1 continuous horizontal evaporation
Лесоводство: непрерывное выпаривание в горизонтальной зонеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > continuous horizontal evaporation
2 continuous horizontal evaporation
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > continuous horizontal evaporation
3 continuous horizontal evaporation
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > continuous horizontal evaporation
4 method
метод; способ; средство; приём; технология; система; порядокconstant casing pressure method — метод борьбы с выбросом поддержанием постоянного давления в затрубном пространстве
displacement method of plugging — цементирование через заливочные трубы (без пробок, с вытеснением цементного раствора буровым)
gas-drive liquid propane method — процесс закачки в пласт газа под высоким давлением с предшествующим нагнетанием жидкого пропана
single core dynamic method — динамический метод определения относительной проницаемости по отдельному образцу
transient method of electrical prospecting — метод электроразведки, использующий неустановившиеся электрические явления
— colour band method
* * *
метод; способ; приёмbullhead well control method — способ глушения скважины с вытеснением пластового флюида в пласт из кольцевого пространства
constant bottomhole pressure well control method — способ глушения скважины при постоянном забойном давлении
driller's well control method — способ глушения скважины с раздельным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
one-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
reliability matrix index method — метод контроля за обеспечением надёжности путём задания показателей надёжности
two-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с разделёнными удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
Vlugter method of structural group analysis — структурно-групповой метод анализа (углеводородов) по Флюгтеру
wait and weight well-control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
* * *
метод, способ
* * *
метод; способ; приём- method of assurancemethod for determination relative water wettability — метод определения относительной водосмачиваемости ( пород);
- method of borehole section correlation
- method of calculating gas reserves
- method of circles
- method of defining petroleum reserves
- method of defining reserves
- method of determining static corrections
- method of drilling
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole motor
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole unit
- method of estimating reserves
- method of evaluating petroleum reserves
- method of formation
- method of formation damage analysis
- method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- method of formation nonuniformity analysis
- method of increasing oil mobility
- method of limiting well production rate
- method of liquid saturation determination
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by air injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by gas injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by water injection
- method of measuring critical water saturation
- method of mirror
- method of operation
- method of planting
- method of sample taking
- method of sampling
- method of sharpening
- method of stimulating production
- method of strong formation explosions
- method of testing
- method of three coefficients
- airborne magnetometer method
- air-hammer drilling method
- airlift well operation method
- alcohol-slug method
- arc refraction method
- aromatic adsorption method
- average velocity method
- average velocity approximation method
- bailer method of cementing
- band method
- barrel per acre method
- Barthelmes method
- basic volume method of estimating reserves
- beam pumping well operation method
- blasthole method
- bomb method
- borderline method
- borehole method
- borehole wall consolidation method
- bottom-packer method
- bottom water isolation method
- bottom water shutoff method
- bottomhole pressure build-up method
- broadside refraction method
- cable tool percussion drilling method
- Cabot method
- building method
- bullhead well control method
- capillarimetric method for determination wettability
- carbonized water injection method
- casing method of cementing
- casing-pressure method
- catenary pipe laying method
- cementing method
- cetane test method
- charcoal method
- chemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- chemical method of borehole wall lining
- circulating method
- clean recirculation method
- cold method of oil fractionation
- combination drilling method
- common-depth-point method
- common-midpoint method
- common-reflection-point method
- compressional-wave method
- concurrent method
- concurrent method of well killing
- constant bottomhole pressure well control method
