1 convection cell
конвективная ячейка
Замкнутая система циркуляции, состоящая из чередования восходящего и нисходящего движений в жидкости, океане или атмосфере.
[ http://www.oceanographers.ru/index.php?option=com_glossary&Itemid=238]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > convection cell
2 convection cell
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > convection cell
3 convection cell
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > convection cell
4 convection cell
участок вертикального разреза гомотермичного слоя, ограниченный холодным нисходящим и теплым восходящим течениями -
5 convection cell
1) Техника: метео ячейка конвекции2) Метеорология: ячейка конвекции3) Океанография: участок вертикального разреза гомотермичного слоя, ограниченный холодным нисходящим и тёплым восходящим течениями4) Макаров: конвективная ячейка -
6 convection cell
7 convection cell
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > convection cell
8 convection cell
9 individual convection cell
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > individual convection cell
10 Benard convection cell
физ.English-Russian scientific dictionary > Benard convection cell
11 convection
1) конвекция
2) конвективный трубный
3) конвекционный
– convection current
– convection heat
– convection superheater
– forced convection
– free convection
– law of convection
– thermal convection
– turbulent convection
Benard convection cell — <phys.> ячейка Бенара
12 cell
1) клетка3) элемент7) эл. шайба ( выпрямителя)8) эл. изолировочная гильза9) камера для работы с радиоактивными веществами10) строит. сегмент ребристого свода11) мн. ч. строит. пустоты в кирпиче или камне12) машиностр. гибкий производственный модуль, ГП-модуль, ГПМ; гибкий автоматизированный участок, ГАУ; ставочный участок13) ячейка памяти14) грозовой очаг, грозовой район ( в зоне полёта)16) полигр. растровая ячейка ( формы глубокой печати)17) пищ. диффузор18) ячейка ( тарный вкладыш)•cell with free diffusion boundaries — ячейка со свободной диффузией на границе жидкостей;cell with liquid junction — ячейка с жидкостным соединением;cell with open liquid junction — ячейка с открытым жидкостным соединением;cell without transference — элемент без переноса;-
polka dot solar cell
absorbing cell
accumulator cell
acid cell
Acker cell
AD cell
aeration cell
aftertreatment cell
agglomerate cell
air-depolarizing cell
air-hydrogen fuel cell
airlift flotation cell
airproof cell
alkali-chlorine cell
alkaline cell
Allen-Moore cell
aluminum cell
amalgam cell
ammonia-air fuel cell
amorphous solar cell
anisotropically etched solar cell
aqueous fuel cell
arc-heated cell
array cell
asymmetrical cell
automated cell
back-emf cell
back-surface-field solar cell
bag-type cell
balloon calibrated solar cell
basket cathode cell
battery cell
bearing cell
Becquerel cell
bell-jar cell
bell cell
bending part cell
bifacial solar cell
Billiter cell
bimorph cell
binary cell
biomass fuel cell
bipolar cell
bit cell
body cell
body-centered cubic cell
border cell
box cell
Bragg cell
brine cell
bubble cell
cadmium cell
carbon cell
cascade solar cell
cell of table
central cell
chargeable cell
chemical cell
chlorine cell
Clark cell
cleaner cell
climatic cell
closed cell
close-packed atomic cell
color cell
combustion cell
competent cell
complex galvanic cell
composite cell
conductivity cell
consumable-electrode cell
convection cell
corrosion cell
counter electromotive cell
counter cell
counting cell
crown cell
crystal cell
data cell
delay cell
desalting cell
detector cell
diamond cubic unit cell
diaphragm cell
diffraction cell
diffused-junction solar cell
diffusion cell
disk stack cell
Doppler-resolution cell
drift field solar cell
driver cell
dry cell
dummy cell
dye cell
ECM cell
edge-illuminated solar cell
Edison storage cell
electrical electrochemical cell
electric electrochemical cell
electrical cell
electric cell
electrochemical machining cell
electroluminescent cell
electrolytic cell
electrowinning cell
emergency cell
emission cell
end cell
epitaxial solar cell
exposure cell
fabric cell
face-centered cubic cell
faceted solar cell
Faraday cell
filter cell
flat cell
flotation cell
flow-through cell
fluid cooled solar cell
fluorine cell
front-surface-field solar cell
