1 continuous targeting system
Ракетная техника: (автоматизированная) система непрерывной выработки данных наведенияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > continuous targeting system
2 continuous targeting system
ркт. ( автоматизированная) система непрерывной выработки данных наведенияEnglish-Russian military dictionary > continuous targeting system
3 ICBM continuous targeting system
Военный термин: система обеспечения непрерывного нацеливания МБРУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ICBM continuous targeting system
4 ICBM continuous targeting system
English-Russian military dictionary > ICBM continuous targeting system
5 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
1) Компьютерная техника: Conformance Test System, Consolidated Tape System, cut-trough switching2) Авиация: control temperature sensor3) Военный термин: Cadet Training Ship, Change Tracking System, Chief, Technical Services, Common Targeting System, Communications Technology Satellite, Conflict Tactic Scales, Contact Test Set, central tactical system, central target simulator, central training section, command and telemetry system, communications test set, components test set, computerized training system, contractor technical support, cosmic top secret, courier transfer station, course training standard4) Техника: communications and tracking subsystem, communications and tracking system, communications technician, special devices operator, communications technological satellite, communications test station, compact tension specimen, component test system, concentrate transfer system, condensate transfer and storage, containment spray system, cryogenic temperature sensor, current technical specification, сертифицированный технический специалист5) Математика: Cross Table Sampling6) Бухгалтерия: Cash To Spend7) Автомобильный термин: coolant temperature sensor, charge temperature switch (Chrysler)8) Металлургия: Controlled Thermal Severity9) Телекоммуникации: Call Tracking System, сигнал "готов к передаче", Clear To Send (EIA-232-E), Common Transport Semantics (IBM)10) Сокращение: Casualty Transport Ship, Clear to Send (communications protocol signal), Common Termination System, Communications Training System, Compatible Timesharing System, Composite Training Squadron (USAF), Compulsive Travellers Syndrome, Computerized Tomography Scanner, Contingency Transfer System, Course Training Standards, Culler - Tiler - Singler, close to shoulder, count per second, Clear To Send (EIA RS-232-C), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, complete timing set11) Университет: Career Technology Studies, Classroom Technology Services12) Физиология: Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Compulsive Traveller's Syndrome13) Вычислительная техника: Clear To Send, Clear To Send (EIA RS-232-C), Common Type System (OOP, CLR, MS,.NET, CLS), Conformance Testing Service (OSTC), Compatibility Test Suite (Sun, J2EE), Cipher Text Stealing (mode, Verschluesselung)14) Нефть: condensate to surface15) Иммунология: Clinical Technical Support16) Космонавтика: Communication Technology Satellite17) Транспорт: Cleveland Transit System, Commodity Transportation Survey18) Воздухоплавание: Contralateral Threshold Shift19) Фирменный знак: Carmichael Training Systems21) Деловая лексика: Certified Temporary Staffing, Combined Trading System, контейнерное судно, контейнеровоз (container ship)22) Образование: Critical Thinking Skills23) Сетевые технологии: Cluster Testing System, Component Transaction Server, communication terminal synchronous, сброс передатчика, синхронный коммуникационный терминал24) Полимеры: container-transport system, continuous-time service25) Химическое оружие: CTR Transportation Support, Contractor transportation support26) Расширение файла: Common Test Subroutines, Customer Telephone System, Permanent location contents (ABC programming language), Computer Telephony Solution (IBM)27) Электротехника: cable tyre sheath28) Станки: Охлаждение через шпиндель (Colant through spindle)29) Должность: Certified Technology Specialist, Certified Temporary Specialists, Certified Trauma Specialist30) NYSE. C T S Corporation31) НАСА: Commercial To Space32) Международная торговля: Corporate Translation Services -
7 Cts
