1 corner bracket
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > corner bracket
2 corner bracket
кронштейн дверного механизма (дверей, открывающихся наружу) -
3 corner bracket
1) Техника: кронштейн дверного механизма (дверей, открывающихся наружу), угловая скоба2) Железнодорожный термин: металлический кронштейн3) Архитектура: кронштейн дверного механизма двери, открывающейся наружу -
4 corner bracket
5 corner bracket
кронштейн дверного механизма (напр. дверей, открывающихся наружу) -
6 corner bracket
7 corner bracket
English-Russian dictionary of containers and packaging > corner bracket
8 corner bracket
кронштейн дверного механизма двери, открывающейся наружу -
9 bracket
3) машиностр. поперечина; траверса4) строит. подкос6) командоаппарат, командоконтроллер9) скобка || заключать в скобки•-
adjustable bracket
aileron hinge bracket
angle bracket
angle cock bracket
battery bracket
beam bracket
bearer bracket
bilge bracket
body bracket
bogie lifting bracket
brake shaft bracket
brake-gear support bracket
broken bracket
cantilever-type support bracket
classical brackets
contact bracket
corner bracket
counterweight bracket
curly bracket
dome platform bracket
door closer bracket
engine-mounting bracket
engine bracket
floor bracket
hanger bracket
hinge bracket
key lever bracket
knee-braced bracket
Lagrange brackets
lamp bracket
lifting bracket
lower bracket
margin-plate bracket
margin bracket
mini bracket
movement-preventive bracket
pointed bracket
Poisson's brackets
Poisson brackets
pulley bracket
rigid bracket
rocker arm shaft bracket
roofing bracket
round bracket
shipping bracket
side frame bracket
split clamp bracket
squab bracket
square bracket
statement bracket
subscript bracket
support bracket
suspension bracket
suspension file bracket
table bracket
thrust reverser carrier bracket
universal lifting bracket
upper bracket
wall bracket -
10 corner
угол; уголок; уголковый изгиб; край; ребро; кант; вершина; вершина лезвия; поворот (дороги); перекрёсток (улиц, дорог); II срезать повороты (об автомобиле)- corner bead - corner bend - corner brace - corner bracket - corner break - corner burner - corner cap - corner chisel - corner circle - corner clamp - corner cogging - corner connection - corner contact - corner cramp - corner cube laser - corner cushion - corner cut - corner cutting - corner dead-end pole - corner discontinuity - corner drill - corner elbow joint - corner fanning - corner fillet - corner fitting - corner-flange weld - corner guard - corner head - corner horsepower - corner iron - corner joint - corner kerb radius - corner lamp - corner load - corner location component - corner-mark - corner mirror - corner operation - corner panel - corner picking - corner piece - corner pillar - corner plate - corner point - corner pole - corner post - corner protector - corner radius - corner reflector - corner relay - corner roof - corner rounding - corner-rounding concave cutter - corner roundoff - corner screwdriver - corner seal - corner short circuiting streets - corner site - corner staff - corner stiffening - corner support - corner tenon - corner tenon jointing - corner treatment - corner vane - corner vanes - corner wear guard system bucket - corner weld - bucket cutting corner - filleted corner - grouser cutoff corner - grouser rounded corner - junction corner of slots - left-hand corner - load into a corner - right-hand corner - round corner - rounded corner - sharp corner - slow corner - sprocket tooth corner - start of the corner - tight corner - truncated corner - tuck into the corner - turn the corner - with rounded corner -
11 кронштейн дверного механизма
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > кронштейн дверного механизма
12 кронштейн дверного механизма
(дверей, открывающихся наружу) corner bracketАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > кронштейн дверного механизма
13 joint
соединение; сварное соединение; скрутка; спайка || соединять; пригонять
- air-tight joint
- angle joint
- arc-welded joint
- bayonet joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- bracket joint
- brazed joint
- butt joint
- buttered joint
- butt-welded joint
