Перевод: с немецкого на русский

с русского на немецкий


См. также в других словарях:

  • riot control agent — masinių neramumų malšinimo cheminė medžiaga statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Medžiaga, laikinai sudirginanti ar sukelianti fizinį silpnumą, kuris praeina po keleto minučių pasitraukus iš jos poveikio vietos. Ilgalaikio sužalojimo rizika… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • riot control agent — masinių neramumų malšinimo cheminė medžiaga statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Medžiaga, sukelianti laikiną dirginantį ar žalojantį fizinį poveikį, kuris išnyksta per minutes, kai pasibaigia jos naudojimas. Ji nesukelia… …   Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas

  • Riot control agent — Riot control agents are less lethal lachrymatory agents used for riot control. Most commonly used riot control agents are pepper spray and various kinds of tear gas.These chemicals disperse a crowd that could be protesting, in a riot, or to clear …   Wikipedia

  • riot control agent — The employment of riot control agents and/or special tactics, formations, and equipment in the control of violent disorders …   Military dictionary

  • Agent — An agent is either: * an entity who is capable of action * someone (or something) who acts on behalf of another person.In law* Agent (law): a person authorised to act on behalf of another person ** Patent agent, or patent attorney, a professional …   Wikipedia

  • agent antiémeutes — masinių neramumų malšinimo cheminė medžiaga statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Medžiaga, laikinai sudirginanti ar sukelianti fizinį silpnumą, kuris praeina po keleto minučių pasitraukus iš jos poveikio vietos. Ilgalaikio sužalojimo rizika… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Agent Smith — The Matrix character Movie poster for The Matrix Revolutions, featuring some of the numerous copies of Smith. First appearance …   Wikipedia

  • Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London — Título Superagente Cody Banks 2: Destino Londres (España) Agente Cody Banks 2: Destino Londres (Hispanoamérica) Ficha técnica Dirección Kevin Allen …   Wikipedia Español

  • CONTROL-M — is batch scheduling software produced by BMC Software, originally written for mainframes but also available for distributed computing platforms including Unix, Windows, Linux and OpenVMS environments. BMC Software claims that CONTROL M is the… …   Wikipedia

  • agent — n 1: someone or something that acts or exerts power: a moving force in achieving some result 2: a person guided or instigated by another in some action where the heads of departments are the political...agent s of the executive, merely to execute …   Law dictionary

  • Agent handling — Agent handler is a generic term common to many intelligence organizations which can be applied to Case Officers, those who aspire to be Case officers, controllers , contacts, couriers and other assorted trainees.IntelligenceThe objectives of… …   Wikipedia

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