1 copper-wire breakdown
Кабельные производство: оплётка медной проволокой -
2 copper-wire breakdown
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > copper-wire breakdown
3 concrete
1) бетон3) бетонный4) бетонировать; сращивать5) конкретный; определённый•to lay concrete in alternate bay — укладывать бетонное покрытие "через плиту" ( дорожное строительство)
to let into concrete — забетонировать; заделать в бетон
to mix concrete "en route" — перемешивать бетон в пути ( в автобетономешалке)
to prestress reinforced concrete by post-tensioning — предварительно напрягать железобетон натяжением на упоры
to transfer stress from the reinforcing steel to the concrete — обжимать бетон при предварительном напряжении в изделии
to strike off surplus concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
- concrete of stiff consistency - above-water concrete - acid-resisting concrete - adjustment of concrete mixture - aerated concrete - ageing of concrete - agglomerate-foam concrete - air-entrained concrete - air-entraining concrete - air-entrapped concrete - air-hardening of concrete - airfree concrete - air-placed concrete - airtight concrete - antiseptic concrete - application of concrete mixture - architectural concrete - architectural exposed concrete - armoured concrete - articulated concrete - asbestos-foamed concrete - as cast concrete - ash concrete - asphalt concrete - asphaltic concrete - asphaltic-cement concrete - as-placed concrete - autoclaved concrete - autoclaved cellular concrete - awakened concrete - balancing of proposed concrete mix - arrangement of steel in reinforced concrete - ballast concrete - batching of concrete mix - batching of concrete mix by volume - batching of concrete mix by weight - belt-conveyed concrete - biological shielding concrete - bituminous concrete - bituminous concrete pavement - bleeding of concrete - blown-out concrete - bonded to the steel concrete - booted concrete - breakdown test for concrete sample - breeze concrete - broken concrete - build concrete - buried concrete - bush-hammered concrete - cassie concrete - cast concrete - cast-in-place concrete - cast-in-situ concrete - cell concrete - cellular concrete - cement concrete - cement concrete pavement - central-mixed concrete - ceramsite concrete - cinder concrete - close-up failures in concrete structure - coarse concrete - coarseness of concrete mixture grading - cinder cement concrete - coke cement concrete - cold weather concrete - colloidal concrete - coloured concrete - compacted concrete - continuous concrete - controlled-quality concrete - copper-bearing concrete - corrosion-damaged concrete - crack safety of reinforced concrete elements - crazed concrete - crushed concrete - crushed-stone concrete - cured concrete - curing of concrete by ponding - curing of concrete units - curing of test concrete specimens - custom concrete - dead load of concrete structure - de-aerated concrete - deformation of concrete mix - delayed-setting concrete - dense concrete - dense ballast concrete - deposing of concrete - dry-mix concrete - dry concrete - early-strength concrete - earth concrete - electrically conductive concrete - epoxy concrete - excess concrete - expansive concrete - exposed concrete - extra-heavy concrete - fast-hardening concrete - fat concrete - faulty concrete - fibrous concrete - field concrete - fine concrete - finished concrete - floated concrete - floating concrete mixture plant - fluating of concrete - fluid concrete - fly-ash concrete - foam concrete - folding concrete form - fresh concrete - fully consolidated concrete - gas concrete - glass concrete - glass-fibre reinforced concrete - granite concrete - gravel concrete - gravel-aggregated concrete - green concrete - grouted-aggregate concrete - guss concrete - hand-compacted concrete - gypsum concrete - gypsum fibre concrete - hard concrete - hard rock concrete - hardened concrete - hardening of concrete - harsh concrete - haydite concrete - hearting concrete - heat-insulating concrete - heat-resistant concrete - heavy concrete - high-slump concrete - high-strength concrete - hollow concrete - homogeneous concrete - honeycombing concrete - hooped concrete - hot-laid asphaltic concrete - hydraulic concrete - ingredients of concrete - in-situ concrete - integral waterproofing of concrete - iron-shot concrete - job-mixed concrete - job-placed concrete - jonquil concrete - lean concrete - light aggregate concrete - lightweight concrete - lightweight aggregate concrete - lilac concrete - lime concrete - liquid concrete - liquid glass concrete - loose concrete - low-porosity concrete - low-slump concrete - machine-mixed concrete - marine concrete - mass concrete - mushy consistency of concrete - nailable concrete - nailing concrete - normal concrete - normal heavy concrete - no-slump concrete - off-formwork concrete - ordinary dense concrete - overnight concrete - oversite concrete - pavement concrete - placeability of concrete - placement of concrete - plain concrete - polymer concrete - polypropylene-fibre reinforced concrete - polystyrene-foam concrete - poor concrete - poor-quality concrete - popcorn concrete - porous concrete - portland-cement concrete - portland-pozzolana concrete - poured-in-place concrete - post-stressed concrete - post-tensioned concrete - precast concrete - precast structural concrete - prepacked aggregate concrete - pressed concrete - prestressed concrete - prestressed concrete with anchor loops - prestressed concrete with anchor plates - pumice concrete - pump concrete - quality concrete - rammed concrete - reactive aggregate concrete - ready-mix concrete - ready-mixed concrete - refractory concrete - reinforced concrete - rich concrete - roller compacted concrete - rough concrete - rubble concrete - sample of concrete - sand and gravel concrete - sand-cinder concrete - sandwich concrete - sawdust concrete - segregated concrete - segregating concrete - self-stressed concrete - setting of concrete - site concrete - slag concrete - slag-foam concrete - slow-setting concrete - spread concrete - spreaded concrete - spun concrete - stamped concrete - steam-cured concrete - steamed concrete - steel concrete - steel-fibre reinforced concrete - stiff concrete - stone concrete - structural concrete - stuck concrete - subaqueous concrete - substandard concrete - sulphur concrete - sulphur modified concrete - tamped concrete - tar concrete - terazzo concrete - transit-mix concrete - transit-mixed concrete - tremie concrete - ultra-high-strength concrete - undersanded concrete - underwater concrete - unworkable concrete - vacuum concrete - vacuum-treated concrete - vermiculite concrete - water-cured concrete - waterproof concrete - watertight concrete - weather resistant concrete - wet concrete - wood-fibre concrete - workability of concrete - workable concreteto strike off excess concrete — снимать, срезать излишки бетона
* * *бетон; бетонная смесь || бетонироватьconcrete around reinforcing steel — бетон в зоне [между стержнями] арматуры
concrete compacted by jolting — бетонная смесь, уплотнённая ударным методом [трамбованием]
concrete cured at 20°C — бетон, выдерживаемый при температуре 20°C
concrete cured at elevated temperatures — бетон, выдержанный [отвердевший] в условиях повышенных температур
concrete in mass — массивный бетон, бетон, уложенный в большой массив
concrete in the structure — бетон в теле конструкции [сооружения] ( в отличие от бетона в контрольных образцах)
concrete placed in lifts — бетон, укладываемый слоями [послойно]
concrete placed in the work — бетон, уложенный в конструкцию
concrete strong enough to support its own weight — бетон, достигший прочности, достаточной для восприятия собственного веса
concrete strong enough to support superimposed loads — бетон, достигший прочности, позволяющей воспринимать приложенные [временные] нагрузки
- concrete of inadequate qualityconcrete with a high cement factor — бетонная смесь с большим содержанием цемента, жирная бетонная смесь
- concrete of the required quality
- abrasion-resistant concrete
- acid-resisting concrete
- acrylic concrete
- aerated concrete
- air-entrained concrete
- air entrapped concrete
- air-placed concrete
- air-tight concrete
- alkali-resistant glass grain-reinforced concrete
- all-lightweight-aggregate concrete
- architectural concrete
- architectural exposed concrete
- architectural precast concrete
- asbestos foamed concrete
- as-mixed concrete
- asphaltic concrete
- asphalt concrete
- as-placed concrete
- autoclaved concrete
- backfill concrete
- basalt chippings concrete
- base course concrete
- base concrete
- belt-conveyed concrete
- biological shielding concrete
- bitumen concrete
- black concrete
- blended cement concrete
- blinding concrete
- board-finished concrete
- board marked concrete
- breeze concrete
- brick-look concrete
- brushed concrete
- bulk concrete
- bush hammered concrete
- calcium silicate concrete
- cast-in-place concrete
- cellular concrete
- cement concrete
- centrifugally cast concrete
- chloride-contaminated concrete
- cinder concrete
- clay concrete
- coarse-graded asphaltic concrete
- coarse asphaltic concrete
- coarse-graded asphalt concrete
- coarse asphalt concrete
- cold-laid asphaltic concrete
- cold asphaltic concrete