- cast-welded rail joint
- circular slotted lap joint
- close joint
- closed joint
- closed corner joint
- closed double-bevel butt joint
- closed double-bevel tee joint
- closed double-flanged butt joint
- closed double-J tee joint
- closed double-U butt joint
- closed double-V butt joint
- closed joggled single-lap joint
- closed lapped corner joint
- closed single-bevel butt joint
- closed single-bevel tee joint
- closed single-flanged butt joint
- closed single-J tee joint
- closed single-U butt joint
- closed single-V butt joint
- closed square butt joint
- closed square tee joint
- closed upset butt joint
- cluster joint
- composite joint
- corner joint
- double-bead lap joint
- double-bevel butt joint
- double-bevel corner joint
- double-bevel tee joint
- double-fillet welded joint
- double-flanged butt joint
- double-J joint
- double-lap joint
- double-strap lap joint
- double-strapped lap joint
- double-T joint
- double-U butt joint
- double-U tee joint
- double-V butt joint
- double-V tee joint
- double-welded butt joint
- double-welded lap joint
- edge joint
- field joint
- fillet joint
- fillet-welded joint
- fish-mouth joint
- fixed joint
- flange joint
- flanged joint
- flanged closed joggled single-lap joint
- flanged edge joint
- flanged open joggled single-lap joint
- flanged single-lap joint
- flush joint
- flush corner joint
- forge-welded joint
- fork joint
- forked joint
- full open corner joint
- full-strength joint
- gas-tight joint
- gas-welded joint
- half-lap joint
- half-open corner joint
- joggled single-lap joint
- lap joint
- lapped joint
- leaf edge joint
- linear slotted lap joint
- liquid-tight joint
- mitre joint
- multiple-spot welded joint
- non-rigid joint
- open joint
- open corner joint
- open double-bevel butt joint
- open double-bevel tee joint
- open double-flanged butt joint
- open double-J tee joint
- open double-U butt joint
- open double-V butt joint
- open joggled single-lap joint
- open lapped corner joint
- open single-bevel butt joint
- open single-bevel tee joint
- open single-flanged butt joint
- open single-J tee joint
- open single-U butt joint
- open single-V butt joint
- open square butt joint
- open square tee joint
- open tee joint
- open upset buttjoint
- overlap joint
- overlapped joint
- part-lapped corner joint
- pilot joint
- pipe joint
- plain butt joint
- plain fillet-welded tee joint
- plain lap joint
- plain tee joint
- plug lap joint
- pre-coated joint
- pre-coated weld joint
- projection-welded joint
- rail joint
- reinforced joint
- resistance butt joint
- rigid joint
- scarf joint
- semi-rigid joint
- shear joint
- shear V-type joint
- single-bead lap joint
- single-bevel butt joint
- single-bevel corner joint
- single-bevel tee joint
- single-bevel tee butt joint
- single-fillet welded joint
- single-flanged joint
- single-J joint
- single-lap joint
- single-strap butt joint
- single-strapped butt joint
- single-strap lap joint
- single-tee joint
- single-U joint
- single-U bull joint
- single-U corner joint
- single-U tee joint
- single-V joint
- single-V butt joint
- single-V corner joint
- single-V tee joint
- single-welded butt joint
- single-welded lap joint
- sleeve joint
- slotted joint
- slotted lap joint
- soldered joint
- soldering joint
- split joint
- spot-welded joint
- square joint
- square groove corner joint
- straight lap joint
- strap joint
- strapped joint
- strap lap joint
- strapped closed single-U butt joint
- strapped closed single-V butt joint
- strapped closed square butt joint
- strapped open single-U butt joint
- strapped open single-V butt joint
- strapped open square butt joint
- strength joint
- T joint
- tap joint
- taper joint
- T-butt joint
- T-corner joint
- tee joint
- thermit joint
- tight joint
- T-split joint
- unchamfered joint
- upset butt joint
- V joint
- V-butt joint
- Vee joint
- veed joint
- water-tight joint
- weld joint
- welded joint
- welding joint
- X joint -
14 joint
