1 contractor's association
Англо-русский экономический словарь > contractor's association
2 Pipeline Contractor's Association
Ассоциация подрядчиков по производству трубопроводов
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Pipeline Contractor's Association
3 Pipe Line Contractor's Association
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Pipe Line Contractor's Association
4 Pipeline Contractor's Association
Нефтегазовая техника Ассоциация подрядчиков по строительству трубопроводовУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Pipeline Contractor's Association
5 Pipeline Contractor's Association
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > Pipeline Contractor's Association
1) Техника: Pipe Line Contractor's Association2) Бухгалтерия: purchase ledger control account -
[Pipeline Contractors Association] — Ассоциация подрядчиков по строительству трубопроводов
* * *
сокр.[Pipe Line Contractors Association] Ассоциация подрядчиков по строительству трубопроводов* * * -
- Ассоциация подрядчиков по строительству трубопроводов
- Ассоциация подрядчиков по производству трубопроводов
Ассоциация подрядчиков по производству трубопроводов
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > PLCA
сокр. [Pipe Line Contractor's Association] Ассоциация подрядчиков по строительству трубопроводов -
сокр. от Pipe Line Contractor's Association -
Pipe Line Contractor's Association - Ассоциация подрядчиков по строительству трубопроводов -
12 ACA
1) Общая лексика: Консультативный комитет по распределению2) Компьютерная техника: adaptive channel assignment3) Авиация: airline customization analysis4) Медицина: asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis5) Французский язык: Канадо-американская (благотворительно-страховая) ассоциация (сокр от Association Canado-Américaine = Canadian-American Association)7) Военный термин: Advisory Committee on Aeroballistics, After Contract Award, Air Combat Command, Airborne Collection Assembly, Airlift Clearance Authorities, Airspace Coordination Area, Allied Command, Atlantic, American Cadet Alliance, Andres Castro Arms, Armaments Control Agency, Arms Control Association, Army Control Authority, Automatic Channel Assignment, Automatic Conference Arranger, advanced cargo aircraft, advanced combat aircraft, agile combat aircraft, air combat analysis, air coordination area, airlift clearance authority, airspace control authority, all composite aircraft, alternate command authority, awaiting combat assignment, орган по контролю за воздушно-космическим пространством (сокр от Aerospace Control Authority)8) Техника: Ammoniacal Copper Arsenite, adaptive clutter attenuator, adjacent channel attenuation, altitude control assembly, annual cutting area, attitude control assembly, automatic call acceptance, automatic call analysis, automatic circuit analyzer, azimuth control amplifier10) Бухгалтерия: Accreditation Council for Accountancy, Actual Cost Adjustment, Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales11) Фармакология: антикомплементарное действие (anticomplement ary activity)12) Финансы: accession compensatory amounts13) Телекоммуникации: Automatic Circuit Assurance14) Сокращение: Advanced Cargo Aircraft (US Army), Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, After Contract Award (2004), Allied Control Authority, Ammunition Container Assembly, Armament Control Agency, Associate Contractor Agreement, American Communications Association, adjacent-channel attenuation, automatic circuit analyser, Australian Council of Aeronautics (Австралийский авиационный совет), American Camping Association (Американская (туристическая) ассоциация кемпинга), American Collectors Association (Американская ассоциация инкассаторов кредитной задолженности), American Corriedale Association (Американская ассоциация по разведению овец корриедейлской породы), American Correctional Association (Американская ассоциация содействия улучшению условий тюремного содержания), American Carnivals Association (Американская ассоциация специалистов по организации карнавалов), American Cotton Association (Американская ассоциация экспортёров хлопка), American College of Allergists (Американская корпорация аллергологов), American College of Anesthesiologists (Американская корпорация анестезиологов), American College of Apothecaries (Американская корпорация аптекарей), American Crystallographic Association (Американская кристаллографическая ассоциация), American Canoe Association (Американская любительская ассоциация каноэ-байдарочного спорта), Aeroclub of America (Американский аэроклуб), American Composers Alliance (Американский союз композиторов), Associated Chiropodists of America (Американское объединение врачей — специалистов по лечению заболеваний рук и ног), Anglers’ Co-operative Association (Кооперативная ассоциация рыболовов-спортсменов (Великобритания)), Agricultural Cooperative Association (Сельскохозяйственная кооперативная ассоциация (Великобритания)), Alaska Coastal Airlines (наименование американской компании воздушных сообщений)15) Электроника: Anisotropically