front-wall solar cell
froth flotation cell
fuel cell
fuel debottling cell
fuel handling cell
fuel-reprocessing cell
fused cell
galvanic cell
gamma-measuring cell
gas cell
graded bandgap solar cell
grating-type solar cell
group-technology cell
Hall cell
heteroface solar cell
heterojunction solar cell
high-bandgap solar cell
high-intensity solar cell
high-level cell
high-temperature fuel cell
hole matrix vertical junction solar cell
hole matrix vertical solar cell
homojunction solar cell
hot cell
humidity cell
hydraulic load cell
hydrogen cell
hydrogenerated amorphous silicon solar cell
indicator cell
induced-junction solar cell
integral diode solar cell
intermediate-level cell
inversion layer solar cell
junction solar cell
Kerr cell
lattice cell
lead-acid cell
lead cell
lead-zinc cell
Leclanche cell
library cell
light cell
light-sensitive cell
light-switching cell
liquid crystal cell
liquid junction solar cell
lithium counterdoped silicon solar cell
lithium-chlorine cell
lithium-sulfur cell
load cell
low-bandgap solar cell
low-level cell
machining cell
magnesium cell
manufacturing cell
master cell
matrix solar cell
mat-type cell
measuring cell
memory cell
mercury cell
minimum manned machining cell
monofacial solar cell
monolithic solar cell
multibandgap solar cell
multicolor solar cell
multielectrode cell
multijunction solar cell
multilayer solar cell
multilevel cell
multipass absorption cell
NC cell
neoprene fuel cell
new fuel storage cell
nickel-cadmium cell
nickel-iron cell
nickel-zinc cell
noise cell
nonideal solar cell
normal cell
one-device cell
optimum work cell
optoelectronic cell
oxidation-reduction cell
oxygen cell
oxygen-hydrogen cell
oxyhydrogen cell
painting cell
part washing cell
partially manned machining cell
parting cell
permeabilized cell
petite cell
photochemical cell
photoconducting cell
photoelectric cell
photoelectrochemical cell
photoelectrolytical cell
photoelectrolytic cell
photoemissive cell
photogalvanic cell
photomultiplier cell
photoresistance cell
photosensitive cell
photovoltaic cell
pickling cell
piezoelectric cell
pilot cell
p-i-n solar cell
planar solar cell
plunge cell
pneumatic cell
point contact solar cell
polycrystalline solar cell
pressure cell
primary cell
processing cell
pump cell
purification cell
radar-resolution cell
radar cell
radiation hardened solar cell
range-resolution cell
rechargeable cell
rectifying cell
reference solar cell
refining cell
refresh cell
regenerative fuel cell
regulator cell
resolution cell
resting cell
retreatment cell
ribbon solar cell
robotic work cell
robot work cell
robotic cell
robotic welding cell
rocking cell
roll cell
rotating anode cell
rotating cathode cell
Schottky-barrier solar cell
Schottky solar cell
sealed cell
sealed-in cell
seawater conductivity cell
secondary cell
selenium cell
self-adapting production cell
self-contained machining cell
self-refreshing cell
self-sufficient cell
semiconductor-electrolyte junction solar cell
semimanned machining cell
shadowed solar cell
sheet solar cell
sheet-pile cell
silicon solar cell
silo cell
silver-zinc cell
single manufacturing cell
single cell
single junction solar cell
single-crystalline solar cell
slot-type cell
solar cell
solid-electrolyte cell
solid-state cell
space solar cell
spherical solar cell
spinning cell
spray-deposited solar cell
stacked solar cell
standard cell
storage cell
surface-passivated solar cell
swarf removing cell
switching cell
tandem solar cell
thermal cell
thermal conductivity cell
thermoelectric solar cell
thermogalvanic cell
thin-film solar cell
transfer cell
tube cell
twisted nematic type cell
two-mirror absorption cell
ultrathin solar cell
unit cell
unmanned production cell
vertical junction solar cell
vertical solar cell
V-groove sofar cell
voltaic cell
water cell
wedged channel solar cell
weighing cell
welding cell
Weston standard cell
Weston cell
wet cell
work cell
wraparound solar cell -
13 cell
1) ячейка
2) келья
3) кювета
4) сотовый
5) ячея
6) клетка
7) камера
8) участок
9) элемент
10) бокс
– air cell
– array cell
– balloon cell
– barrier-layer cell
– basic cell
– binary cell
– bipolar cell
– caustic-soda cell
– cell complex
– cell connector
– cell frequency
– cell jar
– cell mounting
– cell radiator
– cell switch