1) соединение; сочленение; шарнир2) узел фермы; геометрический узел4) геол. трещина5) замок ( для канатов)6) совместный ( о предприятии)7) соединять ( при помощи вставных частей); наращивать•- abutment joint - abutting joint - adhesive joint - airtight joint - alternate joints - angle joint - angle half-lap joint - arc-welded joint - articulated joint - asymmetric joint - back joint - ball joint - ball-and-socket joint - bayonet joint - bead joint - beam butt joint - beam-to-beam joint - beam-to-beam moment joint - beam-to-column joint - bed joint - bell-and-plain end joint - bell-and-spigot joint - bell butt joint - bellows joint - bevelled joint - bleeding joint - blind joint - bolt joint - bolted joint - bolt-adhesive joint - bracket joint - branch joint - branch tee-saddle joint - brazed joint - brazed-welded joint - breaking joints - brick joint - brickwork joints - bricks joints - bridge joint - bridle joint - broken joints - building wall joints - butt joint - butt-and-collar joint - buttered joint - cable joint - carpenter's joint - cash joint - castellated joint - cast-welded rail joint - caulked joint - caulking joint - cemented joint - centre joint - chamfered joint - chamfered-edge lap joint - circular joint - clamping plate joint - clamping ring joint - clasp joint - cleat joint - clip joint - closed-tee joint - cluster joint - coach joint - cogged joint - collar joint - compensation joint - composite joint - compound for joint sealing - compression joint - concave joint - concealed joint - concrete mix joint - conduit joint - constricted-end joint - construction joint - contact joint - contraction joint - control joint - convex joint - coped joint - corner joint - cornerlock joint - cotter pin joint - coursing joint - couvre joint - cross joint - cross-halved joint - cruciform joint - curb joint - cut joint - dado joint - dead joint - demountable joint - detachable joint - dilatation joint - direct-edge splined joint - disk joint - divided tenon joint - double joint - double-bevel butt joint - double-butt joint - double-lap riveted joint - double-shear joint - dovetail joint - dovetail halving joint - dovetail scarf joint - dowelled joint - draw-band joint - dry joint - dummy joint - eccentric joint - edge joint - edge butt joint - elastic joint - elbow joint - end joint - erection joint - expanded joint - expansion joint - exposed joint - eye joint - face joint - faced joint - false joint - faucet joint - faulty joint - field joint - fillet joint - fillistered joint - finger joint - firm-and-impervious joint - fish-mouth joint - fixed joint - flange joint - flange-to-web joint - flashed joint - flat joint - flexible joint - flush joint - flush-cut joint - flush cylindrical joint - flush taper joint - folded-over joint - forge-welded joint - fork joint - friction joint - full open-corner joint - full-strength joint - gasketless joint - gastight joint - gas-welded joint - girth joint - glue joint - groove joint - grooved and tongued joint - ground joint - grouted joint - half joint - half-lap joint - half-mitre joint - halved joint - header joint - heading joint of flooring boards - hem joint - hinge joint - hinged joint - hollow joint - hook joint - housed joint - impervious joint - inclined joint - inclined tee joint - indented joint - involute splined joint - J-groove joint - joggle joint - joint double-strap lap joint - keyed joint - king-post joint - lap joint - lapped corner joint - lead joint - leakage of joint - leaky joint - ledge joint - lift joint - linear slotted lap joint - lipped joint - lock joint - longitudinal joint - loop joint - loose joint - loose tongue joint - married joints - match joint - milter joint - mortar mix joint - mortise joint - mortise and tenon joint - mortise dowel joint - movable joint - movement of joint - multiple joint - multiple bar joint - nipple joint - oblique joint - open joint - open-butt joint - open-drained joint - opening of joint - open mortise and tenon joint - open tee joint - overlap joint - packed joint - permeable joints - pillow joint - pilot joint - pin joint - pin-connected joint - pipe joint - plain lap joint - poured joint - pressure-welded joint - profiled joint - push joint - racked joint - related joint - rigid joint - ring joint - rivet joint - riveted lap joint with butt strap - rocker joint - rope joint - rotating joint - rubbed joint - rust joint - saddle joint - scarf joint - screw joint - sealing of joints - seamless joint - secret joint - semiflexible joint - shilap joint - shove joint - skew joint - skew scarf joint - sliding joint - slip joint - socket-and-spigot joint - soldered joint - spherical joint - splined joint - split joint - square joint - S-slip joint - step joint - strapped joint - strength joint - strike joint - structural joints - swivel joint - swivel rod joint - tale-to-tale joint - taper joint - tapered-end joint - telescope joint - tenon joint - tension joint - thermit joint - threaded gas pipe joint - tianged-edge joint - tight joint - toe joint - tongue-and-groove joint - tooth cogging joint - transverse joint - treated joint - U-groove joint - unchamfered joint - universal joint - voussoir joint - V-shaped joint - wall-footing joint - water-sealed joint - watertight joint - weathered joint - wedge joint - welded joint - welding joint - woodworking jointto joint with skew, scarf and key — соединять зигзагом
* * *1. соединение, шов; узел, стык2. разрыв, трещина ( горных пород)joint between precast members — соединение элементов сборных (железо)бетонныхжелезобетонных¦бетонных конструкций
joint fixed [locked] against rotation — узел, закреплённый против поворота; узел с наложенными связями против поворота
joint restrained by elastic members — упруго-податливое соединение, упруго-податливый узел
joint transmitting compression — соединение, передающее усилие сжатия
- abutting jointjoint transmitting shears — соединение, обеспечивающее передачу поперечных сил [сдвигающих усилий]
- adhesive-bonded joint
- adhesive joint
- angle joint
- angle half-lap joint
- articulated joint
- aseismic joint
- ball joint
- beam butt joint
- beam-column joint
- bed joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- birdsmouth joint
- bolted joint
- box dovetail joint
- breaking joints
- break joints
- brick joints
- bridle joint
- butt joint
- buttered joint
- cable joint
- capillary joint
- caulked joint
- cleat joint
- closely-spaced joints
- coax scarf joint
- cog scarf joint
- cold joint
- combed joint
- compression joint
- concave joint
- construction joint
- contraction joint
- convex joint
- corner joint
- cornerlock joint
- coursing joint
- crimped joint
- crimp upstand joint
- cross joint
- cross-lap joint
- curb joint
- cut joint
- dilatation joint
- dismountable joint
- double-shear joint
- double-S slip joint
- dovetail halving joint
- doweled contraction joint
- draw band joint
- duct flange joint
- dummy joint
- edge joint
- end joint
- end lap joint
- erection joint
- expansion joint
- face joint
- fail-safe joint
- false joint
- feather joint
- field joint
- finger joint
- fixed joint
- flanged joint
- flared joint
- flat joint
- flexible joint
- flexible ball joint
- floor joint
- floor-to-wall joint
- flush joint
- friction-type joint
- gland joint
- glued joint
- groove joint
- ground joint
- grouted joint
- half-lap joint
- halved joint
- heading joint
- head joint
- head contact joint
- head free joint
- Hercules pile joint
- hick joint
- high joint due to frost action
- hinged joint
- hinge joint
- incompressible joint
- insulated flanged pipe joint
- insulated rail joint
- isolation joint
- joggle joint
- keyed joint
- keys scarf joint
- knuckle joint
- laminated joint
- lapped joint
- lap joint
- lead joint
- lengthening joint
- lift joint
- lock joint
- longitudinal joint
- loose flange joint
- manipulative joint
- miter joint
- mortise-and-tenon joint
- mortise joint
- movement joint
- nonmanipulative joint
- oblique joint
- oblique butt joint
- open joint
- overstrained joint
- packed joint
- pin joint
- pipe expansion joint
- plain-S slip joint
- ploughed-and-tongued joint
- pocket lock joint
- pointed joint
- pressure-tight joint
- push fit joint
- rail joint
- raked joint
- rebated joint
- reinforced bar slip joint
- reinforced standing seam joint
- released joint
- resilient joint
- rigid joint
- ring seal joint
- rough-cut joint
- rustication joint
- rustic joint
- saddle joint
- sawed joint
- scarf joint
- screwed joint
- screw joint
- sealed joint
