1 converter tilting mechanism
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > converter tilting mechanism
2 converter tilting mechanism
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > converter tilting mechanism
3 converter tilting mechanism
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > converter tilting mechanism
4 converter tilting mechanism
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > converter tilting mechanism
5 converter tilting mechanism
Техника: механизм наклона конвертераУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > converter tilting mechanism
6 converter tilting mechanism
English-Russian scientific dictionary > converter tilting mechanism
7 mechanism
1) механизм
2) закономерность
3) <engin.> механика
4) аппарат
5) устройство
– actuating mechanism
– brush-setting mechanism
– bus-watch mechanism
– cam mechanism
– casting mechanism
– chance mechanism
– claw mechanism
– closing mechanism
– compound-chain mechanism
– corrosion mechanism
– counter mechanism
– counting mechanism
– crank mechanism
– crank-and-rocker mechanism
– cross-slide mechanism
– deflection mechanism
– delay mechanism
– derive mechanism
– detent mechanism
– dissovle mechanism
– docking mechanism
– door-lifting mechanism
– double-crank mechanism
– double-lever mechanism
– drawing mechanism
– driving mechanism
– ducking dog mechanism
– dumping mechanism
– end block mechanism
– engaging mechanism
– escapement mechanism
– feedback mechanism
– film-pulling mechanism
– gripping mechanism
– high-draft mechanism
– impression mechanism
– indexing mechanism
– integrating mechanism
– latching mechanism
– lens-focusing mechanism
– leveling mechanism
– link mechanism
– link of mechanism
– lowering mechanism
– magnetization mechanism
– mold-moving mechanism
– operating mechanism
– perforating mechanism
– pick-up mechanism
– picking mechanism
– plain mechanism
– printing mechanism
– pull-back mechanism
– quadric-crank mechanism
– quick-release mechanism
– rake mechanism
– rapid-traverse mechanism
– reading mechanism
– retention mechanism
– reversed mechanism
– reversing mechanism
– roll-separating mechanism
– screw mechanism
– screw-down mechanism
– screwdown mechanism
– selector mechanism
– sensing mechanism
– shaker mechanism
– sheet-separating mechanism
– slider-crank mechanism
– sowing mechanism
– space-band key mechanism
– spreading mechanism
– stripper mechanism
– swinging mechanism
– switching mechanism
– symbol-printing mechanism
– tape-drive mechanism
– tarnsfer mechanism
– threshing mechanism
– tilting mechanism
– time-lapse mechanism
– transmission mechanism
– tripping mechanism
– twisting mechanism
– vestibular mechanism
– working mechanism
automatic pitch-control mechanism — <aeron.> автомат перекоса
disk-cell seeding mechanism — ячеисто-дисковый высевающий аппарат
8 mechanism
1) механизм; аппарат; устройство3) механика; техника•- parallel link mechanism - peg-type threshing mechanism - positive feedback mechanism - precision sowing mechanism -
9 tilting
1) слитковый
2) качание
3) опрокидывание
4) опрокидывающий
5) качающийся
6) наклон ∙ converter tilting mechanism ≈ механизм наклона конвертера platform tilting mechanism ≈ механизм наклона платформы - tilting angle - tilting chair - tilting level - tilting magazine - tilting mechanism - tilting moment - tilting operator наклонение, опрокидывание и пр. - * moment( специальное) опрокидывающий момент - * seat (автомобильное) откидное сиденье киносъемка вертикальной панорамой (историческое) (рыцарский) поединок, турнир (тж. * match) - * lance /spear/ копье для( рыцарского) поединка /турнира/ -
10 tilting
1) слитковый
2) качание
3) опрокидывание
4) опрокидывающий
5) качающийся
6) наклон
– tilting chair
– tilting level
– tilting magazine
– tilting mechanism
– tilting moment
11 mechanism
1) механизм; (механическое) устройство2) механизм [схема\] действия, процесса или реакции•mechanism for flattening metal strip mechanism — машина для правки полос металла-
by literal data mechanism
by reference data mechanism
by value data mechanism
access mechanism
accumulating mechanism
active mechanism
actuating mechanism
aileron droop mechanism
androgynous docking mechanism
