1 contoured path routine
check routine — программа контроля; контролирующая программа
monitor routine — монитор; управляющая программа; диспетчер
2 contoured path routine
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > contoured path routine
3 contoured path routine
input routine — программа ввода; входная программа
English-Russian big medical dictionary > contoured path routine
4 contoured path routine
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > contoured path routine
5 contoured path routine
программа прохождения по контуруБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contoured path routine
6 contoured path routine
1) Вычислительная техника: программа контурного управления, программа прохождения по контуру2) Механика: операция прохождения по контуру3) Робототехника: операция отслеживания траекторииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > contoured path routine
7 contoured path routine
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > contoured path routine
8 contoured path routine
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > contoured path routine
9 contoured path routine
10 contoured path routine
программа контурного управления, операция прохождения по контуру, операция отслеживания траектории
Англо-русский словарь по робототехнике > contoured path routine
11 contoured path routine
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > contoured path routine
12 contoured path routine
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > contoured path routine
13 routine
1) (рутинная) операция, (рутинная) процедура2) уст. стандартная программа (см. тж program), процедура, подпрограмма3) редк. алгоритм•- alternate routine
- automatic routine
- automonitor routine
- auxiliary routine
- benchmark routine
- block address interrupt routine
- bootstrap routine
- channel error routine
- channel status routine
- check routine
- checking routine
- checkout routine
- checkpoint routine
- closed routine
- compiler routine
- compiling routine
- contoured path routine
- coordinator routine
- damage assessment routine
- dating routine
- decision routine
- direct-insert routine
- direct-inserted routine
- dump routine
- end-of-file routine
- end-of-run routine
- end-of-tape routine
- error-control routine
- error-correction routine
- error-detection routine
- error-handling routine
- error-recovery routine
- executive routine
- extracode routine
- extremity routine
- file management routine
- file organization routine
- floating routine
- floating-point routine
- function-evaluation routine
- general routine
- generalized routine
- generating routine
- generative routine
- graphics routine
- housekeeping routine
- incomplete routine
- initial input routine
- initial test routine
- initialization routine
- input routine
- input/output routine
- interpreter routine
- interpretive routine
- interrogation routine
- interrupt handling routine
- interrupt routine
- interrupt service routine
- iterative routine
- library maintenance routine
- library routine
- linked routine
- loading routine
- maintenance routine
- malfunction routine
- master routine
- match routine
- microcode routine
- monitor routine
- nonresident routine
- nonreusable routine
- object routine
- open routine
- operator routine
- output routine
- patch routine
- primarily computational routine
- print routine
- priority routine
- program loading routine
- quick-and-dirty routine
- readdressing routine
- recursive routine
- reenterable routine
- reentrant routine
- repetitive routine
- rerun routine
- resident routine
- restart routine
- retrieval routine
- reusable routine
- rollback routine
- run location routine
- search routine
- selective tracing routine
- self-relative routine
- sequence checking routine
- service routine
- shut-down routine
- simulation routine
- simulator routine
- software routine
- status-saving routine
- supervisor call routine
- supervisory routine
- suspect routine
- tape bootstrap routine
- task assignment routine
- termination routine
- test routine
- testing routine
- trace routine
- tracing routine
- transient routine
- trap routine
- untrustworthy routine
- user-supplied routineEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > routine
14 contoured
15 closed path
1. замкнутый контур2. замкнутая траектория -
16 contour routine
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > contour routine
17 closed path
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > closed path
См. также в других словарях:
microscope — /muy kreuh skohp /, n. 1. an optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen or too small to be seen distinctly and in detail by the unaided eye. 2. (cap.) Astron. the… … Universalium