- constant casing pressure method
- constant pit level method
- continuous-correlation method
- continuous-profiling method
- controlled directivity reception method
- converted wave method
- copper dish method
- correlation method of refracted waves
- correlation refraction method
- countercirculation-wash-boring method
- crosshole method
- cube method
- curved-path method
- cyclic steam-soaking secondary oil recovery method
- cycloidal ray-path method
- cylinder method
- deep-hole method
- deep-refraction method
- delay-and-sum method
- derrick assembling method
- derrick erection method
- desalting method
- development method
- dewatering method
- diesel cetane method
- differential liberation method
- diffraction stack method
- dipole profiling method
- direct method of orientation
- directional survey method
- dispersed gas injection method
- displacement method of plugging
- distillation method
- distillation method of liquid saturation determination
- double control method
- downhole method
- downhole sucker-rod pump well operation method
- down-the-hole induced polarization method
- drill steam method of coke removal
- driller's method
- driller's well control method
- drilling method
- drilling-in method
- dual coil ratiometer method
- effusion method
- electrical method of geophysical prospecting
- electrical-audibility method
- electrical-exploration method
- electrical-logging method
- electrical-prospecting method
- electrical-sounding method
- electrical-surveying method
- electrochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- electrochemical method of borehole wall lining
- electromagnetic method of orientation
- electromagnetic-exploration method
- electromagnetic-prospecting method
- electromagnetic-profiling method
- electromagnetic-sounding method
- electromagnetic-surveying method
- enhanced recovery method
- enriched gas injection method
- Eshka method
- evaporation method of measuring critical water saturation
- exploration method
- exploration prospecting survey method
- exploration seismic method
- explosion drilling method
- explosion seismic method
- express method
- express method of production calculation
- filter-and-sum method
- fire flooding method
- firing line method
- first-break method
- first-event method
- float-and-chains method
- float-on method
- formation evaluation method
- four-point control method
- fracture method
- freepoint-string shot method
- freezing method
- freezing point depression method
- from-bottom-upward method of derrick assembling
- from-top-downward method of derrick assembling
- frontal advance gas-oil displacement method
- Galician method
- gamma-ray method
- gas blow-around method
- gas-chromatography method
- gas-drive liquid propane method
- gaslift well operation method
- gas-production test method
- gas-recovery method
- geological petroleum exploration method
- geological petroleum prospecting method
- geophysical petroleum exploration method
- grasshopper pipeline coupling method
- gravity method of geophysical prospecting
- gravity exploration method
- heat injection secondary oil recovery method
- hectare method of estimating reserves
- hesitation method
- high-pressure dry gas injection method
- high-resolution method
- hit-and-miss method
- holoseismic method
- horizontal-loop method
- hot-water drive method
- hydraulic drilling method
- hydraulic fracturing method
- hydraulic hammer drilling method
- hydraulic jet drilling method
- hydrodynamic method of calculating oil production
- hydrodynamic drilling method
- ice-plug method
- image method
- indirect method of orientation
- induction logging method
- infiltration method
- injection flow method
- in-situ combustion method
- interval change method
- isolation method
- isoline method of reserves estimation
- Kiruna method
- knock intensity method
- lamp method
- lean mixture rating method
- liquid solvent injection method
- logging method
- long-hole method
- long-interval method
- long-wire transmitter method
- luminescent-bitumen method
- magnesium-hydroxide method
- magnetic method of geophysical prospecting
- magnetic-exploration method
- magnetic-flaw detection method
- magnetic-particle method
- magnetic-particle flaw detection method
- magnetoelectrical control method
- magnetometrical method
- magnetotelluric method
- magnetotelluric-exploration method
- magnetotelluric-sounding method
- maintenance method
- mercury injection method of measuring critical water saturation
- micrometric method of rock analysis
- microseismic method
- migration method
- mining method
- moving-plug method of cementing
- moving-source method
- mud-balance method
- mudcap method
- mudflush drilling method
- multiple detection method
- nonionic surfactant water solution injection method
- nonreplacement method
- Norwegian method
- oil drive method
- oil production method