Conductive Adhesive16) Вычислительная техника: Application Control Architecture, Asynchronous Communications Adapter, архитектура управления приложениями, область памяти для хранения активной конфигурации17) Биохимия: aminocephalosporonic acid18) Транспорт: Advance Cargo Advice19) Пищевая промышленность: Agricultural Crop Additive20) Радиолокация: адаптивный ослабитель сигналов, обусловленных мешающими отражениями (сокр от adaptive clutter attenuator)21) Фирменный знак: Anti Copyright Association, Apples Of California Agriculture, Asean Cosmetic Association22) СМИ: Association of Canadian Advertisers23) Деловая лексика: A Cut Above, AGRICULTURAL CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS24) Сетевые технологии: Address Control Application, American Communication Association, Американская ассоциация связи25) Расширение файла: Project Manager Workbench Project file26) Общественная организация: Adult Children Of Alcoholics, Alley Cat Allies, American Camp Association, Animal Charities of America, Asia Children's Assistance, LTD, AsiaChildren's Assistance, LTD27) NYSE. Alabama Power Company29) Программное обеспечение: Arithmetical Comprehension Axiom -
13 AcA
1) Общая лексика: Консультативный комитет по распределению2) Компьютерная техника: adaptive channel assignment3) Авиация: airline customization analysis4) Медицина: asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis5) Французский язык: Канадо-американская (благотворительно-страховая) ассоциация (сокр от Association Canado-Américaine = Canadian-American Association)7) Военный термин: Advisory Committee on Aeroballistics, After Contract Award, Air Combat Command, Airborne Collection Assembly, Airlift Clearance Authorities, Airspace Coordination Area, Allied Command, Atlantic, American Cadet Alliance, Andres Castro Arms, Armaments Control Agency, Arms Control Association, Army Control Authority, Automatic Channel Assignment, Automatic Conference Arranger, advanced cargo aircraft, advanced combat aircraft, agile combat aircraft, air combat analysis, air coordination area, airlift clearance authority, airspace control authority, all composite aircraft, alternate command authority, awaiting combat assignment, орган по контролю за воздушно-космическим пространством (сокр от Aerospace Control Authority)8) Техника: Ammoniacal Copper Arsenite, adaptive clutter attenuator, adjacent channel attenuation, altitude control assembly, annual cutting area, attitude control assembly, automatic call acceptance, automatic call analysis, automatic circuit analyzer, azimuth control amplifier10) Бухгалтерия: Accreditation Council for Accountancy, Actual Cost Adjustment, Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales11) Фармакология: антикомплементарное действие (anticomplement ary activity)12) Финансы: accession compensatory amounts13) Телекоммуникации: Automatic Circuit Assurance14) Сокращение: Advanced Cargo Aircraft (US Army), Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, After Contract Award (2004), Allied Control Authority, Ammunition Container Assembly, Armament Control Agency, Associate Contractor Agreement, American Communications Association, adjacent-channel attenuation, automatic circuit analyser, Australian Council of Aeronautics (Австралийский авиационный совет), American Camping Association (Американская (туристическая) ассоциация кемпинга), American Collectors Association (Американская ассоциация инкассаторов кредитной задолженности), American Corriedale Association (Американская ассоциация по разведению овец корриедейлской породы), American Correctional Association (Американская ассоциация содействия улучшению условий тюремного содержания), American Carnivals Association (Американская ассоциация специалистов по организации карнавалов), American Cotton Association (Американская ассоциация экспортёров хлопка), American College of Allergists (Американская корпорация аллергологов), American College of Anesthesiologists (Американская корпорация анестезиологов), American College of Apothecaries (Американская корпорация аптекарей), American Crystallographic Association (Американская кристаллографическая ассоциация), American Canoe Association (Американская любительская ассоциация каноэ-байдарочного спорта), Aeroclub of America (Американский аэроклуб), American Composers Alliance (Американский союз композиторов), Associated Chiropodists of America (Американское объединение врачей — специалистов по лечению заболеваний рук и ног), Anglers’ Co-operative Association (Кооперативная ассоциация рыболовов-спортсменов (Великобритания)), Agricultural Cooperative Association (Сельскохозяйственная кооперативная ассоциация (Великобритания)), Alaska Coastal Airlines (наименование американской компании воздушных сообщений)15) Электроника: Anisotropically Conductive Adhesive16) Вычислительная техника: Application Control Architecture, Asynchronous Communications Adapter, архитектура управления приложениями, область памяти для хранения активной конфигурации17) Биохимия: aminocephalosporonic acid18) Транспорт: Advance Cargo Advice19) Пищевая