Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 1 канал подаёт воду

    Makarov: a canal conveys water from (...) to (...) (...), canal conveys water from (...) to (...) (...)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > канал подаёт воду

  • 2 доставлять

    Conveyors have been erected to convey (or deliver, or transport, or carry) coal to a convenient site.

    The pipe-line conveys the water down the hillside.

    Components are installed on the cylinder assembly and forwarded to the tractor assembly area.

    An electrostatic discharge delivers the message to a muscle fiber.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > доставлять

  • 3 передавать сигнал

    The nerve fiber conveys (or transmits) the signal to the spinal cord.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > передавать сигнал

  • 4 воздух является проводником звука

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > воздух является проводником звука

  • 5 транспортные средства общего пользования

    1) General subject: public transport vehicles
    2) Economy: public conveyances
    3) Accounting: public conveys

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > транспортные средства общего пользования

  • 6 это мне мало о чем говорит

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > это мне мало о чем говорит

  • 7 это мне ничего не говорит

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > это мне ничего не говорит

  • 8 это мне о многом говорит

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > это мне о многом говорит

  • 9 это наводит на мысль, что

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > это наводит на мысль, что

  • 10 Г-170

    ИНАЧЕ ГОВОРЯ ( Invar sent adv (parenth) fixed WO
    expressed differently (used to introduce a statement that conveys the meaning of the preceding statement but phrases it differently)
    in other words
    to put it another way that is (to say).
    ...Кроме комиссий на станции есть некомиссии, иначе говоря, люди, не являющиеся членами комиссий, они стоят вне этого, заняты на других работах или вообще не служат (Соколов 1)....Besides the commissions there is a noncommission at the station too, or to put it another way, people who are not members of commissions, they stand outside them, employed at other jobs, or they don't work here at all (1a).
    С появлением Рыцаря все в доме окончательно встало на свои места. Иначе говоря, Ирина Викторовна не болела, Мансуров-Курильский снова вошел в роль по части ценных указаний, хотя и высказывал их в более лояльной форме... (Залыгин 1). With the appearance of the Knight everything in the house found its level. That is, Irina Viktorovna was no longer ill, Mansurov-Kurilsky resumed his role of order-giver, although he was fairer about it now.. (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-170

  • 11 К-4

    КАЖДОМУ СВОЁ (sent Invar fixed WO
    each person has his own fate, purpose in life, as well as his own concerns, gifts, tastes etc
    to each his own
    (in limited contexts) everybody is different it's a matter of taste each to his own taste.
    ...Ирина Викторовна вообще не боялась никаких на свете машин, не испытывала страха от того, что роботы могут вытеснить человека из жизни или стихийно взбунтоваться, как об этом написано у многих довольно умных, но теперь уже не оригинальных авторов... Пустяки! Каждому свое, машине - машинное, человеку - человеческое (Залыгин 1). There was no machine in the world that held any terrors for her (Irina Viktorovna), and she never feared that robots might displace humans or spontaneously revolt, as so many clever but no longer original writers had suggested. What nonsense that was! To each his own —the mechanical to the machine, the human to the human (1a)
    В них (стихах, написанных сознательным способом,) исчезает чудо стихотворчества, но они нравятся неискушенному читателю, потому что в них наличествует элемент пересказа, готовой мысли. Мне такие стихи не нужны. Каждому - своё (Мандельштам 2). Such verse (written in premeditated fashion), though lacking the miraculous quality of spontaneous creation, always appeals to the unschooled reader because it "tells a story" or conveys a ready-made idea. I can do without this kind of verse. Its a matter of taste (2a)
    Loan translation of the Latin suum cuique.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-4

  • 12 Т-18

    ТАК И ТАК (МОЛ (ДЕСКАТЬ» ТАК-ТО И ТАК-ТО all coll Invar sent adv (parenth)) used to indicate that what one is about to say repeats or conveys what was said by o.s. or another at an earlier time when used with a verb of speaking, adds colloquial flavor to the verb and reinforces that one is repeating words spoken earlier: he says (I said etc) he says, well, he says that (I said, well, I said that... etc) he says (I said etc), you know (, that)... he goes (I went etc)
    (go to see s.o. (write to s.o. etc)) to say, well, to say (that)... Если бы она написала мужу еще в войну: так и так, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов 1). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone...she would have had nothing to reproach herself with....But that was precisely what she had not done. She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him... (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-18

  • 13 Т-126

    И ТОГО (Particle Invar foil. by compar form of Adj or Adv) used to emphasize that the comparative form that follows conveys a higher degree of the quality in question than what is stated in the preceding context
    Запретить издание двух лежавших в издательствах рукописей проще простого. Запретить шесть киносценариев, дошедших до режиссёрской разработки, - и того легче (Войнович 1)....Nothing could have been simpler than stopping the two books in manuscript I had at a publisher's. It was even easier to prohibit the six screenplays of mine that were being worked on by directors (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-126