- oil recovery method
- oil withdrawal method
- one-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- one-agent borehole wall lining method
- one-circulation well control method
- outage method
- oxygen-bomb method
- parabolic method
- passive method
- pattern method
- pattern-type gas injection method
- penetration method
- penetrating fluid method
- percussion method
- perforation method
- Perkins method
- phase-velocity method
- physicochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- physicochemical method of borehole wall lining
- picric acid method
- pipe-bridge method
- pipe-driving method
- pipeline-assembly method
- pipeline-coupling method
- placement method
- plane front method
- plasma drilling method
- polarization method
- Poulter method
- pour point depression method
- pressure build-up method of formation damage analysis
- pressure build-up method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- pressure-drop method of estimating gas reserves
- primary oil recovery method
- probe method
- producing method
- producing well testing method
- production method
- production test method
- profiling method
- projected-vertical-plane method of orienting
- prospecting method
- pump-out method
- punching method
- radioactive method
- radioactive method of geophysical prospecting
- radio-direction-finder method
- ray-path method
- ray-stretching method
- ray-tracing method
- record presentation method
- recovery method
- rectilinear ray-path method
- reflection method
- reflection interpretation method
- refracted wave method
- refraction method
- refraction correlation method
- refraction interpretation method
- reliability method
- reliability matrix index method
- remedial cementing method
- replacement method
- repressuring method
- resistivity method
- restored-state method of measuring critical water saturation
- retort method of liquid saturation determination
- reversed refraction method
- ring-and-ball method
- rod tool percussion drilling method
- rodless pump well operation method
- roll-on method
- rope-and-drop pull method
- rotary drilling method
- rotation drilling method
- sampling method
- sand jet method
- saturation method
- saturation method of pore volume measurement
- secondary oil recovery method
- sectional method of pipeline assembly
- sectional pipe-coupling method
- sectorial pipe-coupling method
- sedimentology method of measuring particle size distribution
- seismic method
- seismic method of geophysical prospecting
- seismic-detection method
- seismic-exploration method
- seismic-identification method
- seismic-interpretation method
- seismic-reflection method
- seismic-refraction method
- self-potential method
- sequence firing method
- shear-wave method
- short-hole method
- shot-drilling method
- shot-popping method
- side-tracking method
- side-wall coring method
- single-core dynamic method
- single-fold continuous-coverage method
- slalom-line method
- small-bore deep-hole method
- soap suds method
- sounding method
- spontaneous polarization method
- squeeze cementing method
- squeezing method
- standardizing performance method
- standby method
- stationary liquid method of relative permeability determination
- statistical method of calculating oil production
- statistical method of estimating reserves
- steam oil drive method
- stepwise method of McCabe and Thiele
- stimulation method
- stove pipe method
- stove pipe flange method of rolling beams
- straight ray-path method
- subsurface method of geophysical prospecting
- suction method of cleaning
- summation method
- surface method of geophysical prospecting
- surface-wave method
- swabbing method
- swinging-gage method
- tertiary oil recovery method
- testing method
- thermal-acid formation treatment method
- thermal-recovery method
- thickened water injection method
- three-dimensional seismic method
- thumper method
- top-packer method
- towing method
- transient method of electrical prospecting
- transmitted wave method
- transposed method
- triaxial test method
- tubing method of cementing
- two-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- two-agent borehole wall lining method
- two-circulation well control method
- ultrasonic method
- ultrasonic flaw detection method
- variable-area method
- velocity-analysis method
- vertical loop method
- Vibroseis method
- Vlugter method of structural group analysis
- volume method of estimating reserves
- volume-statistical method of estimating reserves
- volume-weight method of estimating reserves
- volumetric method of estimating reserves
- volumetric-genetic method of estimating reserves
- wait-and-weight well-control method
- Walker's method
- wash-and-drive method
- washing method
- water flooding method
- water influx location method
- weathering computation method
- weight-drop method