antenna drive mechanism
artificial recovery mechanism
automatic adjustment mechanism
automatic breaker advance mechanism
automatic drain mechanism
automatic feed mechanism
automatic focusing mechanism
automatic needle selection mechanism
automatic takeup mechanism
automatic threading mechanism
automatic toe closing mechanism
automatic tool transport mechanism
automatic transmission synchronous mechanism
backspace mechanism
banking mechanism
belt let-off mechanism
bidirectional mechanism
blade retention mechanism
blade-operating mechanism
bleed valve control mechanism
bogie-rotation mechanism
boom kickout mechanism
brace retraction mechanism
brake actuating mechanism
brake drum let-off mechanism
bunching mechanism
cam mechanism
cam-and-lever mechanism
carbon ribbon takeup mechanism
casting-centering mechanism
casting-withdrawal mechanism
chopper bar mechanism
clamping mechanism
claw mechanism
clutch withdrawal mechanism
coin mechanism
color control mechanism
computer-oriented mechanism
constant pitch spacing mechanism
constant yam speed let-off mechanism
control mechanism
converter tilting mechanism
copying mechanism
Cottrell mechanism
crank mechanism
crimp mechanism
cross border mechanism
crossing-gate mechanism
cryoprotection mechanism
cutting mechanism
data mechanism
decision mechanism
defibrator feed mechanism
deformation mechanism
discharging mechanism
disk-drive mechanism
disk-type reserve yarn feeding mechanism
dispensing mechanism
distributor mechanism
dividing mechanism
docking mechanism
door-lifting mechanism
door-removing mechanism
doors sequence mechanism
drilling mechanism
drive mechanism
dropper Jacquard mechanism
dual-diaphragm advance mechanism
electric switch mechanism
electric takedown mechanism
electrical let-off mechanism
electric let-off mechanism
electrode-positioning mechanism
electronic beam control mechanism
emergency governor mechanism
engine shutoff mechanism
engine torquemeter mechanism
erection mechanism
escapement mechanism
executing mechanism
expanding brake let-off mechanism
failure mechanism
fall plate mechanism
feathering mechanism
feeding mechanism
feed mechanism
feel spring mechanism
film advance mechanism
film collapsing mechanism
film drive mechanism
film-transport mechanism
finger tilt mechanism
fire-advance mechanism
flashover mechanism
following mechanism
fracture mechanism
friction brake let-off mechanism
friction mechanism
future azimuth mechanism
gate-operating mechanism
gathering mechanism
gear locking mechanism
gear retracting mechanism
gear shift mechanism
Geneva cross mechanism
gripping mechanism
gyro leveling mechanism
hardening mechanism
hoisting mechanism
hold-down mechanism
hosiery stitch control mechanism
hydraulic let-off mechanism
indexing mechanism
inertia drive mechanism
inking mechanism
input mechanism
invert mechanism
jaw-release mechanism
jet and flapper mechanism
kickoff mechanism
latches-equipped docking mechanism
latching mechanism
let-off mechanism
lid-lifting mechanism
lifting mechanism
link mechanism
load feel mechanism
locking mechanism
Mach-feel mechanism
machine wear mechanism
make-and-break mechanism
maltese-cross mechanism
manipulator mechanism
Mayer let-off mechanism
measurement mechanism
measuring mechanism
mechanical let-off mechanism
mold-moving mechanism
mold-reciprocating mechanism
motor-operated mechanism
motor-operated spring mechanism
natural recovery mechanism
needle bar down motion mechanism
needle selecting mechanism
open active mechanism
operating mechanism
orienting mechanism
output mechanism
paper-advance mechanism
parallel control mechanism
parison transfer mechanism
parts-feeder mechanism
pattern chain mechanism
pattern drum mechanism
pattern mechanism
pattern wheels mechanism
peg control drum mechanism
periphery-type docking mechanism
periphery docking mechanism
pick-and-place mechanism
pip squeak mechanism
pipe kickoff mechanism
pitch-changing mechanism
pitch-control mechanism
pitch-lock mechanism
planting mechanism
point operating mechanism
position sensing mechanism
positive warp let-off mechanism
positive let-off mechanism
positive intermittent let-off mechanism
pouring nozzle and stopper rod mechanism
power takeoff mechanism