– cell terminal
– cell tester
– cell voltmeter
– counter-emf cell
– Daniell cell
– dry cell
– drying cell
– elementary cell
– end cell
– end cell switch
– filter cell
– force cell
– formed-type cell
– fuel cell
– galvanic cell
– gas cell
– Grove cell
– Hele-Shaw cell
– hot cell
– irreversible cell
– Kerr cell
– lead-acid cell
– Leclanche cell
– local cell
– Meidinger cell
– memory cell
– mirror cell
– nerve cell
– nickel-cadmium cell
– nickel-zinc cell
– nuclear cell
– pertaining to cell
– photoconductive cell
– photovoltaic cell
– pilot cell
– pocket-plate cell
– primary cell
– reference to cell
– regulator cell
– reversible cell
– screen cell
– secondary cell
– seed cell
– selenium cell
– silver-cadmium cell
– silver-zinc cell
– soil-pressure cell
– solar cell
– spinning cell
– standard cell
– storage cell
– storage-battery cell
– three-electrode cell
– time cell
– tubular-plate cell
– ultrasonic cell
– watertight cell
– waveguide cell
– wet cell
Benard convection cell — <phys.> ячейка Бенара
14 cell
1) клетка2) камера; ячейка, отсек; секция3) келья4) кювета5) машиностр. производственная ячейка; гибкий производственный модуль, ГПМ6) полигр. растровая ячейка ( формы глубокой печати)7) (гальванический) элемент; (питающая) батарейка8) метал. (электролитическая) ванна, электролизёр9) электр. банка аккумулятора•to attach a cell — топ. приклеивать клетку
- air cell- dry cell- gas cell- wet cell -
15 cell
клетка; ячейка
apical cell верхушечная клетка
bladdery cell пузырчатая клетка
brine cell включение рапы
collar cell Рог. воротничковая клетка
convection cell конвективная ячейка
Ferrel cell ячейка конвекции в средних широтах
flagellate cell Din. жгутиковая клетка
Hadley cell ячейка Гадлея (область особой циркуляции атмосферы по обе стороны экватора)
roller cell теоретическая небольшая конвекционная ячейка в верхней части мантии (на глубине от 500 км до основания земной коры)
unit cell крист. элементарная ячейка
water cell заполненная водой полость
16 ячейка конвекции
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ячейка конвекции
17 heater
1) нагревательное устройство, нагреватель; нагревательный прибор; подогреватель3) радиатор5) печь•-
air heater
air intake heater
aircraft heater
air-fired unit heater
air-vent unit heater
asphalt heater
backup heater
billet heater
blow-through unit heater
bottom-hole heater
built-in heater
built-in storage solar water heater
Butterworth heater
cab heater
cab windshield heater
cartridge heater
cathode heater
center wall updraft heater
circulation heater
closed steam heater
closed heater
coal heater
coil heater
coil-type heater
coke-oven heater
coking heater
convection heater
convector heater
coreless-type induction heater
counterflow air heater
craking heater
cycle heater
diesel fuel heater
direct-contact heater
direct-fired heater
domestic hot-water heater
domestic induction heater
door heater
double-end heater
draw-through unit heater
electric water heater
electrical heater
electric heater
electric-panel heater
electronic heater
electron-tube heater
engine heater
exhaust feed heater
feedwater heater
filament heater
fired floor tube heater
fired roof tube heater
flat-plate solar water heater
floor-type heater
floor-type unit heater
forced convection heater
forced-circulation solar water heater
fuel heater
gas fired heater
gas heater
gas water heater
gas-fired unit heater
gasoline combustion heater
heat-transfer-medium heater
high-frequency heater
high-temperature regenerative air heater
high-temperature tubular air heater
horizontal air heater
hot-air heater
hysteresis heater
immersion heater
indirect-fired heater
induced-flow heater
induction heater
infrared heater
jacket water heater
line heater
loop heater
low-frequency heater
mine air heater
multicell heater
multipass heater
multiple-pass solar air heater
multistream heater
nodew window heater
oil heater
open heater
parallel air heater
pebble heater
pipe heater
pipeline heater
plasma heater
plate-type air heater
pot heater
pressurizer heater
production testing heater
proportional heater
radiant heater
radiant tube heater
radiation heater
rail heater
raw-juice heater
recessed wall heater
recuperative air heater
recuperative heater
regenerative air heater
regenerative heater