1) Компьютерная техника: Conformance Test System, Consolidated Tape System, cut-trough switching2) Авиация: control temperature sensor3) Военный термин: Cadet Training Ship, Change Tracking System, Chief, Technical Services, Common Targeting System, Communications Technology Satellite, Conflict Tactic Scales, Contact Test Set, central tactical system, central target simulator, central training section, command and telemetry system, communications test set, components test set, computerized training system, contractor technical support, cosmic top secret, courier transfer station, course training standard4) Техника: communications and tracking subsystem, communications and tracking system, communications technician, special devices operator, communications technological satellite, communications test station, compact tension specimen, component test system, concentrate transfer system, condensate transfer and storage, containment spray system, cryogenic temperature sensor, current technical specification, сертифицированный технический специалист5) Математика: Cross Table Sampling6) Бухгалтерия: Cash To Spend7) Автомобильный термин: coolant temperature sensor, charge temperature switch (Chrysler)8) Металлургия: Controlled Thermal Severity9) Телекоммуникации: Call Tracking System, сигнал "готов к передаче", Clear To Send (EIA-232-E), Common Transport Semantics (IBM)10) Сокращение: Casualty Transport Ship, Clear to Send (communications protocol signal), Common Termination System, Communications Training System, Compatible Timesharing System, Composite Training Squadron (USAF), Compulsive Travellers Syndrome, Computerized Tomography Scanner, Contingency Transfer System, Course Training Standards, Culler - Tiler - Singler, close to shoulder, count per second, Clear To Send (EIA RS-232-C), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, complete timing set11) Университет: Career Technology Studies, Classroom Technology Services12) Физиология: Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Compulsive Traveller's Syndrome13) Вычислительная техника: Clear To Send, Clear To Send (EIA RS-232-C), Common Type System (OOP, CLR, MS,.NET, CLS), Conformance Testing Service (OSTC), Compatibility Test Suite (Sun, J2EE), Cipher Text Stealing (mode, Verschluesselung)14) Нефть: condensate to surface15) Иммунология: Clinical Technical Support16) Космонавтика: Communication Technology Satellite17) Транспорт: Cleveland Transit System, Commodity Transportation Survey18) Воздухоплавание: Contralateral Threshold Shift19) Фирменный знак: Carmichael Training Systems21) Деловая лексика: Certified Temporary Staffing, Combined Trading System, контейнерное судно, контейнеровоз (container ship)22) Образование: Critical Thinking Skills23) Сетевые технологии: Cluster Testing System, Component Transaction Server, communication terminal synchronous, сброс передатчика, синхронный коммуникационный терминал24) Полимеры: container-transport system, continuous-time service25) Химическое оружие: CTR Transportation Support, Contractor transportation support26) Расширение файла: Common Test Subroutines, Customer Telephone System, Permanent location contents (ABC programming language), Computer Telephony Solution (IBM)27) Электротехника: cable tyre sheath28) Станки: Охлаждение через шпиндель (Colant through spindle)29) Должность: Certified Technology Specialist, Certified Temporary Specialists, Certified Trauma Specialist30) NYSE. C T S Corporation31) НАСА: Commercial To Space32) Международная торговля: Corporate Translation Services -
8 cts
1) Компьютерная техника: Conformance Test System, Consolidated Tape System, cut-trough switching2) Авиация: control temperature sensor3) Военный термин: Cadet Training Ship, Change Tracking System, Chief, Technical Services, Common Targeting System, Communications Technology Satellite, Conflict Tactic Scales, Contact Test Set, central tactical system, central target simulator, central training section, command and telemetry system, communications test set, components test set, computerized training system, contractor technical support, cosmic top secret, courier transfer station, course training standard4) Техника: communications and tracking subsystem, communications and tracking system, communications technician, special devices operator, communications technological satellite, communications test station, compact tension specimen, component test system, concentrate transfer system, condensate transfer and storage, containment spray system, cryogenic temperature sensor, current technical specification, сертифицированный технический специалист5) Математика: Cross Table Sampling6) Бухгалтерия: Cash To Spend7) Автомобильный термин: coolant temperature sensor, charge temperature switch (Chrysler)8) Металлургия: Controlled Thermal Severity9) Телекоммуникации: Call Tracking System, сигнал "готов к передаче", Clear To Send (EIA-232-E), Common Transport Semantics (IBM)10) Сокращение: Casualty Transport Ship, Clear to Send (communications protocol signal), Common Termination System, Communications Training System, Compatible Timesharing System, Composite Training Squadron (USAF), Compulsive Travellers Syndrome, Computerized Tomography Scanner, Contingency Transfer System, Course Training Standards, Culler - Tiler - Singler, close to shoulder, count per second, Clear To Send (EIA RS-232-C), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, complete