- weight-saturation method
- well-casing method
- well-completion method
- well-control method
- well-drill method
- well-geophone method
- well-operation method
- well-shooting method
- well-testing method
- wireline method
- X-ray diffraction method* * * -
5 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
6 growth
1) рост; увеличение; развитие2) рост; выращивание (напр. кристалла)3) прирост; увеличение•growth by exsolution — рост посредством выпадения преципитатов, экстрактивный рост
growth by flux evaporation — выращивание методом испарения расплава;
growth by open-tube process — выращивание в проточной системе, выращивание методом открытой трубы;
growth by reversible reactions — выращивание методом обратимых реакций;
- growth of wavegrowth in open boat — выращивание в открытой лодочке, выращивание методом Чалмерса
- abnormal grain growth
- aqueous growth
- aqueous-solutlon growth
- arc-image growth
- boat growth
- cellular growth
- Chalmers' growth
- chemical reaction growth
- conservative crystal growth
- continuous grain growth
- controlled dendritic growth
- convection-limited growth
- crucibleless growth
- crystal growth
- crystal-pulling growth
- crystal-pushing growth
- Czochralski growth
- dendrite-ribbon growth
- dendrite-web growth
- dendritic growth
- diffusion-controlled growth
- diffusion-limited growth
- discontinuous grain growth
- domain growth
- electrochemical growth
- epitaxial growth
- epitaxial film growth
- epitaxial vacuum growth
- exaggerated grain growth
- facet growth
- fernlike growth
- flame-fusion growth
- flux growth
- fractal growth
- gaseous growth
- gaseous-phase growth
- gel growth
- grain growth
- heteroepitaxial growth
- high-temperature growth
- homoepitaxial growth
- hopper growth
- horizontal Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- hydrothermal growth
- ingot growth
- irreversible growth
- isotropic growth
- Kruger-Finke growth
- Kyropoulos growth
- layer growth
- liquid-metal solvent growth
- liquid-phase growth
- logistic growth
- low-temperature growth
- melt growth
- molten-salt growth
- monocomponent growth
- multiwafer film growth
- nonconservative growth
- normal grain growth
- oriented growth
- oxide growth
- pedestal growth
- poly growth
- preferential growth
- pseudomorphic growth
- rate growth
- rheotaxial growth
- seeded growth
- selective growth
- sheet growth
- single-crystal growth
- solid-liquid growth
- solid-solid growth
- solutioh growth
- spherulitic growth
- spiral growth
- sublimation-condensation growth
- thermal growth
- thermal-gradient growth
- transport-limited growth
- unintentional growth
- vapor growth
- vapor-liquid-solid growth
- vapor-phase growth
- vapor-solid growth
- Verneuil growth
- vertical Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- V-L-S growth
- whisker growth
- zero-gravity crystal growth -
7 growth
1) рост; увеличение; развитие2) рост; выращивание (напр. кристалла)3) прирост; увеличение•growth by exsolution — рост посредством выпадения преципитатов, экстрактивный рост
growth by open-tube process — выращивание в проточной системе, выращивание методом открытой трубы
- aqueous growthgrowth in open boat — выращивание в открытой лодочке, выращивание методом Чалмерса
- aqueous-solutlon growth
- arc-image growth
- boat growth
- cellular growth
- Chalmers' growth
- chemical reaction growth
- conservative crystal growth
- continuous grain growth
- controlled dendritic growth
- convection-limited growth
- crucibleless growth
- crystal growth
- crystal-pulling growth
- crystal-pushing growth
- Czochralski growth
- dendrite-ribbon growth
- dendrite-web growth
- dendritic growth
- diffusion-controlled growth
- diffusion-limited growth
- discontinuous grain growth
- domain growth
- electrochemical growth
- epitaxial film growth
- epitaxial growth
- epitaxial vacuum growth
- exaggerated grain growth
- facet growth
- fernlike growth
- flame-fusion growth
- flux growth
- fractal growth
- gaseous growth
- gaseous-phase growth
- gel growth
- grain growth
- growth of metastable phases
- growth of wave
- heteroepitaxial growth
- high-temperature growth
- homoepitaxial growth
- hopper growth
- horizontal Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- hydrothermal growth
- ingot growth
- irreversible growth
- isotropic growth
- Kruger-Finke growth
- Kyropoulos growth
- layer growth
- liquid-metal solvent growth
- liquid-phase growth
- logistic growth
- low-temperature growth
- melt growth
- molten-salt growth
- monocomponent growth
- multiwafer film growth
- nonconservative growth
- normal grain growth
- oriented growth
- oxide growth
- pedestal growth
- poly growth
- preferential growth
- pseudomorphic growth
- rate growth
- rheotaxial growth
- seeded growth
- selective growth
- sheet growth
- single-crystal growth
- solid-liquid growth
- solid-solid growth