regulator heater
resistance heater
ring heater
rod-type heater
rotary air heater
self-contained heater
shallow solar pond water heater
single-pass heater
solar air heater
solar collector-storage water heater
solar heater
space heater
split flow heater
steam air heater
steam heater
steam unit heater
steam-water unit heater
storage heater
strip heater
submerged combustor heater
subpump-mounted electric heater
suspended type unit heater
switch heater
tapped heater
thermosiphon circulation solar water heater
thermostatically controlled heater
through-flow heater
tire heater
top heater
trace heater
traveling heater
tube heater
tube still heater
tubular air heater
tubular heater
tungsten-rod heater
two-cell heater
two-glass-cover solar air heater
two-pass solar air heater
unit heater
vertical air heater
vulcanizing heater
warm-air heater
waste heater
water heater
wave heater -
18 furnace
1) печь2) топка, топочная камера5) термостат ( в хроматографии)•-
anode-drop furnace
Pulse furnace
acid furnace
acid open-hearth furnace
air furnace
air tempering furnace
Ajax furnace
all-basic furnace
all-electric furnace
all-radiant furnace
annealing furnace
annular furnace
arc furnace
ash fusion furnace
asphalt furnace
assay furnace
bakeout furnace
barrel-type furnace
basic furnace
basic open-hearth furnace
basic oxygen furnace
batch-type furnace
batch furnace
bath-type furnace
bath furnace
bell-type furnace
belt furnace
belt-charged blast furnace
belt-heating furnace
bifurcated furnace
biscuit furnace
black furnace
blackening furnace
blast furnace
bogie hearth furnace
bogie furnace
bogie-type furnace
boiler furnace
boosted furnace
bottom-electrode arc furnace
bottom-fired walking-beam furnace
box furnace
brick furnace
bung-type roof furnace
burnout furnace
calcining furnace
car furnace
carborundum furnace
carburizing furnace
catalyst furnace
catenary arch furnace
catenary furnace
cathode-ray furnace
cellulating furnace
ceramic furnace
chamber furnace
channel-gasification furnace
circular furnace
closed-top furnace
coal-fired furnace
coil-heating furnace
coiling furnace
cold top furnace
cold-charged furnace
combined direct flame-radiant tube furnace
compartment furnace
consumable electrode arc furnace
continuous annealing furnace
continuous furnace
continuous pack-and-pair heating furnace
continuous single-strand furnace
conveyortype furnace
conveyor furnace
copper blast furnace
copper-smelting furnace
coreless-type induction furnace
coreless induction furnace
core-type induction furnace
corner-fired furnace
cracking furnace
cross-fired furnace
crucible furnace
crucible melting furnace
crystal growing furnace
crystal-pulling furnace
cupelling furnace
cupel furnace
cupola furnace
cyaniding furnace
cyclone furnace
descaling furnace
devitrification furnace
diffusion furnace
direct resistance furnace
direct-arc conducting hearth furnace
direct-arc furnace
direct-fired furnace
direct-fired reducing furnace
divided furnace
double-bed furnace
double-crown furnace
double-end fired furnace
double-hearth furnace
down-draft furnace
downshot-type furnace
downward-fired furnace
drip furnace
dry-bottom furnace
dry furnace
EB furnace
electric furnace
electric pig-iron furnace
electric pit-type heating furnace
electric resistance furnace
electric steel furnace
electric-tube furnace
electrode-hearth arc furnace
electrolytic furnace
electron beam furnace
electroslag remelting furnace
enameling furnace
enamel furnace
end-fired furnace
epitaxial furnace
equalizing furnace
equiflux furnace
fagoted iron furnace
ferroalloy furnace
fired top and bottom furnace
firing furnace
fixed furnace
fixed open-hearth furnace
fixed roof-type furnace
flame furnace
flash furnace
flat glass furnace
flattening furnace
fluid-bed furnace
forging furnace
Fourcault tank furnace
frit furnace
front-door furnace
front-fired furnace
gantry-type furnace
garbage furnace
gas chamber furnace
gas furnace
gas-fired radiant tube furnace
gas-reforming furnace
glass furnace
glass-bending furnace
glass-foam furnace
glass-melting furnace
glazing furnace
gradient furnace
graphite rod melting furnace
hand-rabbled furnace
hardening furnace
hearth furnace
heating furnace
heat-treatment furnace
Heroult electric arc furnace
high-frequency furnace