промышленность: Agricultural Crop Additive20) Радиолокация: адаптивный ослабитель сигналов, обусловленных мешающими отражениями (сокр от adaptive clutter attenuator)21) Фирменный знак: Anti Copyright Association, Apples Of California Agriculture, Asean Cosmetic Association22) СМИ: Association of Canadian Advertisers23) Деловая лексика: A Cut Above, AGRICULTURAL CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS24) Сетевые технологии: Address Control Application, American Communication Association, Американская ассоциация связи25) Расширение файла: Project Manager Workbench Project file26) Общественная организация: Adult Children Of Alcoholics, Alley Cat Allies, American Camp Association, Animal Charities of America, Asia Children's Assistance, LTD, AsiaChildren's Assistance, LTD27) NYSE. Alabama Power Company29) Программное обеспечение: Arithmetical Comprehension Axiom -
14 CMA
1) Общая лексика: единое валютное пространство (состоит из Южно-Афритканской Республики, Лесото, Намибии и Свазиленда. южноафриканский рэ (http://www.google.com/search?q=++++%22Common+Monetary+Area%22&btnG=%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA)2) Американизм: Consolidated Metropolitan Area3) Спорт: Carolina Marathon Association4) Военный термин: California Maritime Academy, Chemical Materials Agency, Community Management Account, Countermission Analysis, Court Martial Assistant, civil-military affairs, classified mail address, clothing maintenance allowance, collection management authority, contract maintenance activity, contractor's manual, control message automation, controller of military accounts, corps maintenance area, court of military appeals, зона регулируемого движения (Controlled Movement Area)5) Техника: Auger cylindrical-mirror analyzer, Certificate in Management Accounting, command. modulator assembly, computer-manual-auto, conical monopole antenna, corrective maintenance analysis, cylindrical-mirror analyzer6) Химия: Calcium Magnesium Acetate7) Математика: Constant Modulus Algorithm, Covariance Matrix Adaptation8) Религия: Christian & Missionary Alliance9) Юридический термин: Citizen Management Agent10) Экономика: ( cash management account) счёт управления наличностью, (cooperative merchandising agreement) соглашение о торговой кооперации11) Бухгалтерия: Certified Management Accountant, Credit Monitoring Arrangement, диплом специалиста по управленческому учёту (certificate to management accounting)12) Финансы: Credit Market Analysis Ltd13) Оптика: channel multiplier array14) Сокращение: Canadian Manufacturers Association, Chemical Manufacturers Association, Chocolate Manufacturers Association, Cigar Manufacturers Association, Contact Motion Analysis, Continental Marketing Association, commercial mailing agent, corn meal agar15) Университет: Colgate Martial Arts16) Электроника: Contact-Making Ammeter, Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer17) Вычислительная техника: Computer Music Association, Concert Multithread Architecture, Ассоциация компьютерной музыки18) Нефть: анализ результатов внепланового технического обслуживания (corrective maintenance analysis)19) Транспорт: Christian Motorcyclists Association20) Фирменный знак: Cash Management Association, Crafts Made Affordable22) Деловая лексика: Capital Markets Authority, Chrysler Marketing Adjustment, Comparative Market Analysis, Competitive Market Analysis23) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Control, Measurement & Automation24) Инвестиции: cash management account25) Сетевые технологии: Communications Managers Association, Ассоциация менеджеров в области связи26) Полимеры: Canadian Medical Association27) Химическое оружие: competent medical authority29) Безопасность: Control And Monitoring Agent30) Расширение файла: Concert Multi-thread Architecture31) Электротехника: contact-making amperemeter33) НАСА: Contract Management Assistant34) Программное обеспечение: Content Management Application -
15 CMa
1) Общая лексика: единое валютное пространство (состоит из Южно-Афритканской Республики, Лесото, Намибии и Свазиленда. южноафриканский рэ (http://www.google.com/search?q=++++%22Common+Monetary+Area%22&btnG=%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA)2) Американизм: Consolidated Metropolitan Area3) Спорт: Carolina Marathon Association4) Военный термин: California Maritime Academy, Chemical Materials Agency, Community Management Account, Countermission Analysis, Court Martial Assistant, civil-military affairs, classified mail address, clothing maintenance allowance, collection management authority, contract maintenance activity, contractor's manual, control message automation, controller of military accounts, corps maintenance area, court of military appeals, зона регулируемого движения (Controlled Movement Area)5) Техника: Auger cylindrical-mirror analyzer, Certificate in Management Accounting, command. modulator assembly, computer-manual-auto, conical monopole antenna, corrective maintenance analysis, cylindrical-mirror analyzer6) Химия: Calcium Magnesium Acetate7) Математика: Constant Modulus