- cold-laid asphalt concrete
- cold asphalt concrete
- colloidal concrete
- colored concrete
- compacted concrete
- composite reinforced concrete
- constructional concrete
- continuously reinforced concrete
- conventional concrete
- corrosion-damaged concrete
- crushed concrete
- crushed brick concrete
- cryogenic concrete
- cured concrete
- custom concrete
- cyclopean concrete
- dense concrete
- densit concrete
- dingy concrete
- disintegrated concrete
- doubly prestressed concrete
- doubly reinforced concrete
- dry concrete
- dry mixture concrete
- dry mix concrete
- durable concrete
- earth-damp concrete
- electrically conductive concrete
- electrically heated concrete
- epoxy concrete
- exfoliated vermiculite concrete
- expanded concrete
- expanded-clay concrete
- expansive-cement concrete
- exposed aggregate concrete
- extra heavy concrete
- extreme lightweight concrete
- extruded concrete
- facing concrete
- fair-faced concrete
- fat concrete
- fiber reinforced concrete
- field concrete
- field-cured concrete
- fill concrete
- fine grained concrete
- fine grain concrete
- fire-proof concrete
- floated concrete
- flowing concrete
- flow concrete
- foamed concrete
- foamed slag concrete
- foam-gas concrete
- free-flowing concrete
- fresh concrete
- freshly laid concrete
- freshly mixed concrete
- freshly placed concrete
- fully consolidated concrete
- furnace cinder concrete
- gas concrete
- glass concrete
- glass-fiber reinforced concrete
- granolithic concrete
- green concrete
- grouted-aggregate concrete
- grouted concrete
- gunned concrete
- gypsum concrete
- gypsum fiber concrete
- hand mixed concrete
- hardened concrete
- harsh concrete
- hearting concrete
- heated concrete
- heat insulating concrete
- heat-resistant concrete
- heavyweight concrete
- weight concrete
- high-density concrete
- high-early-strength concrete
- high flowability concrete
- high-pressure steam cured concrete
- high-strength concrete
- high-temperature-resisting concrete
- high-temperature concrete
- high-workability concrete
- holdover concrete
- honeycombed concrete
- hot concrete
- hot-laid asphaltic concrete
- hot asphaltic concrete
- hot-laid asphalt concrete
- hot asphalt concrete
- hot weather concrete
- hydraulic concrete
- ice concrete
- improved quality concrete
- in-fill concrete
- initial concrete
- in-situ concrete
- insulating concrete
- integrally colored concrete
- iron-shot concrete
- latex modified concrete
- lean mix concrete
- lean concrete
- left-over concrete
- lightweight concrete
- lightweight aggregate concrete
- lime concrete
- low cement content concrete
- low-density concrete
- low-grade concrete
- low-heat concrete
- low-pressure steam cured concrete
- low-slump concrete
- low-slump dense concrete
- low workability concrete
- machine mixed concrete
- marine concrete
- mass concrete
- microsilica concrete
- monolithic concrete
- mushy concrete
- nailable concrete
- new concrete
- no-fines concrete
- no-fine concrete
- noncomplying concrete
- nonshrink concrete
- normal-weight concrete
- normal concrete
- no-slump concrete
- no-voids concrete
- ocrated concrete
- off-formwork concrete
- ordinary structural concrete
- ornamental concrete
- oversite concrete
- packaged concrete
- pattern stamped concrete
- pavement concrete
- perlite aggregate concrete
- perlite concrete
- perlite insulating concrete
- pfa concrete
- pigmented concrete
- plain concrete
- plant-mixed concrete
- plastic concrete
- plastic state concrete
- pneumatically placed concrete
- polyester resin concrete
- polyester concrete
- polymer concrete
- polymer-cement concrete
- polymer-impregnated concrete
- polymer-modified concrete
- polymer-modified glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- polystyrene bead concrete
- polystyrene-foam concrete
- poor concrete
- popcorn concrete
- porous concrete
- Portland cement concrete
- post-tension concrete
- pourable concrete
- poured-in-place concrete
- pozzolana concrete
- precast concrete
- precast glass-fiber-reinforced concrete
- precast prestressed concrete
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast with cast-in-place concrete
- prefabricated reinforced concrete
- prefab reinforced concrete
- prepacked aggregate concrete
- prepacked concrete
- pre-post tensioned concrete
- prestressed concrete
- pretensioned concrete
- pretension concrete
- properly consolidated concrete
- pumice concrete
- pumpable concrete
- quality concrete
- quality controlled concrete
- radiation shielding concrete
- rammed concrete
- ready mixed concrete
- recycled concrete
- refractory concrete
- refractory insulating concrete
- regular concrete