high-frequency induction furnace
high-frequency steel furnace
high-temperature solar furnace
high-top pressure blast furnace
holding furnace
holding-melting furnace
hood-type annealing furnace
horizontal ring furnace
hot air furnace
ignition furnace
immersed electrode salt-bath furnace
immersion-burner furnace
immersion furnace
in-and-out furnace
independent-arc furnace
indirect resistance furnace
indirect-arc furnace
induction crucible furnace
induction low-frequency furnace
induction melting furnace
induction-arc furnace
induction furnace
induction-stirred furnace
ingot heating furnace
iron-and-steel furnaces
iron-melting furnace
LD furnace
lift-and-swing-aside roof furnace
lift-coil induction furnace
lift-off bell-type furnace
lift-off bell furnace
liquid-ball furnace
low-frequency furnace
low-shaft furnace
low-thermal mass furnace
Maerz-Boelens furnace
malleable annealing furnace
Martin furnace
matting furnace
mechanically rabbled furnace
melting furnace
mesh belt conveyor furnace
Miguet furnace
moving belt furnace
muffle furnace
multiple-bedded furnace
multistack annealing furnace
multistage furnace
nitriding furnace
nonferrous melting furnace
nonoxidizing annealing furnace
normalizing furnace
oil-fired furnace
one-zone furnace
open gas furnace
open-flame furnace
open-hearth furnace
open-hearth rolling furnace
open-top furnace
opposed-firing furnace
ore furnace
ore-smelting furnace
overburdened furnace
oxidation furnace
permeable-lining furnace
petroleum furnace
pipe furnace
pit-type furnace
pit furnace
plasmarc furnace
plate-glass furnace
plate furnace
porcelain-enamel furnace
positive pressure furnace
pot furnace
pot-and-muffle furnace
preheating furnace
pressure-fired furnace
printing furnace
producer furnace
protective gas furnace
pulverized-coal dry-ash furnace
pulverized-coal furnace
pulverized-coal slag-tap furnace
pusher-type furnace
pusher furnace
quartz-melting furnace
quartz furnace
quenching furnace
rabbling furnace
radiant tubular furnace
radiation furnace
reaction furnace
recirculation forced convection furnace
recirculation furnace
rectangular hood furnace
recuperative continuous furnace
recuperative furnace
refining furnace
reforming furnace
regenerative furnace
removable cover furnace
resistance arc furnace
resistance element salt-bath furnace
resistance furnace
resistance tube furnace
resistance-heated pot-type furnace
resistance-heating muffle furnace
resistor furnace
resistor melting furnace
reverberating furnace
ring furnace
roasting furnace
rocking arc furnace
rocking furnace
rocking resistor furnace
Rohn furnace
roller-hearth furnace
roof lance furnace
rotary hearth furnace
rotating-bath furnace
rotor furnace
runout-body furnace
salt furnace
sealed quench furnace
self-powered furnace
semirotary melting furnace
shaft furnace
shaft-coking furnace
sheet-glass furnace
sheet furnace
shelf furnace
short annealing furnace
side-charged furnace
side-port furnace
singeing furnace
single furnace
single pot furnace
single-cell furnace
single-stack annealing furnace
sintering furnace
sinter furnace
skull furnace
slag-drip furnace
slagging-bottom furnace
slag-tap furnace
sloping hearth furnace
smelting furnace
solar furnace
soldering furnace
Solvex cracking furnace
spark-gap converter furnace
stationary open-hearth furnace
steel-making furnace
steel furnace
strand-type furnace
stress-relieving furnace
submerged-arc furnace
supercharged furnace
sweat furnace
symmetric LD furnace
tandem furnace
tangentially fired furnace
tank furnace
three-cell furnace
three-phase ore-smelting furnace
three-storied furnace
through-type retort furnace
tile furnace
tilling furnace
tilting open-hearth furnace
tipping furnace
top hat annealing furnace
top-charge furnace
top-fired heating furnace
toughening furnace
tower-type furnace
traveling hearth furnace
triple-bell furnace
triple-fired furnace
tube furnace
twin furnace
underfeed furnace
upshot fired furnace
upshot furnace
vacuum furnace
vacuum-arc-refining furnace
vacuum-induction furnace
versatile bar furnace
vertical pull-through furnace
VIM furnace
walking beam furnace
warm-air furnace
water-cooled furnace
water-cooled infrared furnace
water-jacketed furnace
water-jacket furnace
water-walled furnace
wet-bottom furnace
wind furnace
