1 contract hauling
1) Экономика: договорная перевозка, контрактная перевозка, перевозка по контракту2) Лесоводство: вывозка (леса) по контракту3) Кабельные производство: транспортировка по контракту -
2 contract hauling
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > contract hauling
3 contract hauling
перевозка по контракту, договорная [контрактная] перевозкаАнгло-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > contract hauling
4 contract hauling
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > contract hauling
5 contract hauling
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > contract hauling
6 contract hauling
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > contract hauling
7 contract hauling
перевозка по контракту; контрактная перевозка -
8 contract hauling
перевозка по контракту, контрактная перевозка -
9 contract hauling operation
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > contract hauling operation
10 contract hauling operation
• предприятие, осуществляющее вывозку леса по контрактуАнгло-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > contract hauling operation
11 contract hauling operation
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > contract hauling operation
12 hauling
13 hauling
транспорт; тяга; буксировка; перевозка; транспортировка; передвижка; подвозка; подача; откатка- hauling block - hauling power - hauling rope - hauling unit - hauling up - hauling winch - bulk oil hauling - contract hauling - cross hauling - pipes hauling -
14 hauling
транспортирование; передвижка- cross hauling - pipes hauling* * *перевозка, транспортирование, доставка- excavated earth haulinghauling to the site — доставка [транспортирование] (конструкций, материалов) на стройплощадку
15 hauling
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > hauling
16 VIP
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Vegetative Insecticidal Protein, весьма важная персона, высокопоставленное лицо, VIP-персона2) Компьютерная техника: Veritas Integration Platform, Versatile Image Processor, Versatile Interactive Pan, Video Integration Processor, Virtual Immediate Processing, Vlb Isa Pci, Voyager Information Portal4) Разговорное выражение: (сокр. от very important person) весьма важная персона5) Американизм: Very Important Papers, Very Important Presentation, Very Impressive Pork6) Спорт: Very Important Player7) Военный термин: Variable Incentive Payment, Ventilated Improved Pit, Verified Independently For Performance, Victory In Place, Visitor Improvement Program, Visual Information Projection, Visual Input Processor, variable incentive pay, virtual impact point, visitor information publication, visual identification point, voice information processor, важная персона, важное лицо8) Техника: V-groove isolation polycrystalline, VHDL instruction processor, vacuum impregnated magnetics, versatile information processor, video input processor, video integrator and processor, viewers in profile, vision information program, visual image processor, visual input9) Шутливое выражение: Very Important Palestinian, Very Important Petunia10) Религия: Very Important Prayer, Very Inspirational Posse, Visual Inspirational And Performing, Voices In Praise11) Юридический термин: Values Integrity And Principles, Verified Identified Parentage, Very Intoxicated Person, Victim In Past, Visually Impaired Person12) Ветеринария: Versatility In Poodles, Very Important Pandas, Very Important Pet, Very Important Ponies13) Дипломатический термин: (very important person) очень важная персона14) Музыка: Vanilla Ice Posse15) Оптика: virtual image processing16) Телекоммуникации: VINES Internet Protocol17) Сокращение: Vehicle Improvement Program (USPS database contains contract records on the purchases of all non-mail hauling vehicles for the Postal Service), Vehicle Improvement Programme, Vertical launch Interface Processor, Vertically Integrated Photodiode, Video Imaging Projectile, Visual Integrated Presentation18) Университет: Very Important Problem, Virginia Instructors Of Physics19) Физиология: Various Individualistic Personalities, Vascular Intervention Program, Vision Integrated Performance, Visual Information Processing20) Электроника: Vertically Integrated Pnp, Very Intense Power21) Вычислительная техника: Versatile Interface Processor, video image processor, visionary interpreter for PostScript, visual programmer, Virtual Internet Protocol (address, IP), VLB - ISA - PCI (board, VLB, ISA, PCI), Visual Information Projection (terminal, Bull)22) Биохимия: вазоактивный интестинальный полипептид23) Биотехнология: Visual immunoprecipitation24) Транспорт: Vehicle Investment Protection25) Пищевая промышленность: Very Impressive Proportions26) Фирменный знак: Valerie Irons Protection, Vista Income Properties, Volunteers In Progress27) Реклама: Очень важная персона28) Деловая лексика: Value Indulgence And Privilege, Very Important Partners, Very Innovative Product, Virtual Interactive Partnership, Virtual Internal Procurement, Visibility Image And Positioning, Vision Insight And Planning, Volunteers