1 Control Bar
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Control Bar
2 control bar
3 Control Bar
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Control Bar
4 control bar
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > control bar
5 Control Bar
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > Control Bar
6 Control Bar
Нефть: баритовый утяжелитель -
7 control bar
Нефть: баритовый утяжелитель -
8 control bar
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > control bar
9 control bar
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > control bar
10 control bar
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > control bar
11 control bar
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > control bar
12 control bar
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > control bar
13 control bar
14 control bar
линейка управления; строка управляющих элементов; комплект инструментальных средств -
15 control bar
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > control bar
16 printing control bar
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > printing control bar
17 view control bar
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > view control bar
18 color control bar
Общая лексика: шкала контроля цвета -
19 exchangeable control bar
Сетевые технологии: заменяемая управляющая шинаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > exchangeable control bar
20 injector control bar
Автомобильный термин: рейка управления подачей топлива
См. также в других словарях:
BAR — 1. n., v., & prep. n. 1 a long rod or piece of rigid wood, metal, etc., esp. used as an obstruction, confinement, fastening, weapon, etc. 2 a something resembling a bar in being (thought of as) straight, narrow, and rigid (bar of soap; bar of… … Useful english dictionary
bar — 1. n., v., & prep. n. 1 a long rod or piece of rigid wood, metal, etc., esp. used as an obstruction, confinement, fastening, weapon, etc. 2 a something resembling a bar in being (thought of as) straight, narrow, and rigid (bar of soap; bar of… … Useful english dictionary
BAR KOKHBA — (d. 135 C.E.), leader of the revolt in Judea against Rome (132–135 C.E.). The Man and the Leader Bar Kokhba is known in talmudic sources as Ben Kozevah, Bar Kozevah, or Ben Koziva (Heb. בן כוזבה, בר כוסבא, בן כוזיבא; Sanh. 93b; BK 97b; TJ, Ta an … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Control chart — One of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality First described by Walter A. Shewhart … Wikipedia
Control reconfiguration — is an active approach in control theory to achieve fault tolerant control for dynamic systems [1]. It is used when severe faults, such as actuator or sensor outages, cause a break up of the control loop, which must be restructured to prevent… … Wikipedia
BAR MITZVAH, BAT MITZVAH — (Heb. masc. בַּר מִצְוָה, fem. בַּת מִצְוָה; lit. son/daughter of the commandment, i.e., a person under obligation, responsible), term denoting both the attainment of religious and legal maturity as well as the occasion at which this status is… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
control — con·trol vt con·trolled, con·trol·ling 1: to exercise restraining or directing influence over esp. by law 2: to have power or authority over precedent control s the outcome in this case 3: to have controlling interest in control n … Law dictionary
BAR GIORA, SIMEON — BAR GIORA, SIMEON, Jewish military leader in the war against Rome (66–70 C.E.). Simeon was born, according to Josephus, in gerasa , a large Hellenistic city in Transjordan, where the Jews lived in peace with the city s non Jewish population. Some … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Control Module Industries — Type Private Industry Electronics Manufacturing Time Attendance Vehicle Electrification Shorepower Equipment Fleet Management Founder(s) James S. Bianco Headquarters … Wikipedia
bar code — ► NOUN ▪ a code in the form of a set of stripes of varying widths that can be read by a computer, printed on a product and identifying it for stock control … English terms dictionary
control rod — n. an adjustable rod or bar containing a neutron absorbing material or, in a fast reactor, fuel used to regulate the fission chain reaction inside a nuclear reactor core … English World dictionary