zinc-distillation furnace
zone melting furnace -
19 FCC
1) Военный термин: Chief Fire Controlman, Fire Coordination Center, facilities control console, field camera control, field control center, fighter control center, fire control code, fire control computer, fire control console, first-class certificate, fleet command center, flight communications center, flight control center, flight control computer, flight control console, flight control container, flight coordination center, forward communications center2) Техника: face centered cube, fixed ceramic capacitor, fuel cycle center3) Сельское хозяйство: Food Contaminants Commission (US)4) Шутливое выражение: Federal Cash Cow, Fee Collection Commission, Friends Of Clear Channel5) Химия: Face Centered Cubic, Food Chemical Codex7) Юридический термин: Federal Communications Commission, КИО, код иностранной организации8) Фармакология: Food Chemicals Codex, Кодекс о пищевых химических продуктах9) Грубое выражение: Fuck Consumer Concerns, Fuckin Chino's Crazy, Fuckin Chinos Crazy10) Телекоммуникации: Forward Control Channel, Федеральное агентство по связи США11) Сокращение: Federal Communications Commission (USA), Federal Computer Conference, Federal Council of Churches, Fire Control Centre, Fleet Command Centre, Flight Control Centre, Face-Centred Cubic crystal lattice12) Университет: Florida Christian College, Freshman Class Council13) Физиология: Fracture, Compound, Comminuted14) Электроника: Flat Conductor Cable15) Вычислительная техника: Forward Carbon Copy (DFUE), Fast Communication Controler (SCC, MCC), Federal Communications Commission (US Government), Federal Communications Commission (organization, USA), federal communication commission17) Иммунология: follicle centre cell18) Вирусология: flu cell culture19) Космонавтика: False Colour Composites20) Пищевая промышленность: Food Chemicals Codex21) Фирменный знак: Federal Contracts Consulting, Fisher Controls Company, Fortin Construction Company, Inc.22) Реклама: Федеральная комиссия связи (США)23) Деловая лексика: Factory Clearance Center, File Carbon Copy, Filed Carbon Copy, Folder Carbon Copy24) Кристаллография: ГЦК, гранецентрированный кубический, face-centered cubic25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: fluid catalytic cracking unit, флюид-каталитический крекинг (fluid catalytic cracking)26) Сетевые технологии: Федеральная комиссия связи США27) Программирование: Form Constant Character, Form Constant Characters28) Автоматика: fixed curvic coupling29) Полупроводники: face centred cubic30) Сахалин Р: fluid catalytic cracking31) Безопасность: Full Cycle Checking33) Электротехника: flexible control cable, fluid convection cathode, frequency-to-current converter34) США: комиссия по коммуникациям35) Майкрософт: Федеральная комиссия по связи США -
20 fcc
1) Военный термин: Chief Fire Controlman, Fire Coordination Center, facilities control console, field camera control, field control center, fighter control center, fire control code, fire control computer, fire control console, first-class certificate, fleet command center, flight communications center, flight control center, flight control computer, flight control console, flight control container, flight coordination center, forward communications center2) Техника: face centered cube, fixed ceramic capacitor, fuel cycle center3) Сельское хозяйство: Food Contaminants Commission (US)4) Шутливое выражение: Federal Cash Cow, Fee Collection Commission, Friends Of Clear Channel5) Химия: Face Centered Cubic, Food Chemical Codex7) Юридический термин: Federal Communications Commission, КИО, код иностранной организации8) Фармакология: Food Chemicals Codex, Кодекс о пищевых химических продуктах9) Грубое выражение: Fuck Consumer Concerns, Fuckin Chino's Crazy, Fuckin Chinos Crazy10) Телекоммуникации: Forward Control Channel, Федеральное агентство по связи США11) Сокращение: Federal Communications Commission (USA), Federal Computer Conference, Federal Council of Churches, Fire Control Centre, Fleet Command Centre, Flight Control Centre, Face-Centred Cubic crystal lattice12) Университет: Florida Christian College, Freshman Class Council13) Физиология: Fracture, Compound, Comminuted14) Электроника: Flat Conductor Cable15) Вычислительная