In Partnership, Volunteers Invaluable Participants, Volunteers Of International Paper, важная персона (very important person)29) Образование: Values Integrity People, Very Interested Parents, Very Involved Parents, Victory In Partnership30) Контроль качества: value improvement program31) Сахалин Ю: value improving practices, value improving practices/process32) Авиационная медицина: voice interruption priority34) Безопасность: very important person35) Расширение файла: Variable Information Processing, Video Information Provider, Virtual Interrupt Pending, Visual Interactive Parser36) ООН: Very Ignorant People, Very Impotent People37) Общественная организация: Volunteer Investment Program38) Правительство: Various Interesting Points, Very Irksome Place, Virginia Initiative Plant39) НАСА: Visual Inspection Program40) Программное обеспечение: Visual Interactive Programming41) Международная торговля: Value In Partnership -
17 ViP
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Vegetative Insecticidal Protein, весьма важная персона, высокопоставленное лицо, VIP-персона2) Компьютерная техника: Veritas Integration Platform, Versatile Image Processor, Versatile Interactive Pan, Video Integration Processor, Virtual Immediate Processing, Vlb Isa Pci, Voyager Information Portal4) Разговорное выражение: (сокр. от very important person) весьма важная персона5) Американизм: Very Important Papers, Very Important Presentation, Very Impressive Pork6) Спорт: Very Important Player7) Военный термин: Variable Incentive Payment, Ventilated Improved Pit, Verified Independently For Performance, Victory In Place, Visitor Improvement Program, Visual Information Projection, Visual Input Processor, variable incentive pay, virtual impact point, visitor information publication, visual identification point, voice information processor, важная персона, важное лицо8) Техника: V-groove isolation polycrystalline, VHDL instruction processor, vacuum impregnated magnetics, versatile information processor, video input processor, video integrator and processor, viewers in profile, vision information program, visual image processor, visual input9) Шутливое выражение: Very Important Palestinian, Very Important Petunia10) Религия: Very Important Prayer, Very Inspirational Posse, Visual Inspirational And Performing, Voices In Praise11) Юридический термин: Values Integrity And Principles, Verified Identified Parentage, Very Intoxicated Person, Victim In Past, Visually Impaired Person12) Ветеринария: Versatility In Poodles, Very Important Pandas, Very Important Pet, Very Important Ponies13) Дипломатический термин: (very important person) очень важная персона14) Музыка: Vanilla Ice Posse15) Оптика: virtual image processing16) Телекоммуникации: VINES Internet Protocol17) Сокращение: Vehicle Improvement Program (USPS database contains contract records on the purchases of all non-mail hauling vehicles for the Postal Service), Vehicle Improvement Programme, Vertical launch Interface Processor, Vertically Integrated Photodiode, Video Imaging Projectile, Visual Integrated Presentation18) Университет: Very Important Problem, Virginia Instructors Of Physics19) Физиология: Various Individualistic Personalities, Vascular Intervention Program, Vision Integrated Performance, Visual Information Processing20) Электроника: Vertically Integrated Pnp, Very Intense Power21) Вычислительная техника: Versatile Interface Processor, video image processor, visionary interpreter for PostScript, visual programmer, Virtual Internet Protocol (address, IP), VLB - ISA - PCI (board, VLB, ISA, PCI), Visual Information Projection (terminal, Bull)22) Биохимия: вазоактивный интестинальный полипептид23) Биотехнология: Visual immunoprecipitation24) Транспорт: Vehicle Investment Protection25) Пищевая промышленность: Very Impressive Proportions26) Фирменный знак: Valerie Irons Protection, Vista Income Properties, Volunteers In Progress27) Реклама: Очень важная персона28) Деловая лексика: Value Indulgence And Privilege, Very Important Partners, Very Innovative Product, Virtual Interactive Partnership, Virtual Internal Procurement, Visibility Image And Positioning, Vision Insight And Planning, Volunteers In Partnership, Volunteers Invaluable Participants, Volunteers Of International Paper, важная персона (very important person)29) Образование: Values Integrity People, Very Interested Parents, Very Involved Parents, Victory In Partnership30) Контроль качества: value improvement program31) Сахалин Ю: value improving practices, value improving practices/process32) Авиационная медицина: voice interruption priority34) Безопасность: very important person35) Расширение файла: Variable Information Processing, Video Information Provider, Virtual Interrupt Pending, Visual Interactive Parser36) ООН: Very Ignorant People, Very Impotent People37) Общественная организация: Volunteer Investment Program38) Правительство: Various Interesting Points, Very Irksome Place, Virginia Initiative Plant39) НАСА: Visual Inspection Program40) Программное обеспечение: Visual Interactive Programming41) Международная торговля: Value In Partnership -