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced polymer concrete
- resin concrete
- resin modified cement concrete
- returned concrete
- rich concrete
- roller compacted concrete
- rubble concrete
- salt water resistant concrete
- sand concrete
- sand blasted concrete
- sawdust concrete
- scale-resistant concrete
- scoria concrete
- sealed concrete
- seawater resisting concrete
- seawater concrete
- self-compacting concrete
- self-stressed concrete
- semidry concrete
- semilightweight concrete
- set concrete
- shielding concrete
- shrinkage compensating concrete
- shrink-mixed concrete
- shuttered concrete
- silica-fume concrete
- silicate concrete
- site concrete
- site mixed concrete
- site mixed ready mixed concrete
- slag concrete
- specialty concretes
- special concretes
- specified ready mixed concrete
- sprayed concrete
- sprayed steel fiber concrete
- spun concrete
- stabilized concrete
- stamped concrete
- standard concrete
- steam cured concrete
- steel fiber concrete
- steel fiber reinforced concrete
- steel fibrous concrete
- sticky concrete
- stiff consistency concrete
- stiff concrete
- stone concrete
- structural concrete
- structural lightweight aggregate concrete
- structural lightweight concrete
- structural precast concrete
- submerged concrete
- sulfate-resistant concrete
- sulfur concrete
- sulfur-modified concrete
- super concrete
- superplasticized concrete
- superplasticized flowing concrete
- tamped concrete
- tar concrete
- terrazzo concrete
- textured architectural concrete
- textured concrete
- textured concrete left as cast
- three component concrete
- tooled concrete
- transit-mix concrete
- translucent concrete
- tremie concrete
- trowelled concrete
- truck-mixed concrete
- two-component concrete
- ultra-high-strength concrete
- uncured concrete
- undersanded concrete
- underwater concrete
- uniform concrete
- unreinforced concrete
- unsurfaced exposed concrete
- vacuum treated concrete
- vacuum concrete
- vermiculate concrete
- vibrated concrete
- waterproofed concrete
- water-repellent concrete
- watertight concrete
- weak concrete
- wearproof concrete
- wet concrete
- white cement concrete
- white concrete
- wire prestressed precast concrete
- wire stressed precast concrete
- wood cement concrete
- wood fiber concrete
- zero slump concrete
См. также в других словарях:
Copper wire and cable — Copper has been used in electric wiring since the invention of the electromagnet and the telegraph in the 1820s.[1][2] The invention of the telephone in 1876 proved to be another early boon for copper wire.[3] Today, despite competition from… … Wikipedia
Enameled wire — is copper wire coated with a very thin insulating layer. It is used in applications such as winding electric motor coils, speakers and transformers. It is also used in the construction of electromagnets and inductors.The core material is copper,… … Wikipedia
Coaxial cable — RG 59 flexible coaxial cable composed of: A: outer plastic sheath B: woven copper shield C: inner dielectric insulator D: copper core Coaxial cable, or coax, has an inner conductor surrounded by a flexible, tubular insulating layer, surrounded by … Wikipedia
Insulator (electrical) — Ceramic insulator at railways Conducting copper wire insulate … Wikipedia
Submarine communications cable — A cross section of a submarine communications cable. 1 Polyethylene 2 Mylar tape 3 Stranded steel wires 4 Aluminium water barrier 5 Polycarbonate 6 Copper or aluminium tube 7 Petroleum jelly 8 Optical fib … Wikipedia
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium
Commutator (electric) — This article is about the electrical component. For mathematical concept, see Commutator . A tiny 5 segment commutator less than 2 mm in diameter, on a direct current motor in a toy radio control ZipZaps car. A commutator is a rotary electri … Wikipedia
Transformer types — Circuit symbols Transformer with two windings and iron core. Step down or step up transformer. The symbol shows which winding has more turns, but not usually the … Wikipedia
Voice coil — A voice coil (consisting of a bobbin, collar and winding) is the coil of wire attached to the apex of the cone of a loudspeaker. It provides the motive force to the cone by the reaction of a magnetic field to the current passing through it. The… … Wikipedia
Electric current — Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
radio — /ray dee oh /, n., pl. radios, adj., v., radioed, radioing. n. 1. wireless telegraphy or telephony: speeches broadcast by radio. 2. an apparatus for receiving or transmitting radio broadcasts. 3. a message transmitted by radio. adj. 4. pertaining … Universalium