Algorithm, Covariance Matrix Adaptation8) Религия: Christian & Missionary Alliance9) Юридический термин: Citizen Management Agent10) Экономика: ( cash management account) счёт управления наличностью, (cooperative merchandising agreement) соглашение о торговой кооперации11) Бухгалтерия: Certified Management Accountant, Credit Monitoring Arrangement, диплом специалиста по управленческому учёту (certificate to management accounting)12) Финансы: Credit Market Analysis Ltd13) Оптика: channel multiplier array14) Сокращение: Canadian Manufacturers Association, Chemical Manufacturers Association, Chocolate Manufacturers Association, Cigar Manufacturers Association, Contact Motion Analysis, Continental Marketing Association, commercial mailing agent, corn meal agar15) Университет: Colgate Martial Arts16) Электроника: Contact-Making Ammeter, Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer17) Вычислительная техника: Computer Music Association, Concert Multithread Architecture, Ассоциация компьютерной музыки18) Нефть: анализ результатов внепланового технического обслуживания (corrective maintenance analysis)19) Транспорт: Christian Motorcyclists Association20) Фирменный знак: Cash Management Association, Crafts Made Affordable22) Деловая лексика: Capital Markets Authority, Chrysler Marketing Adjustment, Comparative Market Analysis, Competitive Market Analysis23) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Control, Measurement & Automation24) Инвестиции: cash management account25) Сетевые технологии: Communications Managers Association, Ассоциация менеджеров в области связи26) Полимеры: Canadian Medical Association27) Химическое оружие: competent medical authority29) Безопасность: Control And Monitoring Agent30) Расширение файла: Concert Multi-thread Architecture31) Электротехника: contact-making amperemeter33) НАСА: Contract Management Assistant34) Программное обеспечение: Content Management Application -
16 CSA
1) Общая лексика: capacity supply agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Communications Streaming Architecture, carrier servicing area3) Авиация: код-шеринговое соглашение (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), code sharing agreement (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), код-шеринг4) Морской термин: Canada Shipping Act, Канадский Закон о судоходстве5) Медицина: Central Sleep Apnea6) Американизм: Commuter Student Association, Confederate States Alliance7) Военный термин: Central Security Agency, Central Supplies Agency, Central Supplies Agency of NATO, Chief Scientific Adviser, Chief Scientist, Army, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Chief of Staff, US Army, Combat Support Associates, Communications Agency, Communications Satellite Act, Confederate States Army, Controlled Shooting Area, Corps Storage Area, Corps Support Activity, central supply agency, close support area, combat surveillance agency, combat system architecture, commercial service area, commercial service authorization, computer system analyst, conical scan antenna, contractor support area, cross-service agreement, customer supply assistance, Combat Support Agency (ies)8) Техника: Computing Service Association, Cryogenic Society of America, carry-save adder, chopper-stabilized amplifier, conditional sum adder, core special assembly, core structure accident9) Сельское хозяйство: Community Supported Agricultural, Community Supported Agriculture, Consumer Supported Agriculture10) Шутливое выражение: Can't Stand America11) Математика: Cross Sectional Area12) Британский английский: Child Support Agency13) Юридический термин: Child Sexual Abuse, Community Safety Agency, Controlled Substances Act, Crime Syndicate Of America, Оценка Химической Безопасности (Chemical Safety Assessment( Регламент REACH)), Consulting Services Agreement14) Фармакология: Crystalline Sodium Amoxicillin15) Грубое выражение: Customer Shit Accepter, Cute Sexy Angel16) Телекоммуникации: Call Service Area, Carrier Service Area, Carrier Serving Area17) Сокращение: Canadian Space Agency, Candidate Supplemental Application (in USPS employee application process), Chief Scientific Adviser, defence scientific staff (UK), Chief of Staff, Army, Common Support Aircraft (US Navy), Common Support Aircraft, Computer Sciences of Australia Pty Limited, Computer System Architects Ltd (UK), Corps Supply Area, Customer / Supplier Agreement (USPS, 2008), Communication Signal Analyser, Confederate States of America18) Университет: Cambodian Student Association, Center For Supercomputing Applications, Central Student Accounting, Chinese Student Association, Chinese Students Association19) Электроника: CIM systems architecture20) Вычислительная техника: China Software Alliance, Chip System Architecture, Client Service Agent, Communication Signal Analyzer, common system area, Communication Streaming Architecture (Intel, MCH, DNB)22) Иммунология: Clinical Skills Assessment, chicken serum albumin23) Канадский термин: Canadian Securities Administrators (Канадские комиссии по регулированию рынка ценных