- solutioh growth
- spherulitic growth
- spiral growth
- sublimation-condensation growth
- thermal growth
- thermal-gradient growth
- transport-limited growth
- unintentional growth
- vapor growth
- vapor-liquid-solid growth
- vapor-phase growth
- vapor-solid growth
- Verneuil growth
- vertical Bridgman-Stockbarger growth
- V-L-S growth
- whisker growth
- zero-gravity crystal growthThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > growth
8 basin
1) бассейн; водоём2) бассейн реки3) акватория4) резервуар5) котловина6) отстойник7) чаша; кухонная раковина, раковина умывальника•- basin of internal drainage - activated sludge basin - aeration basin - artesian basin - backwater basin - baffled mixing basin - blind catch basin - canal basin - catch basin - catchment basin - catch water basin - clarifying basin - clear water basin - closed basin - closet basin - coagulation basin - continuous flushing setting basin - cutoff basin - detention basin - diffused aeration basin - desilt basin - desilting basin - distributing basin - distribution basin - drainage basin - elevated basin - enclosed basin - equalizing basin - hydrographic basin - intermittent flushing setting basin - lavatory basin - mixing basin - recharging basin - river basin - secondary setting basin - sedimentation basin - settling basin - sewer catch basin - subsiding basin - sunk basin - swimming basin - tidal basin - wash basin - wash hand basin - water basin - water storage basin* * *1. бассейн, водоём2. водосборный бассейн3. акватория4. резервуар- activated sludge basin
- aeration basin
- catch basin
- catchment basin
- clarification basin
- coagulation basin
- compensating basin
- compound settling basin
- continuous-flow settling basin
- daily pondage basin
- desilting basin
- detention basin
- discontinuous-flow settling basin
- double-deck settling basin
- drainage basin
- evaporation basin
- final settling basin
- fire extinction basin
- fitting-out basin
- flood basin
- flow-equalization basin
- flushing basin
- ground-water basin
- harbor basin
- horizontal flow sedimentation basin
- impounding basin
- influence basin
- intake basin
- intermediate settling basin
- lavatory basin
- leaching basin
- multicompartment settling basin
- primary sedimentation basin
- reservoir basin
- retention basin
- river basin
- sedimentation basin
- service basin
- settling basin
- sewage intake basin
- sewer basin
- silt basin
- sludge basin
- spreading basin
- stabilization basin
- stilling basin
- storm-water basin
- thawing basin
- tidal basin
- toe basin
- wash basin -
9 basin
- basin
- n1. бассейн, водоём
2. водосборный бассейн
3. акватория
4. резервуар
- activated sludge basin
- aeration basin
- catch basin
- catchment basin
- clarification basin
- coagulation basin
- compensating basin
- compound settling basin
- continuous-flow settling basin
- daily pondage basin
- desilting basin
- detention basin
- discontinuous-flow settling basin
- double-deck settling basin
- drainage basin
- evaporation basin
- final settling basin
- fire extinction basin
- fitting-out basin
- flood basin
- flow-equalization basin
- flushing basin
- ground-water basin
- harbor basin
- horizontal flow sedimentation basin
- impounding basin
- influence basin
- intake basin
- intermediate settling basin
- lavatory basin
- leaching basin
- multicompartment settling basin
- primary sedimentation basin
- reservoir basin
- retention basin
- river basin
- sedimentation basin
- service basin
- settling basin
- sewage intake basin
- sewer basin
- silt basin
- sludge basin
- spreading basin
- stabilization basin
- stilling basin
- storm-water basin
- thawing basin
- tidal basin
- toe basin
- wash basin
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 pump
1) насос || подавать [нагнетать\] насосом, качать2) электрон. накачка, возбуждение || накачивать, возбуждать3) электрон. генератор накачки4) электрон. излучение накачки•to pump in — накачивать;to pump off — 1. откачивать 2. (быстро) опоражнивать ( скважину скважинным насосом);to port the pump — подсоединять линию к насосу;to supercharge pump — подпитывать насос, создавать давление на всасывании насоса-
absorption heat pump
accelerating pump
accelerator pump
acid treatment pump
adjustable pump
adsorption pump
aeration jet pump
afteroiling pump
air pump
air-driven pump
air-to-air heat pump
air-water heat pump
American pump
angular flow pump
appendage pump
atmospheric inlet pump
autopriming pump
auxiliary feedwater pump
auxiliary turbine-driven feed pump
axial-flow pump
axial-piston pump
axial-suction pump
backing pump
ball piston pump
ballast pump
beet lifting pump
beet pump
beet pulp pump
bent axis-piston pump
bilge pump
blade sideshift pump
blower pump
boojee pump
boost pump
borehole pump
brake release pump
brine injection pump
Butterworth pump
cam-vane pump
canned pump
cargo pump
cartridge pump
