41 space
1) интервал, промежуток2) пробел || оставлять пробелы3) область; площадь4) пространство || пространственный5) космос, космическое пространство6) полость7) расстояние•- absolutely compact space - absolutely embedded space - absolutely thick space - algebraically parallel space - almost complex space - almost expandable space - almost isomorphic space - almost metric space - almost nonsingular space - almost paracompact space - almost pretopological space - analytically ramified covering space - arcwise connected space - centrally harmonic space - compactly ordered space - completely continuous space - completely degenerate space - completely disconnected space - completely harmonic space - completely metric space - completely normal space - completely reducible space - completely regular space - completely reticulated space - completely separable space - completely separated space - completely symmetric space - completely uniformizable space - constant curvature space - continuous sample space - continuously ordered space - contractible in itself space - countably compactifiable space - countably dimensional space - countably generated space - countably infinite space - countably metacompact space - countably multinormed space - countably normed space - countably paracompact space - countably refinable space - countably subcompact space - finitely productive space - finitely sheeted space - finitely triangulated space - fully normal space - general metrizable space - general topological space - global analytic space - globally symmetric space - hereditarily normal space - hereditarily paracompact space - hereditarily separable space - hereditarily symmetric space - holomorphic tangent space - holomorphically complete space - holomorphically convex space - homotopy associative space - iterated loop space - linearly connected space - linearly ordered space - linearly topologized space - load space - locally bounded space - locally closed space - locally compact space - locally complete space - locally connected space - locally contractible space - locally convex space - locally directed space - locally fine space - locally holomorphic space - locally homogeneous space - locally hyperbolic space - locally linear space - locally metrizable space - locally ringed space - locally separable space - locally simply connected space - locally solid space - locally spherical space - locally star-shaped space - locally symmetric space - locally timelike space - locally triangulable space - monotonically normal space - naturally isomorphic space - naturally ordered space - naturally reductive space - nearly paracompact space - negative metric space - normally separated space - not simply connected space - nowhere connected space - null space of linear transformation - n-way projective space - perfectly normal space - perfectly regular space - perfectly screenable space - perfectly separable space - peripherically bicompact space - peripherically compact space - pointwise paracompact space - projectively metric space - quaternion hyperbolic space - quaternion projective space - quaternion vector space - regularly ordered space - relatively discrete space - relatively strong space - sequentially closed space - sequentially compact space - sequentially complete space - sequentially quasicomplete space - sequentially separable space - simply ordered space - simply partitionable space - space of affine connectedness - space of complex homomorphisms - space of continuous functions - space of finite measure - space of linear interpolation - space of right cosets - space of scalar curvature - strongly bounded space - strongly closed space - strongly compact space - strongly complete space - strongly irreducible space - strongly normal space - strongly normed space - strongly paracompact space - strongly pseudocompact space - strongly pseudometrizable space - strongly rigid space - strongly screenable space - structural space - structure space - topologically complete space - totally disconnected space - totally geodesic space - totally imperfect space - totally normal space - totally orderable space - totally ordered space - water jacket space - weakly closed space - weakly compact space - weakly complete space - weakly covering space - weakly dense space - weakly favorable space - weakly n-dimensional space - weakly paracompact space - weakly regular space - weakly separable space - weakly symmetric spaceto space out — полигр. набирать вразрядку
42 conversion
1. n превращение, обращение2. n переход3. n рел. обращение4. n преим. фин. конверсия; пересчёт, перевод5. n переоборудованиеconversion of a heating system from coal to gas — переоборудование отопительной системы с угля на газ
6. n перестройка, реконструкция здания7. n перестроенный особняк, разбитый на отдельные квартиры8. n переход или перевод на выпуск новой продукции; переход или перевод гражданской промышленности на выпуск военной продукции; перевод или переход военной промышленности на выпуск гражданской продукции; конверсия или реконверсия9. n юр. обращение вверенного имущества в свою пользу10. n юр. изменение юридического характера собственности11. n юр. редк. поворот судебного решения12. n юр. мат. преобразование13. n юр. тех. превращение; переработка14. n юр. метал. передел чугуна в сталь15. n юр. физ. изменение состояния; преобразование, конверсияСинонимический ряд:1. change of heart (noun) baptism; change of heart; embracing a belief; metanoia; passage; proselytism; rebaptism; rebirth; regeneration; spiritual growth; taking faith2. transformation (noun) alteration; change; changeover; metamorphosis; shift; transfiguration; transformation; translation; transmigration; transmutation; turn -
43 apparatus
- apparatus
- nприбор; аппарат, аппаратура; устройство