бумаг)24) Фирменный знак: Continental Security Agency25) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Civil, Structural, Architectural( архитектурно-строительные решения)26) СМИ: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts27) Деловая лексика: Common Sense Approach28) Бурение: обсадная колонна спущена до глубины (casing set at), Critical Speed Application29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Канадская ассоциация стандартов (Canadian Standard Association), Civil, Structural, Architectural30) Сетевые технологии: API-интерфейс ведения календаря и планирования, Calendaring and Scheduling API, client/server architecture, архитектура клиент/сервер, контроллер безопасности сети с централизованным управлением, общая системная область защиты31) Полимеры: Canadian Standards Association32) Автоматика: common service area33) Пластмассы: Canadian Standards Associates34) Сахалин Р: Canadian Standard Association, Canadian standard association35) Научный термин: "Coordination and support actions" (Проекты типа "Coordination and support actions" направлены на координацию, согласование, налаживание связей и объединение научных проектов, программ, правил и норм программы FP7)36) Медицинская техника: charge sampling amplifier37) Химическое оружие: Chemical storage area, Chief of Staff of the Army, configuration status accounting38) Авиационная медицина: cross section area39) Макаров: cost of solar array40) Безопасность: Cisco Security Agent41) Расширение файла: InterComm ASCII Sheet File, Ultimate Ride Roller Coaster file, Calendaring and Scheduling API (IBM)42) Карачаганак: Condensate Sales Agreement (Договор купли-продажи газового конденсата, ДКПГК)43) Рыболовство: (Catch-Survey Analysis) модель популяционного анализа на основе синтеза учётных и промысловых индексов44) Электротехника: corrugated seamless aluminum (sheath)45) Должность: Certified Senior Advisor, Chief Software Architect, Community Standard Advisor, Customer Support Advisor, Customer Support Associate, Customized Services Administrator, Customized Services Administrators46) Правительство: Consolidated Statutes Annotated47) NYSE. Casting Society Of America -
17 CsA
1) Общая лексика: capacity supply agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Communications Streaming Architecture, carrier servicing area3) Авиация: код-шеринговое соглашение (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), code sharing agreement (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), код-шеринг4) Морской термин: Canada Shipping Act, Канадский Закон о судоходстве5) Медицина: Central Sleep Apnea6) Американизм: Commuter Student Association, Confederate States Alliance7) Военный термин: Central Security Agency, Central Supplies Agency, Central Supplies Agency of NATO, Chief Scientific Adviser, Chief Scientist, Army, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Chief of Staff, US Army, Combat Support Associates, Communications Agency, Communications Satellite Act, Confederate States Army, Controlled Shooting Area, Corps Storage Area, Corps Support Activity, central supply agency, close support area, combat surveillance agency, combat system architecture, commercial service area, commercial service authorization, computer system analyst, conical scan antenna, contractor support area, cross-service agreement, customer supply assistance, Combat Support Agency (ies)8) Техника: Computing Service Association, Cryogenic Society of America, carry-save adder, chopper-stabilized amplifier, conditional sum adder, core special assembly, core structure accident9) Сельское хозяйство: Community Supported Agricultural, Community Supported Agriculture, Consumer Supported Agriculture10) Шутливое выражение: Can't Stand America11) Математика: Cross Sectional Area12) Британский английский: Child Support Agency13) Юридический термин: Child Sexual Abuse, Community Safety Agency, Controlled Substances Act, Crime Syndicate Of America, Оценка Химической Безопасности (Chemical Safety Assessment( Регламент REACH)), Consulting Services Agreement14) Фармакология: Crystalline Sodium Amoxicillin15) Грубое выражение: Customer Shit Accepter, Cute Sexy Angel16) Телекоммуникации: Call Service Area, Carrier Service Area, Carrier Serving Area17) Сокращение: Canadian Space Agency, Candidate Supplemental Application (in USPS employee application process), Chief Scientific Adviser, defence scientific staff (UK), Chief of Staff, Army, Common Support Aircraft (US Navy), Common Support Aircraft, Computer Sciences of Australia Pty Limited, Computer System Architects Ltd (UK), Corps Supply Area, Customer / Supplier Agreement (USPS, 2008), Communication Signal Analyser, Confederate States of America18) Университет: Cambodian Student Association, Center For Supercomputing Applications, Central Student Accounting, Chinese Student Association, Chinese Students Association19) Электроника: CIM systems architecture20) Вычислительная техника: China Software Alliance, Chip System Architecture, Client Service Agent, Communication Signal Analyzer, common system area, Communication