18 vip
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Vegetative Insecticidal Protein, весьма важная персона, высокопоставленное лицо, VIP-персона2) Компьютерная техника: Veritas Integration Platform, Versatile Image Processor, Versatile Interactive Pan, Video Integration Processor, Virtual Immediate Processing, Vlb Isa Pci, Voyager Information Portal4) Разговорное выражение: (сокр. от very important person) весьма важная персона5) Американизм: Very Important Papers, Very Important Presentation, Very Impressive Pork6) Спорт: Very Important Player7) Военный термин: Variable Incentive Payment, Ventilated Improved Pit, Verified Independently For Performance, Victory In Place, Visitor Improvement Program, Visual Information Projection, Visual Input Processor, variable incentive pay, virtual impact point, visitor information publication, visual identification point, voice information processor, важная персона, важное лицо8) Техника: V-groove isolation polycrystalline, VHDL instruction processor, vacuum impregnated magnetics, versatile information processor, video input processor, video integrator and processor, viewers in profile, vision information program, visual image processor, visual input9) Шутливое выражение: Very Important Palestinian, Very Important Petunia10) Религия: Very Important Prayer, Very Inspirational Posse, Visual Inspirational And Performing, Voices In Praise11) Юридический термин: Values Integrity And Principles, Verified Identified Parentage, Very Intoxicated Person, Victim In Past, Visually Impaired Person12) Ветеринария: Versatility In Poodles, Very Important Pandas, Very Important Pet, Very Important Ponies13) Дипломатический термин: (very important person) очень важная персона14) Музыка: Vanilla Ice Posse15) Оптика: virtual image processing16) Телекоммуникации: VINES Internet Protocol17) Сокращение: Vehicle Improvement Program (USPS database contains contract records on the purchases of all non-mail hauling vehicles for the Postal Service), Vehicle Improvement Programme, Vertical launch Interface Processor, Vertically Integrated Photodiode, Video Imaging Projectile, Visual Integrated Presentation18) Университет: Very Important Problem, Virginia Instructors Of Physics19) Физиология: Various Individualistic Personalities, Vascular Intervention Program, Vision Integrated Performance, Visual Information Processing20) Электроника: Vertically Integrated Pnp, Very Intense Power21) Вычислительная техника: Versatile Interface Processor, video image processor, visionary interpreter for PostScript, visual programmer, Virtual Internet Protocol (address, IP), VLB - ISA - PCI (board, VLB, ISA, PCI), Visual Information Projection (terminal, Bull)22) Биохимия: вазоактивный интестинальный полипептид23) Биотехнология: Visual immunoprecipitation24) Транспорт: Vehicle Investment Protection25) Пищевая промышленность: Very Impressive Proportions26) Фирменный знак: Valerie Irons Protection, Vista Income Properties, Volunteers In Progress27) Реклама: Очень важная персона28) Деловая лексика: Value Indulgence And Privilege, Very Important Partners, Very Innovative Product, Virtual Interactive Partnership, Virtual Internal Procurement, Visibility Image And Positioning, Vision Insight And Planning, Volunteers In Partnership, Volunteers Invaluable Participants, Volunteers Of International Paper, важная персона (very important person)29) Образование: Values Integrity People, Very Interested Parents, Very Involved Parents, Victory In Partnership30) Контроль качества: value improvement program31) Сахалин Ю: value improving practices, value improving practices/process32) Авиационная медицина: voice interruption priority34) Безопасность: very important person35) Расширение файла: Variable Information Processing, Video Information Provider, Virtual Interrupt Pending, Visual Interactive Parser36) ООН: Very Ignorant People, Very Impotent People37) Общественная организация: Volunteer Investment Program38) Правительство: Various Interesting Points, Very Irksome Place, Virginia Initiative Plant39) НАСА: Visual Inspection Program40) Программное обеспечение: Visual Interactive Programming41) Международная торговля: Value In Partnership -
19 capacity
n1) вместимость, емкость, объем2) способность3) компетенция; должность, положение4) юр. правоспособность; дееспособность5) мощность; производительность; выработка
- absorbing capacity
- absorptive capacity
- accumulating capacity
- active capacity
- aggregate capacity
- annual capacity
- available capacity
- average capacity
- bale capacity
- borrowing capacity
- bunker capacity
- business capacity
- buying capacity
- cargo capacity
- cargo-carrying capacity
- carrying capacity
- channel capacity
- competitive capacity
- consuming capacity
- contractual capacity
- credit capacity
- cubic capacity
- daily capacity
- deadweight capacity
- deadweight carrying capacity
- deadweight loading capacity
- delivery capacity
- designed capacity
- discharge capacity
- disposing capacity
- dual capacity
- earning capacity
- effective capacity
