈriəti/ (say kawpuh reeuhtee) noun material or physical nature or quality; materiality …  

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