timing set11) Университет: Career Technology Studies, Classroom Technology Services12) Физиология: Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Compulsive Traveller's Syndrome13) Вычислительная техника: Clear To Send, Clear To Send (EIA RS-232-C), Common Type System (OOP, CLR, MS,.NET, CLS), Conformance Testing Service (OSTC), Compatibility Test Suite (Sun, J2EE), Cipher Text Stealing (mode, Verschluesselung)14) Нефть: condensate to surface15) Иммунология: Clinical Technical Support16) Космонавтика: Communication Technology Satellite17) Транспорт: Cleveland Transit System, Commodity Transportation Survey18) Воздухоплавание: Contralateral Threshold Shift19) Фирменный знак: Carmichael Training Systems21) Деловая лексика: Certified Temporary Staffing, Combined Trading System, контейнерное судно, контейнеровоз (container ship)22) Образование: Critical Thinking Skills23) Сетевые технологии: Cluster Testing System, Component Transaction Server, communication terminal synchronous, сброс передатчика, синхронный коммуникационный терминал24) Полимеры: container-transport system, continuous-time service25) Химическое оружие: CTR Transportation Support, Contractor transportation support26) Расширение файла: Common Test Subroutines, Customer Telephone System, Permanent location contents (ABC programming language), Computer Telephony Solution (IBM)27) Электротехника: cable tyre sheath28) Станки: Охлаждение через шпиндель (Colant through spindle)29) Должность: Certified Technology Specialist, Certified Temporary Specialists, Certified Trauma Specialist30) NYSE. C T S Corporation31) НАСА: Commercial To Space32) Международная торговля: Corporate Translation Services -
9 market
1. сущ.1) эк. рынок; базар (специальное место, где осуществляется торговля)COMBS:
It is cheaper to buy vegetables from the market than from a shop. — Овощи дешевле покупать на рынке, чем в магазине.
Syn:marketplace 1), bazaar 1)See:2) эк. рынок (совокупность продавцов и покупателей какого-л. товара)to place [to put\] goods on the market, to bring goods to market — предлагать товар к продаже
In 1930 the first home laundry machine and refrigerator were put on the market. — В 1930 г. на рынке появилась первая бытовая стиральная машина и холодильник.
ATTRIBUTES [structure\]: actual 1. 1), auction 1. 1), call 1. 1), n6б, captive 1. 1), n4, classical 1. 3), concentrated 1. 1) а), continuous 1. 1) а), first 2. 3) а), forward 1. 1), n4, fourth, imperfect 1. 1), б, inside 2. 1) а), intermediate 2. 2) а), inverted 1. 3), monopolistic, oligopolistic, one-sided 1. 3), one-way 2. 4) а), open outcry, outcry, over-the-counter 2. 1) а), over-the-telephone, parallel 2. 1) а), perfect 1. 1), n2б, pitching, physical 2. 1) а), public 1. 1), n4, pure 1. 1) а), retail 2. 1) а), screen-based, second 1. 1), n2, sideways 2. 6) а), spot 2. 1) а), third 2. 3) а), wholesale 2. 1) а)
ATTRIBUTES [legality\]: administered 1), bear 1. 2), black 1. 3) а), blocked 1. 2) а), controlled, democratic 1), formal 1. 1) а), free 1. 1) а), informal 1), б, illicit, kerb, organized 1), в, overt 1. 2) а), regulated, rigged 1. 2) а)
See:CHILD [product\]: product market, financial market, services market, political market, pollution permit market, related markets CHILD [structure\]: actual market 2), 3), aftermarket 1), auction market, call market, carrying market, cash market, 1), 1), continuous market, double auction market, double-auction market, first market, forward market, fourth market, imperfect market, inside market 2), inter-dealer market, intermediate market, inverted market, monopolistic market, non-exchange market, off-board market, oligopolistic market, one-sided market, one-way market, open outcry market, OTC market, outcry market, 2), over-the-counter market, over-the-counter securities market, over-the-telephone market, parallel market, perfect market, physical market, public market 2), pure market, retail market, screen-based market, second market, spot market, street market 1), third market, upstairs market 2), wholesale market CHILD [legality\]: administered market, bear market 2), black market 1) а), blocked market, closed market, controlled market, formal market, free market, free and open market, informal market, grey market 1) а), illicit market, kerb market, organized market, price-making market, regulated market 1) а), rigged market, self-regulated market, access to market, market access, market disruption, inside market 1), 1), market-determined price3)а) эк. спрос; объем спроса, размер рынка (наличие желающих купить товар; часто используется как характеристика определенной территории)COMBS:
The European market for this product is estimated at $10 billions during next 5 years. — По оценкам, объем европейского рынка этого продукта будет равен 10 млрд долл. в течение ближайших пяти лет.