- enterprise capacity
- estimated capacity
- excess capacity
- expected annual capacity
- factory capacity
- field capacity
- financial capacity
- freight capacity
- freight-carrying capacity
- freight-hauling capacity
- fresh capacity
- full operating capacity
- grazing capacity
- growth capacity
- guaranteed capacity
- handling capacity
- hourly capacity
- idle capacity
- indicated capacity
- industrial capacity
- labour capacity
- land capacity
- legal capacity
- lending capacity
- limited legal capacity
- load capacity
- load-carrying capacity
- load-lifting capacity
- machine capacity
- manufacturing capacity
- market capacity
- maximum capacity
- memory capacity
- milking capacity
- net capacity
- nominal capacity
- operating capacity
- operational capacity
- output capacity
- overload capacity
- paying capacity
- peak capacity
- planned capacity
- plant capacity
- plough capacity
- population carrying capacity
- port capacity
- practical capacity
- producing capacity
- production capacity
- productive capacity
- profit-earning capacity
- project capacity
- projected capacity
- purchasing capacity
- rated capacity
- readily convertible capacities
- relative capacity
- reserve capacity
- seating capacity
- spare capacity
- specific capacity
- spending capacity
- standard capacity
- storage capacity
- store capacity
- surplus capacity
- tank capacity
- taxable capacity
- theoretical capacity
- total capacity
- traffic capacity
- transport capacity
- ultimate capacity
- unused capacity
- useful capacity
- warehousing capacity
- working capacity
- yearly capacity
- yielding capacity
- capacity for growth
- capacity for work
- capacity of a car
- capacity of a plant
- capacity per unit
- capacity to contract a loan
- capacity to incur liability
- capacity to pay
- capacity to work
- in a consultative capacity
- in a managerial capacity
- in an official capacity
- in a professional capacity
- in a supervisory capacity
- in an unofficial capacity
- achieve the guaranteed capacity
- attain the guaranteed capacity
- operate at full capacity
- raise competitive capacity of goods
- reach the designed capacity
- reach the guaranteed capacity
- work at capacity
- work to capacity
- work below capacityEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > capacity
20 expense
n1) расход; трата2) pl расходы, издержки, затраты
- absorbed expenses
- accommodation expenses
- accompanying expenses
- accrued expenses
- acquisition expenses
- actual expenses
- additional expenses
- administration expenses
- administrative expenses
- advertising expenses
- agreed expenses
- aggregate expenses
- amortization expenses
- annual expenses
- anticipated expenses
- arbitration expenses
- auditing expenses
- average expenses
- bad debt expenses
- bank expenses
- banking expenses
- bank operating expenses
- bloated expenses
- bloated operating expenses
- board expenses
- broker's expenses
- budget expenses
- budgetary expenses
- budgeted expenses
- building expenses
- business expenses
- business travel expenses
- cable expenses
- calculated expenses
- capitalized expenses
- carriage expenses
- cash expenses
- city's operating expenses
- clerical expenses
- collecting expenses
- collection expenses
- commercial expenses
- commission expenses
- compensation expenses
- computed expenses
- considerable expenses
- constant expenses
- contango expenses
- contract expenses
- contractual expenses
- controllable expenses
- current expenses
- current operating expenses
- customs expenses
- daily expenses
- dead expenses
- debt service expenses
- deductible expenses
- deferred expenses
- delivery expenses
- depreciation expenses
- direct expenses
- disbursement expenses
- discharging expenses
- discount expenses
- distribution expenses
- eligible expenses
- encashment expenses
- engineering expenses
- entertainment expenses
- equipment maintenance expenses
- establishment expenses
- estimated expenses
- everyday expenses
- exceptional expenses
- excess expenses
- executive expenses
- extra expenses
- extraordinary expenses
- extravagant expenses
- factory expenses
- federal expense
- fee and commission expenses
- financial expenses
- financing expenses
- fixed expenses
- flat expenses
- foreign exchange expenses
- formation expenses
- forwarding expenses
- freight expenses
- fringe benefit expenses
- funding expenses
- general expenses
- general and administrative expenses
- general average expenses
- general occuppancy expenses
- general operating expenses
- guardianship expenses
- harbour expenses
- hauling expenses
- heavy expenses
- high expenses
- hotel expenses
- identifiable additional expenses
- idle facility expenses
- idle plant expenses
- impairment-related expenses
- incidental expenses
- income expense on bonds
- income tax expense
- incurred expenses
- indirect expenses
- interest expenses
- initial expenses
- installation expenses
- insurance expenses
- interest expenses
- interest expense on current accounts in credit
- interest expense on debenture
- interest expense on demand deposits loans
