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См. также в других словарях:

  • Control Character —   [engl.], Steuerzeichen …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Control character — In computing and telecommunication, a control character or non printing character is a code point (a number) in a character set, that does not in itself represent a written symbol. It is in band signaling in the context of character encoding. All …   Wikipedia

  • control character —    A nonprinting character with a special meaning. Control characters, such as Carriage Return, Line Feed, Bell, or Escape, perform a specific operation on a terminal, printer, or communications line. They are grouped together as the first 32… …   Dictionary of networking

  • control character — noun ASCII characters to indicate carriage return or tab or backspace; typed by depressing a key and the control key at the same time • Syn: ↑ASCII control character • Hypernyms: ↑ASCII character • Hyponyms: ↑backspace character …   Useful english dictionary

  • control character — valdymo ženklas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Valdymo veiksmą nurodantis ↑ženklas, esantis ženklų ↑koduotėje. Valdymo ženklai neturi grafinių vaizdų (↑glifų) ir nepriskiriami ↑rašmenims. Žymimi sutartiniais kelių raidžių žymėjimais –… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • control character — Computers. a character in a data stream that signals the device receiving the data to perform a particular control function, as changing the line spacing on a printer from single to double spaced. * * * …   Universalium

  • control character —    A character whose occurrence in a given context initiates, modifies, or stops a control operation …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • control character — noun Computing a character that does not represent a printable character but serves to initiate a particular action …   English new terms dictionary

  • control character — noun A character which does not have a direct visual appearance as a glyph, but rather causes some other display action to occur, such as a transition to a new line. Examples are tab, carriage return, and line feed …   Wiktionary

  • control character — Any of 32 ASCII characters that do not print on your screen or printer. These characters are usually used to control your computer. See also CTRL …   Dictionary of telecommunications

  • ASCII control character — noun ASCII characters to indicate carriage return or tab or backspace; typed by depressing a key and the control key at the same time • Syn: ↑control character • Hypernyms: ↑ASCII character • Hyponyms: ↑backspace character …   Useful english dictionary

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