ATTRIBUTES: actual 1. 1), assured 1. 2), brisk 1. 1), business 1. 4) а), commercial 1. 1), consumer 1. 1), consumers, customer 1. 1), dealer 1. 1), б, enterprise 1. 2) а), government 1. 7) а), heavy user, industrial 1. 1), а, institutional 1. 1), а, manufacturing 2. 1) а), organizational, personal 1. 2) а), potential, producer 1. 1), professional 1. 1), promising, ready 1. 1), reseller, trade 1. 2), world 2. 1) а)
See:actual market 1), assured market, brisk market, business market, commercial market, consumer market, consumers market, consumers' market, customer market, dealer market, enterprise market, government market, heavy-user market, industrial market, institutional market, large-volume market, manufacturing market, organizational market, personal market 1), potential market 1) б), producer market, professional market, promising market, ready market, reseller market, trade market, world market 2) б)б) эк. потребителиATTRIBUTES: brand-loyal, control 3. 1), conventional 3. 2), core 2. 2), exploratory, intended, main 1. 1), mass 3. 1), personal 3. 2), potential, primary 2. 2), n2, principal 2. 2), n1, prospective, target 3. 1), test 3. 1), traditional
Syn:See:brand-loyal market, control market, conventional market, core market, exploratory market, intended market, main market 2), personal market 2), potential market 2) а), primary market 2), principal market 1) а), prospective market, target market, test market, traditional market, market acceptance, market attritionв) марк. рынок сбыта ( географический район)ATTRIBUTES: colonial, domestic 2) а), export 3. 2) а), external 1. 2) а), foreign 1. 1) а), global 1. 1) а), home 2. 2) а), internal 1. 2) а), international 1. 1) а), dispersed, distant 1. 1) а), local 1. 1) а), national 1. 1) а), nation-wide, nationwide, overseas 1. 2) а), regional, scattered 1. 1) а), world 2. 1) а), world-wide
Syn:See:colonial market, domestic market 1), export market, external market 1), foreign market 1), global market, home market, internal market 1), 2), international market, dispersed market, distant market, local market, national market, nation-wide market, overseas market, regional market, scattered market, world market 1), worldwide market, new-to-market, old-to-marketг) марк. = market segmentATTRIBUTES:
ATTRIBUTES: concentrated 1) а), craft 1. 1) а), demographic, downscale 1. 2) а), heterogeneous, homogeneous, high-income, low-end, metro, metropolitan, middle-aged, middle-class, mid-range, military, rural, specialized, specialty, silver 2. 3) а), upscale 1. 2) а), youth 2. 4) а)
See:black market 2), 2), craft market, demographic market, downmarket, down-market, downscale market, heterogeneous market, homogeneous market, high-income market, low-end market, lower end of the market, middle-aged market, middle-class market, mid-range market, military market 2) б), specialized market, specialty market, silver market 1) б), upscale market, youth market4) эк. конъюнктура, уровень цен, состояние рынка (состояние рынка в значении 2, с точки зрения активности продавцов и покупателей и соответствующей динамики изменения цен)ATTRIBUTES: active 1. 3), advancing, bid 1. 3), bear 1. 2), barren 1. 3), broad 1. 1), bull 1. 2), close II 2. 3) в), competitive II 2. 2) а), complete 1. 2), confident II 2. 1) а), congested, contango, contestable, crossed II 2. 2) а), crowded II 2. 1) а), а, dead 1. 2), declining, deep II 2. 2) а), depressed II 2. 2) а), б, differentiated, dull II 2. 