техника: Forward Carbon Copy (DFUE), Fast Communication Controler (SCC, MCC), Federal Communications Commission (US Government), Federal Communications Commission (organization, USA), federal communication commission17) Иммунология: follicle centre cell18) Вирусология: flu cell culture19) Космонавтика: False Colour Composites20) Пищевая промышленность: Food Chemicals Codex21) Фирменный знак: Federal Contracts Consulting, Fisher Controls Company, Fortin Construction Company, Inc.22) Реклама: Федеральная комиссия связи (США)23) Деловая лексика: Factory Clearance Center, File Carbon Copy, Filed Carbon Copy, Folder Carbon Copy24) Кристаллография: ГЦК, гранецентрированный кубический, face-centered cubic25) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: fluid catalytic cracking unit, флюид-каталитический крекинг (fluid catalytic cracking)26) Сетевые технологии: Федеральная комиссия связи США27) Программирование: Form Constant Character, Form Constant Characters28) Автоматика: fixed curvic coupling29) Полупроводники: face centred cubic30) Сахалин Р: fluid catalytic cracking31) Безопасность: Full Cycle Checking33) Электротехника: flexible control cable, fluid convection cathode, frequency-to-current converter34) США: комиссия по коммуникациям35) Майкрософт: Федеральная комиссия по связи США
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См. также в других словарях:
Convection cell — Altocumulus cloud as seen from the space shuttle. Altocumulus is formed through convective activity. See also: Convection A convection cell is a phenomenon of fluid dynamics that occurs in situations where there are density differences within a… … Wikipedia
convection cell — Physics. a distinct volume of circulating fluid, in a fluid medium under gravity, that is heated from below and cooled from above: usually found in large groupings. * * * … Universalium
convection cell — noun A loop of moving fluid (such as air or water) in which the motion results from differences in density caused by differences in temperature … Wiktionary
convection cell — Physics. a distinct volume of circulating fluid, in a fluid medium under gravity, that is heated from below and cooled from above: usually found in large groupings … Useful english dictionary
Convection — This figure shows a calculation for thermal convection in the Earth s mantle. Colors closer to red are hot areas and colors closer to blue are cold areas. A hot, less dense lower boundary layer sends plumes of hot material upwards, and likewise,… … Wikipedia
Natural convection — Bénard cells. Natural convection is a mechanism, or type of heat transport, in which the fluid motion is not generated by any external source (like a pump, fan, suction device, etc.) but only by density differences in the fluid occurring due to… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric convection — Conditions favorable for thunderstorm types and complexes Atmospheric convection is the result of a parcel environment instability, or temperature difference, layer in the atmosphere. Different lapse rates within dry and moist air lead to… … Wikipedia
Rayleigh–Bénard convection — Bénard cells. Rayleigh–Bénard convection is a type of natural convection, occurring in a plane of fluid heated from below, in which the fluid develops a regular pattern of convection cells known as Bénard cells. Rayleigh–Bénard convection is one… … Wikipedia
Elasticity of cell membranes — A cell membrane defines a boundary between the living cell and its environment. It consists of lipids, proteins,carbohydrates etc. Lipids and proteins are dominant components of membranes. One of the principal types of lipids in membranes is… … Wikipedia
Hadley cell — Circulation atmosphérique Vue idéalisée des trois cellules ou zones de circulation atmosphérique La circulation atmosphérique est le mouvement à l échelle planétaire de la couche d air entourant la Terre qui redistribue la chaleur provenant du… … Wikipédia en Français
Hadley cell — The Hadley cell is a circulation pattern that dominates the tropical atmosphere, with rising motion near the equator, poleward flow 10 15 kilometers above the surface, descending motion in the subtropics, and equatorward flow near the surface.… … Wikipedia