1 cooperative behavior
коллективное поведение
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > cooperative behavior
2 cooperative behavior
3 cooperative behavior
curve behavior — поведение кривой; характер изменения кривой
threshold behavior — пороговое поведение; пороговая реакция
stable behavior — стабильный режим; устойчивое поведение
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > cooperative behavior
4 cooperative behavior
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cooperative behavior
5 cooperative behavior
физ. коллективное поведениеАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > cooperative behavior
6 cooperative behavior
1) Биология: кооперативное поведение2) Военный термин: политика сотрудничества (политика обеспечения безопасности государств), сотрудничество3) Экономика: поведение, основанное на принципах сотрудничества и поддержки4) Физика: коллективное поведение5) Патенты: поведение, основанное на принципах сотрудничества6) Авиационная медицина: поведение, характеризующееся общительностью, поведение, характеризующееся стремлением к сотрудничеству -
7 cooperative behavior
English-russian biological dictionary > cooperative behavior
8 cooperative behavior
т.игр. коллективное поведениеEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > cooperative behavior
9 cooperative behavior
поведение, основанное на принципах сотрудничества и поддержкиАнгло-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > cooperative behavior
10 cooperative behavior
• поведение, характеризующееся общительностью• поведение, характеризующееся стремлением к сотрудничествуАнгло-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > cooperative behavior
11 cooperative behavior
поведение, основанное на принципах сотрудничества -
12 cooperative behavior
т. игрEnglish-Russian scientific dictionary > cooperative behavior
13 cooperative behavior
English-Russian information technology > cooperative behavior
14 behavior
2) режим ( работы); протекание ( процесса)3) работа (конструкции, материала)4) характер изменения ( кривой)•behavior in bending — работа на изгиб;-
adhesive behavior
aerodynamic behavior
after-threshold behavior
aircraft behavior
balling behavior
before-threshold behavior
brittle behavior
channel behavior
chromatographic behavior
coking behavior
collective behavior
competitive behavior
contingent behavior
cooperative behavior
critical behavior
curve behavior
decision-making behavior
dielectric behavior
diurnal behavior
dynamic behavior
elastic behavior
elastoplastic behavior
electrochemical behavior
erratic behavior
error-free behavior
execution behavior
frequency behavior
friction behavior
goal-seeking behavior
hot working behavior
hydrophilic behavior
hydrophobic behavior
inelastic behavior
input-dependent behavior
intelligent behavior
large signal behavior
lyophilic behavior
lyophobic behavior
melting behavior
monolithic behavior
multimode behavior
nonsteady behavior
optical behavior
pathological behavior
probabilistic behavior
processing behavior
program-specified behavior
rational behavior
reactor behavior
robot's behavior
roof behavior
settling behavior
spalling behavior
specified behavior
spreading behavior of oil
static behavior
steady-state behavior
stepper behavior
stick-slip behavior
stress-strain behavior
structural behavior
subcritical behavior
supercritical behavior
surface behavior
thermal behavior
thermomechanical behavior
threshold behavior
time behavior
transient behavior
tribological behavior
unpredictable behavior
wear behavior -
15 behavior
1) этол. поведение2) биохим. свойство•- adjustive behavior
- affective behavior
- affiliative behavior
- aggregating behavior
- aggregative behavior
- aggressive behavior
- agonistic behavior
- aid-giving behavior
- allelomimetic behavior
- ambivalent behavior
- aposematic behavior
- appeasement behavior
- appetitive behavior
- attachment behavior
- auditory monitoring behavior
- avoidance behavior
- avoidant behavior
- ballooning behavior
- begging behavior
- caregiving behavior
- chain behavior
- choice behavior
- choice-point behavior
- complex behaviors
- compromise behavior
- conceptual behavior
- conformation behavior
- consort behavior
- consummatory behavior
- cooperative behavior
- courtship behavior
- cryptic behavior
- defensive behavior
- demonstrative behavior
- directive behavior
- displacement behavior
- display behavior
- dynamic behavior
- eating behavior
- escape behavior
- exploratory behavior
- expressive behavior
- fascination behavior
- feeding behavior
- fixated behavior
- foraging behavior
- freezing behavior
- goal-seeking behavior
- greeting behavior
- gregarious behavior
- grooming behavior
- helping behavior
- hiding behavior
- huddling behavior
- imitative behavior
- innate behavior
- instinctive behavior
- investigative behavior
- juvenile behavior
- learned behavior
- lekking behavior
- manipulative behavior
- marking behavior
- maternal behavior
- mating behavior
- maze behavior
- migratory behavior
- molar behavior
- molecular behavior
- morphogenetic behavior
- nesting behavior
- open field behavior
- operant behavior
- parental behavior
- play behavior
- postcopulatory behavior
- precopulatory behavior
- prey-catching behavior
- purposeful behavior
- reproductive behavior
- ritualistic behavior
- ritualized behavior
- rutting behavior
- searching behavior
- sexual behavior
- social behavior
- species specific behavior
- spontaneous behavior