  • 14 иначе говоря

    [Invar: sent adv (parenth); fixed WO]
    expressed differently (used to introduce a statement that conveys the meaning of the preceding statement but phrases it differently):
    - that is (to say).
         ♦...Кроме комиссий на станции есть некомиссии, иначе говоря, люди, не являющиеся членами комиссий, они стоят вне этого, заняты на других работах или вообще не служат (Соколов 1)....Besides the commissions there is a noncommission at the station too, or to put it another way, people who are not members of commissions, they stand outside them, employed at other jobs, or they don't work here at all (1a).
         ♦ С появлением Рыцаря все в доме окончательно встало на свои места. Иначе говоря, Ирина Викторовна не болела, Мансуров-Курильский снова вошел в роль по части ценных указаний, хотя и высказывал их в более лояльной форме... (Залыгин 1). With the appearance of the Knight everything in the house found its level. That is, Irina Viktorovna was no longer ill, Mansurov-Kurilsky resumed his role of order-giver, although he was fairer about it now.. (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > иначе говоря

  • 15 каждому свое

    [sent; Invar; fixed WO]
    each person has his own fate, purpose in life, as well as his own concerns, gifts, tastes etc:
    - [in limited contexts] everybody is different;
    - each to his own taste.
         ♦...Ирина Викторовна вообще не боялась никаких на свете машин, не испытывала страха от того, что роботы могут вытеснить человека из жизни или стихийно взбунтоваться, как об этом написано у многих довольно умных, но теперь уже не оригинальных авторов... Пустяки! Каждому свое, машине - машинное, человеку - человеческое (Залыгин 1). There was no machine in the world that held any terrors for her [Irina Viktorovna], and she never feared that robots might displace humans or spontaneously revolt, as so many clever but no longer original writers had suggested. What nonsense that was! To each his own - the mechanical to the machine, the human to the human (1a) Ф В них [стихах, написанных сознательным способом,! исчезает чудо стихотворчества, но они нравятся неискушенному читателю, потому что в них наличествует элемент пересказа, готовой мысли. Мне такие стихи не нужны. Каждому - своё (Мандельштам 2). Such verse [written in premeditated fashion], though lacking the miraculous quality of spontaneous creation, always appeals to the unschooled reader because it "tells a story" or conveys a ready-made idea. I can do without this kind of verse. Its a matter of taste (2a)
    ← Loan translation of the Latin suum cuique.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > каждому свое

  • 16 так и так

    (И) ТАК и ЭТАК < ЭДАК>; (И) ТАК И ТАКall coll
    [AdvP; these forms only; fixed WO]
    1. [adv or predic (subj: human)]
    (to do or try to do sth.) in various ways:
    - first one way, then another;
    - [in limited contexts](try <do>) everything (one can).
         ♦ [Расплюев:] Как взял он [Кречинский] это дело себе в голову, как взял он дело, кинул так и этак... (Сухово-Кобылин 2). [R.:] As soon as the idea came to his [Krechinsky's] mind, he turned it over this way and that... (2b).
         ♦ Принц Ольденбургский так и эдак его [нашего представителя] уламывал, но ничего не получилось (Искандер 4). Prince Oldenburgsky tried to talk him [our spokesman] into it, first one way, then another, but he got nowhere (4a).
         ♦ Чем, скажите мне, выводить пятна с одежды? Я пробовал и так и эдак... (Булгаков 12). Will somebody please tell me how to get stains out of clothes? I tried everything (12a).
    2. [adv]
    regardless of (what one does, how events develop etc):
    - [when there are only two possible outcomes, options etc] either way.
         ♦ Невероятно, но факт - проспали! Придётся теперь ехать в Ленинград, сдавать билеты... Впрочем, самому ему, как Лёва тут же рассудил, это только на руку: ведь, так и так, он не мог бы поехать... (Битов 2). Incredible, but a fact-they had overslept! Now they would have to go to Leningrad and turn in their tickets....Then again, as Lyova decided on the spot, this was just as well for him personally: he couldn't go anyway, of course... (2a).
         ♦ "Вот что, ребятишки... ломать [ дом] так и так придётся: противопожарная безопасность" (Максимов 3). "Well, boys, here it is. You'll have to pull some of it [the house] down in any case. Fire regulations" (3a).
         ♦ "Вечером со сватами приду, - объявил Егорша. -...Чего тут канитель разводить? Ты войди в моё положение. Мне так и этак жениться надо" (Абрамов 1). 'This evening I'm coming over with the matchmakers," announced Egorsha.... "Why drag it out? Put yourself in my position. One way or another I'm going to have to get married" (1a).
         ♦ Хотя мельница была в трёх километрах от деревни на дне ущелья, он [Кунта] не чувствовал большой разницы - что самому тащить [кукурузу], что с осликом топать. И так и так идти (Искандер 4). Although the mill was three kilometers from the village at the bottom of a ravine, he [Kunta] did not see much difference - lug it [his corn] himself, tramp beside a donkey, either way he would have to walk (4a).
    [Invar; sent adv (parenth)]
    used to indicate that what one is about to say repeats or conveys what was said by o.s. or another at an earlier time; when used with a verb of speaking, adds colloquial flavor to the verb and reinforces that one is repeating words spoken earlier:
    - he says (I said etc);
    - he says, well, he says that (I said, well, I said that... etc);
    - he says (I said etc), you know (, that)...;
    - he goes (I went etc);
    - (go to see s.o. <write to s.o. etc>) to say, well, to say (that)...
         ♦ Если бы она написала мужу ешё в войну: так и так, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов 1). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone...she would have had nothing to reproach herself with....But that was precisely what she had not done. She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him... (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > так и так