1) а), efficient II 2. 1) а), б, emerging, established II 2. 1) а), expanding, falling, fast II 1. 2) а), fertile II 2. 1) а), firm I 1. 1) а), flat I 2. 4) а), graveyard, growing 1. 1), growth II 2. 1) а), heavy II 2. 1) а), inactive II 2. 2) а), increasing, jumpy II 2. 1) а), б, languid II 2. 2) а), limited II 2. 1) а), liquid I 2. 6) а), locked II 2. 2) а), lucrative, mature 1. 2), narrow 1. 1), nervous I 2. 5) б), normal I 1. 5) б), offered, overstocked II 2. 1) а), а, pegged I 1. 3) б), present I 2. 2) б), price-sensitive, productive I 1. 3) б), profitable II 2. 1) а), protected, recession-hit, restricted II 2. 1) а), restrictive II 2. 1) а), rising, sagging I 2. 2) б), saturated I 1. 3) б), seller II 2. 1) а), а, selective I 2. 5) б), sensitive I 2. 4) б), short 1. 1), shrinking, slack I 2. 2) б), sluggish II 2. 2) а), soft I 2. 4) б), sold-out, stable I 2. 1) б), stagnant II 2. 1) а), static I 2. 2) б), steady 1. 1), stiff 1. 1), б, strong II 2. 2) а), technically strong, technically weak, tight I 2. 4) б), wide II 2. 1) а)
See:active market, advancing market, bid market, bear market 1), Big Emerging Markets, broad market, bull market, buyers' market, close market, competitive market, complete market, contango market, contestable market, crossed market, crowded market, dead market, declining market, deep market, depressed market, differentiated market, dull market, efficient market, emerging market, established market, expanding market, fast market, fertile market, firm market, flat market, growing market, inactive market, jumpy market, languid market, lemons market, limited market, liquid market, locked market, lucrative market, market of lemons, mature market, narrow market, normal market, offered market, overstocked market, pegged market, present market, price-sensitive market, productive market, profitable market, protected market, recession-hit market, restricted market, restrictive market, rising market, sagging market, saturated market, sellers market, seller's market, sellers' market, selective market, sensitive market, short market, shrinking market, slack market, sluggish market, soft market, sold-out market, stable market, stagnant market, static market, steady market, stiff market, strong market, technically strong market, technically weak market, tight market, wide market5) эк., амер. розничный магазин (обычно специализированный, напр., мясной, рыбный)6) эк., пол. рынок (принцип устройства экономической системы, предусматривающий свободное формирование цен под воздействием спроса и предложения)See:7) межд. эк. рынок (экономический союз нескольких стран, в основе которого лежит создание единого торгового пространства для товаров, услуг и факторов производства)ATTRIBUTES: common 1) а), single 2) а)
See:common market, single market, Andean Common Market, Arab Common Market, Central American Common Market, Central American Common Market, common market, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa2. гл.1) эк. продавать, реализовывать, распространятьto receive approval from X agency to market the product — получить разрешение от органа Х на распространение продукта
2) марк. осуществлять маркетинг, позиционировать, продвигатьE-mail is recognized as the easiest and cheapest way to market your organization, your programs, and your issues. — Электронная почта считается самым легким и недорогим способом продвижения [рекламирования\] вашей организации, ваших программ и вашей работы.