- semiflexible joint
- settlement joint
- shear joint
- shoved joint
- shrinkage joint
- shrinkage compensating concrete floor joint
- shrunk rubber ring joint
- single dovetail joint
- sleeve joint
- sliding joint
- slip joint
- solvent welded joint
- socket joint
- socket-and-spigot joint
- spalled joint
- spigot-and-socket joint
- S slip joint
- stagger joints
- steel crossing construction joint
- struck joint
- T and G joint
- tank base joint
- telescope joint
- threaded joint
- tight joint
- toggle joint
- tongue and groove joint
- tool joint
- tooled joint
- transverse joint
- treated joint
- undoweled joint
- unsealed joint
- V-shaped joint
- wall-footing joint
- warping joint
- watertight joint
- weathered joint
- welded joint
- wiped joint -
15 angle iron
спец. угловое железо; угольникСинонимический ряд:brace (noun) brace; bracket; console; hardware; l joint; prop; shelf bracket; strut; support -
16 joint
1. замок, муфта, соединение, стык; сварное соединение; шов; спай2. горн. трещина отдельности; плоскость соприкосновения; линия кливажа3. связь; сплетение, скрутка; сочленение4. шарнир, шарнирная связь«flash weld» tool joints — приварные замки
buttress thread tool joint — замковое соединение с трапецеидальной резьбой (для соединения труб больших диаметров)
integral marine riser joint — составная секция водоотделяющей колонны (состоит из трубы этой колонны и труб малого диаметра, служащих для регулирования давления и глушения скважины и выполненных как одно целое)
internal flush tool joint — замок с широким [равнопроходным] отверстием, ШПО
joint of drill pipe — звено бурильных труб, заканчивающееся замком
marine riser flex joint — шарнирная секция водоотделяющей колонны; гибкая секция водоотделяющей колонны
single ball, pressure balanced flex joint — одношаровой, разгруженный (от действия давления) шарнирный узел
— closed joint— riveted joint
* * *
1. плеть ( трубопровода)2. однотрубка, однотрубная свечаbuttress thread tool joint — замковое соединение с трапецеидальной резьбой (для соединения труб больших диаметров)
joint of drill pipe — звено бурильных труб, заканчивающееся замком
tapered-bore full hole tool joint — замок (для бурильных труб) с широким проходным отверстием с конической расточкой
tapered-bore internal flush tool joint — замок (для бурильных труб) с увеличенным проходным отверстием с конической расточкой
* * *
1. трещина, отдельность; диаклаз (геол.)2. замок (цилиндрический, конический и клиновый), муфта, соединение; свеча из бурильных труб3. общий, совместный, одновременный
* * *
трещина, отдельность; узел
* * *
1) муфта; шарнир; соединение; стык3) однотрубка, однотрубная свеча4) плеть ( трубопровода)5) геол. трещина отдельности•to add a new joint — наращивать колонну труб;
to brake out a joint — развинчивать (напр. соединение бурильных труб);
to make up a tool joints — крепить замковые соединения;
to screw a tool joint on drill pipe — навинчивать замок на бурильную трубу;
to set up joints — зачеканивать стыки ( труб) свинцом;
to set up tool joint — крепить замковое соединение;
to tighten a tool joint — докреплять замок для бурильных труб;
- joint of drill pipeto torque up tool joint — докреплять бурильный замок;
- abutment joint
- articulated arm joint
- back-off joint
- ball joint
- bayonet joint
- bell-and-spigot joint
- bell-butt joint
- blast tubing joint
- box joint
- box-and-pin joint
- branch joint
- bumper safety joint
- butt joint
- butt-and-strap joint
- butted-and-strapped joint
- buttress thread tool joint
- butt-welded joint
- cable joint
- casing joint
- compression coupling joint
- conduit joint
- copperplated joint
- counterbore welded tool joint
- coupling joint
- cross joint
- crossover joint
- double joint
- double-tilted joint
- double-universal joint
- doweled joint
- drill pipe joint
- drill pipe safety joint
- eccentric tool joint
- edge joint
- elbow joint
- erection joint
- expanded joint
- expansion joint
- extension pipe joint
- extrahole tool joint
- faulty welded joint
- field joint
- fishing string safety joint
- flange butt joint
- flanged joint
- flanged-butt joint
- flash welded tool joint
- flex joint
- flexible joint
