1 cooperative
кооператив; кооперативен; -
2 cooperative
• съвместен• кооперативен -
3 cooperative advertising
• кооперативна рекламаEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > cooperative advertising
4 cooperative advertisings
• кооперативна рекламаEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > cooperative advertisings
5 cooperative marketing
• кооперативен маркетингEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > cooperative marketing
6 coop
I. 1. кафез (за кокошки), кокошарник
2. кошница за риболов
II. 1. затварям/държа в кафез/клетка
2. to COOP in/up натъпквам, наблъсквам, държа на тясно
III. CO-OP n cooperative
on the CO-OP на кооперативни начала* * *{ku:p} n 1. кафез (за кокошки); кокошарник; 2. кошница за риболо(2) {ku:p} v 1. затварям/държа в кафез/клетка; 2. to coop in/up нат* * *птичарник; дранголник; кафез; клетка;* * *1. i. кафез (за кокошки), кокошарник 2. ii. затварям/държа в кафез/клетка 3. iii. co-op n cooperative 4. on the co-op на кооперативни начала 5. to coop in/up натъпквам, наблъсквам, държа на тясно 6. кошница за риболов* * *coop [ku:p] I. n клетка (за кокошки); to fly the \coop отлитам от клетката, освобождавам се (от ограничения); II. v поставям в клетка; to \coop in (up) затварям, ограничавам; натъпквам. -
7 co-op
{kou'ъp} n = cooperative II; on the co-op на кооперативни начала.* * *кооперация;* * *co-op[kou´ɔp] n (съкр. от co-operative) кооперативен магазин; кооперативно дружество, кооперация. -
8 producer
1. производител
2. режисъор, постановчик
3. собственик на киностудио
4. газ-генератор* * *{prъ'dju:sъ} n 1. производител; 2. режисьор; постановчик; З.* * *режисьор; производител;* * *1. газ-генератор 2. производител 3. режисъор, постановчик 4. собственик на киностудио* * *producer[prə´dju:sə] n 1. производител, -ка; \producers'cooperative производителна кооперация; 2. режисьор; 3. продуцент; 4. собственик на киностудио; 5. газгенератор (и \producer plant).
См. также в других словарях:
coopérative — [ k(ɔ)ɔperativ ] n. f. • 1901; de société coopérative; probablt d apr. l angl. cooperative ♦ Société coopérative, entreprise associative ayant pour objet les services les meilleurs pour ses membres (⇒ coopérateur), et gérée par ceux ci sur la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cooperative — Coopérative La coopérative est une forme de société fondée sur le principe de la coopération. Elle a pour objectif de servir au mieux les intérêts économiques de ses participants (sociétaires ou adhérents). Elle se distingue en cela de l… … Wikipédia en Français
cooperative — 1 adj: of, relating to, or organized as a cooperative co·op·er·a·tive 2 n: an enterprise or organization (as for banking and credit services or the ownership of residential property) that is owned by and operated for the benefit of those using… … Law dictionary
Cooperative 09 — or more commonly Cooperative Longbow/Cooperative Lancer 09 is the name of NATO military exercise held in Georgia within the framework of Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative programmes from May 6 until … Wikipedia
cooperative — (adj.) also co operative, c.1600, from L.L. cooperat , pp. stem of cooperari (see COOPERATION (Cf. cooperation)) + IVE (Cf. ive). Political economy sense is from 1808, from the pre Marx communist movement. The noun meaning a cooperative store is… … Etymology dictionary
cooperative — or co operative [kō äp′ər ə tiv, kō äp′ər āt΄iv] adj. 1. cooperating or inclined to cooperate 2. designating or of an organization (as for the production or marketing of goods), an apartment house, store, etc. owned by and operated for the… … English World dictionary
cooperative — [adj1] joint, unified agreeing, coacting, coactive, coadjuvant, coefficient, collaborating, collaborative, collective, collegial, collusive, combined, combining, common, concerted, concurring, coordinated, hand in glove*, harmonious, in league,… … New thesaurus
cooperative — (also co operative) ► ADJECTIVE 1) involving cooperation. 2) willing to be of assistance. 3) (of a farm, business, etc.) owned and run jointly by its members, with profits or benefits shared among them. ► NOUN ▪ a cooperative organization.… … English terms dictionary
Cooperative — Co*[ o]p er*a*tive, a. Operating jointly to the same end. [1913 Webster] {Co[ o]perative society}, a society established on the principle of a joint stock association, for the production of commodities, or their purchase and distribution for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cooperative — *social, companionable, gregarious, convivial, hospitable Analogous words: sociable, cordial, genial, affable, *gracious: helping or helpful, aiding, assisting (see corresponding verbs at HELP) Antonyms: uncooperative Contrasted words: *unsocial … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Cooperative — This article is about the business organization. For other uses, see Coop (disambiguation). A cooperative (also co operative or co op) is a business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit.[1] A… … Wikipedia