See:3. прил.1) эк. рыночныйAnt:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)See:market activity 1), market behaviour 2), market capitalism, 1), market competition, market conduct, market discipline, market economy, market exchange, market fundamentalism, market ideology, market mechanism, market mode of coordination, market order of worth, market political culture, market sector 3), market socialism, market system, market transactionSee:market absorption, market acceptance, market activity 2), market appraisal, market area, market attractiveness, market attrition, market audience, market basket, market behaviour 1), market breadth, market break, market breakdown, market cap, market capacity, market capitalization, market challenger, 2), market clearance 2), market clearing, market communications, market composition, market concentration, market condition, market conditions 2), market coverage, market decline, market definition, market demand, market depth, market disequilibrium, market dominance, market dynamics, market equilibrium, market expectation, market expectations, market failure, market focus, market follower, market form, market glut, market grade, 1), market growth, market homogeneity, market interest rate, market intermediary, market jitters, market leader, market leadership, market level 2), market maker, market making, market needs, market nicher, market organization, market out, market participant, market partnership, market pattern, market position, market potential, market power, market presence, market pressure, market price, market profile, market quality 2), market quotation, market rate, market rate of interest, market range, market reaction, market requirements, market resistance, market response, market return, market satisfaction, market saturation, market segment, market selection, market sensitivity, market sentiment, market share, market situation 1), market size, market stability, market standard, market standing, market structure, market supply, market tone, market trader, market trend, market undertone, market user, market value, market value added, market volume, market weight 2) Market EyeSee:market analysis, market analyst, market approach, market arbitrage, market audit, market average, market barrier, market build-up, market channel, market clearance 1), market closing, market conditions 1), market conversion price, market cycle, market data, market development, market discount, market entry, market evidence, market exit, market expansion, market experiment, market exploration, market exposure, market factor, market fluctuation, market fluctuations, market forces, market forecast, market forecasting, 2), market hours, market incentive, market index, market indicator, market information, market inroad, market intelligence, market interface, market investigation, market letter, market level 1), market liquidity, market manager, market mapping, market matching, market maximization, market model, market modification, market movement, market multiple, market niche, market node, market opening, market opportunity, market order, market orientation, market outlet, market penetration, market performance, market period, market plan, market planning, market portfolio, market positioning, market prognosis, market ratio, market report, market research, market researcher, market reversal, market review, market risk, market rollout, market sector 1), &2, market segmentation, market selectivity, market sharing, market signal, market situation 2), market skimming, market specialist, market specialization, market stimulant, market strategy, market study, market survey, market sweep, market target, market targeting, market test, market testing, market timer, market timing2) эк. товарный, рыночный ( предназначенный для продажи на рынке)market fish — товарная рыба, рыба для продажи
market stock — товарный скот, скот для продажи
market vegetables — товарные овощи, овощи для продажи
Syn:marketable 3)See:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)
* * *
market; Mkt; mart 1) рынок: организованная или неформальная система торговли товарами, услугами или финансовыми инструментами на основе четких правил (напр., фондовая биржа); 2) рыночные цены, состояние конъюнктуры; 3) совокупность людей или юридических лиц, предъявляющих текущий или потенциальный спрос на товары услуги; равнозначно спросу; 4) основные участники финансового рынка: дилеры, торгующие за свой счет, посредники и покупатели; 5) = marketplace; 6) рынок как столкновение спроса и предложения покупателей и продавцов, в результате которого определяется цена товара; 7) (to) продавать; см. marketing; 8) = market value; 9) "The Market"= Dow Jones Industrial Average.* * *рынок; рыночное хозяйство; рыночная экономика; рыночный механизм; спрос; конъюнктура. Как правило, употребляется применительно к фондовому рынку. 'Сегодня рынок упал' означает, что в этот день стоимость сделок на фондовом рынке снизилась . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *организованное собрание/встреча людей, на которой происходит торговля ценными бумагами-----территория, на которой встречаются продавцы и покупатели, чтобы обменяться тем, что представляет ценность-----конъюнктурный обзор; бюллетень о состоянии рынка
См. также в других словарях:
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