casing sucker rod pump
casing pump
centrifugal pump
charging pump
chemical cleaning pump
chemical heat pump
chemical proportioning pump
chemical pump
circular casing pump
circulating pump
clean ballast pump
clean pump
coal pump
coherent pump
coil pump
cold pump
cold-cathode getter-ion pump
combination fuel pump
combination gear pump
compensated pump
compression pump
concrete pump
condensate pump
condenser pump
constant horsepower output pump
constant pressure pump
continuous flow pump
control pump
controlled pump
controlled-circulating pump
controlled-volume pump
coolant pump
corrosion-resistant water pump
crank pump
cryogenic pump
cryosorption pump
deep-well pump
delivery pump
dewatering pump
diagonal-flow pump
diaphragm lift pump
diaphragm pump
diffuser pump
diffusion pump
direct-acting pump
direct-injection pump
discharge pump
dispensing pump
displacement pump
donkey pump
dope transfer pump
dosing pump
double pump
double-acting pump
double-entry pump
double-stage pump
double-stroke pump
double-suction pump
double-volute pump
drainage pump
dredge pump
drilling mud transfer pump
drowned pump
drum pump
dry pump
dual-pressure pump
duplex pump
dye laser pump
earth-coupled heat pump
ejector pump
ejector-compression heat pump
electric pump
electromagnetic pump
electroosmotic pump
emulsifying pump
end-suction pump
energy pump
evaporation pump
exhaust pump
external gear pump
extraction pump
feathering pump
feeding pump
feed pump
feedwater pump
fire pump
fire-and-bilge pump
fish pump
fixed frequency pump
fixed-delivery pump
flexible hose pump
fluid jet pump
fluming water pump
flushing pump
focused pump
foot-mounted pump
force pump
fore pump
Francis-type pump
fresh feed pump
fuel backup pump
fuel feed pump
fuel injection pump
fuel lift pump
fuel priming pump
fuel pump
fuel transfer pump
fuel-oil pump
full-size boiler feed pump
gasoline pump
gas-powered pump
gear-type pump
getter pump
getter-ion pump
gravel pump
ground-driven steer pump
grouting pump
grout pump
half-size boiler feed pump
hand-operated pump
hand pump
hand-priming pump
harbor pump
heat pump
heeling pump
helical rotor pump
high-capacity pump
high-lift pump
high-pressure injection pump
high-pressure intensifier pump
high-speed pump
high-vacuum pump
horizontal pump
hot melt pump
house service pump
hydraulic pump
hypothetical pump
ice-cream pump
ice-maker heat pump
immersed pump
impeller pump
inclined rotor pump
incoherent pump
individual injection pump
injection pump
ink pump
in-line pump
insert oil-well pump
insert pump
integral auxiliary pump
internal gear pump
ion pump
jerk pump
jerker pump
jet pump
Kaplan-type pump
light pump
line pump
linearly polarized pump
liquid jet pump
liquid metal pump
lobe pump
low-lift pump
low-pressure injection pump
low-speed pump
lubricant pump
magnetic heat pump
magnetic-drive pump
main circulating pump
makeup pump
manual pump
marine pump
mash pump
mercury vapor diffusion pump
mercury diffusion pump
metal hydride heat pump
metering pump
mine pump
mixed-flow pump
molecular pump
monitor feed pump
mortar pump
motor pump
mud pump
multicellular pump
multicircuit pump
multicylinder pump
multiflow lubricating pump
multiple gear pump
multiple-impeller pump
multiple-piston pump
multiplunger pump
multiscrew pump
multistage pump
noncompensated pump
nonpositive displacement pump
nonuplex pump
normal-speed pump
oil fuel pump
oil pump
oil well pump
oil-diffusion pump
oil-free pump
oil-measuring pump
oil-sealed rotary pump
oil-transfer pump
oil-vapor pump
open circuit pump
optical pump
overboard pump
packaged heat pump
packmix pump
Penning type pump
Penning pump
peripheral pump
peristaltic pump
photovoltaic water pump
pickup pump
piston pump
Pitot tube pump
plunger pump
positive displacement pump
power control pump
power pump
precharge pump
preevacuation pump
pressure balanced pump
pressure pump
primary boiler-feed pump
primary circuit pump
priming pump
propeller pump
proportioning pump
pulse-free pump
pulverized-coal pump
purge pump
pusher pump
push-pull stem control pump
quench pump
quintuplex pump
radial piston pump
radial-flow pump
ram-type pump
ram pump
raw oil pump
reactor containment sump pump
reactor coolant pump
recharging manual pump
recharging pump
reciprocating pump
recirculating pump
recycling pump
reflux pump
replenishing pump
reverser pump
reversible pump
rodless pump
rod-line pump
roller-vane pump
Roots blower pump
Roots pump
rotary pump
rotating swash-plate pump
rotodynamic pump
rotor-type pump
roughing pump
rough pump
salt-water pump
salt-water-service pump
salvage pump
sand pump
sanitary pump
satellite pump
scavenge pump
scavenging oil pump
scoop pump
screen-wash pump
screw pump
scum pump
sealing water pump
sea-water pump
self-contained heat pump
self-priming pump
semirotary pump
septuplex pump
service pump
servo-controlled pump
sewage pump
shell pump
shuttle-block oil pump