Streaming Architecture (Intel, MCH, DNB)22) Иммунология: Clinical Skills Assessment, chicken serum albumin23) Канадский термин: Canadian Securities Administrators (Канадские комиссии по регулированию рынка ценных бумаг)24) Фирменный знак: Continental Security Agency25) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Civil, Structural, Architectural( архитектурно-строительные решения)26) СМИ: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts27) Деловая лексика: Common Sense Approach28) Бурение: обсадная колонна спущена до глубины (casing set at), Critical Speed Application29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Канадская ассоциация стандартов (Canadian Standard Association), Civil, Structural, Architectural30) Сетевые технологии: API-интерфейс ведения календаря и планирования, Calendaring and Scheduling API, client/server architecture, архитектура клиент/сервер, контроллер безопасности сети с централизованным управлением, общая системная область защиты31) Полимеры: Canadian Standards Association32) Автоматика: common service area33) Пластмассы: Canadian Standards Associates34) Сахалин Р: Canadian Standard Association, Canadian standard association35) Научный термин: "Coordination and support actions" (Проекты типа "Coordination and support actions" направлены на координацию, согласование, налаживание связей и объединение научных проектов, программ, правил и норм программы FP7)36) Медицинская техника: charge sampling amplifier37) Химическое оружие: Chemical storage area, Chief of Staff of the Army, configuration status accounting38) Авиационная медицина: cross section area39) Макаров: cost of solar array40) Безопасность: Cisco Security Agent41) Расширение файла: InterComm ASCII Sheet File, Ultimate Ride Roller Coaster file, Calendaring and Scheduling API (IBM)42) Карачаганак: Condensate Sales Agreement (Договор купли-продажи газового конденсата, ДКПГК)43) Рыболовство: (Catch-Survey Analysis) модель популяционного анализа на основе синтеза учётных и промысловых индексов44) Электротехника: corrugated seamless aluminum (sheath)45) Должность: Certified Senior Advisor, Chief Software Architect, Community Standard Advisor, Customer Support Advisor, Customer Support Associate, Customized Services Administrator, Customized Services Administrators46) Правительство: Consolidated Statutes Annotated47) NYSE. Casting Society Of America -
18 CAC
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
19 cac
1) Общая лексика: Collective action clause2) Военный термин: Central Advisory Council, Civil Administration Committee, Civil Affairs Command, Common Access Card, Continental Air Command, Continental Army Command, U.S. Army Combined Arms Command, chief artillery controller, civic action center, clear all channels, combat air command, combat aircrew, combined action company, combined arms center, command analysis center, command and control, computer-aided classification, constant alert cycle, contract administration control, contract award committee, control and analysis center, control and coordination, cooperation and coordination, current action center, Combined Arms Center (formerly Combined Arms Command), command aviation company3) Техника: California Arts Council, Contemporary Arts Center, changing to approach control, contact area commander, containment atmosphere control, control air compressor, УДЦ, Учебно-демонстрационный центр, Customer Application Center4) Строительство: центральная система кондиционирования воздуха5) Страхование: Cost and charges6) Металлургия: carbon-arc cutting7) Сокращение: Canadian Armoured Corps, Capital Area Conference, Central Advisory Committee, Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp. (China), City Administration Center, Coast Artillery Corps, Coastal Artillery Computer, Combat Air Crew, Combat Assessment Capability, Combined Arms Center (USA), Consumer Advisory Council, Consumer Affairs Council, Consumer Association of Canada, Control & Analysis Center (USA), Corrective Action Code (address list, 2006, works with CARL), County Administration Centre, Custom Armoring Corp. (USA), Chroma Amplitude Corrector, Codex Alimentarius Commission, CECOM (Army Communications and Electronics Command) Acquisition Center (US Army), CableAmerica Corporation, Cache File, Cadet Advisory Council, Cairo American College (Egypt), Calculated Age at Commencement (UK criminal system; mainly prison & probation services), California Acupuncture College, California Administrative Code, California Apple Commission, California Asparagus Commission, California Association of Criminalists, California Avocado Commission, Call Access Control, Call Admission Control, Calling All Cars (Playstation 3 game), Calling-Card Authorization Center, Calling-card Authorization Computer (Sprint), Callingcard Authorization Center, Campaign Against Censorship, Canadian Advisory Committee, Canadian Airports Council, Canadian Association for Conservation, Canadian Aviation Corps (World War I), Capital Allocation Committee, Capital Athletic Conference, Carbohydrate Awareness