- interest expenses on items with agreed maturity dates
- interest expense on special savings accounts
- itemized medical expenses
- job-hunting expenses
- job travel expenses
- lavish expenses
- law expenses
- legal expenses
- living expenses
- loading expenses
- lodging expenses
- mail expenses
- maintenance expenses
- management expenses
- manufacturing expenses
- marketing expenses
- material expenses
- maximum expenses
- medical expenses
- minimum expenses
- miscellaneous expenses
- monetary expenses
- monthly expenses
- mortgage expenses
- moving expenses
- necessary expenses
- noncash expenses
- noncontrollable expenses
- noninterest operating expenses
- nonoperating expenses
- nonproductive expenses
- nonrecurrent expenses
- nonrecurring expenses
- office expenses
- one-off expenses
- operating expenses
- operational expenses
- organizational expenses
- other expenses
- out-of-pocket expenses
- overall expenses
- overhead expenses
- overseas housing expenses
- packing expenses
- particular expenses
- payroll expenses
- per capita expenses
- period expenses
- permissible expenses
- personal expenses
- personal consumption expenses
- personnel expenses
- petty expenses
- planned expenses
- pocket expenses
- postage expenses
- postal expenses
- preliminary expenses
- prepaid expenses
- preparation expenses
- processing expenses
- production expenses
- promotion expenses
- promotional expenses
- protest expenses
- public expenses
- publicity expenses
- quality expenses
- reasonable expenses
- recovery expenses
- recurrent expenses
- recurring expenses
- reimbursable expenses
- reinvoiced expenses
- relocation expenses
- removal expenses
- removing expenses
- rent expense
- repair expenses
- representation expenses
- rework expenses
- running expenses
- running-in expenses
- sales promotion expense
- salvage expenses
- selling expenses
- selling, general and administrative expenses
- service expenses
- shipping expenses
- ship's expenses
- special expenses
- specific expenses
- standing expenses
- starting expenses
- start-up expense
- stationary expenses
- stevedoring expenses
- storage expenses
- subsistence expenses
- substituted expenses
- sundry expenses
- supplementary expenses
- tax expenses
- tax deductible interest expenses
- telephone expenses
- telex expenses
- testamentary expenses
- title expenses
- total expenses
- towage expenses
- trade expenses
- transfer expenses
- transhipment expenses
- transport expenses
- transportation expenses
- travel expenses
- travel and entertainment expenses
- travelling expenses
- trimming expenses
- uncontrollable expenses
- unforeseen expenses
- unit expenses
- unloading expenses
- unproductive expenses
- unreasonable expenses
- unreimbursed expenses
- unreimbursed job travel expenses
- unscheduled expenses
- unwarranted expenses
- upkeep expenses
- variable expenses
- wages expenses
- warehouse expenses
- warranty expenses
- wheeling expenses
- working expenses
- works general expenses
- expenses as percentage of sales
- expenses for the account of
- expenses for protesting a bill
- expenses in foreign exchange
- expenses of carriage
- expenses of the carrier
- expenses of circulation
- expenses of collection
- expenses of discharge
- expenses of haulage
- expenses of the insured
- expenses of the parties
- expenses of production
- expenses of protest
- expenses of reproduction
- expenses of shipping
- expenses of trackage
- expenses of transhipping
- expenses of transportation
- expenses on arbitration
- expenses on charter
- expenses on collection
- expenses on compensation for damage
- expenses on currency transactions
- expenses on customer transactions
- expenses on erection work
- expense on financing commitments
- expenses on guarantee commitments
- expenses on insurance
- expenses on materials
- expenses on off-balance-sheet transactions
- expenses on patenting procedure
- expenses on payment instruments
- expenses on repairs
- expenses on replacement
- expenses on scientific research
- expenses on security transactions
- expenses on selling
- expenses on selling effort
- expenses on setting-up
- expenses on storage
- expenses on technical service
- expenses on trading securities
- expenses on treasury operations and interbank transactions
- expenses per head of population
- at the expense of
- at great expense
- at the owner's expense and risk
- at the firm's expense
- less expenses
- minus expenses
- free of expenses
- free of all expenses
- expenses charged forward
- expenses connected with capital lease
- expenses connected with fund transfer
- expenses connected with obtaining credit
- expenses connected with the procedure in bankruptcy
- expenses deducted
- expenses incurred in searching for a job
- expenses prepaid
- expenses related to receivership
- absorb expenses
- account for the expenses
- advance expenses
- allocate expenses
- apportion expenses
- approve expenses
- assess expenses
- assume expenses
- authorize expenses
- avoid expenses
- avoid extra expenses
- bear expenses
- calculate expenses
- cause expenses
- charge expenses to the account of smb.