- air permeability apparatus
- autogenous cutting and welding apparatus
- autographic unconfined compression apparatus
- Barentsen hand sounding apparatus
- Bleine air permeability apparatus
- Bleine apparatus
- box shear apparatus
- breathing apparatus
- Casagrande liquid limit apparatus
- Chatelier apparatus
- coordinate measuring apparatus
- direct shear apparatus
- Geonor cone penetrometer apparatus
- gate apparatus
- membrane apparatus
- Orsa apparatus
- permeability apparatus
- ring shear apparatus
- sand density cone apparatus
- sand density apparatus
- shearing apparatus
- suction-cutter apparatus
- suction plate apparatus
- tensioning apparatus
- transformation apparatus
- two-point apparatus
- Vebe apparatus
- Vicat apparatus
- weighing apparatus
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
44 curve
1) кривая2) изгиб; закругление; кривизна || изгибать(ся); закруглять(ся)4) лекало (чертёжное, швейное)5) ж.-д. кривая (пути)6) дорож. разбивать кривую•to negotiate a curve — вписываться в кривую (пути);to round curves — проходить кривые участки пути;to run through a curve — проходить кривую (пути);curve of (centers of) flotation — катящаяся кривая, кривая центров тяжести площади ватерлинии ( при наклонениях судна)curve of constant slope — линия откосаcurves of form (of hydrostatic properties) — мор. кривые элементов теоретического чертежаcurve of metacenters — мор. кривая метацентров, метацентрическая обёрткаcurve of Persei — кривая Персея, спирическая кривая-
A curve
Abbot's curve
aberration curve
adiabatic curve
altitude curve
amplitude-response curve
analytic curve
angle-time curve
anharmonic curve
anhysteretic magnetization curve
annealing curve
antidromic curve
antipedal curve
aperture response curve
apolar curve
backwater surface curve
backwater curve
ballistic curve
bath-tub curve
bearing area curve
bearing stress curve
bell-shaped curve
B-H curve
binaural curve
biquartic curve
bitangential curve
bitangent curve
boiling curve
boiling-point curve
borderline knock curve
bound curves
brake performance curve
broken-back curve
buoyancy curve
burning curve
calibration curve
caliper curve
capacity curve
catenary curve
characteristic current curve
characteristic curve
characteristic time curve
charging curve
circular curve
climb curve
closed curve
color response curve
commutation curve
compound curve
compression curve
condensation curve
confocal curves
continuous curve
contour curve
contrast response curve
conveyor curve
coordinate curve
correction curve
cosecant curve
cosine curve
cotangent curve
cross curves of stability
cubic curve
cumulative property curves
current-time curve
current-voltage curve
damper curve
decay curve
decline curve
decrement curve
de-emphasis curve
deflection curve
deformation curve
demagnetization curve
depletion curve
derating curve
dew-point curve
dextrorse curve
directing curve
discharge curve
discharge frequency curve
discharge voltage-time curve
discharging curve
displacement curve
distillate yield curve
distribution curve
D-log E curve
dose-survival curve
drawdown curve
drooping volt-ampere curve
dry-bulb temperature curve
duration curve
dynamic stability curve
easement curve
efficiency curve
elastic curve
elevation-area curve
elution curve
empirical curve
end point yield curve
enthalpy curve
entropy curve
envelope curve
epitrochoidal curve
equalization curve
equiprobability curve
error curve
exponential curve
faired curve
family curve
fatigue curve
firing curve
first-arrival curve
fitted curve
flash point yield curve
flash yield curve
flat curve
floodable length curve
flow curve
flow-through curve
frequency curve
frequency-response curve
full-load curve
full-load performance curve
full-load saturation curve
funicular curve
gain curve
Gaussian curve
generating curve
generation curve
grading curve
granulometric curve
gravity mid per cent curve
growth curve
guide curve
H and D curve
hardening curve
harmonic curve
head-flow curve
heating load curve
helical curve
horizontal curve
Hurter and Driffield curve
hydrostatic curves
hysteresis curve
incremental fuel consumption curve
induction-permeability curve
infiltration curve
integral curve
interpolation curve
ionization curve
irregular curve
isentropic curve
isobaric curve
isobatic curve
isochronous curve
isoclinic curve
isothermal curve
isotime curve
isotropic curve
lag curve
launching curves
lead curve
learning curve
level curve
limit curve
load curve
load-deflection curve
load-duration curve
load-extension curve
load-opening displacement curve
load-strain curve
load-time curve
logarithmic curve
luminosity curve
magnetization curve
Mayor curve
mean temperature-time curve
no-load curve
normal curve
normal traveltime curve
normalized magnetization curve
overload curve
parameter curve
particle-size distribution curve
part-load curve
pay load-range curve
pedal curve
performance curve
permeability curve
plane curve
polar curve
potential curve
power-angle curve
preemphasis curve
pressure curve
pressure drawdown curve
probability curve
propeller performance curves
quadric curve
quartic curve
quintic curve
railroad curve
railway curve
rate-of-failure curve
rating curve
recession curve
reciprocity curve
recovery curve
rectifiable curve
refrigerant flow curve
regression curve
regulation curve
remanence curve
remarkable curve
resistance curve
resistance variation curve
resonance curve
response curve
reverse curve
righting arms curve
righting arm curve
righting moment curve
rising-stage curve
room temperature curve
runoff curve
sag vertical curve
saturation curve
secant curve
self-polar curve
sensitivity curve
sensitometric curve
sextic curve
sharp curve
sheer curve
short radius curve
short-circuit curve
simple curve
sine curve
sinistrorse curve
sizing curve
sliding curve
slip-current curve
smooth curve
space curve
spectral-distribution curve
spectral-response curve