Council, Cardiac Accelerator Center, Cardioacceleratory Center, Career Assistance Counseling, Caribbean Air Command, Carrier Access Charge, Carrier Access Code, Carrier Access Corporation (Boulder, CO, USA), Carrier Advisory Committee, Carrier Air Patrol, Casualty Area Command, Casualty Area Commander, Catawba Animal Clinic (Rock Hill, South Carolina), Catchment Area Council, Categorical Assistance Code, Categorization & Custody, Cauliflower Alley Club, Ceiling Attenuation Class, Cement Association of Canada, Center for Advanced Communications (Villanova University), Central Accessory Compartment, Central Air Command (Pakistan Air Force), Central Air Conditioner (real estate), Central Alarm Cabinet, Central American and Caribbean, Central Arizona College, Central de Atendimento a Clientes, Centre Alge'rien de la Cine'matographie (Algeria), Centre d'Action Culturelle (French), Certificat d'Aptitute Au Championat (FCI dog show reserve champion), Certificat d'Aptitute au Championnat (European dog shows), Certified Addictions Counselor, Certified Annuity Consultant, Change Area Coordinator (Sprint), Change to Approach Control, Channel Access Code, Charged Air Cooler (turbochargers), Cheese and Crackers, Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (conference), Chengdu Aircraft Company (China), Chicago Artists' Coalition, Child Activity Center, Child Advocacy Center, Chinese Alliance Church, Chinese Annual Conference (of the Methodist Church in Singapore), Christ Apostolic Church, Circuit Access Code, Circuit Administration Center, Citizens Action Coalition, Citizens Advisory Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee, Civil Affairs Coordinator, Civil Applications Committee, Civilian Advisory Conference, Clean Air Council, Clear Acquisition Code (GPS), Clear All Corridors (hospital), Client Acceptance Committee, Climate Analysis Center, Clinical Advisory Committee, Closed Air Circuit, Clostridium Acetobutylicum, Coaching Association of Canada, Coal Association of Canada, Coalition for America's Children, Coastal Assistant Controller, Cognitive-Affective-Conative, Collection Accounting Classification, Collection Advisory Center, Color Access Control, Combat Analysis Capability, Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas), Combined Arms Center/Command, Command & Control, Commander's Access Channel, Commandos d'Action Cubains (French), Commissaire Aux Comptes (French, financial), Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, Common Access Card (smart card technology used in DoD), Common And COTS, Common Avionics Computer, Communication Aid Centre (UK), Communication Architecture for Clusters, Community Action Council, Community Activities Center, Community Activity Center, Community Affairs Committee, Community Affairs Council, Community Agriculture Centre, Community Alliance Church, Community Amenity Contribution (Canada), Commuting Area Candidate, Compandored Analog Carrier, Competition Appeal Court, Complaints Advisory Committee, Complex Advisory Council, Compound Access Control, Compressed Aeronautical Chart, Compressor After Cooler, Computer Access Center, Computer Aided Crime, Computer Asset Controller, Computer-Aided Construction, Computer-Aided Cost/Classification, Computer-Assisted Cartography, Computing Accreditation Commission (ABET), Concord Automation and Controls, Conditional Acceptance Certificate, Conformity Assessment Certificate, Connection Acceptance Control, Connection Admission Control (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Connection Asset Customer, Connection Assurance Check, Conseil des Ae'roports du Canada (Canadian Airports Council), Conservatief Accoord, Console Alarm Card, Consulting and Audit Canada, Consumer Affairs Commission (Jamaica), Consumers Association of Canada, Contact Agility Club, Contact Approach Control, Context-Aware Computing, Continuity Army Council (IRA), Contract Audit Coordinator (DCAA), Contract Awards Committee, Contractor's Approach to CALS, Control Analysis Center, Coomera Anglican College (Gold Coast, Australia), Cooper Aerobics Center, Coronary Artery Calcium, Corporate Affairs Commission (Nigeria), Corps Aviation Company, Cost Account Code, Cost At Completion, Cotation Assiste'e En Continu (French: Continuous-Time Computer-Assisted Quotation System), Cotation Assistee En Continue (French Stock Exchange Index), Counselors Advisory Committee (B'ham Al Crisis Center), Cow Appreciation Campaign, Create A Card (online gaming), Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University), Credentialed Addictions Counselor, Credit Association of Canada, Crew Available Cycle, Crimes Against Children, Crisis Action Cell, Crisis Action Center, Criteria Air Containment, Crossroads of America Council (Boy Scout council comprising most of Indiana, USA), Cumulative Average Cost, Cumulative Average Curve, Custom Arms Company, Inc., Customer Administration Center, Customer Advisory Council, Customer Assistance Center, Cyclists Advisory Committee (Alberta, Canada), current actions center (US DoD), charge air