- float joint
- flush joint
- full-hole joint
- grief joint
- hard-banded tool joint
- hard-faced tool joint
- hexagonal kelly joint
- high resistance joint
- hinge joint
- integral joint
- integral marine riser joint
- integral tool joint
- internal flush tool joint
- jar safety joint
- joggle joint
- kelly joint
- key joint
- knee joint
- knock-off joint
- knuckle joint
- knuckle-and-socket joint
- landing joint
- lap joint
- left-hand joint
- lock joint
- male joint
- male half of tool joint
- married joint
- nipple joint
- overlap joint
- pin joint
- pin-connected joint
- pin-type safety joint
- pipe joint
- pipe expansion joint
- pipe safety joint
- pipeline joint
- positive safety joint
- pressure balanced slack joint
- pressure welded tool joint
- pump rod joint
- pup joint
- quick-disconnecting joint
- recessed flanged joint
- reducing joint
- regular tool joint
- riser pipe joint
- riser pup joint
- saddle joint
- safety joint
- semiinternal flush tool joint
- shear pin safety joint
- shoe joint
- shrunk-on joint
- single-lap joint
- slack joint
- sleeve joint
- slick joint
- slim-hole joint
- slip joint
- slotted joint
- socked joint
- socket-and-spigot joint
- spherical joint
- spigot-and-faucet joint
- spigot-and-socket joint
- square joint
- square shoulder tool joint
- starter joint
- streamlined joint
- streamlined tool joint
- sucker-rod joint
- swing joint
- swivel joint
- T-joint
- taper joint
- tapered-bore full hole tool joint
- tapered-bore internal flush tool joint
- tapered shoulder tool joint
- telescoping joint
- tension joint
- threaded collar joint
- threaded pipe joint
- tight joint
- tongue-and-groove joint
- tool joint
- transverse joint
- triple joint
- tubing joint
- under-pump sucker rod joint
- union joint
- unitized joint
- universal joint
- universal ball joint
- unprotected tool joint
- upset-end joint
- wedge joint
- welded joint
- welded butt joint
- welded tool joint
- welded-on joint
- welding joint
- well starter joint
- wiped joint
- yoke joint* * *• замок• одиночка• связь• скрутка• трубки -
17 supporting angle piece
1.Corner staying, corner fillet, supporting angle pieceУгловое крепление n (фиксатор m)2.Angle bracket, supporting angle pieceУгловой кронштейн mDictionary of packaging machinery and equipment > supporting angle piece
18 column
1) колонна; стойка; столб ( жидкости)2) столбец (напр. таблицы); графа3) колонка4) устой; станина; боковая стойка ( строгального станка)5) вертикальная штанга, вертикальный шток•to restrain a column at one end — закреплять, защемлять колонну на одном конце
- column of built channels laced - column of ore - column of pump - column of water - absorbing column - adiabatic column - anchor column - annulate column - annulated column - attached column - axially-loaded column - barley-sugar column - batten-plate column - box column - built-up column - cased column - casing column - channel column - closed column - clustered column - combination column - combined steel and concrete column - composite column - concrete column - Corinthian column - corner column - coupled columns - crane runway column - cross-shaped column - crude-fractionating column - diminished column - distillation column - drill column - eccentrically loaded column - edge column - engaged column - erection column - explosive column - feigned column - fixed column - fluted column - fractional column - fuel-filling column - gantry column - half column - half-engaged column - hinged column - hingeless column - hooped column - I-beam column - integral column - intermediate column - Ionic column - lattice column - lattice column with separate legs - lift column - lighting column - manometric column - open column - outside column - packed column - pendular hinged column - pendulum column - pier column - pipe column - plain concrete column - portal column - pressure column - regular cross-section column - reinforced concrete column - rocking column - rostral column - rustic column - semi-column - short column - single-member column - slender column - soil column - solid column - spiral reinforced concrete column - starred column - steel column - steel core column - steel-pipe column - steering column - stepped column - stepped bracket column - stone column - swelled column - tapering column - tied column - traversing column - triumphal column - tubular column - Tuscan column - twisted column - two-member column - vacuum column - ventilating column - wall column - water column - wreathed columnat both ends — закреплять, защемлять колонну на двух концах