predetermined rackage stop mechanism
presser foot mechanism
printing mechanism
propeller synchronization mechanism
proportional pitch spacing mechanism
pull-down claw mechanism
pull-down mechanism
pulling-and-running mechanism
push-up mechanism
q-feel mechanism
quick stitch mechanism
rack mechanism
recovery mechanism
registration mechanism
release mechanism
releasing mechanism
relief mechanism
reversing mechanism
ribbon feed mechanism
ribbon lift mechanism
rocker mechanism
rolling-up mechanism
roof swinging mechanism
rough air mechanism
sag-bending mechanism
scanner fabric stop-motion mechanism
screw-down mechanism
seeding mechanism
self-threading mechanism
self-timing mechanism
selvage stiffener mechanism
servo mechanism
shear mechanism
shift mechanism
shutter dissolve mechanism
single frame mechanism
slitting mechanism
sluicing mechanism
snap-action mechanism
spacing mechanism
spatial mechanism
spoiler differential mechanism
starting mechanism
step mechanism
stitch-holding mechanism
stitch-shortening mechanism
stop motion mechanism
stopping mechanism
strip-processing mechanism
takedown tension mechanism
takedown mechanism
takeup mechanism
tape-drive mechanism
tape-feed mechanism
tape-recording mechanism
tape-transport mechanism
tilt mechanism
tilting-basket mechanism
tool-lock mechanism
tool-select mechanism
transfer mechanism
transfer-loader mechanism
transmission shift mechanism
trigger mechanism
tripping mechanism
tuning mechanism
twisting mechanism
upset mechanism
vacuum advance mechanism
variable aperture diaphragm mechanism
warp stop motion mechanism
weft color change mechanism
weft insertion mechanism
weighing mechanism
welt mechanism
wind disturbance mechanism
wrapping mechanism -
12 tilting
1. наклон2. наклоняющийся; кантующий3. опрокидывающий -
13 converter
1) конвертер
2) конвертерный
3) реактор-конвертер
4) умформер
5) преобразователь
6) преобразовательный
7) преобразователь сигналов
– analog-digital converter
– analog-digital converter
– analog-to-digital converter
– arc converter
– basic converter
– binary-to-decimal converter
– bottom-blown converter
– code converter
– converter gas
– converter platform
– converter process
– converter vessel
– coordinate converter
– copper converter
– data converter
– digital-to-analog converter
– energy converter
– film converter
– frequency converter
– image converter
– line the converter
– linear-to-log converter
– mercury-arc converter
– oil converter
– phase converter
– radix converter
– reline the converter
– rotary converter
– sheath-reshaping converter
– side-blown converter
– spark-gap converter
– starch converter
– step-switch converter
– thermal converter
– top-blown converter
– torque converter
– trunnion of converter
– UHF converter
– voltage-to-number converter
commutator-type frequency converter — коллекторный преобразователь частот
domestic hot water converter — абонентский водоподогреватель
handling of converter additions — подача добавок в конвертер
silica brick-lined converter — конвертер с кислой футеровкой
static frequency converter — статический преобразователь частоты
valve-type frequency converter — вентильный преобразователь частоты
14 tilting
1. качающийся2. наклон; опрокидывание3. наклонятьСинонимический ряд:1. inclined (adj.) biased; canted; declivate; declivitous; inclined; inclining; leaning; oblique; pitched; pitching; sloped; sloping; tilted; tipped2. battling (verb) battling; combating; contending; fighting; struggling; vying; wrestling3. rolling (verb) canting; lurching; pitching; rolling; seesawing; swagging; tilting; yawing4. slanting (verb) heeling; inclining; leaning; listing; raking; reclining; slanting; sloping; tipping -
15 tilting
наклон; угол наклона -
16 tilting
наклоняющий; наклон -
17 dished-bottom converter
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > dished-bottom converter
18 eccentric converter
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > eccentric converter
19 side-blown converter
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > side-blown converter
20 small Bessemer converter
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > small Bessemer converter
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