coder8) Университет: Campus Advisory Council, College And Career9) Вычислительная техника: computer-aided composition, connection-admission control, применение компьютера для создания музыкальных композиций, Channel Access Code (Bluetooth), Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)10) Нефть: Central Asia central pipeline, трубопровод Средняя Азия-Центр (Central Asia Central pipeline)11) Токсикология: Комиссия "Кодекс Алиментариус"12) Банковское дело: поправочный валютный коэффициент (сокр. от currency adjustment charge)13) Воздухоплавание: Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (Aust.)14) Экология: Center for Analysis of Climate, Climate Advisory Committee15) Энергетика: Учебно-демонстрационный центр (GE)16) СМИ: Comic Arts Conference17) Деловая лексика: Compagnie des Agents de Change18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Central Asia - Center19) Океанография: Computer Advisory Committee20) Общая лексика: charge air cooler21) Расширение файла: dBASE IV executable when caching on/ off22) Нефть и газ: pipeline "Central Asia-Centre", трубопровод «Центральная Азия – Центр», pipeline ‘Central Asia – Centre’23) Военно-политический термин: Combined Arms Command24) МИД: (CODEX Alimentarius Commission) КАК (Комиссия "КОДЕКС Алиментариус")25) Собаководство: CAC26) Водоснабжение: содержание производных хлора27) Должность: Certified Addiction Counselor28) AMEX. Camden National Corporation29) Международные перевозки: currency adjustment charge -
20 ICA
1) Общая лексика: Immigration and Checkpoint Authority-Управление иммиграции и пограничного контроля (Сингапур), In Country Audit, ignition-capable apparatus2) Компьютерная техника: Intelligent Computing Architecture3) Медицина: internal carotid artery4) Американизм: Independent Contracting Agent5) Военный термин: Independent Cost Analysis, Integrated Control Architecture, Intelligence Center Atlantic, individual combat actions, intelligence collection area, interagency communications agency, investigative and corrective action, item change analysis6) Техника: indole-3-carboxylic acid, interapplication communications architecture, intracavity absorption7) Юридический термин: I Check All, Iowa Code Annotated8) Бухгалтерия: International Congress of Accountants, Международный конгресс бухгалтеров (International Congress of Accountants)9) Лингвистика: Independent Contractor Agreement10) Сокращение: Industrial Co-operation Agreement, Institute of Contemporary Arts, International Communication Agency, International Communications Agency, International Cooperative Alliance, International Council on Archives, Intelligent Communications Adapter, Inter-application Communications Architecture, International Cocoa Agreement, International Coffee Agreement, International Commodity Agreement, International Cooperation Administration11) Университет: Interuniversity Conference Of Agriculture12) Электроника: Independent Component Analysis, Isotropically Conductive Adhesive13) Вычислительная техника: Independent Computing Architecture, Integrated Communications Architecture, Intelligent Communication Adapter, Interapplications Communications Architecture, immediate constituent analyzer, Intelligent Communication Adapter (Banyan, VINES), Independent Computing Architecture (Cytrix, Windows, NT, ASP), Information Connection Architecture (SGI), Integrated Chameleon Architecture (SGML), International Communications Association (organization), алгоритм анализа по непосредственно составляющим, интерактивное коммуникационное средство14) Нефть: Intergas central Asia, Интергаз-центральная азия (название компании-оператора трубопровода Макат-Северный Кавказ)15) Иммунология: islet cell antibodies16) Космонавтика: International Cartographic Association17) Банковское дело: Interbank Card Association Number18) Воздухоплавание: Initial Cruise Altitude19) Фирменный знак: Indigenous Communications Australia, Intellectual Capital Associates20) Реклама: Международная коммуникационная ассоциация21) Деловая лексика: Independent Crane Advisor22) Образование: Internet Classroom Assistant23) Сетевые технологии: Intelligent Console Architecture, International Communications Association, interapplication communication architecture, intercomputer adapter, Международная ассоциация связи, адаптер каналов связи, архитектура интеллектуальной консоли24) Химическое оружие: Independent cost analysis/assessment25) Интернет: Internet Commerce Association26) Расширение файла: Image Object Content Architecture Bitmap graphics file, Institute of Chartered Accountants, International Communication Association, Intra-application Communications Area, Icon archive (IoCA)27) Рыболовство: (Integrated Catch-at-age Analysis) сепарабельный последовательный популяционный анализ, основанный на интеграции дополнительной информации о запасе28) ООН: Institute of Cultural Affairs29) Общественная организация: Interstitial Cystitis Association30) НАСА: Integration Control Agreement31) Международная торговля: International Co-operative Alliance
- 1
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