Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 stretch

    [stre ] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become longer or wider especially by pulling or by being pulled: She stretched the piece of elastic to its fullest extent; His scarf was so long that it could stretch right across the room; This material stretches; The dog yawned and stretched (itself); He stretched (his arm/hand) up as far as he could, but still could not reach the shelf; Ask someone to pass you the jam instead of stretching across the table for it.) natiahnuť (sa)
    2) ((of land etc) to extend: The plain stretched ahead of them for miles.) rozkladať sa
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stretching or state of being stretched: He got out of bed and had a good stretch.) natiahnutie
    2) (a continuous extent, of eg a type of country, or of time: a pretty stretch of country; a stretch of bad road; a stretch of twenty years.) plocha; úsek; obdobie
    - stretchy
    - at a stretch
    - be at full stretch
    - stretch one's legs
    - stretch out
    * * *
    • uvelebenie
    • vypnutie
    • vypätie
    • vytiahnut
    • zložit
    • zneužitie výsady
    • zrazit
    • šetrit
    • šikovne rozdelit
    • smer
    • spojitá ciara
    • úsek
    • uložit sa
    • tiahnut(sa)
    • trvat
    • príliš volne vyložit
    • prekrocenie
    • priestor
    • pretahovanie
    • predlžovanie
    • prechádzka
    • prehánat
    • elastická pancucha
    • finiš
    • dosahovat
    • elastický
    • byt pružný
    • cast
    • cielová rovinka
    • rozšírit
    • rozšliapnut
    • rozkladat(sa)
    • rovina
    • pružnost
    • rozpätie
    • roztiahnutie
    • roztiahnut(sa)
    • rozsah
    • plavebný úsek
    • pás
    • perovat
    • položit sa
    • krepsilónka
    • najvyššie vypätie
    • námaha
    • napínanie
    • natiahnut
    • natiahnutie tela
    • natiahnutie
    • nastavit
    • napnút kožu
    • natahovat sa
    • napnút
    • neprerušovaná doba
    • oddiel

    English-Slovak dictionary > stretch

См. также в других словарях:

  • Continuous-type furnace — Continuous type furnace. См. Печь непрерывного типа. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

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  • Continuous reactor — Continuous reactors (alternatively referred to as flow reactors) carry material as a flowing stream. Reactants are continuously fed into the reactor and emerge as continuous stream of product. Continuous reactors are used for a wide variety of… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuous-wave radar — is a type of radar system where a known stable frequency continuous wave radio energy is transmitted and then received from any reflecting objects.[1]Continuous wave (CW) radar uses Doppler, which renders the radar immune to interference from… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuous training — is a type of physical training that involves activity without rest. This type of training may be of high intensity, of moderate intensity with an extended duration, or fartlek training.[1] Continuous training means the pe Continuous training can… …   Wikipedia

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  • Continuous-flow intersection — in West Valley City, Utah showing the layout and normal traffic flow in the southwest portion of the intersection. Continuous flow intersection (CFI), also called a crossover displaced left turn (XDL), is an at grade intersection that moves the… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuous cruiser — (CCer) is a class of licence fees on the inland waterways of the United Kingdom. It also refers to the boats and owners who have such a licence, but some people restrict this usage to boaters who genuinely cruise continuously (see below).… …   Wikipedia

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  • Continuous obsolescence — or perpetual revolution is a phenomenon where industry trends, or other items that do not immediately correspond to technical needs, mandate a continual readaptation of a system; such work does not increase the usefulness of the system, but is… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuous predicate — is a term coined by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) to describe a special type of relational predicate that results as the limit of a recursive process of hypostatic abstraction. Here is one of Peirce s definitive discussions of the concept:… …   Wikipedia

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