- compensate for expenses
- cover expenses
- curb expenses
- curtail expenses
- cut down expenses
- defray expenses
- determine expenses
- distribute expenses
- double expenses
- duplicate expenses
- entail expenses
- enter as expense
- estimate expenses
- experience extensive expenses
- go to expense
- halve expenses
- increase expenses
- incur expenses
- indemnify for expenses
- involve expenses
- itemize expenses
- limit expenses
- make expenses
- meet expenses
- offset expenses
- overestimate expenses
- participate in expenses
- pay expenses
- pile up expenses
- place expenses to smb.'s charge
- pool expenses
- prepay expenses
- put to expense
- put to great expense
- recognize expenses
- recompense expenses
- recover expenses
- reduce expenses
- refund the expenses
- reimburse smb. for expenses
- repay expenses
- run up expenses
- save expenses
- sequestrate expenses
- share expenses
- slash expenses
- spare no expense
- split expenses
- substantiate the expenses
- undertake expensesEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > expense
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
contract hauler — As defined by a state statute regulating motor carriers, the term means every person hauling, controlling or operating, or managing any motor vehicle used in the business of transporting property for compensation. State ex rel. Scott v Superior… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Ofoten Line — Malmtrafik train hauled by twin Iore locomotives Overview Type Railway System … Wikipedia
Malmtrafik — Main line(s): Ore Line Ofoten Line … Wikipedia
List of trucking industry terms in the United States — These are terms used within the U.S. trucking industry. Some of these terms may be used within other English speaking countries, or within the freight industry in general (air, rail, ship, and manufacturing). The terms are arranged by type, from… … Wikipedia
Thomas Sinito — Thomas James Sinito aka The Chinaman (September 18, 1938 December 21, 1997) was a powerful Caporegime in the Cleveland crime family who was once accused of plotting the assassination of then Cleveland mayor, Dennis J. Kucinich in 1979. [… … Wikipedia
EWS — English, Welsh and Scottish Railway Ltd (EWS) is the largest British rail freight company.EWS was established by a consortium led by Wisconsin Central Ltd in 1996. Canadian National bought Wisconsin Central in 2001, and held approximately 30% of… … Wikipedia
Chicago Tunnel Company — Under the streets of Chicago, pre 1906. Locale Illinois Dates of operation 1906–1959 T … Wikipedia
Franklin B. Gowen — Infobox Person name = Franklin Benjamin Gowen caption = birth date = birth date|1836|2|9|mf=y birth place = Philadelphia, Pennsylvania death date = death date and age|1889|12|13|1836|2|9|mf=y death place = Washington, D.C.Franklin Benjamin Gowen… … Wikipedia
James Galante — (born 1953) is a convicted felon and reputed Cosa Nostra figure, owner of the defunct Danbury Trashers minor league hockey team, and ex CEO of Automated Waste Disposal (AWD), a company which holds waste disposal contracts for most of western… … Wikipedia
Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System — The construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System was a massive undertaking involving tens of thousands of people often in extreme temperatures and conditions. Specialized construction techniques were pioneered to build the pipeline, most of… … Wikipedia
North Island Main Trunk — Map of the North Island Main Trunk Railway Overview Type Heavy rail System New Ze … Wikipedia