  • 17 так и так дескать

    [Invar; sent adv (parenth)]
    used to indicate that what one is about to say repeats or conveys what was said by o.s. or another at an earlier time; when used with a verb of speaking, adds colloquial flavor to the verb and reinforces that one is repeating words spoken earlier:
    - he says (I said etc);
    - he says, well, he says that (I said, well, I said that... etc);
    - he says (I said etc), you know (, that)...;
    - he goes (I went etc);
    - (go to see s.o. <write to s.o. etc>) to say, well, to say (that)...
         ♦ Если бы она написала мужу ешё в войну: так и так, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов 1). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone...she would have had nothing to reproach herself with....But that was precisely what she had not done. She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him... (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > так и так дескать

  • 18 так и так мол

    [Invar; sent adv (parenth)]
    used to indicate that what one is about to say repeats or conveys what was said by o.s. or another at an earlier time; when used with a verb of speaking, adds colloquial flavor to the verb and reinforces that one is repeating words spoken earlier:
    - he says (I said etc);
    - he says, well, he says that (I said, well, I said that... etc);
    - he says (I said etc), you know (, that)...;
    - he goes (I went etc);
    - (go to see s.o. <write to s.o. etc>) to say, well, to say (that)...
         ♦ Если бы она написала мужу ешё в войну: так и так, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов 1). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone...she would have had nothing to reproach herself with....But that was precisely what she had not done. She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him... (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > так и так мол

  • 19 так-то и так-то

    [Invar; sent adv (parenth)]
    used to indicate that what one is about to say repeats or conveys what was said by o.s. or another at an earlier time; when used with a verb of speaking, adds colloquial flavor to the verb and reinforces that one is repeating words spoken earlier:
    - he says (I said etc);
    - he says, well, he says that (I said, well, I said that... etc);
    - he says (I said etc), you know (, that)...;
    - he goes (I went etc);
    - (go to see s.o. <write to s.o. etc>) to say, well, to say (that)...
         ♦ Если бы она написала мужу ешё в войну: так и так, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов 1). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone...she would have had nothing to reproach herself with....But that was precisely what she had not done. She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him... (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > так-то и так-то

  • 20 и того

    [Particle; Invar; foll. by compar form of Adj or Adv]
    used to emphasize that the comparative form that follows conveys a higher degree of the quality in question than what is stated in the preceding context:
    - even;
    - still.
         ♦ Запретить издание двух лежавших в издательствах рукописей проще простого. Запретить шесть киносценариев, дошедших до режиссёрской разработки, - и того легче (Войнович 1)....Nothing could have been simpler than stopping the two books in manuscript I had at a publisher's. It was even easier to prohibit the six screenplays of mine that were being worked on by directors (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и того

См. также в других словарях:

  • conveys — con·vey || kÉ™n veɪ v. carry, transport; bear, transmit; impart, disclose …   English contemporary dictionary

  • conveys — present third singular of convey plural of convey …   Useful english dictionary

  • Eric Conveys an Emotion — is a humor website in which Eric Wu, the site s owner, takes requests for emotions, and then posts photos of him acting out the emotions.The requests include emotions in the traditional sense such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear and annoyance …   Wikipedia

  • person who conveys a fee — index feoffor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Rhinoplasty — For the album by Primus, see Rhinoplasty (album). Rhinoplasty Intervention Rhinoplasty: The lower lateral cartilage (greater alar cartilage) exposed for plastic modification via the left nostril …   Wikipedia

  • Homeric Greek — is the form of Ancient Greek that was used by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey. It is an archaic version of Ionic Greek, with admixtures from certain other dialects, such as Aeolic Greek. It later served as the basis of Epic Greek, the language of… …   Wikipedia

  • PURITY AND IMPURITY, RITUAL — (Heb. וְטָהֳרָה טֻמְאָה, tumah ve toharah), a symbolic system according to which a pure person or object is qualified for contact with the Temple and related sancta (holy objects and spaces) while an impure person or object is disqualified from… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Life estate — A life estate is a concept used in common law and statutory law to designate the ownership of land for the duration of a person s life. In legal terms it is an estate in real property that ends at death. The owner of a life estate is called a… …   Wikipedia

  • deed — 1 n 1: something done: act (1) my free act and deed 2: a written instrument by which a person transfers ownership of real property to another see also deliver …   Law dictionary

  • Nerve — A bundle of fibers that uses electrical and chemical signals to transmit sensory and motor information from one body part to another. See nervous system. * * * A whitish cordlike structure composed of one or more bundles (fascicles) of myelinated …   Medical dictionary

  • Music and emotion — Many scientific disciplines deal with the topic of music and emotion, including philosophy, musicology and psychology. The perspective presented here is mainly a psychological one, yet some theoretical and philosophical considerations will be… …   Wikipedia

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