1 contract terms
1. условие контрактаto submit to terms — подчиниться условиям, принять условия
terms of office — условия найма на работу; условия оплаты
2. условия договора -
2 contract terms
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contract terms
3 contract terms
условия договора ; -
4 contract terms
Деловая лексика: договорные условия, условия договора, условия контракта -
5 contract terms
<02> условия контракта -
6 contract terms
согласованные сторонами и зафиксированные в контракте предмет сделки, цена, характеристики товара, сроки исполнения обязательств и т. д. -
7 contract terms
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > contract terms
8 contract terms
9 Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
док.юр., торг., брит. закон "О недобросовестных условиях контракта"*, 1977 г. (законодательный акт, являющийся одним из источников английского контрактного права и права, касающегося продажи товаров)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
10 Unfair Contract Terms Act
Юридический термин: Закон о недобросовестных условиях договораУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Unfair Contract Terms Act
11 based on Design and Build FIDIC Yellow book contract terms
ЕБРР: на основе «Желтой книги» ФИДИК и стандарте ФИДИК «Условия контракта на поставку оборудования, проектирование и строительство» (международные контракты ФИДИК)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > based on Design and Build FIDIC Yellow book contract terms
12 large changes to the contract terms
Юридический термин: значительные изменения условий контрактаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > large changes to the contract terms
13 on contract terms
Экономика: на условиях подряда -
14 observance of contract terms
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > observance of contract terms
15 on contract terms
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > on contract terms
16 Terms
сущ. стандартные условия соглашений о будущей процентной ставке, принятые Британской банковской ассоциацией - exacting terms - equal terms - discount terms - credit terms - conditions of contract, terms and conditions of contract, provisions of contract - come to terms - business terms - account terms - price terms - delivery terms - contract terms - best terms - additional terms - on terms - in terms of - in terms - in monetary terms - any terms - all other terms -
17 terms
account terms условия оплаты счета business terms условия деловой деятельности complex terms совокупность условий conference terms (CT) условия картельного соглашения судовладельцев contract terms условия контракта credit terms сроки кредита credit terms условия кредита delivery terms условия доставки disbursement terms сроки платежа disbursement terms условия платежа documentary credit terms условия документарного аккредитива easier borrowing terms облегченные условия займа easy terms легкие условия favourable interest terms благоприятные условия процентной ставки favourable interest terms льготные условия процентной ставки favourable terms благоприятные условия favourable terms выгодные условия favourable terms льготные условия general terms общие условия hard terms жесткие условия in real terms в неизменных ценах in real terms в реальном выражении in volume terms в объемных показателях innominate terms неназванные постановления innominate terms неназванные решения interest terms условия выплаты процентов issue terms условия эмиссии lay down terms формулировать условия liner terms условия перевозки грузов рейсовыми судами loan terms условия предоставления ссуды market terms рыночная конъюнктура market terms состояние рынка monthly account terms условия ежемесячного расчета mortgage credit terms условия ипотечной ссуды nominal terms номинальные условия on attractive terms на льготных условиях on deferred terms на условиях предоставления отсрочки on favourable terms на льготных условиях pay terms условия платежа policy terms условия страхования policy terms условия страхового договора price terms ценовые условия real terms реальное выражение rental terms сроки арендной платы repayment terms условия оплаты repayment terms условия погашения sales terms условия продажи special policy terms особые условия страхования standard terms стандартные условия договора terms условия terms условия оплаты terms of affreightment условия фрахтования terms of contract условия договора terms of credit условия кредита terms of delivery условия поставки terms of engagement условия контракта terms of engagement условия соглашения terms of issue условия выпуска ценных бумаг terms of issue условия денежной эмиссии terms of issue условия займа terms of loan условия займа terms of payment условия платежа terms of sale условия продажи terms of sale and delivery условия продажи и поставки terms of shipment условия перевозки terms of taxation условия налогообложения trade terms принятая в торговле терминология trade terms торговые термины -
18 contract
1. nконтракт, договор; соглашениеto award a contract to smb — заключать контракт с кем-л.; предлагать контракт кому-л.
to conclude / to enter into a contract — заключать контракт
to hold a contract — иметь контракт; работать по контракту
- binding contractto win a contract — добиваться контракта; получать контракт
- breach of a contract
- commercial contract
- compensation for termination of contract
- defense contract
- delivery contract
- expiration of the contract
- extension of the contract
- government contract
- invalid contract
- labor contract
- long-term contract
- lucrative contract
- military contract
- naked contract
- package contract
- permanent contract
- prime contract
- short-term contract
- temporary contract
- terminal contract
- terms of the contract
- turn-key contract
- umbrella contract
- union contract
- yellow-dog contract 2. vзаключать (союз, соглашение и т.п.) -
19 contract
1) контракт
2) аккордный
3) контрактовый
4) сокращаться
5) суживать
6) суживаться
7) сжиматься
8) стягивать
9) свертывать
10) заключать
11) договор
12) сдельная плата
13) перетягивать
14) соглашение
15) стягиваться
– according to contract
– contract job
– contract price
– draw up a contract
– draw up contract
– execute a contract
– implementation of contract
– sign contract
– terms of contract
– turnkey contract -
20 contract provision
Юридический термин: условия договора (=contract specifications, conditions of contract, terms (and conditions))
См. также в других словарях:
unfair contract terms — certain provisions in contracts (and in some non contractual provisions) that are controlled by legislation because they are unfair (as defined). In UK law, provision is now made to regulate unfair contract (and other) terms by the Unfair… … Law dictionary
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 — The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 is a British Act of Parliament (1977, c 50) which regulates contracts by restricting the operation and legality of some contract terms. It extends to nearly all forms of contract and one of its most important… … Wikipedia
Implied Contract Terms — Items that a court will assume are intended to be included in a contract, even though they are not expressly stated. Businesspeople generally do not want to rely upon a court s interpretation of implied terms, so a good contract will often be… … Investment dictionary
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 — (UCTA) A statute which imposes limits on the extent to which liability for breach of contract, negligence or other breaches of duty can be avoided by means of contractual provisions such as exclusion clauses. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of … Law dictionary
unfair contract terms — Contractual terms relating to the exclusion or restriction of a person s liability that, under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, are either ineffective or effective only so far as is… … Big dictionary of business and management
contract — con·tract 1 / kän ˌtrakt/ n [Latin contractus from contrahere to draw together, enter into (a relationship or agreement), from com with, together + trahere to draw] 1: an agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to… … Law dictionary
Contract — law … Wikipedia
Contract for difference — In finance, a contract for difference (or CFD) is a contract between two parties, typically described as buyer and seller , stipulating that the buyer will pay to the seller the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at… … Wikipedia
terms — /tɜ:mz/ plural noun the conditions or duties which have to be carried out as part of a contract, or the arrangements which have to be agreed before a contract is valid ● By or Under the terms of the contract, the company is responsible for all… … Marketing dictionary in english
contract month — A specific month in which delivery may take place under the terms of a futures contract. Chicago Board of Trade glossary The month in which a contract comes due for delivery according to the futures contract terms. The CENTER ONLINE Futures… … Financial and business terms
CONTRACT — (Heb. חוֹזֶה, ḥozeh), in general law theory a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, in terms of which one party undertakes for the benefit of the other to perform or refrain from a certain act. As such, contract is the main… … Encyclopedia of Judaism