side-channel pump
side-suction pump
simplex pump
single direct-acting pump
single-boiler feed pump
single-cylinder pump
single-entry pump
single-plunger pump
single-stage pump
single-stroke pump
sinking pump
sliding-vane pump
sludge pump
slurry pump
slush pump
soda-circulating pump
solar diaphragm pump
solar-assisted neat pump
sorption pump
space conditioning heat pump
spinning pump
split-packaged heat pump
squirt pump
steam jet air pump
steam jet pump
steam-driven pump
steam-oil pump
steering pump
storage pump
straight-flow pump
stripping pump
submerged-type pump
submerged pump
submersible pump
subsurface pump
sucker-rod pump
suction pump
sump pump
swinging-vane oil pump
tandem pump
tank cleaning pump
test pump
thermal pump
thermoelectric heat pump
three-screws pump
thrust augmentor pump
tilted-body pump
torque flow pump
transfer pump
traveling-barrel pump
trimming pump
trim pump
triplex pump
tubing oil-well pump
tubing pump
turbine pump
turbo-molecular pump
two-lobe rotary pump
two-stage pump
two-volume pump
unit pump
vacuum pump
valveless pump
vane pump
vapor-jet pump
vapor pump
variable-capacity pump
variable-displacement pump
variable-stroke plunger pump
vertical pump
volumetric pump
volute pump
vortex pump
vortex-free pump
wash-deck pump
water pump
water-air heat pump
water-jet air pump
well pump
wellpoint pump
wet-pit pump
wheel pump
wind pump
wing pump
wrecking pump
yoke-type bent-axis pump
zeolite pump -
11 basin
1. бассейн, водоёмwet basin — док — бассейн
basin dock — док — бассейн
2. водосборный бассейн3. акватория4. резервуарcatch basin — отстойный приямок водосборного колодца; грязеуловитель; дождеприёмник
catchment basin — водосбор, водосборный бассейн
coagulation basin — коагуляционный бассейн, коагулятор
desilting basin — наносозадерживающее водохранилище; отстойный бассейн
flow-equalization basin — усреднительный резервуар, усреднитель
impounding basin — резервуар-накопитель, накопительный бассейн
economizer basin — резервуар — экономайзер
5. чаша водохранилища6. водосбор водохранилищаretention basin — резервуар-накопитель, накопительный бассейн
sedimentation basin — отстойник, отстойный бассейн
service basin — распределительный резервуар, резервуар чистой воды; напорно-регулирующая ёмкость
settling basin — отстойник, отстойный бассейн
7. отстойный бассейн8. наносозадерживающее водохранилищеstilling basin — успокоительный бассейн; камера гашения энергии потока; водобойный колодец
См. также в других словарях:
Continuous distillation — Image 1: Typical industrial distillation towers Image 2: A crude oil vacuum distillation column as used in oil refineries … Wikipedia
ocean current — Horizontal and vertical circulation system of ocean waters, produced by gravity, wind friction, and water density variation. Coriolis forces cause ocean currents to move clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern… … Universalium
climate — /kluy mit/, n. 1. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 2. a region or… … Universalium
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
hydrosphere — /huy dreuh sfear /, n. the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including the water of the oceans and the water in the atmosphere. [1885 90; HYDRO 1 + SPHERE] * * * Discontinuous layer of water at or near the Earth s surface. It… … Universalium
river — river1 riverless, adj. riverlike, adj. /riv euhr/, n. 1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. 2. a similar stream of something other than water: a… … Universalium
eye, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. Anatomy of the visual apparatus Structures auxiliary to the eye The orbit The eye is protected from mechanical injury… … Universalium
mining — /muy ning/, n. 1. the act, process, or industry of extracting ores, coal, etc., from mines. 2. the laying of explosive mines. [1250 1300; ME: undermining (walls in an attack); see MINE2, ING1] * * * I Excavation of materials from the Earth s… … Universalium
GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY — Names The name Ereẓ Israel (the Land of Israel) designates the land which, according to the Bible was promised as an inheritance to the Israelite tribes. In the course of time it came to be regarded first by the Jews and then also by the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
lake — lake1 /layk/, n. 1. a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land. 2. any similar body or pool of other liquid, as oil. 3. (go) jump in the lake, (used as an exclamation of dismissal or impatience.) [bef. 1000; ME lak(e) … Universalium
Lake — /layk/, n. Simon, 1866 1945, U.S. engineer and naval architect. * * * I Relatively large body of slow moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin. Lakes are most abundant in high northern latitudes and in mountain regions, particularly … Universalium