* * *1. колонна, стойка, сжатый стержневой элемент2. колонный технологический аппарат3. столб; уровень (напр. воды)4. колонна (буровых труб, штанг)5. столбец, графаcolumn in equilibrium in the bent position — колонна в состоянии криволинейной формы равновесия ( при продольном изгибе)
columns with … centers — колонны с расстояниями [интервалами] по осям …
- actual columncolumn with one end fixed and one end hinged [pinned] — колонна с одним защемлённым и другим шарнирно опёртым концом
- annulated columns
- applied column
- attached column
- axially loaded column
- banded column
- beam column
- box column
- built-up column
- cased column
- compacted sand column
- composite column
- concrete lighting column
- corner column
- cross-shaped column
- distillation column
- drill column
- eccentrically loaded column
- edge column
- embedded column
- engaged column
- erection column
- fixed column
- fluid-filled column
- fluted column
- fuel-filling column
- fuel column
- glulam column
- grouped columns
- half column
- hingeless column
- ideal column
- initial straight column
- integral column
- L column
- laced column
- lighting column with two brackets
- long column
- non-hinged column
- open column
- oxidation column
- pendulum column
- pin-base column
- pipe column
- pivoted end column
- rectification column
- ringed column
- rocking column
- rostral column
- short column
- side column
- slender column
- spandrel column
- spirally reinforced column
- steel column
- stub column
- tapering column
- tied column
- tubular column
- twin columns
- wall column
- water column
- water-filled column -
19 post
1) стойка (напр. дверного оклада), столб, подкос, подпорка2) опора, мачта, колонна ( подъёмного крана)3) свая4) пост управления, пункт5) геол. мелкозернистый песчаник•- angle post - bar post - bearing post - bracket post - bumper post - bumping post - corner post - crown post - door post - end post - fence post - fender post - gate post - girder post - guide post - intermediate post - king post - marker post - meeting post - newel post - pendulum post - principal post - railing post - rail post - sign post - single post - stair post - storey post - stub post - T-head post - vertical post - wall post - water post - window post* * *столб; стойка; подпорка- angle postposts and timbers — деревянные брусья сечением 125*125 мм и более ( сортимент пиломатериала)
- breakaway sign post
- bumping post
- corner post
- derrick crane king post
- end post
- fender post
- gable post
- gate post
- girder post
- guide post
- hanging post
- heel post
- inclined end post
- intermediate gate post
- king post
- lamp post
- marker post
- meeting post
- miter post
- mooring post
- newel post
- part slewing king post
- precast concrete fence post
- railing post
- safety post
- single post
- water post
- window post -
20 cable trunking for wall surface mounting
система кабельных коробов для монтажа на стенах и потолках
Рис. Panduit®
Система кабельных коробов для монтажа на стенах и потолкахA
end cap fitting
tee fitting
разделитель тройниковой секции
tee divider insert
основание (корпус) прямой секции с отверстиями для прохода кабелей через стену
backfeed fitting
внешний угол
outside corner
pre-cut cover for mounting devices on 12” centers
лицевая панель с козырьком
horizontal sloped communication faceplate
data plate
double gang rectangular faceplate
20 V specification grade rectangular outlet
device bracket
внутренний угол
inside corner
right angle
entrance end
seam clip
прямая секция
крышка прямой секции
разделитель (каналов) прямой секции
divider wall
Рис. THORSMANПараллельные тексты EN-RU
Surface mounted raceways
Provide surface raceway systems for branch circuit and data network, voice, video and other low-voltage wiring.