- stereotyped behavior
- submissive behavior
- superstitious behavior
- team behavior
- territorial behavior
- transposition behavior
- verbal behavior
- visually guided behavior -
16 behavior
1) движение, развитие (экономических категорий)2) режим (работы); протекание (процесса)3) поведение4) свойства; характеристики; характер изменения -
17 behavior
1) поведение, матем. характер изменения2) работа3) режим•behavior at infinity — матем. поведение в бесконечности
independence in behavior — матем. независимость в поведении
18 behavior
= behaviour1) режим2) поведение3) свойства, характеристики•- competitive behavior
- cooperative behavior
- involuntary behavior
- market behavior
- optimizing behavior
- public behavior
- real-life behavior
- symbolic behavior
- verbal behavior -
19 behavio(u)r
1) киберн. поведение, линия поведения (организма или машины)2) характер изменения (напр., функции)•- adaptive behavior
- asymptotic behavior
- autonomous behavior
- competitive behavior
- conditional behavior
- cooperative behavior
- critical behavior
- curve behavior
- erratic behavior
- execution behavior
- exponential behavior
- functional behavior
- goal-seeking behavior
- knowledgeable behavior
- nonadaptive behavior
- non-sign-change behavior
- probabilistic behavior
- program behavior
- purposeful behavior
- quantitative behavior
- queue behavior
- rational behavior
- specified behavior
- stable behavior
- threshold behavior
- time behavior
- time-dependent behavior
- transient behavior
- unpredictable behavior
- worst-case behaviorEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > behavio(u)r
20 behavio(u)r
1) киберн. поведение, линия поведения (организма или машины)2) характер изменения (напр., функции)•- adaptive behavior
- asymptotic behavior
- autonomous behavior
- competitive behavior
- conditional behavior
- cooperative behavior
- critical behavior
- curve behavior
- erratic behavior
- execution behavior
- exponential behavior
- functional behavior
- goal-seeking behavior
- knowledgeable behavior
- nonadaptive behavior
- non-sign-change behavior
- probabilistic behavior
- program behavior
- purposeful behavior
- quantitative behavior
- queue behavior
- rational behavior
- specified behavior
- stable behavior
- threshold behavior
- time behavior
- time-dependent behavior
- transient behavior
- unpredictable behavior
- worst-case behaviorEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > behavio(u)r
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Behavior management — is similar to behavior modification. It is a less intensive version of behavior modification. In behavior modification the focus is on changing behavior, while in behavior management the focus is on maintaining order. Behavior management skills… … Wikipedia
Behavior analysis of child development — Child development in behavior analytic theory has origins in John B. Watson s behaviorism.[1] Watson wrote extensively on child development and conducted research (see Little Albert experiment). Watson was instrumental in the modification of… … Wikipedia
Cooperative learning — is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. Students must work in groups to complete tasks collectively. Unlike individual learning, students learning cooperatively capitalize on one another’s… … Wikipedia
Cooperative diversity — is a cooperative multiple antenna technique for improving or maximising total network channel capacities for any given set of bandwidths which exploits user diversity by decoding the combined signal of the relayed signal and the direct signal in… … Wikipedia
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship — Classification Protestant Orientation Baptist Polity Congregationalist Geographical areas United … Wikipedia
Cooperative federalism — (1930s 1970s) is a concept of federalism in which national, state, and local governments interact cooperatively and collectively to solve common problems, rather than making policies separately but more or less equally (such as the nineteenth… … Wikipedia
Cooperative game — This article is about a part of game theory. For video gaming, see Cooperative gameplay. For the similar feature in some board games, see cooperative board game In game theory, a cooperative game is a game where groups of players ( coalitions )… … Wikipedia
Cooperative principle — For the principles governing the functioning of cooperatives, see Rochdale Principles. In social science generally and linguistics specifically, the cooperative principle describes how people interact with one another. As phrased by Paul Grice,… … Wikipedia
Cooperative eye hypothesis — Human eye The cooperative eye hypothesis is a proposed explanation for the appearance of the human eye. It suggests that the eye s distinctive visible characteristics evolved to make it easier for humans to follow another s gaze while… … Wikipedia
Verbal Behavior (book) — Verbal Behavior is a 1957 book by psychologist B. F. Skinner, in which he analyzes human behavior, encompassing what is traditionally called language, linguistics, or speech. [Citation first=Mecca |last=Chiesa title=Radical Behaviorism: The… … Wikipedia
Egg tossing (behavior) — Egg tossing is a behavior observed in some species of birds and is related to infanticide. The activity is performed so as to increase the chances that newly laid eggs which are genetically closer to the female receive a better chance of survival … Wikipedia