speed performance curve
speed-load curve
spiral curve
spur conveyor curve
stability curve
standardization curve
statical stability curve
stationary curve
steam-pressure curve
steep curve
step curve
stratification curve
stress-strain curve
stripping curve
subsequent fracture curve
superheat curve
swing curve
tangent curve
tangential curve
temperature curve
temperature-depth curve
temperature-viscosity curve
test curve
thrust curve
tide curve
time-gamma curve
time-light curve
time-temperature-transformation curve
tons per inch curve
torque curve
torque-angle curve
torque-speed curve
torque-vs-displacement curve
total heat curve
track curve
transfer curve
transient curve
transition boiling curve
transition curve
translation curve
transversal curve
trochoidal curve
TTT curve
turnout curve
universal curve
vapor-pressure curve
vapor curve
vertical curve
vertical travel-time curve
viscosity mid per cent curve
volumetric efficiency curve
washability curve
wear-time curve
wet-bulb temperature curve
Wohler's curve
work-hardening curve
yield curve -
45 apparatus
прибор, устройство, аппарат- air-cooling apparatus - approved apparatus - article handling apparatus - autogenous welding and cutting apparatus - bending apparatus - blast apparatus - drying apparatus - fire apparatus - hauling apparatus - impregnated apparatus - tensioning apparatus - Vebe apparatus - Vicat apparatus* * *прибор; аппарат, аппаратура; устройство- air permeability apparatus
- autogenous cutting and welding apparatus
- autographic unconfined compression apparatus
- Barentsen hand sounding apparatus
- Bleine air permeability apparatus
- Bleine apparatus
- box shear apparatus
- breathing apparatus
- Casagrande liquid limit apparatus
- Chatelier apparatus
- coordinate measuring apparatus
- direct shear apparatus
- Geonor cone penetrometer apparatus
- gate apparatus
- membrane apparatus
- Orsa apparatus
- permeability apparatus
- ring shear apparatus
- sand density cone apparatus
- sand density apparatus
- shearing apparatus
- suction-cutter apparatus
- suction plate apparatus
- tensioning apparatus
- transformation apparatus
- two-point apparatus
- Vebe apparatus
- Vicat apparatus
- weighing apparatus -
46 simplex
2) симплекс3) симплексный•dual simplex method — двойственный симплексный метод, двойственный симплекс-метод
47 spectrum
1) спектр2) спектральная характеристика; спектральная зависимость3) спектральная плотность; спектральная функция•- purely discrete spectrum - purely point spectrum - spectrum of linear operator -
48 subgroup
49 apparatus
прибор; аппарат, аппаратура; устройствоautographic unconfined compression apparatus — полевой сдвиговый прибор, одометр
direct shear apparatus — прибор одноплоскостного среза, сдвиговый прибор
two-point apparatus — прибор, определяющий одновременно два параметра испытываемого образца
См. также в других словарях:
coordinate transformation — koordinačių transformacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. coordinate transformation; transformation of coordinates vok. Koordinatentransformation, f; Koordinatenumwandlung, f rus. преобразование координат, n pranc. changement de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Coordinate transformation — See: *Coordinate transformations *List of canonical coordinate transformations *Coordinate rotation *Covariance and contravariance *Covariant transformation *Atlas (topology) *Change of basis disambig … Wikipedia
Coordinate system — For geographical coordinates on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates. In geometry, a coordinate system is a system which uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or other… … Wikipedia
Transformation optics — Electromagnetism Electricity · … Wikipedia
Transformation (geometry) — In mathematics, a transformation could be any function from a set X to itself. However, often the set X has some additional algebraic or geometric structure and the term transformation refers to a function from X to itself which preserves this… … Wikipedia
Transformation (function) — In mathematics, a transformation could be any function mapping a set X on to another set or on to itself. However, often the set X has some additional algebraic or geometric structure and the term transformation refers to a function from X to… … Wikipedia
transformation de coordonnées — koordinačių transformacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. coordinate transformation; transformation of coordinates vok. Koordinatentransformation, f; Koordinatenumwandlung, f rus. преобразование координат, n pranc. changement de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
transformation of coordinates — koordinačių transformacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. coordinate transformation; transformation of coordinates vok. Koordinatentransformation, f; Koordinatenumwandlung, f rus. преобразование координат, n pranc. changement de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Coordinate vector — In linear algebra, a coordinate vector is an explicit representation of a vector in an abstract vector space as an ordered list of numbers or, equivalently, as an element of the coordinate space Fn. Coordinate vectors allow calculations with… … Wikipedia
transformation — transformational, adj. /trans feuhr may sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of transforming. 2. the state of being transformed. 3. change in form, appearance, nature, or character. 4. Theat. a seemingly miraculous change in the appearance of… … Universalium
Coordinate time — In the theory of relativity, it is convenient to express results in terms of a spacetime coordinate system relative to an implied observer. In many (but not all) coordinate systems, an event is specified by one time coordinate and three spatial… … Wikipedia