Surface raceway system components necessary for a complete installation shall consist of the following: raceway bases, covers, fittings and device mounting plates.
[Legrand/Wiremold. SECTION 16130 RACEWAY AND BOXES]
Системы кабельных коробов для монтажа на стенах и потолках
В состав поставки входят системы кабельных коробов для монтажа на стенах и потолках, необходимые для прокладки проводов и кабелей групповых цепей, информационных, передачи голосовой и видеоинформации, а также других низковольтных цепей.
В состав системы кабельных коробов должны входить следующие компоненты: корпусы, крышки, фасонные секции и детали для установки аппаратов.
[Перевод Интент]Тематики
- изделие электромонтажное
- электропроводка, электромонтаж
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cable trunking for wall surface mounting
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
corner bracket — n. a door closer mounting plate attached to the upper corner of the jamb … Locksmith dictionary
Bracket — 〈 redirects here. It is not to be confused with く, a Japanese kana. This article is about bracketing punctuation marks. For other uses, see Bracket (disambiguation). Due to technical restrictions, titles like :) redirect here. For typographical… … Wikipedia
bracket foot — noun : a foot like a bracket found on cabinet furniture mitered at the corner and usually scrolled on the free sides see foot illustration * * * Furniture. a corner foot of a chest or the like joining the sides in a concave line … Useful english dictionary
bracket foot — Furniture. a corner foot of a chest or the like joining the sides in a concave line. * * * … Universalium
Unicode-Block CJK-Symbole und -Interpunktion — Der Unicode Block CJK Symbols and Punctuation (CJK Symbole und Interpunktion) (3000–303F) enthält Satzzeichen und andere Symbole für die chinesische, japanische und koreanische Schrift. Unicode Nummer Zeichen Beschreibung Offizielle Bezeichnung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Unicode-Block CJK-Kompatibilitätsformen — Der Unicode Block CJK Compatibility Forms (CJK Kompatibilitätsformen) (FE30–FE4F) enthält überwiegend Präsentationsformen, die in vertikalem Text genutzt werden. Unicode Nummer Zeichen Beschreibung Offizielle Bezeichnung U+FE30 (65072) ︰… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lateinische Buchstaben in Unicode — Lateinische Buchstaben, also Schriftzeichen, die auf dem lateinischen Alphabet aufgebaut sind, sind in Unicode in derzeit 19 Blöcken enthalten. Die 26 Grundbuchstaben befinden sich – neben Ziffern, Satzzeichen und Steuerzeichen – im Unicode Block … Deutsch Wikipedia
Quotation mark glyphs — For the meaning and usage of quotation marks in the English language see Quotation mark and in other languages see Quotation mark, non English usage. ‘ ’ “ ” ‘ ’ “ ” ‹ › … Wikipedia
Unicode-Block Halbbreite und vollbreite Formen — Der Unicode Block Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Halbbreite und vollbreite Formen) (FF00–FFEF) enthält vollbreite lateinische Buchstaben und Zahlen sowie halbbreite Katakana Zeichen und Hangeul Jamos, die in ostasiatischen Zeichensätzen verwendet … Deutsch Wikipedia
XML — Infobox file format name = Extensible Markup Language icon = logo = extension = .xml mime = application/xml, text/xml (deprecated) type code = uniform type = public.xml magic = owner = World Wide Web Consortium genre = Markup language container… … Wikipedia
Pritchard House — Infobox nrhp name = Pritchard House caption = location = Titusville, Florida area = added = January 12, 1990 visitation num = visitation year = governing body = The Pritchard House is a historic home in Titusville, Florida, United States. It is… … Wikipedia